
     1  #!/bin/bash
     3  # --workdir: work directory
     4  # --tlsdir: work directory
     5  # --cert-allowed-cn: cert allowed cn
     6  # --binary: path to cdc test binary
     7  # --logsuffix: log suffix
     8  # --addr: address
     9  # --pd: pd address
    11  set -e
    13  workdir=
    14  tls=
    15  tls_dir=
    16  certcn=
    17  certcn_name="server"
    18  binary=
    19  logsuffix=
    20  addr=
    21  addr_url=""
    22  pd_addr=
    23  pwd=$pwd
    24  log_level=debug
    25  restart=
    26  failpoint=$GO_FAILPOINTS
    27  config_path=
    28  data_dir=
    29  curl_status_cmd=
    30  supposed_to_fail="no"
    31  cluster_id="default"
    33  while [[ ${1} ]]; do
    34  	case "${1}" in
    35  	--workdir)
    36  		workdir=${2}
    37  		shift
    38  		;;
    39  	--tlsdir)
    40  		tls_dir=${2}
    41  		tls="--ca ${2}/ca.pem --cert ${2}/server.pem --key ${2}/server-key.pem"
    42  		shift
    43  		;;
    44  	--cert-allowed-cn)
    45  		certcn_name=${2}
    46  		certcn="--cert-allowed-cn ${2}"
    47  		shift
    48  		;;
    49  	--binary)
    50  		binary=${2}
    51  		shift
    52  		;;
    53  	--logsuffix)
    54  		logsuffix=${2}
    55  		shift
    56  		;;
    57  	--addr)
    58  		addr_url=${2}
    59  		addr="--addr ${2}"
    60  		shift
    61  		;;
    62  	--pd)
    63  		pd_addr="--pd ${2}"
    64  		shift
    65  		;;
    66  	--loglevel)
    67  		log_level=${2}
    68  		shift
    69  		;;
    70  	--restart)
    71  		restart=${2}
    72  		shift
    73  		;;
    74  	--failpoint)
    75  		failpoint=${2}
    76  		shift
    77  		;;
    78  	--config)
    79  		config_path="--config ${2}"
    80  		shift
    81  		;;
    82  	--supposed-to-fail)
    83  		supposed_to_fail="${2}"
    84  		shift
    85  		;;
    86  	--data-dir)
    87  		data_dir=${2}
    88  		shift
    89  		;;
    90  	--cluster-id)
    91  		cluster_id=${2}
    92  		shift
    93  		;;
    94  	*)
    95  		echo "Unknown parameter: ${1}" >&2
    96  		exit 1
    97  		;;
    98  	esac
   100  	if ! shift; then
   101  		echo 'Missing parameter argument.' >&2
   102  		exit 1
   103  	fi
   104  done
   106  if [ -z "$data_dir" ]; then
   107  	data_dir=${workdir}/cdc_data${logsuffix}
   108  fi
   110  echo "[$(date)] <<<<<< START cdc server in $TEST_NAME case >>>>>>"
   111  cd $workdir
   112  pid=$(ps -C run_cdc_server -o pid= | tr -d '[:space:]')
   113  # Uncomment to turn on grpc versbose log.
   116  set -x
   118  if [[ "$restart" == "true" ]]; then
   119  	while true; do
   120  		GO_FAILPOINTS=$failpoint $binary -test.coverprofile="$OUT_DIR/cov.$TEST_NAME.$pid.out" server \
   121  			--log-file $workdir/cdc$logsuffix.log \
   122  			--log-level $log_level \
   123  			--data-dir "$data_dir" \
   124  			--cluster-id "$cluster_id" \
   125  			$config_path \
   126  			$tls \
   127  			$certcn \
   128  			$addr \
   129  			$pd_addr &>>$workdir/stdout$logsuffix.log
   130  		if [ $? -eq 143 ]; then
   131  			break
   132  		fi
   133  		sleep 1
   134  	done &
   135  else
   136  	GO_FAILPOINTS=$failpoint $binary -test.coverprofile="$OUT_DIR/cov.$TEST_NAME.$pid.out" server \
   137  		--log-file $workdir/cdc$logsuffix.log \
   138  		--log-level $log_level \
   139  		--data-dir "$data_dir" \
   140  		--cluster-id "$cluster_id" \
   141  		$config_path \
   142  		$tls \
   143  		$certcn \
   144  		$addr \
   145  		$pd_addr &>>$workdir/stdout$logsuffix.log &
   146  fi
   148  # Make sure cdc is ready to serve
   150  # Because curl may encounter errors,
   151  # it is acceptable and will retry, so you cannot quit.
   152  set +e
   154  get_info_fail_msg="failed to get info:"
   155  etcd_info_msg="etcd info"
   156  # If tls is set, then we need to pass the certificate and use https.
   157  # Note that the certificate name may be specified.
   158  if [ -z "$tls_dir" ]; then
   159  	curl_status_cmd="curl -vsL --max-time 20 http://$addr_url/debug/info --user ticdc:ticdc_secret -vsL"
   160  else
   161  	curl_status_cmd="curl --cacert $tls_dir/ca.pem --cert $tls_dir/$certcn_name.pem --key $tls_dir/$certcn_name-key.pem --user ticdc:ticdc_secret -vsL --max-time 20 https://$addr_url/debug/info"
   162  fi
   164  # If the command is supposed to fail (in check usage tips test), just exit without retry
   165  if [[ "$supposed_to_fail" != "no" ]]; then
   166  	set +x
   167  	exit 0
   168  fi
   170  for ((i = 0; i <= 50; i++)); do
   171  	res=$($curl_status_cmd)
   172  	# Make sure we get the capture info(etcd_info_msg) and that there are no errors(get_info_fail_msg).
   173  	if (! echo "$res" | grep -q "$get_info_fail_msg") && (echo "$res" | grep -q "$etcd_info_msg"); then
   174  		break
   175  	fi
   176  	if [ "$i" -eq 50 ]; then
   177  		echo 'Failed to start TiCDC'
   178  		exit 1
   179  	fi
   180  	sleep 3
   181  done
   183  set +x
   185  cd $pwd