(about) 1 #! /bin/bash 2 set -e 3 4 # These tests spawn the counter app and server by execing the ABCI_APP command and run some simple client tests against it 5 6 # Get the directory of where this script is. 7 export PATH="$GOBIN:$PATH" 8 SOURCE="${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" 9 while [ -h "$SOURCE" ] ; do SOURCE="$(readlink "$SOURCE")"; done 10 DIR="$( cd -P "$( dirname "$SOURCE" )" && pwd )" 11 12 # Change into that dir because we expect that. 13 cd "$DIR" 14 15 echo "RUN COUNTER OVER SOCKET" 16 # test golang counter 17 ABCI_APP="counter" go run -mod=readonly ./*.go 18 echo "----------------------" 19 20 21 echo "RUN COUNTER OVER GRPC" 22 # test golang counter via grpc 23 ABCI_APP="counter --abci=grpc" ABCI="grpc" go run -mod=readonly ./*.go 24 echo "----------------------" 25 26 # test nodejs counter 27 # TODO: fix node app 28 #ABCI_APP="node $GOPATH/src/" go test TestCounter