
     1  drop database if exists `row_format`;
     2  create database `row_format`;
     3  use `row_format`;
     5  CREATE TABLE multi_data_type
     6  (
     7      id          INT AUTO_INCREMENT,
     8      t_boolean   BOOLEAN,
     9      t_bigint    BIGINT,
    10      t_double    DOUBLE,
    11      t_decimal   DECIMAL(38, 19),
    12      t_bit       BIT(64),
    13      t_date      DATE,
    14      t_datetime  DATETIME,
    15      t_timestamp TIMESTAMP NULL,
    16      t_time      TIME,
    17      t_year      YEAR,
    18      t_char      CHAR,
    19      t_varchar   VARCHAR(10),
    20      t_blob      BLOB,
    21      t_text      TEXT,
    22      t_enum      ENUM ('enum1', 'enum2', 'enum3'),
    23      t_set       SET ('a', 'b', 'c'),
    24      t_json      JSON,
    25      PRIMARY KEY (id)
    26  ) ENGINE = InnoDB
    27    DEFAULT CHARSET = utf8
    28    COLLATE = utf8_bin;
    30  -- make sure `nullable` can be handled by the mounter and mq encoding protocol
    31  INSERT INTO multi_data_type() VALUES ();
    33  INSERT INTO multi_data_type( t_boolean, t_bigint, t_double, t_decimal, t_bit
    34                             , t_date, t_datetime, t_timestamp, t_time, t_year
    35                             , t_char, t_varchar, t_blob, t_text, t_enum
    36                             , t_set, t_json)
    37  VALUES ( true, 9223372036854775807, 123.123, 123456789012.123456789012, b'1000001'
    38         , '1000-01-01', '9999-12-31 23:59:59', '19731230153000', '23:59:59', 1970
    39         , '测', '测试', 'blob', '测试text', 'enum2'
    40         , 'a,b', NULL);