
     1  package types
     3  import (
     4  	"bytes"
     5  	"encoding/binary"
     6  	"fmt"
     7  	""
     8  	"math"
     9  	"math/big"
    10  	"sort"
    11  	"strings"
    12  	"time"
    14  	""
    16  	""
    17  	tmmath ""
    18  	tmproto ""
    19  )
    21  const (
    22  	// MaxTotalVotingPower - the maximum allowed total voting power.
    23  	// It needs to be sufficiently small to, in all cases:
    24  	// 1. prevent clipping in incrementProposerPriority()
    25  	// 2. let (diff+diffMax-1) not overflow in IncrementProposerPriority()
    26  	// (Proof of 1 is tricky, left to the reader).
    27  	// It could be higher, but this is sufficiently large for our purposes,
    28  	// and leaves room for defensive purposes.
    29  	MaxTotalVotingPower = int64(math.MaxInt64) / 8
    31  	// PriorityWindowSizeFactor - is a constant that when multiplied with the total voting power gives
    32  	// the maximum allowed distance between validator priorities.
    33  	PriorityWindowSizeFactor = 2
    34  )
    36  // ValidatorSet represent a set of *Validator at a given height.
    37  // The validators can be fetched by address or index.
    38  // The index is in order of .Address, so the indices are fixed
    39  // for all rounds of a given blockchain height - ie. the validators
    40  // are sorted by their address.
    41  // On the other hand, the .ProposerPriority of each validator and
    42  // the designated .GetProposer() of a set changes every round,
    43  // upon calling .IncrementProposerPriority().
    44  // NOTE: Not goroutine-safe.
    45  // NOTE: All get/set to validators should copy the value for safety.
    46  type ValidatorSet struct {
    47  	// NOTE: persisted via reflect, must be exported.
    48  	Validators []*Validator `json:"validators"`
    49  	Proposer   *Validator   `json:"proposer"`
    51  	// cached (unexported)
    52  	totalVotingPower int64
    53  }
    55  // NewValidatorSet initializes a ValidatorSet by copying over the
    56  // values from `valz`, a list of Validators. If valz is nil or empty,
    57  // the new ValidatorSet will have an empty list of Validators.
    58  // The addresses of validators in `valz` must be unique otherwise the
    59  // function panics.
    60  // Note the validator set size has an implied limit equal to that of the MaxVotesCount -
    61  // commits by a validator set larger than this will fail validation.
    62  func NewValidatorSet(valz []*Validator) *ValidatorSet {
    63  	vals := &ValidatorSet{}
    64  	err := vals.updateWithChangeSet(valz, false)
    65  	if err != nil {
    66  		panic(fmt.Sprintf("cannot create validator set: %s", err))
    67  	}
    68  	if len(valz) > 0 {
    69  		vals.IncrementProposerPriority(1)
    70  	}
    71  	return vals
    72  }
    74  // IsNilOrEmpty returns true if validator set is nil or empty.
    75  func (vals *ValidatorSet) IsNilOrEmpty() bool {
    76  	return vals == nil || len(vals.Validators) == 0
    77  }
    79  // CopyIncrementProposerPriority increments ProposerPriority and updates the
    80  // proposer on a copy, and returns it.
    81  func (vals *ValidatorSet) CopyIncrementProposerPriority(times int) *ValidatorSet {
    82  	copy := vals.Copy()
    83  	copy.IncrementProposerPriority(times)
    84  	return copy
    85  }
    87  // IncrementProposerPriority increments ProposerPriority of each validator and updates the
    88  // proposer. Panics if validator set is empty.
    89  // `times` must be positive.
    90  func (vals *ValidatorSet) IncrementProposerPriority(times int) {
    91  	if vals.IsNilOrEmpty() {
    92  		panic("empty validator set")
    93  	}
    94  	if times <= 0 {
    95  		panic("Cannot call IncrementProposerPriority with non-positive times")
    96  	}
    98  	// Cap the difference between priorities to be proportional to 2*totalPower by
    99  	// re-normalizing priorities, i.e., rescale all priorities by multiplying with:
   100  	//  2*totalVotingPower/(maxPriority - minPriority)
   101  	diffMax := PriorityWindowSizeFactor * vals.TotalVotingPower()
   102  	vals.RescalePriorities(diffMax)
   103  	vals.shiftByAvgProposerPriority()
   105  	// Call IncrementProposerPriority(1) times times.
   106  	for i := 0; i < times; i++ {
   107  		vals.incrementProposerPriority(vals.Hash(), uint64(i))
   108  	}
   109  	vals.Proposer = nil
   110  }
   112  // RescalePriorities rescales the priorities such that the distance between the maximum and minimum
   113  // is smaller than `diffMax`.
   114  func (vals *ValidatorSet) RescalePriorities(diffMax int64) {
   115  	if vals.IsNilOrEmpty() {
   116  		panic("empty validator set")
   117  	}
   118  	// NOTE: This check is merely a sanity check which could be
   119  	// removed if all tests would init. voting power appropriately;
   120  	// i.e. diffMax should always be > 0
   121  	if diffMax <= 0 {
   122  		return
   123  	}
   125  	// Calculating ceil(diff/diffMax):
   126  	// Re-normalization is performed by dividing by an integer for simplicity.
   127  	// NOTE: This may make debugging priority issues easier as well.
   128  	diff := computeMaxMinPriorityDiff(vals)
   129  	ratio := (diff + diffMax - 1) / diffMax
   130  	if diff > diffMax {
   131  		for _, val := range vals.Validators {
   132  			val.ProposerPriority /= ratio
   133  		}
   134  	}
   135  }
   137  func (vals *ValidatorSet) incrementProposerPriority(hash []byte, round uint64) {
   138  	for _, val := range vals.Validators {
   139  		// Check for overflow for sum.
   140  		newPrio := safeAddClip(val.ProposerPriority, val.VotingPower)
   141  		val.ProposerPriority = newPrio
   142  	}
   143  }
   145  // Should not be called on an empty validator set.
