
     1  ---
     2  layout: "softlayer"
     3  page_title: "SoftLayer: virtual_guest"
     4  sidebar_current: "docs-softlayer-resource-virtual-guest"
     5  description: |-
     6    Manages SoftLayer Virtual Guests.
     7  ---
     9  # softlayer\virtual_guest
    11  Provides virtual guest resource. This allows virtual guests to be created, updated
    12  and deleted. For additional details please refer to [API documentation](
    14  ## Example Usage
    16  ```
    17  # Create a new virtual guest using image "Debian"
    18  resource "softlayer_virtual_guest" "twc_terraform_sample" {
    19      name = "twc-terraform-sample-name"
    20      domain = ""
    21      image = "DEBIAN_7_64"
    22      region = "ams01"
    23      public_network_speed = 10
    24      hourly_billing = true
    25      private_network_only = false
    26      cpu = 1
    27      ram = 1024
    28      disks = [25, 10, 20]
    29      user_data = "{\"value\":\"newvalue\"}"
    30      dedicated_acct_host_only = true
    31      local_disk = false
    32      frontend_vlan_id = 1085155
    33      backend_vlan_id = 1085157
    34  }
    35  ```
    37  ```
    38  # Create a new virtual guest using block device template
    39  resource "softlayer_virtual_guest" "terraform-sample-BDTGroup" {
    40     name = "terraform-sample-blockDeviceTemplateGroup"
    41     domain = ""
    42     region = "ams01"
    43     public_network_speed = 10
    44     hourly_billing = false
    45     cpu = 1
    46     ram = 1024
    47     local_disk = false
    48     block_device_template_group_gid = "****-****-****-****-****"
    49  }
    50  ```
    52  ## Argument Reference
    54  The following arguments are supported:
    56  * `name` | *string*
    57  	* Hostname for the computing instance.
    58  	* **Required**
    59  * `domain` | *string*
    60  	* Domain for the computing instance.
    61  	* **Required**
    62  * `cpu` | *int*
    63  	* The number of CPU cores to allocate.
    64  	* **Required**
    65  * `ram` | *int*
    66  	* The amount of memory to allocate in megabytes.
    67  	* **Required**
    68  * `region` | *string*
    69  	* Specifies which datacenter the instance is to be provisioned in.
    70  	* **Required**
    71  * `hourly_billing` | *boolean*
    72  	* Specifies the billing type for the instance. When true the computing instance will be billed on hourly usage, otherwise it will be billed on a monthly basis.
    73  	* **Required**
    74  * `local_disk` | *boolean*
    75  	* Specifies the disk type for the instance. When true the disks for the computing instance will be provisioned on the host which it runs, otherwise SAN disks will be provisioned.
    76  	* **Required**
    77  * `dedicated_acct_host_only` | *boolean*
    78  	* Specifies whether or not the instance must only run on hosts with instances from the same account
    79  	* *Default*: nil
    80  	* *Optional*
    81  * `image` | *string*
    82  	* An identifier for the operating system to provision the computing instance with.
    83  	* **Conditionally required**	- Disallowed when blockDeviceTemplateGroup.globalIdentifier is provided, as the template will specify the operating system.
    84  * `block_device_template_group_gid` | *string*
    85  	* A global identifier for the template to be used to provision the computing instance.
    86  	* **Conditionally required**	- Disallowed when operatingSystemReferenceCode is provided, as the template will specify the operating system.
    87  * `public_network_speed` | *int*
    88  	* Specifies the connection speed for the instance's network components.
    89  	* *Default*: 10
    90  	* *Optional*
    91  * `private_network_only` | *boolean*
    92  	* Specifies whether or not the instance only has access to the private network. When true this flag specifies that a compute instance is to only have access to the private network.
    93  	* *Default*: False
    94  	* *Optional*
    95  * `frontend_vlan_id` | *int*
    96  	* Specifies the network vlan which is to be used for the frontend interface of the computing instance.
    97  	* *Default*: nil
    98  	* *Optional*
    99  * `backend_vlan_id` | *int*
   100  	* Specifies the network vlan which is to be used for the backend interface of the computing instance.
   101  	* *Default*: nil
   102  	* *Optional*
   103  * `disks` | *array*
   104  	* Block device and disk image settings for the computing instance
   105  	* *Optional*
   106  	* *Default*: The smallest available capacity for the primary disk will be used. If an image template is specified the disk capacity will be be provided by the template.
   107  * `user_data` | *string*
   108  	* Arbitrary data to be made available to the computing instance.
   109  	* *Default*: nil
   110  	* *Optional*
   111  * `ssh_keys` | *array*
   112  	* SSH keys to install on the computing instance upon provisioning.
   113  	* *Default*: nil
   114  	* *Optional*
   115  * `ipv4_address` | *string*
   116  	* Uses editObject call, template data [defined here](
   117  	* *Default*: nil
   118  	* *Optional*
   119  * `ipv4_address_private` | *string*
   120  	* Uses editObject call, template data [defined here](
   121  	* *Default*: nil
   122  	* *Optional*
   123  * `post_install_script_uri` | *string*
   124  	* As defined in the [SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest_SupplementalCreateObjectOptions](
   125  	* *Default*: nil
   126  	* *Optional*
   128  ## Attributes Reference
   130  The following attributes are exported:	
   132  * `id` - id of the virtual guest.