
     1  // Copyright 2023 PingCAP, Inc.
     2  //
     3  // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     4  // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     5  // You may obtain a copy of the License at
     6  //
     7  //
     8  //
     9  // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    10  // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    11  // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    12  // limitations under the License.
    14  package v2
    16  import (
    17  	"context"
    18  	"crypto/tls"
    19  	"strings"
    20  	"time"
    22  	""
    23  	""
    24  	""
    25  	""
    26  	""
    27  	""
    28  	""
    29  	pkafka ""
    30  	""
    31  	""
    32  	""
    33  	""
    34  	""
    35  	""
    36  )
    38  type factory struct {
    39  	// transport is used to contact kafka cluster and also maintain the `metadata cache`
    40  	// it's shared by the admin client and producers to keep the cache the same to make
    41  	// sure that the newly created topics can be found by the both.
    42  	transport    *kafka.Transport
    43  	changefeedID model.ChangeFeedID
    44  	options      *pkafka.Options
    46  	writer *kafka.Writer
    47  }
    49  // NewFactory returns a factory implemented based on kafka-go
    50  func NewFactory(
    51  	options *pkafka.Options,
    52  	changefeedID model.ChangeFeedID,
    53  ) (pkafka.Factory, error) {
    54  	transport, err := newTransport(options)
    55  	if err != nil {
    56  		return nil, errors.Trace(err)
    57  	}
    58  	return &factory{
    59  		transport:    transport,
    60  		changefeedID: changefeedID,
    61  		options:      options,
    62  		writer:       &kafka.Writer{},
    63  	}, nil
    64  }
    66  func newClient(brokerEndpoints []string, transport *kafka.Transport) *kafka.Client {
    67  	return &kafka.Client{
    68  		Addr: kafka.TCP(brokerEndpoints...),
    69  		// todo: make this configurable
    70  		Timeout:   10 * time.Second,
    71  		Transport: transport,
    72  	}
    73  }
    75  func newTransport(o *pkafka.Options) (*kafka.Transport, error) {
    76  	mechanism, err := completeSASLConfig(o)
    77  	if err != nil {
    78  		return nil, err
    79  	}
    80  	tlsConfig, err := completeSSLConfig(o)
    81  	if err != nil {
    82  		return nil, err
    83  	}
    84  	return &kafka.Transport{
    85  		SASL:        mechanism,
    86  		TLS:         tlsConfig,
    87  		DialTimeout: o.DialTimeout,
    88  		ClientID:    o.ClientID,
    89  	}, nil
    90  }
    92  func completeSSLConfig(options *pkafka.Options) (*tls.Config, error) {
    93  	if options.EnableTLS {
    94  		tlsConfig := &tls.Config{
    95  			MinVersion: tls.VersionTLS12,
    96  			NextProtos: []string{"h2", "http/1.1"},
    97  		}
    99  		// for SSL encryption with self-signed CA certificate, we reassign the
   100  		// config.Net.TLS.Config using the relevant credential files.