   146  func (vals *ValidatorSet) computeAvgProposerPriority() int64 {
   147  	n := int64(len(vals.Validators))
   148  	sum := big.NewInt(0)
   149  	for _, val := range vals.Validators {
   150  		sum.Add(sum, big.NewInt(val.ProposerPriority))
   151  	}
   152  	avg := sum.Div(sum, big.NewInt(n))
   153  	if avg.IsInt64() {
   154  		return avg.Int64()
   155  	}
   157  	// This should never happen: each val.ProposerPriority is in bounds of int64.
   158  	panic(fmt.Sprintf("Cannot represent avg ProposerPriority as an int64 %v", avg))
   159  }
   161  // Should not be called on an empty validator set.
   162  func (vals *ValidatorSet) computeAvgVotingPower() int64 {
   163  	n := int64(len(vals.Validators))
   164  	sum := big.NewInt(0)
   165  	for _, val := range vals.Validators {
   166  		sum.Add(sum, big.NewInt(val.VotingPower))
   167  	}
   168  	avg := sum.Div(sum, big.NewInt(n))
   169  	if avg.IsInt64() {
   170  		return avg.Int64()
   171  	}
   173  	// This should never happen: each val.ProposerPriority is in bounds of int64.
   174  	panic(fmt.Sprintf("Cannot represent avg voting power as an int64 %v", avg))
   175  }
   177  // Compute the difference between the max and min ProposerPriority of that set.
   178  func computeMaxMinPriorityDiff(vals *ValidatorSet) int64 {
   179  	if vals.IsNilOrEmpty() {
   180  		panic("empty validator set")
   181  	}
   182  	max := int64(math.MinInt64)
   183  	min := int64(math.MaxInt64)
   184  	for _, v := range vals.Validators {
   185  		if v.ProposerPriority < min {
   186  			min = v.ProposerPriority
   187  		}
   188  		if v.ProposerPriority > max {
   189  			max = v.ProposerPriority
   190  		}
   191  	}
   192  	diff := max - min
   193  	if diff < 0 {
   194  		return -1 * diff
   195  	}
   196  	return diff
   197  }
   199  func (vals *ValidatorSet) getValWithMostPriority() *Validator {
   200  	var res *Validator
   201  	for _, val := range vals.Validators {
   202  		res = res.CompareProposerPriority(val)
   203  	}
   204  	return res
   205  }
   207  func (vals *ValidatorSet) shiftByAvgProposerPriority() {
   208  	if vals.IsNilOrEmpty() {
   209  		panic("empty validator set")
   210  	}
   211  	avgProposerPriority := vals.computeAvgProposerPriority()
   212  	for _, val := range vals.Validators {
   213  		val.ProposerPriority = safeSubClip(val.ProposerPriority, avgProposerPriority)
   214  	}
   215  }
   217  // Makes a copy of the validator list.
   218  func validatorListCopy(valsList []*Validator) []*Validator {
   219  	if valsList == nil {
   220  		return nil
   221  	}
   222  	valsCopy := make([]*Validator, len(valsList))
   223  	for i, val := range valsList {
   224  		valsCopy[i] = val.Copy()
   225  	}
   226  	return valsCopy
   227  }
   229  // Copy each validator into a new ValidatorSet.
   230  func (vals *ValidatorSet) Copy() *ValidatorSet {
   231  	return &ValidatorSet{
   232  		Validators:       validatorListCopy(vals.Validators),
   233  		Proposer:         vals.Proposer,
   234  		totalVotingPower: vals.totalVotingPower,
   235  	}
   236  }
   238  // HasAddress returns true if address given is in the validator set, false -
   239  // otherwise.
   240  func (vals *ValidatorSet) HasAddress(address []byte) bool {
   241  	idx := sort.Search(len(vals.Validators), func(i int) bool {
   242  		return bytes.Compare(address, vals.Validators[i].Address) <= 0
   243  	})
   244  	return idx < len(vals.Validators) && bytes.Equal(vals.Validators[idx].Address, address)
   245  }
   247  // GetByAddress returns an index of the validator with address and validator
   248  // itself if found. Otherwise, -1 and nil are returned.
   249  func (vals *ValidatorSet) GetByAddress(address []byte) (index int, val *Validator) {
   250  	idx := sort.Search(len(vals.Validators), func(i int) bool {
   251  		return bytes.Compare(address, vals.Validators[i].Address) <= 0
   252  	})
   253  	if idx < len(vals.Validators) && bytes.Equal(vals.Validators[idx].Address, address) {
   254  		return idx, vals.Validators[idx].Copy()
   255  	}
   256  	return -1, nil
   257  }
   259  // GetByIndex returns the validator's address and validator itself by index.
   260  // It returns nil values if index is less than 0 or greater or equal to
   261  // len(ValidatorSet.Validators).
   262  func (vals *ValidatorSet) GetByIndex(index int) (address []byte, val *Validator) {
   263  	if index < 0 || index >= len(vals.Validators) {
   264  		return nil, nil
   265  	}
   266  	val = vals.Validators[index]
   267  	return val.Address, val.Copy()
   268  }
   270  // Size returns the length of the validator set.
   271  func (vals *ValidatorSet) Size() int {
   272  	return len(vals.Validators)
   273  }
   275  // Forces recalculation of the set's total voting power.
   276  // Panics if total voting power is bigger than MaxTotalVotingPower.
   277  func (vals *ValidatorSet) updateTotalVotingPower() {
   279  	sum := int64(0)
   280  	for _, val := range vals.Validators {
   281  		// mind overflow
   282  		sum = safeAddClip(sum, val.VotingPower)
   283  		if sum > MaxTotalVotingPower {
   284  			panic(fmt.Sprintf(
   285  				"Total voting power should be guarded to not exceed %v; got: %v",
   286  				MaxTotalVotingPower,
   287  				sum))
   288  		}
   289  	}
   291  	vals.totalVotingPower = sum
   292  }
   294  // TotalVotingPower returns the sum of the voting powers of all validators.
