(about) 1 CONCURRENT_NUMBER = 8 2 3 def prepare_binaries() { 4 stage('Prepare Binaries') { 5 def prepares = [:] 6 7 prepares["build binaries"] = { 8 node ("${GO_TEST_SLAVE}") { 9 container("golang") { 10 println "debug command:\nkubectl -n jenkins-ci exec -ti ${NODE_NAME} bash" 11 def ws = pwd() 12 deleteDir() 13 unstash 'ticdc' 14 15 dir("go/src/") { 16 sh """ 17 GO111MODULE=off GOPATH=\$GOPATH:${ws}/go PATH=\$GOPATH/bin:${ws}/go/bin:\$PATH make cdc 18 GO111MODULE=off GOPATH=\$GOPATH:${ws}/go PATH=\$GOPATH/bin:${ws}/go/bin:\$PATH make integration_test_build 19 GO111MODULE=off GOPATH=\$GOPATH:${ws}/go PATH=\$GOPATH/bin:${ws}/go/bin:\$PATH make kafka_consumer 20 GO111MODULE=off GOPATH=\$GOPATH:${ws}/go PATH=\$GOPATH/bin:${ws}/go/bin:\$PATH make check_failpoint_ctl 21 tar czvf ticdc_bin.tar.gz bin/* 22 curl -F test/cdc/ci/ticdc_bin_${env.BUILD_NUMBER}.tar.gz=@ticdc_bin.tar.gz 23 """ 24 } 25 dir("go/src/") { 26 def cases_name = sh ( 27 script: 'find . -maxdepth 2 -mindepth 2 -name \'\' | awk -F/ \'{print $2}\'', 28 returnStdout: true 29 ).trim().split().join(" ") 30 sh "echo ${cases_name} > CASES" 31 } 32 stash includes: "go/src/", name: "cases_name", useDefaultExcludes: false 33 } 34 } 35 } 36 parallel prepares 37 } 38 } 39 40 def tests(sink_type, node_label) { 41 stage("Tests") { 42 def test_cases = [:] 43 44 test_cases["unit test"] = { 45 node (node_label) { 46 container("golang") { 47 def ws = pwd() 48 deleteDir() 49 println "debug command:\nkubectl -n jenkins-ci exec -ti ${NODE_NAME} bash" 50 println "work space path:\n${ws}" 51 unstash 'ticdc' 52 53 dir("go/src/") { 54 sh """ 55 rm -rf /tmp/tidb_cdc_test 56 mkdir -p /tmp/tidb_cdc_test 57 GO111MODULE=off GOPATH=\$GOPATH:${ws}/go PATH=\$GOPATH/bin:${ws}/go/bin:\$PATH make test 58 rm -rf cov_dir 59 mkdir -p cov_dir 60 ls /tmp/tidb_cdc_test 61 cp /tmp/tidb_cdc_test/cov*out cov_dir 62 """ 63 sh """ 64 tail /tmp/tidb_cdc_test/cov* 65 """ 66 } 67 stash includes: "go/src/**", name: "unit_test", useDefaultExcludes: false 68 } 69 } 70 } 71 72 def run_integration_test = { step_name, case_names -> 73 node (node_label) { 74 container("golang") { 75 def ws = pwd() 76 deleteDir() 77 println "debug command:\nkubectl -n jenkins-ci exec -ti ${NODE_NAME} bash" 78 println "work space path:\n${ws}" 79 println "this step will run tests: ${case_names}" 80 unstash 'ticdc' 81 dir("go/src/") { 82 download_binaries() 83 try { 84 sh """ 85 sudo pip install s3cmd 86 rm -rf /tmp/tidb_cdc_test 87 mkdir -p /tmp/tidb_cdc_test 88 echo "${env.KAFKA_VERSION}" > /tmp/tidb_cdc_test/KAFKA_VERSION 89 GO111MODULE=off GOPATH=\$GOPATH:${ws}/go PATH=\$GOPATH/bin:${ws}/go/bin:\$PATH make integration_test_${sink_type} CASE="${case_names}" 90 rm -rf cov_dir 91 mkdir -p cov_dir 92 ls /tmp/tidb_cdc_test 93 cp /tmp/tidb_cdc_test/cov*out cov_dir || touch