
     1  // SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 The Pion community <>
     2  // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
     4  //go:build !js
     5  // +build !js
     7  package webrtc
     9  import (
    10  	"context"
    11  	"crypto/x509"
    12  	"io"
    13  	"net"
    14  	"time"
    16  	""
    17  	dtlsElliptic ""
    18  	""
    19  	""
    20  	""
    21  	""
    22  	""
    23  	""
    24  )
    26  // SettingEngine allows influencing behavior in ways that are not
    27  // supported by the WebRTC API. This allows us to support additional
    28  // use-cases without deviating from the WebRTC API elsewhere.
    29  type SettingEngine struct {
    30  	ephemeralUDP struct {
    31  		PortMin uint16
    32  		PortMax uint16
    33  	}
    34  	detach struct {
    35  		DataChannels bool
    36  	}
    37  	timeout struct {
    38  		ICEDisconnectedTimeout    *time.Duration
    39  		ICEFailedTimeout          *time.Duration
    40  		ICEKeepaliveInterval      *time.Duration
    41  		ICEHostAcceptanceMinWait  *time.Duration
    42  		ICESrflxAcceptanceMinWait *time.Duration
    43  		ICEPrflxAcceptanceMinWait *time.Duration
    44  		ICERelayAcceptanceMinWait *time.Duration
    45  	}
    46  	candidates struct {
    47  		ICELite                  bool
    48  		ICENetworkTypes          []NetworkType
    49  		InterfaceFilter          func(string) bool
    50  		IPFilter                 func(net.IP) bool
    51  		NAT1To1IPs               []string
    52  		NAT1To1IPCandidateType   ICECandidateType
    53  		MulticastDNSMode         ice.MulticastDNSMode
    54  		MulticastDNSHostName     string
    55  		UsernameFragment         string
    56  		Password                 string
    57  		IncludeLoopbackCandidate bool
    58  	}
    59  	replayProtection struct {
    60  		DTLS  *uint
    61  		SRTP  *uint
    62  		SRTCP *uint
    63  	}
    64  	dtls struct {
    65  		insecureSkipHelloVerify   bool
    66  		disableInsecureSkipVerify bool
    67  		retransmissionInterval    time.Duration
    68  		ellipticCurves            []dtlsElliptic.Curve
    69  		connectContextMaker       func() (context.Context, func())
    70  		extendedMasterSecret      dtls.ExtendedMasterSecretType
    71  		clientAuth                *dtls.ClientAuthType
    72  		clientCAs                 *x509.CertPool
    73  		rootCAs                   *x509.CertPool
    74  		keyLogWriter              io.Writer
    75  	}
    76  	sctp struct {
    77  		maxReceiveBufferSize uint32
    78  	}
    79  	sdpMediaLevelFingerprints                 bool
    80  	answeringDTLSRole                         DTLSRole
    81  	disableCertificateFingerprintVerification bool
    82  	disableSRTPReplayProtection               bool
    83  	disableSRTCPReplayProtection              bool
    84  	net                                       transport.Net
    85  	BufferFactory                             func(packetType packetio.BufferPacketType, ssrc uint32) io.ReadWriteCloser
    86  	LoggerFactory                             logging.LoggerFactory
    87  	iceTCPMux                                 ice.TCPMux
    88  	iceUDPMux                                 ice.UDPMux
    89  	iceProxyDialer                            proxy.Dialer
    90  	iceDisableActiveTCP                       bool
    91  	disableMediaEngineCopy                    bool
    92  	srtpProtectionProfiles                    []dtls.SRTPProtectionProfile
    93  	receiveMTU                                uint
    94  }
    96  // getReceiveMTU returns the configured MTU. If SettingEngine's MTU is configured to 0 it returns the default
    97  func (e *SettingEngine) getReceiveMTU() uint {
    98  	if e.receiveMTU != 0 {
    99  		return e.receiveMTU
   100  	}
   102  	return receiveMTU
   103  }
   105  // DetachDataChannels enables detaching data channels. When enabled
   106  // data channels have to be detached in the OnOpen callback using the
   107  // DataChannel.Detach method.