   295  // It recomputes the total voting power if required.
   296  func (vals *ValidatorSet) TotalVotingPower() int64 {
   297  	if vals.totalVotingPower == 0 {
   298  		vals.updateTotalVotingPower()
   299  	}
   300  	return vals.totalVotingPower
   301  }
   303  // GetProposer returns the current proposer. If the validator set is empty, nil
   304  // is returned.
   305  func (vals *ValidatorSet) GetProposer() (proposer *Validator) {
   306  	if len(vals.Validators) == 0 {
   307  		return nil
   308  	}
   309  	if vals.Proposer == nil {
   310  		vals.Proposer = vals.findProposer()
   311  	}
   312  	return vals.Proposer.Copy()
   313  }
   315  func (vals *ValidatorSet) findProposer() *Validator {
   316  	var proposer *Validator
   317  	for _, val := range vals.Validators {
   318  		if proposer == nil || !bytes.Equal(val.Address, proposer.Address) {
   319  			proposer = proposer.CompareProposerPriority(val)
   320  		}
   321  	}
   322  	return proposer
   323  }
   325  // Pocket Network's custom addition to tendermint selection
   326  func (vals *ValidatorSet) GetProposerRandomized(previousBlockHash []byte, upgradeHeight, height int64, lastCommit []byte, round uint64) *Validator {
   327  	roundBz := make([]byte, 8)
   328  	binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(roundBz, round)
   329  	if upgradeHeight != 0 && height >= upgradeHeight && height < 30040 {
   330  		previousBlockHash = tmhash.Sum(append(append(previousBlockHash, lastCommit...), roundBz...))
   331  	} else {
   332  		previousBlockHash = tmhash.Sum(append(previousBlockHash, roundBz...))
   333  	}
   334  	if len(vals.Validators) == 0 {
   335  		return nil
   336  	}
   337  	if vals.Proposer != nil {
   338  		return vals.Proposer.Copy()
   339  	}
   340  	avgPower := vals.computeAvgVotingPower()
   341  	adjacencyMatrix := make([]int, 0) // an adjacency matrix to allow for fair proposer selection
   342  	for valIndex, val := range vals.Validators {
   343  		// append index VP times where VP is the voting power of the validator
   344  		proposingPower := val.VotingPower / avgPower
   345  		// give everyone atleast 1 ticket
   346  		if proposingPower == 0 {
   347  			proposingPower = 1
   348  		}
   349  		for j := int64(0); j < proposingPower; j++ {
   350  			adjacencyMatrix = append(adjacencyMatrix, valIndex)
   351  		}
   352  	}
   353  	// calculate the length of the adjacency matrix for a max index selection
   354  	maxIndex := int64(len(adjacencyMatrix))
   355  	// hash for show and convert back to decimal
   356  	blockHashDecimal := new(big.Int).SetBytes(previousBlockHash[:8])
   357  	// mod the selection
   358  	index := new(big.Int).Mod(blockHashDecimal, big.NewInt(maxIndex))
   359  	proposerIndex := adjacencyMatrix[index.Int64()]
   360  	proposer := vals.Validators[proposerIndex]
   361  	vals.Proposer = proposer
   362  	return proposer.Copy()
   363  }
   365  // Hash returns the Merkle root hash build using validators (as leaves) in the
   366  // set.
   367  func (vals *ValidatorSet) Hash() []byte {
   368  	if len(vals.Validators) == 0 {
   369  		return nil
   370  	}
   371  	bzs := make([][]byte, len(vals.Validators))
   372  	for i, val := range vals.Validators {
   373  		bzs[i] = val.Bytes()
   374  	}
   375  	return merkle.SimpleHashFromByteSlices(bzs)
   376  }
   378  // Iterate will run the given function over the set.
   379  func (vals *ValidatorSet) Iterate(fn func(index int, val *Validator) bool) {
   380  	for i, val := range vals.Validators {
   381  		stop := fn(i, val.Copy())
   382  		if stop {
   383  			break
   384  		}
   385  	}
   386  }
   388  // Checks changes against duplicates, splits the changes in updates and
   389  // removals, sorts them by address.
   390  //
   391  // Returns:
   392  // updates, removals - the sorted lists of updates and removals
   393  // err - non-nil if duplicate entries or entries with negative voting power are seen
   394  //
   395  // No changes are made to 'origChanges'.
   396  func processChanges(origChanges []*Validator) (updates, removals []*Validator, err error) {
   397  	// Make a deep copy of the changes and sort by address.
   398  	changes := validatorListCopy(origChanges)
   399  	sort.Sort(ValidatorsByAddress(changes))
   401  	removals = make([]*Validator, 0, len(changes))
   402  	updates = make([]*Validator, 0, len(changes))
   403  	var prevAddr Address
   405  	// Scan changes by address and append valid validators to updates or removals lists.
   406  	for _, valUpdate := range changes {
   407  		if bytes.Equal(valUpdate.Address, prevAddr) {
   408  			err = fmt.Errorf("duplicate entry %v in %v", valUpdate, changes)
   409  			return nil, nil, err
   410  		}
   412  		switch {
   413  		case valUpdate.VotingPower < 0:
   414  			err = fmt.Errorf("voting power can't be negative: %d", valUpdate.VotingPower)
   415  			return nil, nil, err
   416  		case valUpdate.VotingPower > MaxTotalVotingPower:
   417  			err = fmt.Errorf("to prevent clipping/overflow, voting power can't be higher than %d, got %d",
   418  				MaxTotalVotingPower, valUpdate.VotingPower)
   419  			return nil, nil, err
   420  		case valUpdate.VotingPower == 0:
   421  			removals = append(removals, valUpdate)
   422  		default:
   423  			updates = append(updates, valUpdate)
   424  		}
   426  		prevAddr = valUpdate.Address
   427  	}
   429  	return updates, removals, err
   430  }
   432  // verifyUpdates verifies a list of updates against a validator set, making sure the allowed
   433  // total voting power would not be exceeded if these updates would be applied to the set.
