
     1  // Copyright 2020 PingCAP, Inc.
     2  //
     3  // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     4  // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     5  // You may obtain a copy of the License at
     6  //
     7  //
     8  //
     9  // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    10  // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    11  // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    12  // limitations under the License.
    14  package codec
    16  import (
    17  	"bytes"
    18  	"encoding/binary"
    19  	"encoding/json"
    21  	""
    22  	model2 ""
    23  	""
    24  	""
    25  	cerror ""
    26  	""
    27  )
    29  // MaxwellEventBatchEncoder is a maxwell format encoder implementation
    30  type MaxwellEventBatchEncoder struct {
    31  	keyBuf    *bytes.Buffer
    32  	valueBuf  *bytes.Buffer
    33  	batchSize int
    34  }
    36  type maxwellMessage struct {
    37  	Database string                 `json:"database"`
    38  	Table    string                 `json:"table"`
    39  	Type     string                 `json:"type"`
    40  	Ts       int64                  `json:"ts"`
    41  	Xid      int                    `json:"xid,omitempty"`
    42  	Xoffset  int                    `json:"xoffset,omitempty"`
    43  	Position string                 `json:"position,omitempty"`
    44  	Gtid     string                 `json:"gtid,omitempty"`
    45  	Data     map[string]interface{} `json:"data,omitempty"`
    46  	Old      map[string]interface{} `json:"old,omitempty"`
    47  }
    49  // Encode encodes the message to bytes
    50  func (m *maxwellMessage) Encode() ([]byte, error) {
    51  	data, err := json.Marshal(m)
    52  	return data, cerror.WrapError(cerror.ErrMaxwellEncodeFailed, err)
    53  }
    55  // Encode encodes the message to bytes
    56  func (m *DdlMaxwellMessage) Encode() ([]byte, error) {
    57  	data, err := json.Marshal(m)
    58  	return data, cerror.WrapError(cerror.ErrMaxwellEncodeFailed, err)
    59  }
    61  // EncodeCheckpointEvent implements the EventBatchEncoder interface
    62  func (d *MaxwellEventBatchEncoder) EncodeCheckpointEvent(ts uint64) (*MQMessage, error) {
    63  	// For maxwell now, there is no such a corresponding type to ResolvedEvent so far.
    64  	// Therefore the event is ignored.
    65  	return nil, nil
    66  }
    68  // AppendResolvedEvent implements the EventBatchEncoder interface
    69  func (d *MaxwellEventBatchEncoder) AppendResolvedEvent(ts uint64) (EncoderResult, error) {
    70  	return EncoderNoOperation, nil
    71  }
    73  func rowEventToMaxwellMessage(e *model.RowChangedEvent) (*mqMessageKey, *maxwellMessage) {
    74  	var partition *int64
    75  	if e.Table.IsPartition {
    76  		partition = &e.Table.TableID
    77  	}
    78  	key := &mqMessageKey{
    79  		Ts:        e.CommitTs,
    80  		Schema:    e.Table.Schema,
    81  		Table:     e.Table.Table,
    82  		Partition: partition,
    83  		Type:      model.MqMessageTypeRow,
    84  	}
    85  	value := &maxwellMessage{
    86  		Ts:       0,
    87  		Database: e.Table.Schema,
    88  		Table:    e.Table.Table,
    89  		Data:     make(map[string]interface{}),
    90  		Old:      make(map[string]interface{}),
    91  	}
    93  	physicalTime, _ := tsoutil.ParseTS(e.CommitTs)
    94  	value.Ts = physicalTime.Unix()
    95  	if e.IsDelete() {
    96  		value.Type = "delete"
    97  		for _, v := range e.PreColumns {
    98  			switch v.Type {
    99  			case mysql.TypeString, mysql.TypeVarString, mysql.TypeVarchar, mysql.TypeTinyBlob, mysql.TypeMediumBlob, mysql.TypeLongBlob, mysql.TypeBlob:
   100  				if v.Value == nil {
   101  					value.Old[v.Name] = nil
   102  				} else if v.Flag.IsBinary() {
   103  					value.Old[v.Name] = v.Value
   104  				} else {
   105  					value.Old[v.Name] = string(v.Value.([]byte))
   106  				}
   107  			default:
   108  				value.Old[v.Name] = v.Value
   109  			}
   110  		}
   111  	} else {
   112  		for _, v := range e.Columns {
   113  			switch v.Type {
   114  			case mysql.TypeString, mysql.TypeVarString, mysql.TypeVarchar, mysql.TypeTinyBlob, mysql.TypeMediumBlob, mysql.TypeLongBlob, mysql.TypeBlob:
   115  				if v.Value == nil {
   116  					value.Data[v.Name] = nil
   117  				} else if v.Flag.IsBinary() {
   118  					value.Data[v.Name] = v.Value
   119  				} else {
   120  					value.Data[v.Name] = string(v.Value.([]byte))
