(about) 1 #!/bin/bash 2 3 set -e 4 5 # Setup PGP 6 echo "${PGP_KEY_PASSWORD}" | base64 -d >'/tmp/pgp-pass' 7 mkdir -p "${HOME}/.gnupg" 8 cat >"${HOME}/.gnupg/gpg.conf" <<EOT 9 yes 10 passphrase-file /tmp/pgp-pass 11 pinentry-mode loopback 12 EOT 13 14 echo "${PGP_KEY}" | base64 -d >'/tmp/private.pgp' 15 gpg --import /tmp/private.pgp 16 17 # Re-initialize WINE at runtime 18 rm -rf /root/.wine 19 wine64 cmd.exe /c dir 20 mv /tmp/msys64 /root/.wine/drive_c/msys64 21 mkdir -p '/root/.wine/drive_c/go' '/root/.wine/drive_c/tmp' '/root/.wine/drive_c/users/root/Documents/go-workspace' 22 23 # Prepare build environment 24 export BASEDIR="${PWD}/${GOMAIN}" 25 26 # Configure Go 27 export GOPROXY=',direct' 28 29 # Install MSYS2 packages 30 if [ "${MSYS2PACKAGES}" != "" ]; then 31 wine64 bash.exe -c "pacman --noconfirm --ignore pacman --needed -S ${MSYS2PACKAGES}" 32 fi 33 34 # Generate dependencies 35 GOFLAGS="${GOFLAGS}" sh -c "${GOGENERATE}" 36 37 # Create icons 38 mkdir -p '/tmp/out' 39 cp "${BASEDIR}/icon.ico" '/tmp/out/icon.ico' 40 41 # Build app 42 export GOOS="windows" 43 export GOARCH="${ARCHITECTURE}" 44 45 # See 46 export DEBARCH="${GOARCH}" 47 if [ "${ARCHITECTURE}" = "386" ]; then 48 export DEBARCH="i686" 49 elif [ "${ARCHITECTURE}" = "amd64" ]; then 50 export DEBARCH="x86_64" 51 elif [ "${ARCHITECTURE}" = "arm" ]; then 52 export DEBARCH="armv7l" 53 elif [ "${ARCHITECTURE}" = "arm64" ]; then 54 export DEBARCH="aarch64" 55 fi 56 57 if [ "${ARCHITECTURE}" = "amd64" ]; then 58 GOPATH='/root/.wine/drive_c/go' go mod download -x 59 60 cp -r . '/root/.wine/drive_c/users/root/Documents/go-workspace' 61 rm -rf '/root/.wine/drive_c/users/root/Documents/go-workspace/out' 62 63 wine64 bash.exe -c "export PATH=$PATH:/ucrt64/bin:/msys64/usr/bin GOPATH=/c/go GOROOT=/ucrt64/lib/go TMP=/c/tmp TEMP=/c/tmp GOARCH=amd64 CGO_ENABLED=1 GOPROXY=',direct' GOFLAGS=${GOFLAGS} && cd /c/users/root/Documents/go-workspace && git config --add '*' && go build -ldflags='-linkmode=external -H=windowsgui -X${BRANCH_TIMESTAMP_RFC3339} -X${BRANCH_ID} -X' -x -v -o out/${APP_ID}.${GOOS}-${DEBARCH}.exe ${GOMAIN}" 64 65 # Copy binaries to staging directory 66 yes | cp -rf /root/.wine/drive_c/users/root/Documents/go-workspace/out/* '/tmp/out' 67 68 find /root/.wine/drive_c/msys64/ucrt64/ -regex "${MSYS2INCLUDE}" -print0 | tar -c --null --files-from - | tar -C '/tmp/out' -x --strip-components=5 69 else 70 go build -ldflags="-X${BRANCH_TIMESTAMP_RFC3339} -X${BRANCH_ID} -X" -o "/tmp/out/${APP_ID}.${GOOS}-${DEBARCH}.exe" "${GOMAIN}" 71 fi 72 73 cd '/tmp/out' 74 75 # Create and analyze files to include in the installer 76 find . -type f | wixl-heat -p ./ --directory-ref INSTALLDIR --component-group ApplicationContent --var 'var.SourceDir' >/tmp/hydrapp.wxi 77 78 xmllint --xpath "//*[local-name()='DirectoryRef']" /tmp/hydrapp.wxi >/tmp/hydrapp-directories.xml 79 xmllint --xpath "//*[local-name()='ComponentRef']" /tmp/hydrapp.wxi >/tmp/hydrapp-component-refs.xml 80 81 export STARTID="$(cat /tmp/hydrapp.wxi | grep ${APP_ID}.${GOOS}-${DEBARCH}.exe | xmllint --xpath 'string(//File/@Id)' -)" 82 83 # Build WiX installer 84 wixl -v -D SourceDir="." -v -o "/hydrapp/dst/${APP_ID}.${GOOS}-${DEBARCH}.msi" <(cat "${BASEDIR}/${APP_ID}.wxl" | perl -p -e 'use File::Slurp; my $text = read_file("/tmp/hydrapp-directories.xml"); s+<hydrappDirectories />+$text+g' | perl -p -e 'use File::Slurp; my $text = read_file("/tmp/hydrapp-component-refs.xml"); s+<hydrappComponentRefs />+$text+g' | perl -p -e 's+{ StartID }+$ENV{STARTID}+g') 85 86 gpg --detach-sign --armor "/hydrapp/dst/${APP_ID}.${GOOS}-${DEBARCH}.msi" 87 88 cd /hydrapp/dst 89 90 gpg --output "repo.asc" --armor --export 91 tree -J . -I 'index.html|index.json' | jq '.[0].contents' | jq ". |= map( . + {time: \"${BRANCH_TIMESTAMP_RFC3339}\"} )" | tee 'index.json' 92 93 if [ "${DST_UID}" != "" ] && [ "${DST_GID}" != "" ]; then 94 chown -R "${DST_UID}:${DST_GID}" /hydrapp/dst 95 fi