   434  //
   435  // Inputs:
   436  // updates - a list of proper validator changes, i.e. they have been verified by processChanges for duplicates
   437  //   and invalid values.
   438  // vals - the original validator set. Note that vals is NOT modified by this function.
   439  // removedPower - the total voting power that will be removed after the updates are verified and applied.
   440  //
   441  // Returns:
   442  // tvpAfterUpdatesBeforeRemovals -  the new total voting power if these updates would be applied without the removals.
   443  //   Note that this will be < 2 * MaxTotalVotingPower in case high power validators are removed and
   444  //   validators are added/ updated with high power values.
   445  //
   446  // err - non-nil if the maximum allowed total voting power would be exceeded
   447  func verifyUpdates(
   448  	updates []*Validator,
   449  	vals *ValidatorSet,
   450  	removedPower int64,
   451  ) (tvpAfterUpdatesBeforeRemovals int64, err error) {
   452  	delta := func(update *Validator, vals *ValidatorSet) int64 {
   453  		_, val := vals.GetByAddress(update.Address)
   454  		if val != nil {
   455  			return update.VotingPower - val.VotingPower
   456  		}
   457  		return update.VotingPower
   458  	}
   460  	updatesCopy := validatorListCopy(updates)
   461  	sort.Slice(updatesCopy, func(i, j int) bool {
   462  		return delta(updatesCopy[i], vals) < delta(updatesCopy[j], vals)
   463  	})
   465  	tvpAfterRemovals := vals.TotalVotingPower() - removedPower
   466  	for _, upd := range updatesCopy {
   467  		tvpAfterRemovals += delta(upd, vals)
   468  		if tvpAfterRemovals > MaxTotalVotingPower {
   469  			err = fmt.Errorf(
   470  				"failed to add/update validator %v, total voting power would exceed the max allowed %v",
   471  				upd.Address, MaxTotalVotingPower)
   472  			return 0, err
   473  		}
   474  	}
   475  	return tvpAfterRemovals + removedPower, nil
   476  }
   478  func numNewValidators(updates []*Validator, vals *ValidatorSet) int {
   479  	numNewValidators := 0
   480  	for _, valUpdate := range updates {
   481  		if !vals.HasAddress(valUpdate.Address) {
   482  			numNewValidators++
   483  		}
   484  	}
   485  	return numNewValidators
   486  }
   488  // computeNewPriorities computes the proposer priority for the validators not present in the set based on
   489  // 'updatedTotalVotingPower'.
   490  // Leaves unchanged the priorities of validators that are changed.
   491  //
   492  // 'updates' parameter must be a list of unique validators to be added or updated.
   493  //
   494  // 'updatedTotalVotingPower' is the total voting power of a set where all updates would be applied but
   495  //   not the removals. It must be < 2*MaxTotalVotingPower and may be close to this limit if close to
   496  //   MaxTotalVotingPower will be removed. This is still safe from overflow since MaxTotalVotingPower is maxInt64/8.
   497  //
   498  // No changes are made to the validator set 'vals'.
   499  func computeNewPriorities(updates []*Validator, vals *ValidatorSet, updatedTotalVotingPower int64) {
   501  	for _, valUpdate := range updates {
   502  		address := valUpdate.Address
   503  		_, val := vals.GetByAddress(address)
   504  		if val == nil {
   505  			// add val
   506  			// Set ProposerPriority to -C*totalVotingPower (with C ~= 1.125) to make sure validators can't
   507  			// un-bond and then re-bond to reset their (potentially previously negative) ProposerPriority to zero.
   508  			//
   509  			// Contract: updatedVotingPower < 2 * MaxTotalVotingPower to ensure ProposerPriority does
   510  			// not exceed the bounds of int64.
   511  			//
   512  			// Compute ProposerPriority = -1.125*totalVotingPower == -(updatedVotingPower + (updatedVotingPower >> 3)).
   513  			valUpdate.ProposerPriority = -(updatedTotalVotingPower + (updatedTotalVotingPower >> 3))
   514  		} else {
   515  			valUpdate.ProposerPriority = val.ProposerPriority
   516  		}
   517  	}
   519  }
   521  // Merges the vals' validator list with the updates list.
   522  // When two elements with same address are seen, the one from updates is selected.
   523  // Expects updates to be a list of updates sorted by address with no duplicates or errors,
   524  // must have been validated with verifyUpdates() and priorities computed with computeNewPriorities().
   525  func (vals *ValidatorSet) applyUpdates(updates []*Validator) {
   527  	existing := vals.Validators
   528  	merged := make([]*Validator, len(existing)+len(updates))
   529  	i := 0
   531  	for len(existing) > 0 && len(updates) > 0 {
   532  		if bytes.Compare(existing[0].Address, updates[0].Address) < 0 { // unchanged validator
   533  			merged[i] = existing[0]
   534  			existing = existing[1:]
   535  		} else {
   536  			// Apply add or update.
   537  			merged[i] = updates[0]
   538  			if bytes.Equal(existing[0].Address, updates[0].Address) {
   539  				// Validator is present in both, advance existing.
   540  				existing = existing[1:]
   541  			}
   542  			updates = updates[1:]
   543  		}
   544  		i++
   545  	}
   547  	// Add the elements which are left.
   548  	for j := 0; j < len(existing); j++ {
   549  		merged[i] = existing[j]
   550  		i++
   551  	}
   552  	// OR add updates which are left.
   553  	for j := 0; j < len(updates); j++ {
   554  		merged[i] = updates[j]
   555  		i++
   556  	}
   558  	vals.Validators = merged[:i]
   559  }
   561  // Checks that the validators to be removed are part of the validator set.
