
     1  // Copyright 2021 PingCAP, Inc.
     2  //
     3  // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     4  // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     5  // You may obtain a copy of the License at
     6  //
     7  //
     8  //
     9  // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    10  // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    11  // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    12  // limitations under the License.
    14  package sorter
    16  import (
    17  	"container/heap"
    18  	"context"
    19  	"sync"
    20  	"sync/atomic"
    21  	"time"
    23  	""
    24  	""
    25  	""
    26  	""
    27  	""
    28  	cerrors ""
    29  	""
    30  	""
    31  	""
    32  )
    34  const (
    35  	flushRateLimitPerSecond = 10
    36  	sortHeapCapacity        = 32
    37  	sortHeapInputChSize     = 1024
    38  )
    40  type flushTask struct {
    41  	taskID        int
    42  	heapSorterID  int
    43  	reader        backEndReader
    44  	tsLowerBound  uint64
    45  	maxResolvedTs uint64
    46  	finished      chan error
    47  	dealloc       func() error
    48  	dataSize      int64
    49  	lastTs        uint64 // for debugging TODO remove
    50  	canceller     *asyncCanceller
    52  	isEmpty bool // read only field
    54  	deallocLock   sync.RWMutex
    55  	isDeallocated bool    // do not access directly
    56  	backend       backEnd // do not access directly
    57  }
    59  func (t *flushTask) markDeallocated() {
    60  	t.deallocLock.Lock()
    61  	defer t.deallocLock.Unlock()
    63  	t.backend = nil
    64  	t.isDeallocated = true
    65  }
    67  func (t *flushTask) GetBackEnd() backEnd {
    68  	t.deallocLock.RLock()
    69  	defer t.deallocLock.RUnlock()
    71  	return t.backend
    72  }
    74  type heapSorter struct {
    75  	id          int
    76  	taskCounter int
    77  	inputCh     chan *model.PolymorphicEvent
    78  	outputCh    chan *flushTask
    79  	heap        sortHeap
    80  	canceller   *asyncCanceller
    82  	poolHandle    workerpool.EventHandle
    83  	internalState *heapSorterInternalState
    84  }
    86  func newHeapSorter(id int, out chan *flushTask) *heapSorter {
    87  	return &heapSorter{
    88  		id:        id,
    89  		inputCh:   make(chan *model.PolymorphicEvent, sortHeapInputChSize),
    90  		outputCh:  out,
    91  		heap:      make(sortHeap, 0, sortHeapCapacity),
    92  		canceller: new(asyncCanceller),
    93  	}
    94  }
    96  // flush should only be called in the same goroutine where the heap is being written to.
    97  func (h *heapSorter) flush(ctx context.Context, maxResolvedTs uint64) error {
    98  	captureAddr := util.CaptureAddrFromCtx(ctx)
    99  	changefeedID := util.ChangefeedIDFromCtx(ctx)
   101  	var (
   102  		backEnd    backEnd
   103  		lowerBound uint64
   104  	)
   106  	if h.heap.Len() > 0 {
   107  		lowerBound = h.heap[0].entry.CRTs
   108  	} else {
   109  		return nil
   110  	}
   112  	sorterFlushCountHistogram.WithLabelValues(captureAddr, changefeedID).Observe(float64(h.heap.Len()))
   114  	// We check if the heap contains only one entry and that entry is a ResolvedEvent.
   115  	// As an optimization, when the condition is true, we clear the heap and send an empty flush.
   116  	// Sending an empty flush saves CPU and potentially IO.
   117  	// Since when a table is mostly idle or near-idle, most flushes would contain one ResolvedEvent alone,
   118  	// this optimization will greatly improve performance when (1) total number of table is large,
   119  	// and (2) most tables do not have many events.
