
     2  # 指定配置文件中涉及的库名、表名是否为大小写敏感的
     3  # 该配置会同时影响 filter 和 sink 相关配置,默认为 true
     5  # Specify whether the schema name and table name in this configuration file are case sensitive
     6  # This configuration will affect both filter and sink related configurations, the default is true
     7  case-sensitive = true
     9  [filter]
    10  # 忽略哪些 StartTs 的事务
    11  # Transactions with the following StartTs will be ignored
    12  ignore-txn-start-ts = [1, 2]
    14  # 过滤器规则
    15  # 过滤规则语法:
    16  # The rules of the filter
    17  # Filter rules syntax:
    18  rules = ['*.*', '!test.*']
    20  [mounter]
    21  # mounter 线程数
    22  # the thread number of the the mounter
    23  worker-num = 16
    25  [sink]
    26  # 对于 MQ 类的 Sink,可以通过 dispatchers 配置 event 分发器
    27  # 分发器支持 default, ts, rowid, table 四种
    28  # For MQ Sinks, you can configure event distribution rules through dispatchers
    29  # Dispatchers support default, ts, rowid and table
    30  dispatchers = [
    31  	{matcher = ['test1.*', 'test2.*'], dispatcher = "ts"},
    32  	{matcher = ['test3.*', 'test4.*'], dispatcher = "rowid"},
    33  ]
    34  # 对于 MQ 类的 Sink,可以指定消息的协议格式
    35  # 协议目前支持 default, canal, avro 和 maxwell 四种,default 为 ticdc-open-protocol
    36  # For MQ Sinks, you can configure the protocol of the messages sending to MQ
    37  # Currently the protocol support default, canal, avro and maxwell. Default is ticdc-open-protocol
    38  protocol = "default"
    40  [cyclic-replication]
    41  # 是否开启环形复制
    42  # Whether to enable cyclic replication
    43  enable = false
    44  # 当前 CDC 的复制 ID
    45  # The replica ID of this capture
    46  replica-id = 1
    47  # 需要过滤掉的复制 ID
    48  # The replica ID should be ignored
    49  filter-replica-ids = [2,3]
    50  # 是否同步 DDL
    51  # Whether to replicate DDL
    52  sync-ddl = true