   101  		if options.Credential != nil && options.Credential.IsTLSEnabled() {
   102  			tlsConfig, err := options.Credential.ToTLSConfig()
   103  			return tlsConfig, errors.Trace(err)
   104  		}
   106  		tlsConfig.InsecureSkipVerify = options.InsecureSkipVerify
   107  		return tlsConfig, nil
   108  	}
   109  	return nil, nil
   110  }
   112  func completeSASLConfig(o *pkafka.Options) (sasl.Mechanism, error) {
   113  	if o.SASL != nil && o.SASL.SASLMechanism != "" {
   114  		switch o.SASL.SASLMechanism {
   115  		case pkafka.SASLTypeSCRAMSHA256, pkafka.SASLTypeSCRAMSHA512, pkafka.SASLTypePlaintext:
   116  			if strings.EqualFold(string(o.SASL.SASLMechanism), pkafka.SASLTypeSCRAMSHA256) {
   117  				mechanism, err := scram.Mechanism(scram.SHA256,
   118  					o.SASL.SASLUser, o.SASL.SASLPassword)
   119  				return mechanism, errors.Trace(err)
   120  			} else if strings.EqualFold(string(o.SASL.SASLMechanism), pkafka.SASLTypeSCRAMSHA512) {
   121  				mechanism, err := scram.Mechanism(scram.SHA512,
   122  					o.SASL.SASLUser, o.SASL.SASLPassword)
   123  				return mechanism, errors.Trace(err)
   124  			} else {
   125  				return plain.Mechanism{
   126  					Username: o.SASL.SASLUser,
   127  					Password: o.SASL.SASLPassword,
   128  				}, nil
   129  			}
   130  		case pkafka.SASLTypeGSSAPI:
   131  			cfg, err := config.Load(o.SASL.GSSAPI.KerberosConfigPath)
   132  			if err != nil {
   133  				return nil, errors.Trace(err)
   134  			}
   135  			var clnt *client.Client
   136  			switch o.SASL.GSSAPI.AuthType {
   137  			case security.UserAuth:
   138  				clnt = client.NewWithPassword(o.SASL.GSSAPI.Username, o.SASL.GSSAPI.Realm,
   139  					o.SASL.GSSAPI.Password, cfg,
   140  					client.DisablePAFXFAST(o.SASL.GSSAPI.DisablePAFXFAST))
   141  			case security.KeyTabAuth:
   142  				ktab, err := keytab.Load(o.SASL.GSSAPI.KeyTabPath)
   143  				if err != nil {
   144  					return nil, errors.Trace(err)
   145  				}
   146  				clnt = client.NewWithKeytab(o.SASL.GSSAPI.Username, o.SASL.GSSAPI.Realm, ktab, cfg,
   147  					client.DisablePAFXFAST(o.SASL.GSSAPI.DisablePAFXFAST))
   148  			}
   149  			err = clnt.Login()
   150  			if err != nil {
   151  				return nil, errors.Trace(err)
   152  			}
   153  			return Gokrb5v8(&gokrb5v8ClientImpl{clnt},
   154  				o.SASL.GSSAPI.ServiceName), nil
   156  		case pkafka.SASLTypeOAuth:
   157  			return nil, errors.ErrKafkaInvalidConfig.GenWithStack(
   158  				"OAuth is not yet supported in Kafka sink v2")
   159  		}
   160  	}
   161  	return nil, nil
   162  }
   164  func (f *factory) newWriter(async bool) *kafka.Writer {
   165  	w := &kafka.Writer{
   166  		Addr:         kafka.TCP(f.options.BrokerEndpoints...),
   167  		Balancer:     newManualPartitioner(),
   168  		Transport:    f.transport,
   169  		ReadTimeout:  f.options.ReadTimeout,
   170  		WriteTimeout: f.options.WriteTimeout,
   171  		// For kafka cluster with a bad network condition,
   172  		// do not waste too much time to prevent long time blocking.
   173  		MaxAttempts:     2,
   174  		WriteBackoffMin: 10 * time.Millisecond,
   175  		RequiredAcks:    kafka.RequiredAcks(f.options.RequiredAcks),
   176  		BatchBytes:      int64(f.options.MaxMessageBytes),
   177  		Async:           async,
   178  	}
   179  	f.writer = w
   180  	compression := strings.ToLower(strings.TrimSpace(f.options.Compression))
   181  	switch compression {
   182  	case "none":
   183  	case "gzip":
   184  		w.Compression = kafka.Gzip
   185  	case "snappy":
   186  		w.Compression = kafka.Snappy
   187  	case "lz4":
   188  		w.Compression = kafka.Lz4
   189  	case "zstd":
   190  		w.Compression = kafka.Zstd
   191  	default:
   192  		log.Warn("Unsupported compression algorithm",
   193  			zap.String("namespace", f.changefeedID.Namespace),
   194  			zap.String("changefeed", f.changefeedID.ID),
   195  			zap.String("compression", f.options.Compression))
   196  	}
   197  	log.Info("Kafka producer uses "+f.options.Compression+" compression algorithm",
   198  		zap.String("namespace", f.changefeedID.Namespace),
   199  		zap.String("changefeed", f.changefeedID.ID))
   200  	return w
   201  }
   203  func (f *factory) AdminClient(_ context.Context) (pkafka.ClusterAdminClient, error) {
   204  	return newClusterAdminClient(f.options.BrokerEndpoints, f.transport, f.changefeedID), nil
   205  }
   207  // SyncProducer creates a sync producer to writer message to kafka
   208  func (f *factory) SyncProducer(_ context.Context) (pkafka.SyncProducer, error) {
   209  	w := f.newWriter(false)
   210  	// set batch size to 1 to make sure the message is sent immediately
   211  	w.BatchTimeout = time.Millisecond
   212  	w.BatchSize = 1
   213  	return &syncWriter{
   214  		w:            w,
   215  		changefeedID: f.changefeedID,
   216  	}, nil
   217  }
   219  // AsyncProducer creates an async producer to writer message to kafka
   220  func (f *factory) AsyncProducer(
   221  	ctx context.Context,
   222  	failpointCh chan error,
   223  ) (pkafka.AsyncProducer, error) {
   224  	w := f.newWriter(true)
   225  	// assume each message is 1KB,
   226  	// and set batch timeout to 5ms to avoid waste too much time on waiting for messages.
