(about) 1 // SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 The Pion community <> 2 // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT 3 4 package webrtc 5 6 import ( 7 "errors" 8 ) 9 10 var ( 11 // ErrUnknownType indicates an error with Unknown info. 12 ErrUnknownType = errors.New("unknown") 13 14 // ErrConnectionClosed indicates an operation executed after connection 15 // has already been closed. 16 ErrConnectionClosed = errors.New("connection closed") 17 18 // ErrDataChannelNotOpen indicates an operation executed when the data 19 // channel is not (yet) open. 20 ErrDataChannelNotOpen = errors.New("data channel not open") 21 22 // ErrCertificateExpired indicates that an x509 certificate has expired. 23 ErrCertificateExpired = errors.New("x509Cert expired") 24 25 // ErrNoTurnCredentials indicates that a TURN server URL was provided 26 // without required credentials. 27 ErrNoTurnCredentials = errors.New("turn server credentials required") 28 29 // ErrTurnCredentials indicates that provided TURN credentials are partial 30 // or malformed. 31 ErrTurnCredentials = errors.New("invalid turn server credentials") 32 33 // ErrExistingTrack indicates that a track already exists. 34 ErrExistingTrack = errors.New("track already exists") 35 36 // ErrPrivateKeyType indicates that a particular private key encryption 37 // chosen to generate a certificate is not supported. 38 ErrPrivateKeyType = errors.New("private key type not supported") 39 40 // ErrModifyingPeerIdentity indicates that an attempt to modify 41 // PeerIdentity was made after PeerConnection has been initialized. 42 ErrModifyingPeerIdentity = errors.New("peerIdentity cannot be modified") 43 44 // ErrModifyingCertificates indicates that an attempt to modify 45 // Certificates was made after PeerConnection has been initialized. 46 ErrModifyingCertificates = errors.New("certificates cannot be modified") 47 48 // ErrModifyingBundlePolicy indicates that an attempt to modify 49 // BundlePolicy was made after PeerConnection has been initialized. 50 ErrModifyingBundlePolicy = errors.New("bundle policy cannot be modified") 51 52 // ErrModifyingRTCPMuxPolicy indicates that an attempt to modify 53 // RTCPMuxPolicy was made after PeerConnection has been initialized. 54 ErrModifyingRTCPMuxPolicy = errors.New("rtcp mux policy cannot be modified") 55 56 // ErrModifyingICECandidatePoolSize indicates that an attempt to modify 57 // ICECandidatePoolSize was made after PeerConnection has been initialized. 58 ErrModifyingICECandidatePoolSize = errors.New("ice candidate pool size cannot be modified") 59 60 // ErrStringSizeLimit indicates that the character size limit of string is 61 // exceeded. The limit is hardcoded to 65535 according to specifications. 62 ErrStringSizeLimit = errors.New("data channel label exceeds size limit") 63 64 // ErrMaxDataChannelID indicates that the maximum number ID that could be 65 // specified for a data channel has been exceeded. 66 ErrMaxDataChannelID = errors.New("maximum number ID for datachannel specified") 67 68 // ErrNegotiatedWithoutID indicates that an attempt to create a data channel 69 // was made while setting the negotiated option to true without providing 70 // the negotiated channel ID. 71 ErrNegotiatedWithoutID = errors.New("negotiated set without channel id") 72 73 // ErrRetransmitsOrPacketLifeTime indicates that an attempt to create a data 74 // channel was made with both options MaxPacketLifeTime and MaxRetransmits 75 // set together. Such configuration is not supported by the specification 76 // and is mutually exclusive. 