   108  func (e *SettingEngine) DetachDataChannels() {
   109  	e.detach.DataChannels = true
   110  }
   112  // SetSRTPProtectionProfiles allows the user to override the default SRTP Protection Profiles
   113  // The default srtp protection profiles are provided by the function `defaultSrtpProtectionProfiles`
   114  func (e *SettingEngine) SetSRTPProtectionProfiles(profiles ...dtls.SRTPProtectionProfile) {
   115  	e.srtpProtectionProfiles = profiles
   116  }
   118  // SetICETimeouts sets the behavior around ICE Timeouts
   119  //
   120  // disconnectedTimeout:
   121  //
   122  //	Duration without network activity before an Agent is considered disconnected. Default is 5 Seconds
   123  //
   124  // failedTimeout:
   125  //
   126  //	Duration without network activity before an Agent is considered failed after disconnected. Default is 25 Seconds
   127  //
   128  // keepAliveInterval:
   129  //
   130  //	How often the ICE Agent sends extra traffic if there is no activity, if media is flowing no traffic will be sent. Default is 2 seconds
   131  func (e *SettingEngine) SetICETimeouts(disconnectedTimeout, failedTimeout, keepAliveInterval time.Duration) {
   132  	e.timeout.ICEDisconnectedTimeout = &disconnectedTimeout
   133  	e.timeout.ICEFailedTimeout = &failedTimeout
   134  	e.timeout.ICEKeepaliveInterval = &keepAliveInterval
   135  }
   137  // SetHostAcceptanceMinWait sets the ICEHostAcceptanceMinWait
   138  func (e *SettingEngine) SetHostAcceptanceMinWait(t time.Duration) {
   139  	e.timeout.ICEHostAcceptanceMinWait = &t
   140  }
   142  // SetSrflxAcceptanceMinWait sets the ICESrflxAcceptanceMinWait
   143  func (e *SettingEngine) SetSrflxAcceptanceMinWait(t time.Duration) {
   144  	e.timeout.ICESrflxAcceptanceMinWait = &t
   145  }
   147  // SetPrflxAcceptanceMinWait sets the ICEPrflxAcceptanceMinWait
   148  func (e *SettingEngine) SetPrflxAcceptanceMinWait(t time.Duration) {
   149  	e.timeout.ICEPrflxAcceptanceMinWait = &t
   150  }
   152  // SetRelayAcceptanceMinWait sets the ICERelayAcceptanceMinWait
   153  func (e *SettingEngine) SetRelayAcceptanceMinWait(t time.Duration) {
   154  	e.timeout.ICERelayAcceptanceMinWait = &t
   155  }
   157  // SetEphemeralUDPPortRange limits the pool of ephemeral ports that
   158  // ICE UDP connections can allocate from. This affects both host candidates,
   159  // and the local address of server reflexive candidates.
   160  //
   161  // When portMin and portMax are left to the 0 default value, pion/ice candidate
   162  // gatherer replaces them and uses 1 for portMin and 65535 for portMax.
   163  func (e *SettingEngine) SetEphemeralUDPPortRange(portMin, portMax uint16) error {
   164  	if portMax < portMin {
   165  		return ice.ErrPort
   166  	}
   168  	e.ephemeralUDP.PortMin = portMin
   169  	e.ephemeralUDP.PortMax = portMax
   170  	return nil
   171  }
   173  // SetLite configures whether or not the ice agent should be a lite agent
   174  func (e *SettingEngine) SetLite(lite bool) {
   175  	e.candidates.ICELite = lite
   176  }
   178  // SetNetworkTypes configures what types of candidate networks are supported
   179  // during local and server reflexive gathering.
   180  func (e *SettingEngine) SetNetworkTypes(candidateTypes []NetworkType) {
   181  	e.candidates.ICENetworkTypes = candidateTypes
   182  }
   184  // SetInterfaceFilter sets the filtering functions when gathering ICE candidates
   185  // This can be used to exclude certain network interfaces from ICE. Which may be
   186  // useful if you know a certain interface will never succeed, or if you wish to reduce
   187  // the amount of information you wish to expose to the remote peer
   188  func (e *SettingEngine) SetInterfaceFilter(filter func(string) bool) {
   189  	e.candidates.InterfaceFilter = filter
   190  }
   192  // SetIPFilter sets the filtering functions when gathering ICE candidates
   193  // This can be used to exclude certain ip from ICE. Which may be
   194  // useful if you know a certain ip will never succeed, or if you wish to reduce
   195  // the amount of information you wish to expose to the remote peer
   196  func (e *SettingEngine) SetIPFilter(filter func(net.IP) bool) {
   197  	e.candidates.IPFilter = filter
   198  }
   200  // SetNAT1To1IPs sets a list of external IP addresses of 1:1 (D)NAT
   201  // and a candidate type for which the external IP address is used.
