(about) 1 drop user if exists 'dm_full'; 2 flush privileges; 3 create user 'dm_full'@'%' identified by '123456'; 4 grant all privileges on *.* to 'dm_full'@'%'; 5 6 drop database if exists `dm_full`; 7 create database `dm_full` CHARACTER SET = utf8mb4 COLLATE = utf8mb4_bin; 8 use `dm_full`; 9 create table t1 ( 10 id int, 11 name varchar(20), 12 ts timestamp DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 13 primary key(`id`)); 14 insert into t1 (id, name, ts) values (1, 'arya', now()), (2, 'catelyn', '2021-05-11 10:01:03'); 15 insert into t1 (id, name) values (3, 'Eddard 16 Stark'); 17 update t1 set name = 'Arya S\\\\tark' where id = 1; 18 update t1 set name = 'Catelyn S\"\n\ttark' where name = 'catelyn'; 19 20 -- test multi column index with generated column 21 alter table t1 add column info json; 22 alter table t1 add column gen_id int as (info->"$.id"); 23 alter table t1 add index multi_col(`id`, `gen_id`); 24 insert into t1 (id, name, info) values (4, 'gentest', '{"id": 123}'); 25 insert into t1 (id, name, info) values (5, 'gentest', '{"id": 124}'); 26 update t1 set info = '{"id": 120}' where id = 1; 27 update t1 set info = '{"id": 121}' where id = 2; 28 update t1 set info = '{"id": 122}' where id = 3; 29 30 -- test genColumnCache is reset after ddl 31 alter table t1 add column info2 varchar(40); 32 insert into t1 (id, name, info) values (6, 'gentest', '{"id": 125, "test cache": false}'); 33 alter table t1 add unique key gen_idx(`gen_id`); 34 update t1 set name = 'gentestxx' where gen_id = 123; 35 36 insert into t1 (id, name, info) values (7, 'gentest', '{"id": 126}'); 37 update t1 set name = 'gentestxxxxxx' where gen_id = 124; 38 -- delete with unique key 39 delete from t1 where gen_id > 124;