cov_dir/dummy_file_${step_name} 94 """ 95 // cyclic tests do not run on kafka sink, so there is no cov* file. 96 sh """ 97 tail /tmp/tidb_cdc_test/cov* || true 98 """ 99 } catch (Exception e) { 100 sh """ 101 echo "archive all log" 102 for log in `ls /tmp/tidb_cdc_test/*/*.log`; do 103 dirname=`dirname \$log` 104 basename=`basename \$log` 105 mkdir -p "log\$dirname" 106 tar zcvf "log\${log}.tgz" -C "\$dirname" "\$basename" 107 done 108 """ 109 archiveArtifacts artifacts: "log/tmp/tidb_cdc_test/**/*.tgz", caseSensitive: false 110 throw e; 111 } 112 } 113 stash includes: "go/src/**", name: "integration_test_${step_name}", useDefaultExcludes: false 114 } 115 } 116 } 117 118 119 unstash 'cases_name' 120 def cases_name = sh ( 121 script: 'cat go/src/', 122 returnStdout: true 123 ).trim().split() 124 125 def step_cases = [] 126 def step_length = (int)(cases_name.size() / CONCURRENT_NUMBER + 0.5) 127 for(int i in 1..CONCURRENT_NUMBER) { 128 def end = i*step_length-1 129 if (i == CONCURRENT_NUMBER){ 130 end = cases_name.size()-1 131 } 132 step_cases.add(cases_name[(i-1)*step_length..end]) 133 } 134 step_cases.eachWithIndex{ case_names, index -> 135 def step_name = "step_${index}" 136 test_cases["integration test ${step_name}"] = { 137 run_integration_test(step_name, case_names.join(" ")) 138 } 139 } 140 141 parallel test_cases 142 } 143 } 144 145 def download_binaries(){ 146 def TIDB_BRANCH = params.getOrDefault("release_test__tidb_commit", "master") 147 def TIKV_BRANCH = params.getOrDefault("release_test__tikv_commit", "master") 148 def PD_BRANCH = params.getOrDefault("release_test__pd_commit", "master") 149 // TODO master tiflash release version is 4.1.0-rc-43-gxxx, which is not compatible 150 // with TiKV 5.0.0-rc.x. Change default branch to master after TiFlash fixes it. 151 def TIFLASH_BRANCH = params.getOrDefault("release_test__release_branch", "release-5.0-rc") 152 def TIFLASH_COMMIT = params.getOrDefault("release_test__tiflash_commit", null) 153 154 // parse tidb branch 155 def m1 = ghprbCommentBody =~ /tidb\s*=\s*([^\s\\]+)(\s|\\|$)/ 156 if (m1) { 157 TIDB_BRANCH = "${m1[0][1]}" 158 } 159 m1 = null 160 println "TIDB_BRANCH=${TIDB_BRANCH}" 161 162 // parse tikv branch 163 def m2 = ghprbCommentBody =~ /tikv\s*=\s*([^\s\\]+)(\s|\\|$)/ 164 if (m2) { 165 TIKV_BRANCH = "${m2[0][1]}" 166 } 167 m2 = null 168 println "TIKV_BRANCH=${TIKV_BRANCH}" 169 170 // parse pd branch 171 def m3 = ghprbCommentBody =~ /pd\s*=\s*([^\s\\]+)(\s|\\|$)/ 172 if (m3) { 173 PD_BRANCH = "${m3[0][1]}" 174 } 175 m3 = null 176 println "PD_BRANCH=${PD_BRANCH}" 177 178 // parse tiflash branch 179 def m4 = ghprbCommentBody =~ /tiflash\s*=\s*([^\s\\]+)(\s|\\|$)/ 180 if (m4) { 181 TIFLASH_BRANCH = "${m4[0][1]}" 182 } 183 m4 = null 184 println "TIFLASH_BRANCH=${TIFLASH_BRANCH}" 185 186 println "debug command:\nkubectl -n jenkins-ci exec -ti ${NODE_NAME} bash" 187 def tidb_sha1 = sh(returnStdout: true, script: "curl ${FILE_SERVER_URL}/download/refs/pingcap/tidb/${TIDB_BRANCH}/sha1").trim() 188 def tikv_sha1 = sh(returnStdout: true, script: "curl ${FILE_SERVER_URL}/download/refs/pingcap/tikv/${TIKV_BRANCH}/sha1").trim() 189 def pd_sha1 = sh(returnStdout: true, script: "curl ${FILE_SERVER_URL}/download/refs/pingcap/pd/${PD_BRANCH}/sha1").trim() 190 def tiflash_sha1 = TIFLASH_COMMIT 191 if (TIFLASH_COMMIT == null) { 192 tiflash_sha1 = sh(returnStdout: true, script: "curl ${FILE_SERVER_URL}/download/refs/pingcap/tiflash/${TIFLASH_BRANCH}/sha1").trim() 193 } 194 sh """ 195 mkdir -p third_bin 196 mkdir -p tmp 197 mkdir -p bin 198 199 tidb_url="${FILE_SERVER_URL}/download/builds/pingcap/tidb/${tidb_sha1}/centos7/tidb-server.tar.gz" 200 tikv_url="${FILE_SERVER_URL}/download/builds/pingcap/tikv/${tikv_sha1}/centos7/tikv-server.tar.gz" 201 pd_url="${FILE_SERVER_URL}/download/builds/pingcap/pd/${pd_sha1}/centos7/pd-server.tar.gz" 202 tiflash_url="${FILE_SERVER_URL}/download/builds/pingcap/tiflash/${TIFLASH_BRANCH}/${tiflash_sha1}/centos7/tiflash.tar.gz" 203 minio_url="${FILE_SERVER_URL}/download/minio.tar.gz" 204 205 curl \${tidb_url} | tar xz -C ./tmp bin/tidb-server 206 curl \${pd_url} | tar xz -C ./tmp bin/* 207 curl \${tikv_url} | tar xz -C ./tmp bin/tikv-server 208 curl \${minio_url} | tar xz -C ./tmp/bin minio 209 mv tmp/bin/* third_bin 210 curl \${tiflash_url} | tar xz -C third_bin 211 mv third_bin/tiflash third_bin/_tiflash 212 mv third_bin/_tiflash/* third_bin 213 curl ${FILE_SERVER_URL}/download/builds/pingcap/go-ycsb/test-br/go-ycsb -o third_bin/go-ycsb 214 curl -L | tar xz -C ./tmp 215 mv tmp/etcd-v3.4.7-linux-amd64/etcdctl third_bin 216 curl | tar xz -C ./third_bin 217 curl -L -o jq 218 mv jq third_bin 219 chmod a+x third_bin/* 220 rm -rf tmp 221 curl -L${env.BUILD_NUMBER}.tar.gz | tar xvz -C . 222 mv ./third_bin/* ./bin 223 rm -rf third_bin 224 """ 225 } 226 227 def coverage() { 228 stage('Coverage') { 229 node("${GO_TEST_SLAVE}") { 230 def ws = pwd() 231 deleteDir() 232 unstash 'ticdc' 233 unstash 'unit_test' 234 for(int i in 1..CONCURRENT_NUMBER) { 235 unstash "integration_test_step_${i-1}" 236 } 237 238 dir("go/src/") { 239 container("golang") { 240 archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'cov_dir/*', fingerprint: true 241 242 timeout(30) { 243 sh """ 244 rm -rf /tmp/tidb_cdc_test 245 mkdir -p /tmp/tidb_cdc_test 246 cp cov_dir/* /tmp/tidb_cdc_test 247 set +x 248 BUILD_NUMBER=${env.BUILD_NUMBER} CODECOV_TOKEN="${CODECOV_TOKEN}" COVERALLS_TOKEN="${COVERALLS_TOKEN}" GOPATH=${ws}/go:\$GOPATH PATH=${ws}/go/bin:/go/bin:\$PATH JenkinsCI=1 make coverage 249 set -x 250 """ 251 } 252 } 253 } 254 } 255 } 256 } 257 258 return this