
     1  name: "\U0001F41B DM Bug Report"
     2  description: Something isn't working as expected
     3  labels: ["type/bug","area/dm"]
     4  body:
     5    - type: markdown
     6      attributes:
     7        value: |
     8          Please answer these questions before submitting your issue. Thanks!
     9    - type: textarea
    10      id: problem
    11      attributes:
    12        label: What did you do?
    13        description: If possible, provide a recipe for reproducing the error.
    14      validations:
    15        required: true
    16    - type: textarea
    17      id: expect
    18      attributes:
    19        label: What did you expect to see?
    20      validations:
    21        required: false
    22    - type: textarea
    23      id: see
    24      attributes:
    25        label: What did you see instead?
    26      validations:
    27        required: false
    28    - type: textarea
    29      id: version
    30      attributes:
    31        label: Versions of the cluster
    32        value: |-
    33               DM version (run `dmctl -V` or `dm-worker -V` or `dm-master -V`):
    34               ```console
    35               (paste DM version here, and you must ensure versions of dmctl, DM-worker and DM-master are same)
    36               ```
    37               Upstream MySQL/MariaDB server version:
    38               ```console
    39               (paste upstream MySQL/MariaDB server version here)
    40               ```
    41               Downstream TiDB cluster version (execute `SELECT tidb_version();` in a MySQL client):
    42               ```console
    43               (paste TiDB cluster version here)
    44               ```
    45               How did you deploy DM: tiup or manually?
    46               ```console
    47               (leave TiUP or manually here)
    48               ```
    49               Other interesting information (system version, hardware config, etc):
    50               ```console
    51               >
    52               >
    53               ```
    54      validations:
    55        required: true
    56    - type: textarea
    57      id: current
    58      attributes:
    59        label: current status of DM cluster (execute `query-status <task-name>` in dmctl)
    60        value: |-
    61               ```console
    62               (paste current status of DM cluster here)
    63               ```
    64      validations:
    65        required: false
    66    - type: markdown
    67      attributes:
    68        value: |
    69          Operation logs
    70            - Please upload `dm-worker.log` for every DM-worker instance if possible
    71            - Please upload `dm-master.log` if possible
    72            - Other interesting logs
    73            - Output of dmctl's commands with problems
    74    - type: markdown
    75      attributes:
    76        value: |
    77          Configuration of the cluster and the task
    78            - `dm-worker.toml` for every DM-worker instance if possible
    79            - `dm-master.toml` for DM-master if possible
    80            - task config, like `task.yaml` if possible
    81    - type: markdown
    82      attributes:
    83        value: |
    84          Screenshot/exported-PDF of Grafana dashboard or metrics' graph in Prometheus for DM if possible