
     1  # Install `task` from
     2  # Run `task --list` to start.
     4  version: '3'
     6  vars:
     7    GOTESTSUM:
     8      sh: "echo $(which gotestsum 2> /dev/null)"
     9    TESTRUNNER: "{{if .GOTESTSUM}}{{base .GOTESTSUM}} --{{else}}go test{{end}}"
    10    #
    11    GOLANGCI_VERSION: v1.55.2
    12    GOTESTSUM_VERSION: v1.11.0
    13    GOLINES_VERSION: v0.12.2
    15  tasks:
    17    install:deps:
    18      desc: Install tool dependencies.
    19      cmds:
    20        - go install{{.GOLANGCI_VERSION}}
    21        - go install{{.GOTESTSUM_VERSION}}
    22        - go install{{.GOLINES_VERSION}}
    23        - go install
    25    lint:
    26      desc: Lint the code.
    27      cmds:
    28        - golangci-lint run ./...
    30    lint:linelength:
    31      desc: Enforce max line length. Use the tool output only as a hint, sometimes it makes wrong decisions.
    32      cmds:
    33        - golines --max-len=99 --write-output .
    35    test:
    36      desc: Run all the tests (unit + integration). Use this target to get total coverage.
    37      cmds:
    38        - "{{.TESTRUNNER}} -count=1 -coverprofile=coverage.out ./..."
    40    browser:
    41      desc: "Show code coverage in browser (usage: task test:<subtarget> browser)"
    42      cmds:
    43        - go tool cover -html=coverage.out
    45    build:
    46      desc: Build the terravalet executable.
    47      cmds:
    48        - go build -o bin/terravalet -v -ldflags="{{.LDFLAGS}}" .
    49      vars: &build-vars
    50        FULL_VERSION:
    51          sh: git describe --tags --long --dirty --always
    52        LDFLAGS: -w -s -X main.fullVersion={{.FULL_VERSION}}
    54    #
    55    # usage: RELEASE_TAG=v0.1.0 gopass env gh/terravalet task release
    56    #
    57    release:
    58      desc: Build a release and upload to GitHub as draft. You need to transition
    59        from draft to published in the web UI.
    60      preconditions:
    61        - sh: test -n "$RELEASE_TAG"
    62          msg: "error: missing environment variable RELEASE_TAG"
    63        - sh: test -z $(git status --porcelain)
    64          msg: "error: git dirty"
    65        - sh: test -z $(git status --branch --porcelain | grep ahead)
    66          msg: "error: git local branch ahead"
    67      cmds:
    68        # - task: unit-test
    69        # We create the (local) git tag now, after having ran the unit tests and
    70        # before building the executables, so that we can embed this information
    71        # in the binaries.
    72        # To recover: delete local tag: git tag --delete tagname
    73        - git tag --annotate {{.RELEASE_TAG}} -m 'Release {{.RELEASE_TAG}}'
    74        - task: release-linux
    75        - task: release-darwin-amd
    76        - task: release-darwin-arm
    77        # - task: system-test
    78        - task: test
    79        # We create the release as a draft (that is: not visible to the public).
    80        # The act of "publishing" the release is left to a human from the web UI.
    81        - >
    82          github-release release
    83          --tag {{.RELEASE_TAG}}
    84          --draft
    85          --description
    86          "See the [CHANGELOG]($GITHUB_USER/$GITHUB_REPO/blob/{{.RELEASE_TAG}}/"
    88        #
    89        # Since 2024, if we upload immeditately after having created the draft release,
    90        # we get:
    91        #
    92        #   error: could not find the release corresponding to tag vX.Y.Z
    93        #
    94        # to avoid this, we sleep a moment :-/
    95        - sleep 2
    97        # Upload the artifacts.
    98        - >
    99          github-release upload
   100          --tag {{.RELEASE_TAG}}
   101          --name
   102          --file bin/linux/
   103        - >
   104          github-release upload
   105          --tag {{.RELEASE_TAG}}
   106          --name
   107          --file bin/darwin/
   108        - >
   109          github-release upload
   110          --tag {{.RELEASE_TAG}}
   111          --name
   112          --file bin/darwin/
   113        # Push the tag.
   114        - cmd: git push origin {{.RELEASE_TAG}}
   115        # Create a draft release.
   116        - cmd: |
   117            echo "Draft release $RELEASE_TAG created successfully."
   118            echo "Remember to publish it in the GitHub web UI$GITHUB_USER/$GITHUB_REPO/releases"
   119          silent: true
   120      env:
   121        GITHUB_USER: pix4d
   122        GITHUB_REPO: terravalet
   123        # GITHUB_TOKEN expected to be set securely via `gopass` or equivalent
   124    release-linux:
   125      cmds:
   126        - go build -o bin/$GOOS/terravalet -v -ldflags="{{.LDFLAGS}}" .
   127        - cd bin/$GOOS && zip terravalet-$GOOS-$ terravalet
   128      env:
   129        CGO_ENABLED: 0
   130        GOOS: linux
   131        GOARCH: amd64
   132      vars: *build-vars
   133    release-darwin-amd:
   134      cmds:
   135        - go build -o bin/$GOOS/terravalet -v -ldflags="{{.LDFLAGS}}" .
   136        - cd bin/$GOOS && zip terravalet-$GOOS-$ terravalet
   137      env:
   138        CGO_ENABLED: 0
   139        GOOS: darwin
   140        GOARCH: amd64
   141      vars: *build-vars
   142    release-darwin-arm:
   143      cmds:
   144        - go build -o bin/$GOOS/terravalet -v -ldflags="{{.LDFLAGS}}" .
   145        - cd bin/$GOOS && zip terravalet-$GOOS-$ terravalet
   146      env:
   147        CGO_ENABLED: 0
   148        GOOS: darwin
   149        GOARCH: arm64
   150      vars: *build-vars