(about) 1 syntax = "proto3"; 2 3 package enginepb; 4 5 import "google/api/annotations.proto"; 6 import "google/api/field_behavior.proto"; 7 import "google/protobuf/empty.proto"; 8 9 import "engine/proto/resources.proto"; 10 11 option go_package = ""; 12 13 service Discovery { 14 rpc RegisterExecutor(RegisterExecutorRequest) returns(Executor) { 15 option (google.api.http) = { 16 post: "/api/v1/executors/register" 17 body: "executor" 18 }; 19 } 20 21 // ListExecutors lists all executors. 22 // Executors will use this API to discover other executors. 23 // Currently, we assume that there aren't too many executors. 24 // If the number of executors becomes very large in the future, 25 // we can consider a mechanism to watch the changes of the executors. 26 rpc ListExecutors(ListExecutorsRequest) returns(ListExecutorsResponse) { 27 option (google.api.http) = { 28 get: "/api/v1/executors" 29 }; 30 } 31 32 rpc ListMasters(ListMastersRequest) returns(ListMastersResponse) { 33 option (google.api.http) = { 34 get: "/api/v1/masters" 35 }; 36 } 37 38 rpc Heartbeat(HeartbeatRequest) returns(HeartbeatResponse) {} 39 40 41 // QueryMetaStore queries metastore manager and returns the information of a matching metastore. 42 rpc QueryMetaStore(QueryMetaStoreRequest) returns(QueryMetaStoreResponse) {} 43 44 // QueryStorageConfig queries and returns external storage config. 45 rpc QueryStorageConfig(QueryStorageConfigRequest) returns(QueryStorageConfigResponse) {} 46 47 rpc GetLeader(GetLeaderRequest) returns(GetLeaderResponse) { 48 option (google.api.http) = { 49 get: "/api/v1/leader" 50 }; 51 } 52 53 rpc ResignLeader(ResignLeaderRequest) returns(google.protobuf.Empty) { 54 option (google.api.http) = { 55 post: "/api/v1/leader/resign" 56 }; 57 } 58 } 59 60 service TaskScheduler { 61 rpc ScheduleTask(ScheduleTaskRequest) returns(ScheduleTaskResponse) {} 62 } 63 64 // Refer to: 65 service JobManager { 66 rpc CreateJob(CreateJobRequest) returns (Job){ 67 option (google.api.http) = { 68 post: "/api/v1/jobs" 69 body: "job" 70 }; 71 }; 72 73 rpc GetJob(GetJobRequest) returns (Job){ 74 option (google.api.http) = { 75 get: "/api/v1/jobs/{id=*}" 76 }; 77 }; 78 79 rpc ListJobs(ListJobsRequest) returns (ListJobsResponse){ 80 option (google.api.http) = { 81 get: "/api/v1/jobs" 82 }; 83 }; 84 85 // NOTE: for the compatibility of existing openapi(ticdc) format, 86 // we use `/cancel` but not `:cancel`(google api suggested) 87 // refer to: 88 rpc CancelJob(CancelJobRequest) returns (Job){ 89 option (google.api.http) = { 90 post: "/api/v1/jobs/{id=*}/cancel" 91 }; 92 }; 93 94 rpc DeleteJob(DeleteJobRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty){ 95 option (google.api.http) = { 96 delete: "/api/v1/jobs/{id=*}" 97 }; 98 } 99 } 100 101 message Selector { 102 enum Op { 103 OpUnknown = 0; 104 Eq = 1; 105 Neq = 2; 106 Regex = 3; 107 } 108 109 string label = 1; 110 string target = 2; 111 Op op = 3; 112 } 113 114 message HeartbeatRequest { 115 string executor_id = 1; 116 uint64 timestamp = 2; 117 uint64 ttl = 3; 118 } 119 120 message HeartbeatResponse { 121 } 122 123 message Executor { 124 string id = 1 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY]; 125 // name is the readable name of the executor. 126 string name = 2; 127 string address = 3; 128 map<string, string> labels = 4; 129 } 130 131 message RegisterExecutorRequest { 132 Executor executor = 1; 133 } 134 135 message ListExecutorsRequest { 136 } 137 138 message ListExecutorsResponse { 139 repeated Executor executors = 1; 140 } 141 142 message Master { 143 string id = 1; 144 // name is the readable name of the master. 145 string name = 2; 146 string address = 3; 147 bool is_leader = 4; 148 } 149 150 message ListMastersRequest { 151 } 152 153 message ListMastersResponse { 154 repeated Master masters = 1; 155 } 156 157 158 message ScheduleTaskRequest { 159 string task_id = 1; 160 // resources required by the task. 161 repeated ResourceKey resources = 2; 162 repeated Selector selectors = 3; 163 } 164 165 message ScheduleTaskResponse { 166 string executor_id = 1; 167 string executor_addr = 2; 168 } 169 170 message GetLeaderRequest { 171 } 172 173 message GetLeaderResponse { 174 string advertise_addr = 1; 175 } 176 177 message ResignLeaderRequest { 178 } 179 180 message Job { 181 enum Type { 182 TypeUnknown = 0; 183 CVSDemo = 1; 184 DM = 2; 185 CDC = 3; 186 FakeJob = 4; 187 } 188 189 enum State{ 190 StateUnknown = 0; 191 Created = 1; 192 Running = 2; 193 Failed = 3; 194 Finished = 4; 195 Canceling = 5; 196 Canceled = 6; 197 } 198 199 message Error { 200 string code = 1; 201 string message = 2; 202 } 203 204 string id = 1; 205 Type type = 2; 206 State state = 3 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY]; 207 // Output will ignore this field by default unless include_config is set to true. 208 bytes config = 4; 209 bytes detail = 5 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY]; 210 Error error = 6 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY]; 211 repeated Selector selectors = 7; 212 } 213 214 message CreateJobRequest { 215 Job job = 1; 216 string tenant_id = 2; 217 string project_id = 3; 218 } 219 220 message GetJobRequest { 221 string id = 1; 222 string tenant_id = 2; 223 string project_id = 3; 224 // Whether to return the config of the job. 225 // Config may contain sensitive information, it is not returned by default. 226 bool include_config = 4; 227 } 228 229 message ListJobsRequest { 230 // The maximum number of jobs to return. 231 // If it is unspecified or less than 1, at most 100 jobs will be returned. 232 // The maximum value is 1000. Larger values will be coerced to 1000. 233 int32 page_size = 1; 234 // The page token, returned by a previous call, to request the next page of results. 235 string page_token = 2; 236 string tenant_id = 3; 237 string project_id = 4; 238 // Whether to return the config of the job. 239 // Config may contain sensitive information, it is not returned by default. 240 bool include_config = 5; 241 Job.Type type = 6; 242 Job.State state = 7; 243 } 244 245 message ListJobsResponse { 246 repeated Job jobs = 1; 247 // A token to retrieve next page of results. 248 // If this field is empty, it means no more pages. 249 string next_page_token = 2; 250 } 251 252 message CancelJobRequest { 253 string id = 1; 254 string tenant_id = 2; 255 string project_id = 3; 256 } 257 258 message DeleteJobRequest { 259 string id = 1; 260 string tenant_id = 2; 261 string project_id = 3; 262 } 263 264 enum StoreType { 265 SystemMetaStore = 0; 266 AppMetaStore = 1; 267 } 268 269 message QueryMetaStoreRequest { 270 StoreType tp = 1; 271 } 272 273 message QueryMetaStoreResponse { 274 bytes config = 1; 275 } 276 277 message QueryStorageConfigRequest { 278 } 279 280 message QueryStorageConfigResponse { 281 bytes config = 2; 282 }