   202  // This is useful when you host a server using Pion on an AWS EC2 instance
   203  // which has a private address, behind a 1:1 DNAT with a public IP (e.g.
   204  // Elastic IP). In this case, you can give the public IP address so that
   205  // Pion will use the public IP address in its candidate instead of the private
   206  // IP address. The second argument, candidateType, is used to tell Pion which
   207  // type of candidate should use the given public IP address.
   208  // Two types of candidates are supported:
   209  //
   210  // ICECandidateTypeHost:
   211  //
   212  //	The public IP address will be used for the host candidate in the SDP.
   213  //
   214  // ICECandidateTypeSrflx:
   215  //
   216  //	A server reflexive candidate with the given public IP address will be added to the SDP.
   217  //
   218  // Please note that if you choose ICECandidateTypeHost, then the private IP address
   219  // won't be advertised with the peer. Also, this option cannot be used along with mDNS.
   220  //
   221  // If you choose ICECandidateTypeSrflx, it simply adds a server reflexive candidate
   222  // with the public IP. The host candidate is still available along with mDNS
   223  // capabilities unaffected. Also, you cannot give STUN server URL at the same time.
   224  // It will result in an error otherwise.
   225  func (e *SettingEngine) SetNAT1To1IPs(ips []string, candidateType ICECandidateType) {
   226  	e.candidates.NAT1To1IPs = ips
   227  	e.candidates.NAT1To1IPCandidateType = candidateType
   228  }
   230  // SetIncludeLoopbackCandidate enable pion to gather loopback candidates, it is useful
   231  // for some VM have public IP mapped to loopback interface
   232  func (e *SettingEngine) SetIncludeLoopbackCandidate(include bool) {
   233  	e.candidates.IncludeLoopbackCandidate = include
   234  }
   236  // SetAnsweringDTLSRole sets the DTLS role that is selected when offering
   237  // The DTLS role controls if the WebRTC Client as a client or server. This
   238  // may be useful when interacting with non-compliant clients or debugging issues.
   239  //
   240  // DTLSRoleActive:
   241  //
   242  //	Act as DTLS Client, send the ClientHello and starts the handshake
   243  //
   244  // DTLSRolePassive:
   245  //
   246  //	Act as DTLS Server, wait for ClientHello
   247  func (e *SettingEngine) SetAnsweringDTLSRole(role DTLSRole) error {
   248  	if role != DTLSRoleClient && role != DTLSRoleServer {
   249  		return errSettingEngineSetAnsweringDTLSRole
   250  	}
   252  	e.answeringDTLSRole = role
   253  	return nil
   254  }
   256  // SetVNet sets the VNet instance that is passed to pion/ice
   257  //
   258  // VNet is a virtual network layer for Pion, allowing users to simulate
   259  // different topologies, latency, loss and jitter. This can be useful for
   260  // learning WebRTC concepts or testing your application in a lab environment
   261  // Deprecated: Please use SetNet()
   262  func (e *SettingEngine) SetVNet(vnet *vnet.Net) {
   263  	e.SetNet(vnet)
   264  }
   266  // SetNet sets the Net instance that is passed to pion/ice
   267  //
   268  // Net is an network interface layer for Pion, allowing users to replace
   269  // Pions network stack with a custom implementation.