   562  // No changes are made to the validator set 'vals'.
   563  func verifyRemovals(deletes []*Validator, vals *ValidatorSet) (votingPower int64, err error) {
   565  	removedVotingPower := int64(0)
   566  	for _, valUpdate := range deletes {
   567  		address := valUpdate.Address
   568  		_, val := vals.GetByAddress(address)
   569  		if val == nil {
   570  			return removedVotingPower, fmt.Errorf("failed to find validator %X to remove", address)
   571  		}
   572  		removedVotingPower += val.VotingPower
   573  	}
   574  	if len(deletes) > len(vals.Validators) {
   575  		panic("more deletes than validators")
   576  	}
   577  	return removedVotingPower, nil
   578  }
   580  // Removes the validators specified in 'deletes' from validator set 'vals'.
   581  // Should not fail as verification has been done before.
   582  func (vals *ValidatorSet) applyRemovals(deletes []*Validator) {
   584  	existing := vals.Validators
   586  	merged := make([]*Validator, len(existing)-len(deletes))
   587  	i := 0
   589  	// Loop over deletes until we removed all of them.
   590  	for len(deletes) > 0 {
   591  		if bytes.Equal(existing[0].Address, deletes[0].Address) {
   592  			deletes = deletes[1:]
   593  		} else { // Leave it in the resulting slice.
   594  			merged[i] = existing[0]
   595  			i++
   596  		}
   597  		existing = existing[1:]
   598  	}
   600  	// Add the elements which are left.
   601  	for j := 0; j < len(existing); j++ {
   602  		merged[i] = existing[j]
   603  		i++
   604  	}
   606  	vals.Validators = merged[:i]
   607  }
   609  // Main function used by UpdateWithChangeSet() and NewValidatorSet().
   610  // If 'allowDeletes' is false then delete operations (identified by validators with voting power 0)
   611  // are not allowed and will trigger an error if present in 'changes'.
   612  // The 'allowDeletes' flag is set to false by NewValidatorSet() and to true by UpdateWithChangeSet().
   613  func (vals *ValidatorSet) updateWithChangeSet(changes []*Validator, allowDeletes bool) error {
   615  	if len(changes) == 0 {
   616  		return nil
   617  	}
   619  	// Check for duplicates within changes, split in 'updates' and 'deletes' lists (sorted).
   620  	updates, deletes, err := processChanges(changes)
   621  	if err != nil {
   622  		return err
   623  	}
   625  	if !allowDeletes && len(deletes) != 0 {
   626  		return fmt.Errorf("cannot process validators with voting power 0: %v", deletes)
   627  	}
   629  	// Check that the resulting set will not be empty.
   630  	if numNewValidators(updates, vals) == 0 && len(vals.Validators) == len(deletes) {
   631  		return errors.New("applying the validator changes would result in empty set")
   632  	}
   634  	// Verify that applying the 'deletes' against 'vals' will not result in error.
   635  	// Get the voting power that is going to be removed.
   636  	removedVotingPower, err := verifyRemovals(deletes, vals)
   637  	if err != nil {
   638  		return err
   639  	}
   641  	// Verify that applying the 'updates' against 'vals' will not result in error.
   642  	// Get the updated total voting power before removal. Note that this is < 2 * MaxTotalVotingPower
   643  	tvpAfterUpdatesBeforeRemovals, err := verifyUpdates(updates, vals, removedVotingPower)
   644  	if err != nil {
   645  		return err
   646  	}
   648  	// Compute the priorities for updates.
   649  	computeNewPriorities(updates, vals, tvpAfterUpdatesBeforeRemovals)
   651  	// Apply updates and removals.
   652  	vals.applyUpdates(updates)
   653  	vals.applyRemovals(deletes)
   655  	vals.updateTotalVotingPower() // will panic if total voting power > MaxTotalVotingPower
   657  	// Scale and center.
   658  	vals.RescalePriorities(PriorityWindowSizeFactor * vals.TotalVotingPower())
   659  	vals.shiftByAvgProposerPriority()
   661  	return nil
   662  }
   664  // UpdateWithChangeSet attempts to update the validator set with 'changes'.
   665  // It performs the following steps:
   666  // - validates the changes making sure there are no duplicates and splits them in updates and deletes
   667  // - verifies that applying the changes will not result in errors
   668  // - computes the total voting power BEFORE removals to ensure that in the next steps the priorities
   669  //   across old and newly added validators are fair
   670  // - computes the priorities of new validators against the final set
   671  // - applies the updates against the validator set
   672  // - applies the removals against the validator set
   673  // - performs scaling and centering of priority values
   674  // If an error is detected during verification steps, it is returned and the validator set
   675  // is not changed.
   676  func (vals *ValidatorSet) UpdateWithChangeSet(changes []*Validator) error {
   677  	return vals.updateWithChangeSet(changes, true)
   678  }
   680  // VerifyCommit verifies +2/3 of the set had signed the given commit.
   681  //
   682  // It checks all the signatures! While it's safe to exit as soon as we have
   683  // 2/3+ signatures, doing so would impact incentivization logic in the ABCI
   684  // application that depends on the LastCommitInfo sent in BeginBlock, which
   685  // includes which validators signed. For instance, Gaia incentivizes proposers
   686  // with a bonus for including more than +2/3 of the signatures.
   687  func (vals *ValidatorSet) VerifyCommit(chainID string, blockID BlockID,
   688  	height int64, commit *Commit) error {
   690  	defer TimeTrack(time.Now(), nil)
   692  	if vals.Size() != len(commit.Precommits) {
   693  		return NewErrInvalidCommitSignatures(vals.Size(), len(commit.Precommits))
   694  	}
   695  	talliedVotingPower := int64(0)
   696  	votingPowerNeeded := vals.TotalVotingPower() * 2 / 3
   698  	err, talliedVotingPower := verifyCommitBasicAndPower(commit, height, blockID, chainID, vals, talliedVotingPower)
   700  	if err != nil {
   701  		return err
   702  	}
   704  	if got, needed := talliedVotingPower, votingPowerNeeded; got <= needed {
   705  		return ErrNotEnoughVotingPowerSigned{Got: got, Needed: needed}
   706  	}
   708  	return nil
   709  }
   711  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   713  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   715  // VerifyCommitLight verifies +2/3 of the set had signed the given commit.