   227  	w.BatchTimeout = 5 * time.Millisecond
   228  	w.BatchSize = int(w.BatchBytes / 1024)
   229  	aw := &asyncWriter{
   230  		w:            w,
   231  		changefeedID: f.changefeedID,
   232  		failpointCh:  failpointCh,
   233  		errorsChan:   make(chan error, 1),
   234  	}
   236  	w.Completion = func(messages []kafka.Message, err error) {
   237  		if err != nil {
   238  			select {
   239  			case <-ctx.Done():
   240  				return
   241  			case aw.errorsChan <- err:
   242  			default:
   243  				log.Warn("async writer report error failed, since the err channel is full",
   244  					zap.String("namespace", aw.changefeedID.Namespace),
   245  					zap.String("changefeed", aw.changefeedID.ID),
   246  					zap.Error(err))
   247  			}
   248  			return
   249  		}
   251  		for _, msg := range messages {
   252  			callback := msg.WriterData.(func())
   253  			if callback != nil {
   254  				callback()
   255  			}
   256  		}
   257  	}
   259  	return aw, nil
   260  }
   262  // MetricsCollector returns the kafka metrics collector
   263  func (f *factory) MetricsCollector(
   264  	role util.Role,
   265  	adminClient pkafka.ClusterAdminClient,
   266  ) pkafka.MetricsCollector {
   267  	return NewMetricsCollector(f.changefeedID, role, f.writer)
   268  }
   270  type syncWriter struct {
   271  	changefeedID model.ChangeFeedID
   272  	w            Writer
   273  }
   275  func (s *syncWriter) SendMessage(
   276  	ctx context.Context,
   277  	topic string, partitionNum int32,
   278  	key []byte, value []byte,
   279  ) error {
   280  	return s.w.WriteMessages(ctx, kafka.Message{
   281  		Topic:     topic,
   282  		Partition: int(partitionNum),
   283  		Key:       key,
   284  		Value:     value,
   285  	})
   286  }
   288  // SendMessages produces a given set of messages, and returns only when all
   289  // messages in the set have either succeeded or failed. Note that messages
   290  // can succeed and fail individually; if some succeed and some fail,
   291  // SendMessages will return an error.
   292  func (s *syncWriter) SendMessages(
   293  	ctx context.Context,
   294  	topic string, partitionNum int32,
   295  	key []byte, value []byte,
   296  ) error {
   297  	msgs := make([]kafka.Message, int(partitionNum))
   298  	for i := 0; i < int(partitionNum); i++ {
   299  		msgs[i] = kafka.Message{
   300  			Topic:     topic,
   301  			Key:       key,
   302  			Value:     value,
   303  			Partition: i,
   304  		}
   305  	}
   306  	return s.w.WriteMessages(ctx, msgs...)
   307  }
   309  // Close shuts down the producer; you must call this function before a producer
   310  // object passes out of scope, as it may otherwise leak memory.
   311  // You must call this before calling Close on the underlying client.