   121  				}
   122  			default:
   123  				value.Data[v.Name] = v.Value
   124  			}
   125  		}
   126  		if e.PreColumns == nil {
   127  			value.Type = "insert"
   128  		} else {
   129  			value.Type = "update"
   130  			for _, v := range e.PreColumns {
   131  				switch v.Type {
   132  				case mysql.TypeString, mysql.TypeVarString, mysql.TypeVarchar, mysql.TypeTinyBlob, mysql.TypeMediumBlob, mysql.TypeLongBlob, mysql.TypeBlob:
   133  					if v.Value == nil {
   134  						if value.Data[v.Name] != nil {
   135  							value.Old[v.Name] = nil
   136  						}
   137  					} else if v.Flag.IsBinary() {
   138  						if value.Data[v.Name] != v.Value {
   139  							value.Old[v.Name] = v.Value
   140  						}
   141  					} else {
   142  						if value.Data[v.Name] != string(v.Value.([]byte)) {
   143  							value.Old[v.Name] = string(v.Value.([]byte))
   144  						}
   145  					}
   146  				default:
   147  					if value.Data[v.Name] != v.Value {
   148  						value.Old[v.Name] = v.Value
   149  					}
   150  				}
   151  			}
   153  		}
   154  	}
   155  	return key, value
   156  }
   158  // AppendRowChangedEvent implements the EventBatchEncoder interface
   159  func (d *MaxwellEventBatchEncoder) AppendRowChangedEvent(e *model.RowChangedEvent) (EncoderResult, error) {
   160  	_, valueMsg := rowEventToMaxwellMessage(e)
   161  	value, err := valueMsg.Encode()
   162  	if err != nil {
   163  		return EncoderNoOperation, errors.Trace(err)
   164  	}
   165  	d.valueBuf.Write(value)
   166  	d.batchSize++
   167  	return EncoderNeedAsyncWrite, nil
   168  }
   170  // SetParams is no-op for Maxwell for now
   171  func (d *MaxwellEventBatchEncoder) SetParams(params map[string]string) error {
   172  	return nil
   173  }
   175  // Column represents a column in maxwell
   176  type Column struct {
   177  	Type string `json:"type"`
   178  	Name string `json:"name"`
   179  	// Do not mark the unique key temporarily
   180  	Signed       bool   `json:"signed,omitempty"`
   181  	ColumnLength int    `json:"column-length,omitempty"`
   182  	Charset      string `json:"charset,omitempty"`
   183  }
   185  // TableStruct represents a table structure includes some table info
   186  type TableStruct struct {
   187  	Database string    `json:"database"`
   188  	Charset  string    `json:"charset,omitempty"`
   189  	Table    string    `json:"table"`
   190  	Columns  []*Column `json:"columns"`
   191  	// Do not output whether it is a primary key temporarily
   192  	PrimaryKey []string `json:"primary-key"`
   193  }
   195  // DdlMaxwellMessage represents a DDL maxwell message
   196  // Old for table old schema
   197  // Def for table after ddl schema
   198  type DdlMaxwellMessage struct {
   199  	Type     string      `json:"type"`
   200  	Database string      `json:"database"`
   201  	Table    string      `json:"table"`
   202  	Old      TableStruct `json:"old,omitempty"`
   203  	Def      TableStruct `json:"def,omitempty"`
   204  	Ts       uint64      `json:"ts"`
   205  	SQL      string      `json:"sql"`
   206  	Position string      `json:"position,omitempty"`
   207  }
   209  func ddlEventtoMaxwellMessage(e *model.DDLEvent) (*mqMessageKey, *DdlMaxwellMessage) {
   210  	key := &mqMessageKey{
   211  		Ts:     e.CommitTs,
   212  		Schema: e.TableInfo.Schema,
   213  		Table:  e.TableInfo.Table,
   214  		Type:   model.MqMessageTypeDDL,
   215  	}
   216  	value := &DdlMaxwellMessage{
   217  		Ts:       e.CommitTs,
   218  		Database: e.TableInfo.Schema,
   219  		Type:     "table-create",
   220  		Table:    e.TableInfo.Table,
   221  		Old:      TableStruct{},
   222  		Def:      TableStruct{},
   223  		SQL:      e.Query,
   224  	}
   226  	value.Type = ddlToMaxwellType(e.Type)
   228  	if e.PreTableInfo != nil {
   229  		value.Old.Database = e.PreTableInfo.Schema
   230  		value.Old.Table = e.PreTableInfo.Table
   231  		for _, v := range e.PreTableInfo.ColumnInfo {
   232  			maxwellcolumntype, _ := columnToMaxwellType(v.Type)
   233  			value.Old.Columns = append(value.Old.Columns, &Column{
   234  				Name: v.Name,
   235  				Type: maxwellcolumntype,
   236  			})
   237  		}
   238  	}
   240  	value.Def.Database = e.TableInfo.Schema
   241  	value.Def.Table = e.TableInfo.Table
   242  	for _, v := range e.TableInfo.ColumnInfo {
   243  		maxwellcolumntype, err := columnToMaxwellType(v.Type)