   120  	if h.heap.Len() == 1 && h.heap[0].entry.RawKV.OpType == model.OpTypeResolved {
   121  		h.heap.Pop()
   122  	}
   124  	isEmptyFlush := h.heap.Len() == 0
   125  	var finishCh chan error
   126  	if !isEmptyFlush {
   127  		failpoint.Inject("InjectErrorBackEndAlloc", func() {
   128  			failpoint.Return(cerrors.ErrUnifiedSorterIOError.Wrap(errors.New("injected alloc error")).FastGenWithCause())
   129  		})
   131  		var err error
   132  		backEnd, err = pool.alloc(ctx)
   133  		if err != nil {
   134  			return errors.Trace(err)
   135  		}
   137  		finishCh = make(chan error, 1)
   138  	}
   140  	task := &flushTask{
   141  		taskID:        h.taskCounter,
   142  		heapSorterID:,
   143  		backend:       backEnd,
   144  		tsLowerBound:  lowerBound,
   145  		maxResolvedTs: maxResolvedTs,
   146  		finished:      finishCh,
   147  		canceller:     h.canceller,
   148  		isEmpty:       isEmptyFlush,
   149  	}
   150  	h.taskCounter++
   152  	var oldHeap sortHeap
   153  	if !isEmptyFlush {
   154  		task.dealloc = func() error {
   155  			backEnd := task.GetBackEnd()
   156  			if backEnd != nil {
   157  				defer task.markDeallocated()
   158  				return pool.dealloc(backEnd)
   159  			}
   160  			return nil
   161  		}
   162  		oldHeap = h.heap
   163  		h.heap = make(sortHeap, 0, sortHeapCapacity)
   164  	} else {
   165  		task.dealloc = func() error {
   166  			task.markDeallocated()
   167  			return nil
   168  		}
   169  	}
   170  	failpoint.Inject("sorterDebug", func() {
   171  		tableID, tableName := util.TableIDFromCtx(ctx)
   172  		log.Debug("Unified Sorter new flushTask",
   173  			zap.Int64("table-id", tableID),
   174  			zap.String("table-name", tableName),
   175  			zap.Int("heap-id", task.heapSorterID),
   176  			zap.Uint64("resolvedTs", task.maxResolvedTs))
   177  	})
   179  	if !isEmptyFlush {
   180  		backEndFinal := backEnd
   181  		err := heapSorterIOPool.Go(ctx, func() {
   182  			failpoint.Inject("asyncFlushStartDelay", func() {
   183  				log.Debug("asyncFlushStartDelay")
   184  			})
   186  			h.canceller.EnterAsyncOp()
   187  			defer h.canceller.FinishAsyncOp()
   189  			if h.canceller.IsCanceled() {
   190  				if backEndFinal != nil {
   191  					_ = task.dealloc()
   192  				}
   193  				task.finished <- cerrors.ErrAsyncIOCancelled.GenWithStackByArgs()
   194  				return
   195  			}
   197  			writer, err := backEnd.writer()
   198  			if err != nil {
   199  				if backEndFinal != nil {
   200  					_ = task.dealloc()
   201  				}
   202  				task.finished <- errors.Trace(err)
   203  				return
   204  			}
   206  			defer func() {
   207  				// handle errors (or aborts) gracefully to prevent resource leaking (especially FD's)
   208  				if writer != nil {
   209  					_ = writer.flushAndClose()
   210  				}
   211  				if backEndFinal != nil {
   212  					_ = task.dealloc()
   213  				}
   214  				close(task.finished)
   215  			}()
   217  			failpoint.Inject("InjectErrorBackEndWrite", func() {
   218  				task.finished <- cerrors.ErrUnifiedSorterIOError.Wrap(errors.New("injected write error")).FastGenWithCause()
   219  				failpoint.Return()
   220  			})
   222  			counter := 0
   223  			for oldHeap.Len() > 0 {
   224  				failpoint.Inject("asyncFlushInProcessDelay", func() {
   225  					log.Debug("asyncFlushInProcessDelay")
   226  				})
   227  				// no need to check for cancellation so frequently.
   228  				if counter%10000 == 0 && h.canceller.IsCanceled() {
   229  					task.finished <- cerrors.ErrAsyncIOCancelled.GenWithStackByArgs()
   230  					return
   231  				}
   232  				counter++
   234  				event := heap.Pop(&oldHeap).(*sortItem).entry
   235  				err := writer.writeNext(event)
   236  				if err != nil {
   237  					task.finished <- errors.Trace(err)
   238  					return
   239  				}
   240  			}
   242  			dataSize := writer.dataSize()
   243  			atomic.StoreInt64(&task.dataSize, int64(dataSize))
   244  			eventCount := writer.writtenCount()
   246  			writer1 := writer
   247  			writer = nil
   248  			err = writer1.flushAndClose()
   249  			if err != nil {
   250  				task.finished <- errors.Trace(err)
   251  				return
   252  			}
   254  			backEndFinal = nil
   256  			failpoint.Inject("sorterDebug", func() {
   257  				tableID, tableName := util.TableIDFromCtx(ctx)
   258  				log.Debug("Unified Sorter flushTask finished",
   259  					zap.Int("heap-id", task.heapSorterID),
   260  					zap.Int64("table-id", tableID),
   261  					zap.String("table-name", tableName),
   262  					zap.Uint64("resolvedTs", task.maxResolvedTs),
   263  					zap.Uint64("data-size", dataSize),
   264  					zap.Int("size", eventCount))
   265  			})
   267  			task.finished <- nil // DO NOT access `task` beyond this point in this function
   268  		})
