(about) 1 #!/usr/bin/env bash 2 # Copyright 2023 PingCAP, Inc. 3 # 4 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); 5 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. 6 # You may obtain a copy of the License at 7 # 8 # 9 # 10 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software 11 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, 12 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and 13 # limitations under the License. 14 15 # will 16 # * download all the binaries you need for integration testing 17 18 set -o errexit 19 set -o pipefail 20 21 # Specify which branch to be utilized for executing the test, which is 22 # exclusively accessible when obtaining binaries from 23 # 24 branch=${1:-master} 25 # Specify whether to download the community version of binaries, the following 26 # four arguments are applicable only when utilizing the community version of 27 # binaries. 28 community=${2:-false} 29 # Specify which version of the community binaries that will be utilized. 30 ver=${3:-v8.1.0} 31 # Specify which os that will be used to pack the binaries. 32 os=${4:-linux} 33 # Specify which architecture that will be used to pack the binaries. 34 arch=${5:-amd64} 35 36 set -o nounset 37 38 # See 39 color-green() { # Green 40 echo -e "\x1B[1;32m${*}\x1B[0m" 41 } 42 43 function download() { 44 local url=$1 45 local file_name=$2 46 local file_path=$3 47 if [[ -f "${file_path}" ]]; then 48 echo "file ${file_name} already exists, skip download" 49 return 50 fi 51 echo ">>>" 52 echo "download ${file_name} from ${url}" 53 wget --no-verbose --retry-connrefused --waitretry=1 -t 3 -O "${file_path}" "${url}" 54 } 55 56 # download_community_version will try to download required binaries from the 57 # public accessible community version 58 function download_community_binaries() { 59 local dist="${ver}-${os}-${arch}" 60 local tidb_file_name="tidb-community-server-$dist" 61 local tidb_tar_name="${tidb_file_name}.tar.gz" 62 local tidb_url="$tidb_tar_name" 63 local toolkit_file_name="tidb-community-toolkit-$dist" 64 local toolkit_tar_name="${toolkit_file_name}.tar.gz" 65 local toolkit_url="$toolkit_tar_name" 66 67 color-green "Download community binaries..." 68 download "$tidb_url" "$tidb_tar_name" "tmp/$tidb_tar_name" 69 download "$toolkit_url" "$toolkit_tar_name" "tmp/$toolkit_tar_name" 70 # extract the tidb community version binaries 71 tar -xz -C tmp -f tmp/$tidb_tar_name 72 # extract the pd server 73 tar -xz -C third_bin -f tmp/$tidb_file_name/pd-${dist}.tar.gz 74 # extract the tikv server 75 tar -xz -C third_bin -f tmp/$tidb_file_name/tikv-${dist}.tar.gz 76 # extract the tidb server 77 tar -xz -C third_bin -f tmp/$tidb_file_name/tidb-${dist}.tar.gz 78 # extract the tiflash 79 tar -xz -C third_bin -f tmp/$tidb_file_name/tiflash-${dist}.tar.gz && 80 mv third_bin/tiflash third_bin/_tiflash && 81 mv third_bin/_tiflash/* third_bin && rm -rf third_bin/_tiflash 82 # extract the pd-ctl 83 tar -xz -C third_bin pd-ctl -f tmp/$tidb_file_name/ctl-${dist}.tar.gz 84 # extract the toolkit community version binaries, get the etcdctl and 85 # the sync_diff_inspector 86 tar -xz -C third_bin \ 87 $toolkit_file_name/etcdctl $toolkit_file_name/sync_diff_inspector \ 88 -f tmp/$toolkit_tar_name && 89 mv third_bin/$toolkit_file_name/* third_bin && 90 rm -rf third_bin/$toolkit_file_name 91 92 # ycsb 93 local ycsb_file_name="go-ycsb-${os}-${arch}" 94 local ycsb_tar_name="${ycsb_file_name}.tar.gz" 95 local ycsb_url="${ycsb_tar_name}" 96 wget -O "tmp/$ycsb_tar_name" "$ycsb_url" 97 tar -xz -C third_bin -f tmp/$ycsb_tar_name 98 99 # minio 100 local minio_url="${os}-${arch}/minio" 101 download "$minio_url" "minio" "third_bin/minio" 102 103 # jq 104 local os_name=$([ "$os" == "darwin" ] && echo -n "macos" || echo -n "$os") 105 local jq_url="${os_name}-${arch}" 106 wget -O third_bin/jq "$jq_url" 107 108 chmod a+x third_bin/* 109 } 110 111 function download_binaries() { 112 color-green "Download binaries..." 