   244  		if err != nil {
   245  			value.Old.Columns = append(value.Old.Columns, &Column{
   246  				Name: v.Name,
   247  				Type: err.Error(),
   248  			})
   249  		}
   250  		value.Def.Columns = append(value.Def.Columns, &Column{
   251  			Name: v.Name,
   252  			Type: maxwellcolumntype,
   253  		})
   254  	}
   255  	return key, value
   256  }
   258  // EncodeDDLEvent implements the EventBatchEncoder interface
   259  // DDL message unresolved tso
   260  func (d *MaxwellEventBatchEncoder) EncodeDDLEvent(e *model.DDLEvent) (*MQMessage, error) {
   261  	keyMsg, valueMsg := ddlEventtoMaxwellMessage(e)
   262  	key, err := keyMsg.Encode()
   263  	if err != nil {
   264  		return nil, errors.Trace(err)
   265  	}
   266  	value, err := valueMsg.Encode()
   267  	if err != nil {
   268  		return nil, errors.Trace(err)
   269  	}
   271  	return newDDLMQMessage(ProtocolMaxwell, key, value, e), nil
   272  }
   274  // Build implements the EventBatchEncoder interface
   275  func (d *MaxwellEventBatchEncoder) Build() []*MQMessage {
   276  	if d.batchSize == 0 {
   277  		return nil
   278  	}
   280  	ret := NewMQMessage(ProtocolMaxwell, d.keyBuf.Bytes(), d.valueBuf.Bytes(), 0, model.MqMessageTypeRow, nil, nil)
   281  	d.Reset()
   282  	return []*MQMessage{ret}
   283  }
   285  // MixedBuild implements the EventBatchEncoder interface
   286  func (d *MaxwellEventBatchEncoder) MixedBuild(withVersion bool) []byte {
   287  	return nil
   288  }
   290  // Reset implements the EventBatchEncoder interface
   291  func (d *MaxwellEventBatchEncoder) Reset() {
   292  	d.keyBuf.Reset()
   293  	d.valueBuf.Reset()
   294  	d.batchSize = 0
   295  	var versionByte [8]byte
   296  	binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(versionByte[:], BatchVersion1)
   297  	d.keyBuf.Write(versionByte[:])
   298  }
   300  // Size implements the EventBatchEncoder interface
   301  func (d *MaxwellEventBatchEncoder) Size() int {
   302  	return d.keyBuf.Len() + d.valueBuf.Len()
   303  }
   305  // NewMaxwellEventBatchEncoder creates a new MaxwellEventBatchEncoder.
   306  func NewMaxwellEventBatchEncoder() EventBatchEncoder {
   307  	batch := &MaxwellEventBatchEncoder{
   308  		keyBuf:   &bytes.Buffer{},
   309  		valueBuf: &bytes.Buffer{},
   310  	}
   311  	batch.Reset()
   312  	return batch
   313  }
   315  // ddl typecode from parser/model/ddl.go
   316  func ddlToMaxwellType(ddlType model2.ActionType) string {
   317  	if ddlType >= model2.ActionAddColumn && ddlType <= model2.ActionDropTablePartition {
   318  		return "table-alter"
   319  	}
   320  	switch ddlType {
   321  	case model2.ActionCreateTable:
   322  		return "table-create"
   323  	case model2.ActionDropTable:
   324  		return "table-drop"
   325  	case 22, 23, 27, 28, 29, 33, 37, 38, 41, 42:
   326  		return "table-alter"
   327  	case model2.ActionCreateSchema:
   328  		return "database-create"
   329  	case model2.ActionDropSchema:
   330  		return "database-drop"
   331  	case model2.ActionModifySchemaCharsetAndCollate:
   332  		return "database-alter"
   333  	default:
   334  		return ddlType.String()
   335  	}
   336  }
   338  // Convert column type code to maxwell column type
   339  func columnToMaxwellType(columnType byte) (string, error) {
   340  	switch columnType {
   341  	case mysql.TypeTiny, mysql.TypeShort, mysql.TypeLong, mysql.TypeInt24:
   342  		return "int", nil
   343  	case mysql.TypeLonglong:
   344  		return "bigint", nil
   345  	case mysql.TypeTinyBlob, mysql.TypeBlob, mysql.TypeMediumBlob, mysql.TypeLongBlob, mysql.TypeString, mysql.TypeVarchar:
   346  		return "string", nil
   347  	case mysql.TypeDate:
   348  		return "date", nil
   349  	case mysql.TypeTimestamp, mysql.TypeDatetime:
   350  		return "datetime", nil
   351  	case mysql.TypeDuration:
   352  		return "time", nil
   353  	case mysql.TypeYear:
   354  		return "year", nil
   355  	case mysql.TypeEnum:
   356  		return "enum", nil
   357  	case mysql.TypeSet:
   358  		return "set", nil
   359  	case mysql.TypeBit:
   360  		return "bit", nil
   361  	case mysql.TypeJSON:
   362  		return "json", nil
   363  	case mysql.TypeFloat, mysql.TypeDouble:
   364  		return "float", nil
   365  	case mysql.TypeNewDecimal:
   366  		return "decimal", nil
   367  	default:
   368  		return "", cerror.ErrMaxwellInvalidData.GenWithStack("unsupported column type - %v", columnType)
   369  	}
   370  }