
     1  apiVersion: v1
     2  kind: Service
     3  metadata:
     4    name: chaos-minio
     5    labels:
     6      app: chaos-minio
     7  spec:
     8    ports:
     9      - name: port-minio # note the name is no more than 15 characters
    10        port: 9000
    11        targetPort: 9000
    12    selector:
    13      app: chaos-minio
    15  ---
    16  apiVersion: apps/v1
    17  kind: StatefulSet
    18  metadata:
    19    name: chaos-minio
    20    labels:
    21      app: chaos-minio
    22  spec:
    23    selector:
    24      matchLabels:
    25        app: chaos-minio
    26    serviceName: chaos-minio
    27    replicas: 1
    28    template:
    29      metadata:
    30        labels:
    31          app: chaos-minio
    32      spec:
    33        containers:
    34        - name: minio
    35          image: minio/minio:latest
    36          imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
    37          env:
    38            - name: MINIO_ACCESS_KEY
    39              value: "engine"
    40            - name: MINIO_SECRET_KEY
    41              value: "engineSecret"
    42          args:
    43            - server
    44            - /data
    45          ports:
    46            - containerPort: 9000
    47              hostPort: 9000
    48          # These volume mounts are persistent. Each pod in the StatefulSet
    49          # gets a volume mounted based on this field.
    50          volumeMounts:
    51            - name: data
    52              mountPath: /data
    53          livenessProbe:
    54              exec:
    55                command:
    56                  - "curl"
    57                  - "-f"
    58                  - "http://localhost:9000/minio/health/live"
    59              initialDelaySeconds: 3
    60              periodSeconds: 10
    61              timeoutSeconds: 60
    62    # These are converted to volume claims by the controller
    63    # and mounted at the paths mentioned above.
    64    volumeClaimTemplates:
    65    - metadata:
    66        name: data
    67      spec:
    68        accessModes:
    69          - ReadWriteOnce
    70        resources:
    71          requests:
    72            storage: 10Gi