113 # PingCAP file server URL. 114 file_server_url="" 115 116 # Get sha1 based on branch name. 117 tidb_sha1=$(curl "${file_server_url}/download/refs/pingcap/tidb/${branch}/sha1") 118 tikv_sha1=$(curl "${file_server_url}/download/refs/pingcap/tikv/${branch}/sha1") 119 pd_sha1=$(curl "${file_server_url}/download/refs/pingcap/pd/${branch}/sha1") 120 tiflash_sha1=$(curl "${file_server_url}/download/refs/pingcap/tiflash/${branch}/sha1") 121 122 # All download links. 123 tidb_download_url="${file_server_url}/download/builds/pingcap/tidb/${tidb_sha1}/centos7/tidb-server.tar.gz" 124 tikv_download_url="${file_server_url}/download/builds/pingcap/tikv/${tikv_sha1}/centos7/tikv-server.tar.gz" 125 pd_download_url="${file_server_url}/download/builds/pingcap/pd/${pd_sha1}/centos7/pd-server.tar.gz" 126 tiflash_download_url="${file_server_url}/download/builds/pingcap/tiflash/${branch}/${tiflash_sha1}/centos7/tiflash.tar.gz" 127 minio_download_url="${file_server_url}/download/minio.tar.gz" 128 go_ycsb_download_url="${file_server_url}/download/builds/pingcap/go-ycsb/test-br/go-ycsb" 129 etcd_download_url="${file_server_url}/download/builds/pingcap/cdc/etcd-v3.4.7-linux-amd64.tar.gz" 130 sync_diff_inspector_url="${file_server_url}/download/builds/pingcap/cdc/sync_diff_inspector_hash-79f1fd1e_linux-amd64.tar.gz" 131 jq_download_url="${file_server_url}/download/builds/pingcap/test/jq-1.6/jq-linux64" 132 schema_registry_url="${file_server_url}/download/builds/pingcap/cdc/schema-registry.tar.gz" 133 134 download "$tidb_download_url" "tidb-server.tar.gz" "tmp/tidb-server.tar.gz" 135 tar -xz -C third_bin bin/tidb-server -f tmp/tidb-server.tar.gz && mv third_bin/bin/tidb-server third_bin/ 136 137 download "$pd_download_url" "pd-server.tar.gz" "tmp/pd-server.tar.gz" 138 tar -xz -C third_bin 'bin/*' -f tmp/pd-server.tar.gz && mv third_bin/bin/* third_bin/ 139 140 download "$tikv_download_url" "tikv-server.tar.gz" "tmp/tikv-server.tar.gz" 141 tar -xz -C third_bin bin/tikv-server -f tmp/tikv-server.tar.gz && mv third_bin/bin/tikv-server third_bin/ 142 143 download "$tiflash_download_url" "tiflash.tar.gz" "tmp/tiflash.tar.gz" 144 tar -xz -C third_bin -f tmp/tiflash.tar.gz 145 mv third_bin/tiflash third_bin/_tiflash 146 mv third_bin/_tiflash/* third_bin && rm -rf third_bin/_tiflash 147 148 download "$minio_download_url" "minio.tar.gz" "tmp/minio.tar.gz" 149 tar -xz -C third_bin -f tmp/minio.tar.gz 150 151 download "$go_ycsb_download_url" "go-ycsb" "third_bin/go-ycsb" 152 download "$jq_download_url" "jq" "third_bin/jq" 153 download "$etcd_download_url" "etcd.tar.gz" "tmp/etcd.tar.gz" 154 tar -xz -C third_bin etcd-v3.4.7-linux-amd64/etcdctl -f tmp/etcd.tar.gz 155 mv third_bin/etcd-v3.4.7-linux-amd64/etcdctl third_bin/ && rm -rf third_bin/etcd-v3.4.7-linux-amd64 156 157 download "$sync_diff_inspector_url" "sync_diff_inspector.tar.gz" "tmp/sync_diff_inspector.tar.gz" 158 tar -xz -C third_bin -f tmp/sync_diff_inspector.tar.gz 159 160 download "$schema_registry_url" "schema-registry.tar.gz" "tmp/schema-registry.tar.gz" 161 tar -xz -C third_bin -f tmp/schema-registry.tar.gz 162 mv third_bin/schema-registry third_bin/_schema_registry 163 mv third_bin/_schema_registry/* third_bin && rm -rf third_bin/_schema_registry 164 165 chmod a+x third_bin/* 166 } 167 168 # Some temporary dir. 169 rm -rf tmp 170 rm -rf third_bin 171 172 mkdir -p third_bin 173 mkdir -p tmp 174 mkdir -p bin 175 176 [ $community == true ] && download_community_binaries || download_binaries 177 178 # Copy it to the bin directory in the root directory. 179 rm -rf tmp 180 rm -rf bin/bin 181 mv third_bin/* ./bin 182 rm -rf third_bin 183 184 color-green "Download SUCCESS"