77 ErrRetransmitsOrPacketLifeTime = errors.New("both MaxPacketLifeTime and MaxRetransmits was set") 78 79 // ErrCodecNotFound is returned when a codec search to the Media Engine fails 80 ErrCodecNotFound = errors.New("codec not found") 81 82 // ErrNoRemoteDescription indicates that an operation was rejected because 83 // the remote description is not set 84 ErrNoRemoteDescription = errors.New("remote description is not set") 85 86 // ErrIncorrectSDPSemantics indicates that the PeerConnection was configured to 87 // generate SDP Answers with different SDP Semantics than the received Offer 88 ErrIncorrectSDPSemantics = errors.New("remote SessionDescription semantics does not match configuration") 89 90 // ErrIncorrectSignalingState indicates that the signaling state of PeerConnection is not correct 91 ErrIncorrectSignalingState = errors.New("operation can not be run in current signaling state") 92 93 // ErrProtocolTooLarge indicates that value given for a DataChannelInit protocol is 94 // longer then 65535 bytes 95 ErrProtocolTooLarge = errors.New("protocol is larger then 65535 bytes") 96 97 // ErrSenderNotCreatedByConnection indicates RemoveTrack was called with a RtpSender not created 98 // by this PeerConnection 99 ErrSenderNotCreatedByConnection = errors.New("RtpSender not created by this PeerConnection") 100 101 // ErrSessionDescriptionNoFingerprint indicates SetRemoteDescription was called with a SessionDescription that has no 102 // fingerprint 103 ErrSessionDescriptionNoFingerprint = errors.New("SetRemoteDescription called with no fingerprint") 104 105 // ErrSessionDescriptionInvalidFingerprint indicates SetRemoteDescription was called with a SessionDescription that 106 // has an invalid fingerprint 107 ErrSessionDescriptionInvalidFingerprint = errors.New("SetRemoteDescription called with an invalid fingerprint") 108 109 // ErrSessionDescriptionConflictingFingerprints indicates SetRemoteDescription was called with a SessionDescription that 110 // has an conflicting fingerprints 111 ErrSessionDescriptionConflictingFingerprints = errors.New("SetRemoteDescription called with multiple conflicting fingerprint") 112 113 // ErrSessionDescriptionMissingIceUfrag indicates SetRemoteDescription was called with a SessionDescription that 114 // is missing an ice-ufrag value 115 ErrSessionDescriptionMissingIceUfrag = errors.New("SetRemoteDescription called with no ice-ufrag") 116 117 // ErrSessionDescriptionMissingIcePwd indicates SetRemoteDescription was called with a SessionDescription that 118 // is missing an ice-pwd value 119 ErrSessionDescriptionMissingIcePwd = errors.New("SetRemoteDescription called with no ice-pwd") 120 121 // ErrSessionDescriptionConflictingIceUfrag indicates SetRemoteDescription was called with a SessionDescription that 122 // contains multiple conflicting ice-ufrag values 123 ErrSessionDescriptionConflictingIceUfrag = errors.New("SetRemoteDescription called with multiple conflicting ice-ufrag values") 124 125 // ErrSessionDescriptionConflictingIcePwd indicates SetRemoteDescription was called with a SessionDescription that 126 // contains multiple conflicting ice-pwd values 127 ErrSessionDescriptionConflictingIcePwd = errors.New("SetRemoteDescription called with multiple conflicting ice-pwd values") 128 129 // ErrNoSRTPProtectionProfile indicates that the DTLS handshake completed and no SRTP Protection Profile was chosen 130 ErrNoSRTPProtectionProfile = errors.New("DTLS Handshake completed and no SRTP Protection Profile was chosen") 131 132 // ErrFailedToGenerateCertificateFingerprint indicates that we failed to generate the fingerprint used for comparing certificates 133 ErrFailedToGenerateCertificateFingerprint = errors.New("failed to generate certificate fingerprint") 134 135 // ErrNoCodecsAvailable indicates that operation isn't possible because the MediaEngine has no codecs available 136 ErrNoCodecsAvailable = errors.New("operation failed no codecs are available") 137 138 // ErrUnsupportedCodec indicates the remote peer doesn't support the requested codec 139 ErrUnsupportedCodec = errors.New("unable to start track, codec is not supported by remote") 140 141 // ErrSenderWithNoCodecs indicates that a RTPSender was created without any codecs. To send media the MediaEngine needs at 142 // least one configured codec. 