   269  		if err != nil {
   270  			close(task.finished)
   271  			return errors.Trace(err)
   272  		}
   273  	}
   275  	select {
   276  	case <-ctx.Done():
   277  		return ctx.Err()
   278  	case h.outputCh <- task:
   279  	}
   280  	return nil
   281  }
   283  var (
   284  	heapSorterPool   workerpool.WorkerPool
   285  	heapSorterIOPool workerpool.AsyncPool
   286  	poolOnce         sync.Once
   287  )
   289  type heapSorterInternalState struct {
   290  	maxResolved           uint64
   291  	heapSizeBytesEstimate int64
   292  	rateCounter           int
   293  	sorterConfig          *config.SorterConfig
   294  	timerMultiplier       int
   295  }
   297  func (h *heapSorter) init(ctx context.Context, onError func(err error)) {
   298  	state := &heapSorterInternalState{
   299  		sorterConfig: config.GetGlobalServerConfig().Sorter,
   300  	}
   302  	poolHandle := heapSorterPool.RegisterEvent(func(ctx context.Context, eventI interface{}) error {
   303  		event := eventI.(*model.PolymorphicEvent)
   304  		heap.Push(&h.heap, &sortItem{entry: event})
   305  		isResolvedEvent := event.RawKV != nil && event.RawKV.OpType == model.OpTypeResolved
   307  		if isResolvedEvent {
   308  			if event.RawKV.CRTs < state.maxResolved {
   309  				log.Panic("ResolvedTs regression, bug?", zap.Uint64("event-resolvedTs", event.RawKV.CRTs),
   310  					zap.Uint64("max-resolvedTs", state.maxResolved))
   311  			}
   312  			state.maxResolved = event.RawKV.CRTs
   313  		}
   315  		if event.RawKV.CRTs < state.maxResolved {
   316  			log.Panic("Bad input to sorter", zap.Uint64("cur-ts", event.RawKV.CRTs), zap.Uint64("maxResolved", state.maxResolved))
   317  		}
   319  		// 5 * 8 is for the 5 fields in PolymorphicEvent
   320  		state.heapSizeBytesEstimate += event.RawKV.ApproximateSize() + 40
   321  		needFlush := state.heapSizeBytesEstimate >= int64(state.sorterConfig.ChunkSizeLimit) ||
   322  			(isResolvedEvent && state.rateCounter < flushRateLimitPerSecond)
   324  		if needFlush {
   325  			state.rateCounter++
   326  			err := h.flush(ctx, state.maxResolved)
   327  			if err != nil {
   328  				return errors.Trace(err)
   329  			}
   330  			state.heapSizeBytesEstimate = 0
   331  		}
   333  		return nil
   334  	}).SetTimer(ctx, 1*time.Second, func(ctx context.Context) error {
   335  		state.rateCounter = 0
   336  		state.timerMultiplier = (state.timerMultiplier + 1) % 5
   337  		if state.timerMultiplier == 0 && state.rateCounter < flushRateLimitPerSecond {
   338  			err := h.flush(ctx, state.maxResolved)
   339  			if err != nil {
   340  				return errors.Trace(err)
   341  			}
   342  			state.heapSizeBytesEstimate = 0
   343  		}
   344  		return nil
   345  	}).OnExit(onError)
   347  	h.poolHandle = poolHandle
   348  	h.internalState = state
   349  }
   351  // asyncCanceller is a shared object used to cancel async IO operations.
   352  // We do not use `context.Context` because (1) selecting on `ctx.Done()` is expensive
   353  // especially if the context is shared by many goroutines, and (2) due to the complexity
   354  // of managing contexts through the workerpools, using a special shared object seems more reasonable
   355  // and readable.
   356  type asyncCanceller struct {
   357  	exitRWLock sync.RWMutex // held when an asynchronous flush is taking place
   358  	hasExited  int32        // this flag should be accessed atomically
   359  }
   361  func (c *asyncCanceller) EnterAsyncOp() {
   362  	c.exitRWLock.RLock()
   363  }
   365  func (c *asyncCanceller) FinishAsyncOp() {
   366  	c.exitRWLock.RUnlock()
   367  }
   369  func (c *asyncCanceller) IsCanceled() bool {
   370  	return atomic.LoadInt32(&c.hasExited) == 1
   371  }
   373  func (c *asyncCanceller) Cancel() {
   374  	// Sets the flag
   375  	atomic.StoreInt32(&c.hasExited, 1)
   377  	// By taking the lock, we are making sure that all IO operations that started before setting the flag have finished,
   378  	// so that by the returning of this function, no more IO operations will finish successfully.
   379  	// Since IO operations that are NOT successful will clean up themselves, the goroutine in which this
   380  	// function was called is responsible for releasing files written by only those IO operations that complete BEFORE
   381  	// this function returns.
   382  	// In short, we are creating a linearization point here.
   383  	c.exitRWLock.Lock()
   384  	defer c.exitRWLock.Unlock()
   385  }
   387  func lazyInitWorkerPool() {
   388  	poolOnce.Do(func() {
   389  		sorterConfig := config.GetGlobalServerConfig().Sorter
   390  		heapSorterPool = workerpool.NewDefaultWorkerPool(sorterConfig.NumWorkerPoolGoroutine)
   391  		heapSorterIOPool = workerpool.NewDefaultAsyncPool(sorterConfig.NumWorkerPoolGoroutine * 2)
   392  	})
   393  }