   270  func (e *SettingEngine) SetNet(net transport.Net) {
   271 = net
   272  }
   274  // SetICEMulticastDNSMode controls if pion/ice queries and generates mDNS ICE Candidates
   275  func (e *SettingEngine) SetICEMulticastDNSMode(multicastDNSMode ice.MulticastDNSMode) {
   276  	e.candidates.MulticastDNSMode = multicastDNSMode
   277  }
   279  // SetMulticastDNSHostName sets a static HostName to be used by pion/ice instead of generating one on startup
   280  //
   281  // This should only be used for a single PeerConnection. Having multiple PeerConnections with the same HostName will cause
   282  // undefined behavior
   283  func (e *SettingEngine) SetMulticastDNSHostName(hostName string) {
   284  	e.candidates.MulticastDNSHostName = hostName
   285  }
   287  // SetICECredentials sets a staic uFrag/uPwd to be used by pion/ice
   288  //
   289  // This is useful if you want to do signalless WebRTC session, or having a reproducible environment with static credentials
   290  func (e *SettingEngine) SetICECredentials(usernameFragment, password string) {
   291  	e.candidates.UsernameFragment = usernameFragment
   292  	e.candidates.Password = password
   293  }
   295  // DisableCertificateFingerprintVerification disables fingerprint verification after DTLS Handshake has finished
   296  func (e *SettingEngine) DisableCertificateFingerprintVerification(isDisabled bool) {
   297  	e.disableCertificateFingerprintVerification = isDisabled
   298  }
   300  // SetDTLSReplayProtectionWindow sets a replay attack protection window size of DTLS connection.
   301  func (e *SettingEngine) SetDTLSReplayProtectionWindow(n uint) {
   302  	e.replayProtection.DTLS = &n
   303  }
   305  // SetSRTPReplayProtectionWindow sets a replay attack protection window size of SRTP session.
   306  func (e *SettingEngine) SetSRTPReplayProtectionWindow(n uint) {
   307  	e.disableSRTPReplayProtection = false
   308  	e.replayProtection.SRTP = &n
   309  }
   311  // SetSRTCPReplayProtectionWindow sets a replay attack protection window size of SRTCP session.
   312  func (e *SettingEngine) SetSRTCPReplayProtectionWindow(n uint) {
   313  	e.disableSRTCPReplayProtection = false
   314  	e.replayProtection.SRTCP = &n
   315  }
   317  // DisableSRTPReplayProtection disables SRTP replay protection.
   318  func (e *SettingEngine) DisableSRTPReplayProtection(isDisabled bool) {
   319  	e.disableSRTPReplayProtection = isDisabled
   320  }
   322  // DisableSRTCPReplayProtection disables SRTCP replay protection.
   323  func (e *SettingEngine) DisableSRTCPReplayProtection(isDisabled bool) {
   324  	e.disableSRTCPReplayProtection = isDisabled
   325  }
   327  // SetSDPMediaLevelFingerprints configures the logic for DTLS Fingerprint insertion
   328  // If true, fingerprints will be inserted in the sdp at the fingerprint
   329  // level, instead of the session level. This helps with compatibility with
   330  // some webrtc implementations.
   331  func (e *SettingEngine) SetSDPMediaLevelFingerprints(sdpMediaLevelFingerprints bool) {
   332  	e.sdpMediaLevelFingerprints = sdpMediaLevelFingerprints
   333  }
   335  // SetICETCPMux enables ICE-TCP when set to a non-nil value. Make sure that
   336  // NetworkTypeTCP4 or NetworkTypeTCP6 is enabled as well.
   337  func (e *SettingEngine) SetICETCPMux(tcpMux ice.TCPMux) {
   338  	e.iceTCPMux = tcpMux
   339  }
   341  // SetICEUDPMux allows ICE traffic to come through a single UDP port, drastically
   342  // simplifying deployments where ports will need to be opened/forwarded.
   343  // UDPMux should be started prior to creating PeerConnections.
   344  func (e *SettingEngine) SetICEUDPMux(udpMux ice.UDPMux) {
   345  	e.iceUDPMux = udpMux
   346  }
   348  // SetICEProxyDialer sets the proxy dialer interface based on
   349  func (e *SettingEngine) SetICEProxyDialer(d proxy.Dialer) {
   350  	e.iceProxyDialer = d
   351  }
   353  // DisableActiveTCP disables using active TCP for ICE. Active TCP is enabled by default
   354  func (e *SettingEngine) DisableActiveTCP(isDisabled bool) {
   355  	e.iceDisableActiveTCP = isDisabled
   356  }
   358  // DisableMediaEngineCopy stops the MediaEngine from being copied. This allows a user to modify
   359  // the MediaEngine after the PeerConnection has been constructed. This is useful if you wish to
   360  // modify codecs after signaling. Make sure not to share MediaEngines between PeerConnections.
