
     1  name: hydrapp CI
     3  on:
     4    push:
     5    pull_request:
     6    schedule:
     7      - cron: "0 0 * * 0"
     9  jobs:
    10    build-linux:
    11      runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    12      permissions:
    13        contents: read
    14      strategy:
    15        matrix:
    16          target:
    17            # {{ .AppID }}
    18            - id: hydrapp-apk.{{ .AppID }}
    19              src: .
    20              pkg: .
    21              exclude: deb|dmg|flatpak|msi|rpm|binaries|tests
    22              tag: main
    23              dst: out/*
    24            - id: hydrapp-deb.{{ .AppID }}
    25              src: .
    26              pkg: .
    27              exclude: apk|dmg|flatpak|msi|rpm|binaries|tests
    28              tag: main
    29              dst: out/*
    30            - id: hydrapp-dmg.{{ .AppID }}
    31              src: .
    32              pkg: .
    33              exclude: apk|deb|flatpak|msi|rpm|binaries|tests
    34              tag: main
    35              dst: out/*
    36            - id: hydrapp-flatpak.{{ .AppID }}
    37              src: .
    38              pkg: .
    39              exclude: apk|deb|dmg|msi|rpm|binaries|tests
    40              tag: main
    41              dst: out/*
    42            - id: hydrapp-msi.{{ .AppID }}
    43              src: .
    44              pkg: .
    45              exclude: apk|deb|flatpak|dmg|rpm|binaries|tests
    46              tag: main
    47              dst: out/*
    48            - id: hydrapp-rpm.{{ .AppID }}
    49              src: .
    50              pkg: .
    51              exclude: apk|deb|flatpak|dmg|msi|binaries|tests
    52              tag: main
    53              dst: out/*
    54            - id: hydrapp-binaries.{{ .AppID }}
    55              src: .
    56              pkg: .
    57              exclude: apk|deb|flatpak|dmg|msi|rpm|tests
    58              tag: main
    59              dst: out/*
    60            - id: hydrapp-tests.{{ .AppID }}
    61              src: .
    62              pkg: .
    63              exclude: apk|deb|flatpak|dmg|msi|rpm|binaries
    64              tag: main
    65              dst: out/*
    67      steps:
    68        - name: Maximize build space
    69          run: |
    70            sudo rm -rf /usr/share/dotnet
    71            sudo rm -rf /usr/local/lib/android
    72            sudo rm -rf /opt/ghc
    73        - name: Checkout
    74          uses: actions/checkout@v4
    75        - name: Set up QEMU
    76          uses: docker/setup-qemu-action@v1
    77        - name: Set up Docker Buildx
    78          uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@v1
    79        - name: Set up hydrapp
    80          run: |
    81            curl -L -o /tmp/hydrapp "$(uname -m)" 
    82            sudo install /tmp/hydrapp /usr/local/bin
    83        - name: Setup Java/APK keystore
    84          working-directory: .
    85          env:
    86            JAVA_KEYSTORE: {{"${{"}} secrets.JAVA_KEYSTORE {{"}}"}}
    87          run: echo "${JAVA_KEYSTORE}" | base64 -d >'/tmp/keystore.jks'
    88        - name: Setup PGP key
    89          working-directory: .
    90          env:
    91            PGP_KEY: {{"${{"}} secrets.PGP_KEY {{"}}"}}
    92          run: echo "${PGP_KEY}" | base64 -d >'/tmp/pgp.asc'
    93        - name: Build with hydrapp
    94          working-directory: {{"${{"}} {{"}}"}}
    95          env:
    96            HYDRAPP_JAVA_KEYSTORE: /tmp/keystore.jks
    97            HYDRAPP_JAVA_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD: {{"${{"}} secrets.JAVA_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD {{"}}"}}
   100            HYDRAPP_PGP_KEY: /tmp/pgp.asc
   101            HYDRAPP_PGP_KEY_PASSWORD: {{"${{"}} secrets.PGP_KEY_PASSWORD {{"}}"}}
   102            HYDRAPP_PGP_KEY_ID: {{"${{"}} secrets.PGP_KEY_ID {{"}}"}}
   103          run: |
   104            hydrapp build --config='./{{"${{"}} {{"}}"}}/hydrapp.yaml' --exclude='{{"${{"}} {{"}}"}}' \
   105              --pull=true --tag='{{"${{"}} {{"}}"}}' \
   106              --dst="${PWD}/out/{{"${{"}} {{"}}"}}" --src="${PWD}" \
   107              --concurrency="$(nproc)"
   108        - name: Upload output
   109          uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
   110          with:
   111            name: {{"${{"}} {{"}}"}}
   112            path: {{"${{"}} {{"}}"}}
   114    publish-linux:
   115      runs-on: ubuntu-latest
   116      permissions:
   117        contents: write
   118        pages: write
   119        id-token: write
   120      needs: build-linux
   121      environment:
   122        name: github-pages
   123        url: {{"${{"}} steps.publish.outputs.page_url {{"}}"}}
   125      steps:
   126        - name: Checkout
   127          uses: actions/checkout@v4
   128        - name: Download output
   129          uses: actions/download-artifact@v4
   130          with:
   131            path: /tmp/out
   132        - name: Isolate the repositories
   133          run: |
   134            mkdir -p /tmp/github-pages
   135            for dir in /tmp/out/*/; do
   136              rsync -a "${dir}"/ /tmp/github-pages/
   137            done
   139            touch /tmp/github-pages/.nojekyll
   140        - name: Add index for repositories
   141          run: |
   142            sudo apt update
   143            sudo apt install -y tree
   145            cd /tmp/github-pages/
   146            tree --timefmt '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ' -T 'hydrapp Repositories' --du -h -D -H . -o 'index.html'
   147        - name: Setup GitHub Pages
   148          uses: actions/configure-pages@v5
   149        - name: Upload GitHub Pages artifact
   150          uses: actions/upload-pages-artifact@v3
   151          with:
   152            path: /tmp/github-pages/
   153        - name: Publish to GitHub pages
   154          id: publish
   155          uses: actions/deploy-pages@v4