
     1  #!/bin/sh
     2  #
     3  # Copyright 2019 PingCAP, Inc.
     4  #
     5  # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     6  # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     7  # You may obtain a copy of the License at
     8  #
     9  #
    10  #
    11  # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    12  # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    13  # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    14  # limitations under the License.
    16  set -eu
    17  DB="$TEST_NAME"
    18  TABLE="usertable"
    19  DDL_COUNT=5
    20  LOG=/$TEST_DIR/backup.log
    21  BACKUP_STAT=/$TEST_DIR/backup_stat
    22  RESOTRE_STAT=/$TEST_DIR/restore_stat
    24  run_sql "CREATE DATABASE $DB;"
    25  go-ycsb load mysql -P tests/$TEST_NAME/workload -p$TIDB_IP -p mysql.port=$TIDB_PORT -p mysql.user=root -p mysql.db=$DB
    27  row_count_ori=$(run_sql "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $DB.$TABLE;" | awk '/COUNT/{print $2}')
    29  for i in $(seq $DDL_COUNT); do
    30      run_sql "USE $DB; ALTER TABLE $TABLE ADD INDEX (FIELD$i);"
    31  done
    33  for i in $(seq $DDL_COUNT); do
    34      if (( RANDOM % 2 )); then
    35          run_sql "USE $DB; ALTER TABLE $TABLE DROP INDEX FIELD$i;"
    36      fi
    37  done
    39  # run analyze to generate stats
    40  run_sql "analyze table $DB.$TABLE;"
    41  # record field0's stats and remove last_update_version
    42  # it's enough to compare with restore stats
    43  # the stats looks like
    44  # {
    45  #   "histogram": {
    46  #     "ndv": 10000,
    47  #     "buckets": [
    48  #       {
    49  #         "count": 40,
    50  #         "lower_bound": "QUFqVW1HZkt3UWhXakdCSlF0a2NHRFp0UWpFZ1lEUFFNWXVtVFFTRUh0U3N4RXhub2VMeUF1emhyT0FjWUZvWUhRZVZBcGJLRlVoWVlWR      0djSmRYbnhxc1NzcG1VTHFoZnJZbg==",
    51  #         "upper_bound": "QUp5bmVNc29FVUFIZ3ZKS3dCaUdGQ0xoV1BSQ0FWZ2VzZGpGU05na2xsYUhkY1VMVWdEeHZORUJLbW9tWGxSTWZQTmZYZVVWR3h5amVyW      EJXQ01GcU5mRWlHeEd1dndZa1BSRg==",
    52  #         "repeats": 1
    53  #       },
    54  #       ...(nearly 1000 rows)
    55  #     ],
    56  #   "cm_sketch": {
    57  #     "rows": [
    58  #        {
    59  #          "counters": [
    60  #             5,
    61  #             ...(nearly 10000 rows)
    62  #           ],
    63  #        }
    64  #     ]
    65  # }
    66  run_curl https://$TIDB_STATUS_ADDR/stats/dump/$DB/$TABLE | jq '.columns.field0 | del(.last_update_version, .fm_sketch, .correlation)' > $BACKUP_STAT
    68  # backup full
    69  echo "backup start with stats..."
    70  # Do not log to terminal
    71  unset BR_LOG_TO_TERM
    72  cluster_index_before_backup=$(run_sql "show variables like '%cluster%';" | awk '{print $2}')
    74  run_br --pd $PD_ADDR backup full -s "local://$TEST_DIR/$DB" --log-file $LOG --ignore-stats=false || cat $LOG
    75  checksum_count=$(cat $LOG | grep "checksum success" | wc -l | xargs)
    77  if [ "${checksum_count}" -lt "1" ];then
    78      echo "TEST: [$TEST_NAME] fail on fast checksum"
    79      echo $(cat $LOG | grep checksum)
    80      exit 1
    81  fi
    83  echo "backup start without stats..."