143 ErrSenderWithNoCodecs = errors.New("unable to populate media section, RTPSender created with no codecs") 144 145 // ErrRTPSenderNewTrackHasIncorrectKind indicates that the new track is of a different kind than the previous/original 146 ErrRTPSenderNewTrackHasIncorrectKind = errors.New("new track must be of the same kind as previous") 147 148 // ErrRTPSenderNewTrackHasIncorrectEnvelope indicates that the new track has a different envelope than the previous/original 149 ErrRTPSenderNewTrackHasIncorrectEnvelope = errors.New("new track must have the same envelope as previous") 150 151 // ErrUnbindFailed indicates that a TrackLocal was not able to be unbind 152 ErrUnbindFailed = errors.New("failed to unbind TrackLocal from PeerConnection") 153 154 // ErrNoPayloaderForCodec indicates that the requested codec does not have a payloader 155 ErrNoPayloaderForCodec = errors.New("the requested codec does not have a payloader") 156 157 // ErrRegisterHeaderExtensionInvalidDirection indicates that a extension was registered with a direction besides `sendonly` or `recvonly` 158 ErrRegisterHeaderExtensionInvalidDirection = errors.New("a header extension must be registered as 'recvonly', 'sendonly' or both") 159 160 // ErrSimulcastProbeOverflow indicates that too many Simulcast probe streams are in flight and the requested SSRC was ignored 161 ErrSimulcastProbeOverflow = errors.New("simulcast probe limit has been reached, new SSRC has been discarded") 162 163 errDetachNotEnabled = errors.New("enable detaching by calling webrtc.DetachDataChannels()") 164 errDetachBeforeOpened = errors.New("datachannel not opened yet, try calling Detach from OnOpen") 165 errDtlsTransportNotStarted = errors.New("the DTLS transport has not started yet") 166 errDtlsKeyExtractionFailed = errors.New("failed extracting keys from DTLS for SRTP") 167 errFailedToStartSRTP = errors.New("failed to start SRTP") 168 errFailedToStartSRTCP = errors.New("failed to start SRTCP") 169 errInvalidDTLSStart = errors.New("attempted to start DTLSTransport that is not in new state") 170 errNoRemoteCertificate = errors.New("peer didn't provide certificate via DTLS") 171 errIdentityProviderNotImplemented = errors.New("identity provider is not implemented") 172 errNoMatchingCertificateFingerprint = errors.New("remote certificate does not match any fingerprint") 173 174 errICEConnectionNotStarted = errors.New("ICE connection not started") 175 errICECandidateTypeUnknown = errors.New("unknown candidate type") 176 errICEInvalidConvertCandidateType = errors.New("cannot convert ice.CandidateType into webrtc.ICECandidateType, invalid type") 177 errICEAgentNotExist = errors.New("ICEAgent does not exist") 178 errICECandiatesCoversionFailed = errors.New("unable to convert ICE candidates to ICECandidates") 179 errICERoleUnknown = errors.New("unknown ICE Role") 180 errICEProtocolUnknown = errors.New("unknown protocol") 181 errICEGathererNotStarted = errors.New("gatherer not started") 182 183 errNetworkTypeUnknown = errors.New("unknown network type") 184 185 errSDPDoesNotMatchOffer = errors.New("new sdp does not match previous offer") 186 errSDPDoesNotMatchAnswer = errors.New("new sdp does not match previous answer") 187 errPeerConnSDPTypeInvalidValue = errors.New("provided value is not a valid enum value of type SDPType") 188 errPeerConnStateChangeInvalid = errors.New("invalid state change op") 189 errPeerConnStateChangeUnhandled = errors.New("unhandled state change op") 190 errPeerConnSDPTypeInvalidValueSetLocalDescription = errors.New("invalid SDP type supplied to SetLocalDescription()") 191 errPeerConnRemoteDescriptionWithoutMidValue = errors.New("remoteDescription contained media section without mid value") 192 errPeerConnRemoteDescriptionNil = errors.New("remoteDescription has not been set yet") 193 errPeerConnSingleMediaSectionHasExplicitSSRC = errors.New("single media section has an explicit SSRC") 194 errPeerConnRemoteSSRCAddTransceiver = errors.New("could not add transceiver for remote SSRC") 195 errPeerConnSimulcastMidRTPExtensionRequired = errors.New("mid RTP Extensions required for Simulcast") 196 errPeerConnSimulcastStreamIDRTPExtensionRequired = errors.New("stream id RTP Extensions required for Simulcast") 197 errPeerConnSimulcastIncomingSSRCFailed = errors.New("incoming SSRC failed Simulcast probing") 198 errPeerConnAddTransceiverFromKindOnlyAcceptsOne = errors.New("AddTransceiverFromKind only accepts one RTPTransceiverInit") 199 errPeerConnAddTransceiverFromTrackOnlyAcceptsOne = errors.New("AddTransceiverFromTrack only accepts one RTPTransceiverInit") 200 errPeerConnAddTransceiverFromKindSupport = errors.New("AddTransceiverFromKind currently only supports recvonly") 201 errPeerConnAddTransceiverFromTrackSupport = errors.New("AddTransceiverFromTrack currently only supports sendonly and sendrecv") 202 errPeerConnSetIdentityProviderNotImplemented = errors.New("TODO SetIdentityProvider") 203 errPeerConnWriteRTCPOpenWriteStream = errors.New("WriteRTCP failed to open WriteStream") 204 errPeerConnTranscieverMidNil = errors.New("cannot find transceiver with mid") 205 206 errRTPReceiverDTLSTransportNil = errors.New("DTLSTransport must not be nil") 207 errRTPReceiverReceiveAlreadyCalled = errors.New("Receive has already been called") 208 errRTPReceiverWithSSRCTrackStreamNotFound = errors.New("unable to find stream for Track with SSRC") 209 errRTPReceiverForRIDTrackStreamNotFound = errors.New("no trackStreams found for RID") 210 211 errRTPSenderTrackNil = errors.New("Track must not be nil") 212 errRTPSenderDTLSTransportNil = errors.New("DTLSTransport must not be nil") 213 errRTPSenderSendAlreadyCalled = errors.New("Send has already been called") 214 errRTPSenderStopped = errors.New("Sender has already been stopped") 215 errRTPSenderTrackRemoved = errors.New("Sender Track has been removed or replaced to nil") 216 errRTPSenderRidNil = errors.New("Sender cannot add encoding as rid is empty") 217 errRTPSenderNoBaseEncoding = errors.New("Sender cannot add encoding as there is no base track") 218 errRTPSenderBaseEncodingMismatch = errors.New("Sender cannot add encoding as provided track does not match base track") 219 errRTPSenderRIDCollision = errors.New("Sender cannot encoding due to RID collision") 220 errRTPSenderNoTrackForRID = errors.New("Sender does not have track for RID") 221 222 errRTPTransceiverCannotChangeMid = errors.New("errRTPSenderTrackNil") 223 errRTPTransceiverSetSendingInvalidState = errors.New("invalid state change in RTPTransceiver.setSending") 224 errRTPTransceiverCodecUnsupported = errors.New("unsupported codec type by this transceiver") 225 226 errSCTPTransportDTLS = errors.New("DTLS not established") 227 228 errSDPZeroTransceivers = errors.New("addTransceiverSDP() called with 0 transceivers") 229 errSDPMediaSectionMediaDataChanInvalid = errors.New("invalid Media Section. Media + DataChannel both enabled") 230 errSDPMediaSectionMultipleTrackInvalid = errors.New("invalid Media Section. Can not have multiple tracks in one MediaSection in UnifiedPlan") 231 232 errSettingEngineSetAnsweringDTLSRole = errors.New("SetAnsweringDTLSRole must DTLSRoleClient or DTLSRoleServer") 233 234 errSignalingStateCannotRollback = errors.New("can't rollback from stable state") 235 errSignalingStateProposedTransitionInvalid = errors.New("invalid proposed signaling state transition") 236 237 errStatsICECandidateStateInvalid = errors.New("cannot convert to StatsICECandidatePairStateSucceeded invalid ice candidate state") 238 239 errInvalidICECredentialTypeString = errors.New("invalid ICECredentialType") 240 errInvalidICEServer = errors.New("invalid ICEServer") 241 242 errICETransportNotInNew = errors.New("ICETransport can only be called in ICETransportStateNew") 243 errICETransportClosed = errors.New("ICETransport closed") 244 245 errCertificatePEMFormatError = errors.New("bad Certificate PEM format") 246 247 errRTPTooShort = errors.New("not long enough to be a RTP Packet") 248 249 errExcessiveRetries = errors.New("excessive retries in CreateOffer") 250 )