   716  //
   717  // This method is primarily used by the light client and does not check all the
   718  // signatures.
   719  func (vals *ValidatorSet) VerifyCommitLight(chainID string, blockID BlockID,
   720  	height int64, commit *Commit) error {
   721  	defer TimeTrack(time.Now(), nil)
   723  	if vals.Size() != len(commit.Precommits) {
   724  		return NewErrInvalidCommitSignatures(vals.Size(), len(commit.Precommits))
   725  	}
   727  	// Validate Height and BlockID.
   728  	if height != commit.Height() {
   729  		return NewErrInvalidCommitHeight(height, commit.Height())
   730  	}
   731  	if !blockID.Equals(commit.BlockID) {
   732  		return fmt.Errorf("invalid commit -- wrong block ID: want %v, got %v",
   733  			blockID, commit.BlockID)
   734  	}
   736  	talliedVotingPower := int64(0)
   737  	votingPowerNeeded := vals.TotalVotingPower() * 2 / 3
   738  	for idx, commitSig := range commit.Precommits {
   739  		// No need to verify absent or nil votes.
   740  		if commitSig == nil {
   741  			continue
   742  		}
   744  		// The vals and commit have a 1-to-1 correspondance.
   745  		// This means we don't need the validator address or to do any lookup.
   746  		val := vals.Validators[idx]
   748  		// Validate signature.
   749  		voteSignBytes := commit.VoteSignBytes(chainID, idx)
   750  		if !val.PubKey.VerifyBytes(voteSignBytes, commitSig.Signature) {
   751  			return fmt.Errorf("wrong signature (#%d): %X", idx, commitSig.Signature)
   752  		}
   754  		talliedVotingPower += val.VotingPower
   756  		// return as soon as +2/3 of the signatures are verified
   757  		if talliedVotingPower > votingPowerNeeded {
   758  			return nil
   759  		}
   760  	}
   762  	return ErrNotEnoughVotingPowerSigned{Got: talliedVotingPower, Needed: votingPowerNeeded}
   763  }
   765  // VerifyFutureCommit will check to see if the set would be valid with a different
   766  // validator set.
   767  //
   768  // vals is the old validator set that we know.  Over 2/3 of the power in old
   769  // signed this block.
   770  //
   771  // In Tendermint, 1/3 of the voting power can halt or fork the chain, but 1/3
   772  // can't make arbitrary state transitions.  You still need > 2/3 Byzantine to
   773  // make arbitrary state transitions.
   774  //
   775  // To preserve this property in the light client, we also require > 2/3 of the
   776  // old vals to sign the future commit at H, that way we preserve the property
   777  // that if they weren't being truthful about the validator set at H (block hash
   778  // -> vals hash) or about the app state (block hash -> app hash) we can slash
   779  // > 2/3.  Otherwise, the lite client isn't providing the same security
   780  // guarantees.
   781  //
   782  // Even if we added a slashing condition that if you sign a block header with
   783  // the wrong validator set, then we would only need > 1/3 of signatures from
   784  // the old vals on the new commit, it wouldn't be sufficient because the new
   785  // vals can be arbitrary and commit some arbitrary app hash.
   786  //
   787  // newSet is the validator set that signed this block.  Only votes from new are
   788  // sufficient for 2/3 majority in the new set as well, for it to be a valid
   789  // commit.
   790  //
   791  // NOTE: This doesn't check whether the commit is a future commit, because the
   792  // current height isn't part of the ValidatorSet.  Caller must check that the
   793  // commit height is greater than the height for this validator set.
   794  func (vals *ValidatorSet) VerifyFutureCommit(newSet *ValidatorSet, chainID string,
   795  	blockID BlockID, height int64, commit *Commit) error {
   796  	oldVals := vals
   798  	// Commit must be a valid commit for newSet.
   799  	err := newSet.VerifyCommit(chainID, blockID, height, commit)
   800  	if err != nil {
   801  		return err
   802  	}
   804  	// Check old voting power.
   805  	oldVotingPower := int64(0)
   806  	seen := map[int]bool{}
   808  	for idx, commitSig := range commit.Precommits {
   809  		if commitSig == nil {
   810  			continue // OK, some signatures can be absent.
   811  		}
   813  		// See if this validator is in oldVals.
   814  		oldIdx, val := oldVals.GetByAddress(commitSig.ValidatorAddress)
   815  		if val == nil || seen[oldIdx] {
   816  			continue // missing or double vote...
   817  		}
   818  		seen[oldIdx] = true
   820  		// Validate signature.
   821  		voteSignBytes := commit.VoteSignBytes(chainID, idx)
   822  		if !val.PubKey.VerifyBytes(voteSignBytes, commitSig.Signature) {
   823  			return errors.Errorf("wrong signature (#%d): %X", idx, commitSig.Signature)
   824  		}
   825  		// Good!
   826  		if blockID.Equals(commitSig.BlockID) {
   827  			oldVotingPower += val.VotingPower
   828  		}
   829  		// else {
   830  		// It's OK that the BlockID doesn't match.  We include stray
   831  		// signatures (~votes for nil) to measure validator availability.
   832  		// }
   833  	}
   835  	if got, needed := oldVotingPower, oldVals.TotalVotingPower()*2/3; got <= needed {
   836  		return ErrNotEnoughVotingPowerSigned{Got: got, Needed: needed}
   837  	}
   838  	return nil
   839  }
   841  // VerifyCommitLightTrusting verifies that trustLevel of the validator set signed
   842  // this commit.