   361  func (e *SettingEngine) DisableMediaEngineCopy(isDisabled bool) {
   362  	e.disableMediaEngineCopy = isDisabled
   363  }
   365  // SetReceiveMTU sets the size of read buffer that copies incoming packets. This is optional.
   366  // Leave this 0 for the default receiveMTU
   367  func (e *SettingEngine) SetReceiveMTU(receiveMTU uint) {
   368  	e.receiveMTU = receiveMTU
   369  }
   371  // SetDTLSRetransmissionInterval sets the retranmission interval for DTLS.
   372  func (e *SettingEngine) SetDTLSRetransmissionInterval(interval time.Duration) {
   373  	e.dtls.retransmissionInterval = interval
   374  }
   376  // SetDTLSInsecureSkipHelloVerify sets the skip HelloVerify flag for DTLS.
   377  // If true and when acting as DTLS server, will allow client to skip hello verify phase and
   378  // receive ServerHello after initial ClientHello. This will mean faster connect times,
   379  // but will have lower DoS attack resistance.
   380  func (e *SettingEngine) SetDTLSInsecureSkipHelloVerify(skip bool) {
   381  	e.dtls.insecureSkipHelloVerify = skip
   382  }
   384  // SetDTLSDisableInsecureSkipVerify sets the disable skip insecure verify flag for DTLS.
   385  // This controls whether a client verifies the server's certificate chain and host name.
   386  func (e *SettingEngine) SetDTLSDisableInsecureSkipVerify(disable bool) {
   387  	e.dtls.disableInsecureSkipVerify = disable
   388  }
   390  // SetDTLSEllipticCurves sets the elliptic curves for DTLS.
   391  func (e *SettingEngine) SetDTLSEllipticCurves(ellipticCurves ...dtlsElliptic.Curve) {
   392  	e.dtls.ellipticCurves = ellipticCurves
   393  }
   395  // SetDTLSConnectContextMaker sets the context used during the DTLS Handshake.
   396  // It can be used to extend or reduce the timeout on the DTLS Handshake.
   397  // If nil, the default dtls.ConnectContextMaker is used. It can be implemented as following.
   398  //
   399  //	func ConnectContextMaker() (context.Context, func()) {
   400  //		return context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 30*time.Second)
   401  //	}
   402  func (e *SettingEngine) SetDTLSConnectContextMaker(connectContextMaker func() (context.Context, func())) {
   403  	e.dtls.connectContextMaker = connectContextMaker
   404  }
   406  // SetDTLSExtendedMasterSecret sets the extended master secret type for DTLS.
   407  func (e *SettingEngine) SetDTLSExtendedMasterSecret(extendedMasterSecret dtls.ExtendedMasterSecretType) {
   408  	e.dtls.extendedMasterSecret = extendedMasterSecret
   409  }
   411  // SetDTLSClientAuth sets the client auth type for DTLS.
   412  func (e *SettingEngine) SetDTLSClientAuth(clientAuth dtls.ClientAuthType) {
   413  	e.dtls.clientAuth = &clientAuth
   414  }
   416  // SetDTLSClientCAs sets the client CA certificate pool for DTLS certificate verification.
   417  func (e *SettingEngine) SetDTLSClientCAs(clientCAs *x509.CertPool) {
   418  	e.dtls.clientCAs = clientCAs
   419  }
   421  // SetDTLSRootCAs sets the root CA certificate pool for DTLS certificate verification.
   422  func (e *SettingEngine) SetDTLSRootCAs(rootCAs *x509.CertPool) {
   423  	e.dtls.rootCAs = rootCAs
   424  }
   426  // SetDTLSKeyLogWriter sets the destination of the TLS key material for debugging.
   427  // Logging key material compromises security and should only be use for debugging.
   428  func (e *SettingEngine) SetDTLSKeyLogWriter(writer io.Writer) {
   429  	e.dtls.keyLogWriter = writer
   430  }
   432  // SetSCTPMaxReceiveBufferSize sets the maximum receive buffer size.
   433  // Leave this 0 for the default maxReceiveBufferSize.
   434  func (e *SettingEngine) SetSCTPMaxReceiveBufferSize(maxReceiveBufferSize uint32) {
   435  	e.sctp.maxReceiveBufferSize = maxReceiveBufferSize
   436  }