    84  run_br --pd $PD_ADDR backup full -s "local://$TEST_DIR/${DB}_disable_stats" --concurrency 4
    86  run_sql "DROP DATABASE $DB;"
    88  cluster_index_before_restore=$(run_sql "show variables like '%cluster%';" | awk '{print $2}')
    89  # keep cluster index enable or disable at same time.
    90  if [[ "${cluster_index_before_backup}" != "${cluster_index_before_restore}" ]]; then
    91    echo "TEST: [$TEST_NAME] must enable or disable cluster_index at same time"
    92    echo "cluster index before backup is $cluster_index_before_backup"
    93    echo "cluster index before restore is $cluster_index_before_restore"
    94    exit 1
    95  fi
    97  echo "restore full without stats..."
    98  run_br restore full -s "local://$TEST_DIR/${DB}_disable_stats" --pd $PD_ADDR
    99  curl $TIDB_IP:10080/stats/dump/$DB/$TABLE | jq '.columns.field0 | del(.last_update_version, .fm_sketch, .correlation)' > $RESOTRE_STAT
   101  # stats should not be equal because we disable stats by default.
   102  if diff -q $BACKUP_STAT $RESOTRE_STAT > /dev/null
   103  then
   104    echo "TEST: [$TEST_NAME] fail due to stats are equal"
   105    grep ERROR $LOG
   106    exit 1
   107  fi
   109  # clear restore environment
   110  run_sql "DROP DATABASE $DB;"
   112  # restore full
   113  echo "restore start..."
   114  export GO_FAILPOINTS=""
   115  run_br restore full -s "local://$TEST_DIR/$DB" --pd $PD_ADDR --log-file $LOG || { cat $LOG; exit 1; }
   116  export GO_FAILPOINTS=""
   118  pause_count=$(cat $LOG | grep "pause configs successful"| wc -l | xargs)
   119  if [ "${pause_count}" != "1" ];then
   120      echo "TEST: [$TEST_NAME] fail on pause config"
   121      exit 1
   122  fi
   124  BR_LOG_TO_TERM=1
   126  skip_count=$(cat $LOG | grep "range is empty" | wc -l | xargs)
   128  # ensure there are only less than two(write + default) range empty error,
   129  # because backup range end key is large than reality.
   130  # so the last region may download nothing.
   131  # FIXME maybe we can treat endkey specially in the future.
   132  if [ "${skip_count}" -gt "2" ];then
   133      echo "TEST: [$TEST_NAME] fail on download sst, too many skipped range"
   134      echo $(cat $LOG | grep "range is empty")
   135      exit 1
   136  fi
   138  run_curl https://$TIDB_STATUS_ADDR/stats/dump/$DB/$TABLE | jq '.columns.field0 | del(.last_update_version, .fm_sketch, .correlation)' > $RESOTRE_STAT
   140  if diff -q $BACKUP_STAT $RESOTRE_STAT > /dev/null
   141  then
   142    echo "stats are equal"
   143  else
   144    echo "TEST: [$TEST_NAME] fail due to stats are not equal"
   145    grep ERROR $LOG
   146    cat $BACKUP_STAT | head -n 1000
   147    cat $RESOTRE_STAT | head -n 1000
   148    exit 1
   149  fi
   151  row_count_new=$(run_sql "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $DB.$TABLE;" | awk '/COUNT/{print $2}')
   153  fail=false
   154  if [ "${row_count_ori}" != "${row_count_new}" ];then
   155      fail=true
   156      echo "TEST: [$TEST_NAME] fail on database $DB${i}"
   157  fi
   158  echo "database $DB$ [original] row count: ${row_count_ori}, [after br] row count: ${row_count_new}"
   160  if $fail; then
   161      echo "TEST: [$TEST_NAME] failed!"
   162      exit 1
   163  fi
   165  run_sql "DROP DATABASE $DB;"