   843  //
   844  // This method is primarily used by the light client and does not check all the
   845  // signatures.
   846  //
   847  // NOTE the given validators do not necessarily correspond to the validator set
   848  // for this commit, but there may be some intersection.
   849  //
   850  // Panics if trustLevel is invalid.
   851  func (vals *ValidatorSet) VerifyCommitLightTrusting(chainID string, blockID BlockID,
   852  	height int64, commit *Commit, trustLevel tmmath.Fraction) error {
   854  	// sanity check
   855  	if trustLevel.Numerator*3 < trustLevel.Denominator || // < 1/3
   856  		trustLevel.Numerator > trustLevel.Denominator { // > 1
   857  		panic(fmt.Sprintf("trustLevel must be within [1/3, 1], given %v", trustLevel))
   858  	}
   860  	if err := verifyCommitBasic(commit, height, blockID); err != nil {
   861  		return err
   862  	}
   864  	var (
   865  		talliedVotingPower int64
   866  		seenVals           = make(map[int]int, len(commit.Precommits)) // validator index -> commit index
   867  	)
   869  	// Safely calculate voting power needed.
   870  	totalVotingPowerMulByNumerator, overflow := safeMul(vals.TotalVotingPower(), trustLevel.Numerator)
   871  	if overflow {
   872  		return errors.New("int64 overflow while calculating voting power needed. please provide smaller trustLevel numerator")
   873  	}
   874  	votingPowerNeeded := totalVotingPowerMulByNumerator / trustLevel.Denominator
   876  	for idx, commitSig := range commit.Precommits {
   877  		// No need to verify absent or nil votes.
   878  		if commitSig == nil {
   879  			continue
   880  		}
   882  		// We don't know the validators that committed this block, so we have to
   883  		// check for each vote if its validator is already known.
   884  		valIdx, val := vals.GetByAddress(commitSig.ValidatorAddress)
   886  		if val != nil {
   887  			// check for double vote of validator on the same commit
   888  			if firstIndex, ok := seenVals[valIdx]; ok {
   889  				secondIndex := idx
   890  				return errors.Errorf("double vote from %v (%d and %d)", val, firstIndex, secondIndex)
   891  			}
   892  			seenVals[valIdx] = idx
   894  			// Validate signature.
   895  			voteSignBytes := commit.VoteSignBytes(chainID, idx)
   896  			if !val.PubKey.VerifyBytes(voteSignBytes, commitSig.Signature) {
   897  				return errors.Errorf("wrong signature (#%d): %X", idx, commitSig.Signature)
   898  			}
   900  			talliedVotingPower += val.VotingPower
   902  			if talliedVotingPower > votingPowerNeeded {
   903  				return nil
   904  			}
   905  		}
   906  	}
   908  	return ErrNotEnoughVotingPowerSigned{Got: talliedVotingPower, Needed: votingPowerNeeded}
   909  }
   911  func verifyCommitBasic(commit *Commit, height int64, blockID BlockID) error {
   912  	if err := commit.ValidateBasic(); err != nil {
   913  		return err
   914  	}
   915  	if height != commit.Height() {
   916  		return NewErrInvalidCommitHeight(height, commit.Height())
   917  	}
   918  	if !blockID.Equals(commit.BlockID) {
   919  		return fmt.Errorf("invalid commit -- wrong block ID: want %v, got %v",
   920  			blockID, commit.BlockID)
   921  	}
   922  	return nil
   923  }
   925  func verifyCommitBasicAndPower(commit *Commit, height int64, blockID BlockID, chainID string, vals *ValidatorSet, talliedPower int64) (error, int64) {
   926  	err, talliedPower := commit.ValidateBasicAndPower(blockID, chainID, vals, talliedPower)
   928  	if err != nil {
   929  		return err, 0
   930  	}
   931  	if height != commit.Height() {
   932  		return NewErrInvalidCommitHeight(height, commit.Height()), 0
   933  	}
   934  	if !blockID.Equals(commit.BlockID) {
   935  		return fmt.Errorf("invalid commit -- wrong block ID: want %v, got %v",
   936  			blockID, commit.BlockID), 0
   937  	}
   938  	return nil, talliedPower
   939  }
   941  //-----------------
   943  // IsErrNotEnoughVotingPowerSigned returns true if err is
   944  // ErrNotEnoughVotingPowerSigned.
   945  func IsErrNotEnoughVotingPowerSigned(err error) bool {
   946  	_, ok := errors.Cause(err).(ErrNotEnoughVotingPowerSigned)
   947  	return ok
   948  }
   950  // ErrNotEnoughVotingPowerSigned is returned when not enough validators signed
   951  // a commit.
   952  type ErrNotEnoughVotingPowerSigned struct {
   953  	Got    int64
   954  	Needed int64
   955  }
   957  func (e ErrNotEnoughVotingPowerSigned) Error() string {
   958  	return fmt.Sprintf("invalid commit -- insufficient voting power: got %d, needed more than %d", e.Got, e.Needed)
   959  }
   961  //----------------
   963  func (vals *ValidatorSet) String() string {
   964  	return vals.StringIndented("")
   965  }
   967  // StringIndented returns an intended string representation of ValidatorSet.
   968  func (vals *ValidatorSet) StringIndented(indent string) string {
   969  	if vals == nil {
   970  		return "nil-ValidatorSet"
   971  	}
   972  	var valStrings []string
   973  	vals.Iterate(func(index int, val *Validator) bool {
   974  		valStrings = append(valStrings, val.String())
   975  		return false
   976  	})
   977  	return fmt.Sprintf(`ValidatorSet{
   978  %s  Validators:
   979  %s    %v
   980  %s}`,
   981  		indent,
   982  		indent, strings.Join(valStrings, "\n"+indent+"    "),
   983  		indent)
   985  }
   987  //-------------------------------------
   988  // Implements sort for sorting validators by address.
   990  // ValidatorsByAddress implements the sort of validators by address.