   312  func (s *syncWriter) Close() {
   313  	log.Info("kafka sync producer start closing",
   314  		zap.String("namespace", s.changefeedID.Namespace),
   315  		zap.String("changefeed", s.changefeedID.ID))
   316  	start := time.Now()
   317  	if err := s.w.Close(); err != nil {
   318  		log.Warn("Close kafka sync producer failed",
   319  			zap.String("namespace", s.changefeedID.Namespace),
   320  			zap.String("changefeed", s.changefeedID.ID),
   321  			zap.Duration("duration", time.Since(start)),
   322  			zap.Error(err))
   323  	} else {
   324  		log.Info("Close kafka sync producer success",
   325  			zap.String("namespace", s.changefeedID.Namespace),
   326  			zap.String("changefeed", s.changefeedID.ID),
   327  			zap.Duration("duration", time.Since(start)))
   328  	}
   329  }
   331  type asyncWriter struct {
   332  	w            Writer
   333  	changefeedID model.ChangeFeedID
   334  	failpointCh  chan error
   335  	errorsChan   chan error
   336  }
   338  // Close shuts down the producer and waits for any buffered messages to be
   339  // flushed. You must call this function before a producer object passes out of
   340  // scope, as it may otherwise leak memory. You must call this before process
   341  // shutting down, or you may lose messages. You must call this before calling
   342  // Close on the underlying client.
   343  func (a *asyncWriter) Close() {
   344  	log.Info("kafka async producer start closing",
   345  		zap.String("namespace", a.changefeedID.Namespace),
   346  		zap.String("changefeed", a.changefeedID.ID))
   347  	go func() {
   348  		start := time.Now()
   349  		if err := a.w.Close(); err != nil {
   350  			log.Warn("Close kafka async producer failed",
   351  				zap.String("namespace", a.changefeedID.Namespace),
   352  				zap.String("changefeed", a.changefeedID.ID),
   353  				zap.Duration("duration", time.Since(start)),
   354  				zap.Error(err))
   355  		} else {
   356  			log.Info("Close kafka async producer success",
   357  				zap.String("namespace", a.changefeedID.Namespace),
   358  				zap.String("changefeed", a.changefeedID.ID),
   359  				zap.Duration("duration", time.Since(start)))
   360  		}
   361  	}()
   362  }
   364  // AsyncSend is the input channel for the user to write messages to that they
   365  // wish to send.
   366  func (a *asyncWriter) AsyncSend(ctx context.Context, topic string,
   367  	partition int32, key []byte, value []byte,
   368  	callback func(),
   369  ) error {
   370  	select {
   371  	case <-ctx.Done():
   372  		return errors.Trace(ctx.Err())
   373  	default:
   374  	}
   375  	return a.w.WriteMessages(ctx, kafka.Message{
   376  		Topic:      topic,
   377  		Partition:  int(partition),
   378  		Key:        key,
   379  		Value:      value,
   380  		WriterData: callback,
   381  	})
   382  }
   384  // AsyncRunCallback process the messages that has sent to kafka,
   385  // and run tha attached callback. the caller should call this
   386  // method in a background goroutine
   387  func (a *asyncWriter) AsyncRunCallback(ctx context.Context) error {
   388  	select {
   389  	case <-ctx.Done():
   390  		return errors.Trace(ctx.Err())
   391  	case err := <-a.failpointCh:
   392  		log.Warn("Receive from failpoint chan in kafka producer",
   393  			zap.String("namespace", a.changefeedID.Namespace),
   394  			zap.String("changefeed", a.changefeedID.ID),
   395  			zap.Error(err))
   396  		return errors.Trace(err)
   397  	case err := <-a.errorsChan:
   398  		// We should not wrap a nil pointer if the pointer
   399  		// is of a subtype of `error` because Go would store the type info
   400  		// and the resulted `error` variable would not be nil,
   401  		// which will cause the pkg/error library to malfunction.
   402  		// See:
   403  		if err == nil {
   404  			return nil
   405  		}
   406  		return errors.WrapError(errors.ErrKafkaAsyncSendMessage, err)
   407  	}
   408  }