   991  type ValidatorsByAddress []*Validator
   993  func (valz ValidatorsByAddress) Len() int {
   994  	return len(valz)
   995  }
   997  func (valz ValidatorsByAddress) Less(i, j int) bool {
   998  	return bytes.Compare(valz[i].Address, valz[j].Address) == -1
   999  }
  1001  func (valz ValidatorsByAddress) Swap(i, j int) {
  1002  	it := valz[i]
  1003  	valz[i] = valz[j]
  1004  	valz[j] = it
  1005  }
  1007  // ToProto converts ValidatorSet to protobuf
  1008  func (vals *ValidatorSet) ToProto() (*tmproto.ValidatorSet, error) {
  1009  	if vals.IsNilOrEmpty() {
  1010  		return nil, errors.New("nil validator set") // validator set should never be nil
  1011  	}
  1012  	vp := new(tmproto.ValidatorSet)
  1013  	valsProto := make([]*tmproto.Validator, len(vals.Validators))
  1014  	for i := 0; i < len(vals.Validators); i++ {
  1015  		valp, err := vals.Validators[i].ToProto()
  1016  		if err != nil {
  1017  			return nil, err
  1018  		}
  1019  		valsProto[i] = valp
  1020  	}
  1021  	vp.Validators = valsProto
  1023  	if vals.Proposer != nil {
  1024  		valProposer, err := vals.Proposer.ToProto()
  1025  		if err != nil {
  1026  			return nil, fmt.Errorf("toProto: validatorSet proposer error: %w", err)
  1027  		}
  1028  		vp.Proposer = valProposer
  1029  	}
  1031  	vp.TotalVotingPower = vals.totalVotingPower
  1033  	return vp, nil
  1034  }
  1036  // ValidatorSetFromProto sets a protobuf ValidatorSet to the given pointer.
  1037  // It returns an error if any of the validators from the set or the proposer
  1038  // is invalid
  1039  func ValidatorSetFromProto(vp *tmproto.ValidatorSet) (*ValidatorSet, error) {
  1040  	if vp == nil {
  1041  		return nil, errors.New("nil validator set") // validator set should never be nil, bigger issues are at play if empty
  1042  	}
  1043  	vals := new(ValidatorSet)
  1045  	valsProto := make([]*Validator, len(vp.Validators))
  1046  	for i := 0; i < len(vp.Validators); i++ {
  1047  		v, err := ValidatorFromProto(vp.Validators[i])
  1048  		if err != nil {
  1049  			return nil, err
  1050  		}
  1051  		valsProto[i] = v
  1052  	}
  1053  	vals.Validators = valsProto
  1055  	if vp.GetProposer() != nil {
  1056  		p, err := ValidatorFromProto(vp.GetProposer())
  1057  		if err != nil {
  1058  			return nil, fmt.Errorf("fromProto: validatorSet proposer error: %w", err)
  1059  		}
  1061  		vals.Proposer = p
  1062  	}
  1064  	vals.totalVotingPower = vp.GetTotalVotingPower()
  1066  	return vals, nil
  1067  }
  1069  //----------------------------------------
  1070  // for testing
  1072  // RandValidatorSet returns a randomized validator set, useful for testing.
  1073  // NOTE: PrivValidator are in order.
  1074  // UNSTABLE
  1075  func RandValidatorSet(numValidators int, votingPower int64) (*ValidatorSet, []PrivValidator) {
  1076  	valz := make([]*Validator, numValidators)
  1077  	privValidators := make([]PrivValidator, numValidators)
  1078  	for i := 0; i < numValidators; i++ {
  1079  		val, privValidator := RandValidator(false, votingPower)
  1080  		valz[i] = val
  1081  		privValidators[i] = privValidator
  1082  	}
  1083  	vals := NewValidatorSet(valz)
  1084  	sort.Sort(PrivValidatorsByAddress(privValidators))
  1085  	return vals, privValidators
  1086  }
  1088  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  1089  // safe addition/subtraction/multiplication
  1091  func safeAdd(a, b int64) (int64, bool) {
  1092  	if b > 0 && a > math.MaxInt64-b {
  1093  		return -1, true
  1094  	} else if b < 0 && a < math.MinInt64-b {
  1095  		return -1, true
  1096  	}
  1097  	return a + b, false
  1098  }
  1100  func safeSub(a, b int64) (int64, bool) {
  1101  	if b > 0 && a < math.MinInt64+b {
  1102  		return -1, true
  1103  	} else if b < 0 && a > math.MaxInt64+b {
  1104  		return -1, true
  1105  	}
  1106  	return a - b, false
  1107  }
  1109  func safeAddClip(a, b int64) int64 {
  1110  	c, overflow := safeAdd(a, b)
  1111  	if overflow {
  1112  		if b < 0 {
  1113  			return math.MinInt64
  1114  		}
  1115  		return math.MaxInt64
  1116  	}
  1117  	return c
  1118  }
  1120  func safeSubClip(a, b int64) int64 {
  1121  	c, overflow := safeSub(a, b)
  1122  	if overflow {
  1123  		if b > 0 {
  1124  			return math.MinInt64
  1125  		}
  1126  		return math.MaxInt64
  1127  	}
  1128  	return c
  1129  }
  1131  func safeMul(a, b int64) (int64, bool) {
  1132  	if a == 0 || b == 0 {
  1133  		return 0, false
  1134  	}
  1136  	absOfB := b
  1137  	if b < 0 {
  1138  		absOfB = -b
  1139  	}
  1141  	var (
  1142  		c        = a
  1143  		overflow bool
  1144  	)
  1146  	for absOfB > 1 {
  1147  		c, overflow = safeAdd(c, a)
  1148  		if overflow {
  1149  			return c, true
  1150  		}
  1151  		absOfB--
  1152  	}
  1154  	if (b < 0 && a > 0) || (b < 0 && a < 0) {
  1155  		return -c, false
  1156  	}
  1158  	return c, false
  1159  }