
     1  /**
     2   * Tencent is pleased to support the open source community by making Polaris available.
     3   *
     4   * Copyright (C) 2019 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company. All rights reserved.
     5   *
     6   * Licensed under the BSD 3-Clause License (the "License");
     7   * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     8   * You may obtain a copy of the License at
     9   *
    10   *
    11   *
    12   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
    13   * under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
    14   * CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
    15   * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
    16   */
    18  package resource
    20  import (
    21  	"encoding/hex"
    22  	"fmt"
    23  	"math"
    24  	"strconv"
    25  	"strings"
    26  	"time"
    28  	accesslog ""
    29  	cluster ""
    30  	core ""
    31  	corev3 ""
    32  	listenerv3 ""
    33  	ratelimitconfv3 ""
    34  	route ""
    35  	filev3 ""
    36  	envoy_extensions_common_ratelimit_v3 ""
    37  	ratelimitv32 ""
    38  	lrl ""
    39  	ratelimitfilter ""
    40  	routerv3 ""
    41  	hcm ""
    42  	tcp ""
    43  	v32 ""
    44  	envoy_type_v3 ""
    45  	typev3 ""
    46  	resourcev3 ""
    47  	""
    48  	""
    49  	_struct ""
    50  	""
    51  	apifault ""
    52  	apimodel ""
    53  	apiservice ""
    54  	""
    55  	apitraffic ""
    56  	""
    57  	""
    58  	""
    59  	""
    61  	types ""
    62  	""
    63  	""
    64  )
    66  const (
    67  	PassthroughClusterName  = "PassthroughCluster"
    68  	RouteConfigName         = "polaris-router"
    69  	OutBoundRouteConfigName = "polaris-outbound-router"
    70  	InBoundRouteConfigName  = "polaris-inbound-cluster"
    71  )
    73  const (
    74  	// LocalRateLimitStage envoy local ratelimit stage
    75  	LocalRateLimitStage = 0
    76  	// DistributedRateLimitStage envoy remote ratelimit stage
    77  	DistributedRateLimitStage = 1
    78  )
    80  var (
    81  	TrafficBoundRoute = map[corev3.TrafficDirection]string{
    82  		corev3.TrafficDirection_INBOUND:  InBoundRouteConfigName,
    83  		corev3.TrafficDirection_OUTBOUND: OutBoundRouteConfigName,
    84  	}
    85  )
    87  func MakeServiceGatewayDomains() []string {
    88  	return []string{"*"}
    89  }
    91  func FilterInboundRouterRule(svc *ServiceInfo) []*traffic_manage.SubRuleRouting {
    92  	ret := make([]*traffic_manage.SubRuleRouting, 0, 16)
    93  	for _, rule := range svc.Routing.GetRules() {
    94  		if rule.GetRoutingPolicy() != traffic_manage.RoutingPolicy_RulePolicy {
    95  			continue
    96  		}
    97  		routerRule := &traffic_manage.RuleRoutingConfig{}
    98  		if err := ptypes.UnmarshalAny(rule.RoutingConfig, routerRule); err != nil {
    99  			continue
   100  		}
   102  		for i, subRule := range routerRule.Rules {
   103  			var match bool
   104  			for _, dest := range subRule.GetDestinations() {
   105  				if svc.MatchService(dest.GetNamespace(), dest.GetService()) {
   106  					match = true
   107  					break
   108  				}
   109  			}
   110  			if match {
   111  				ret = append(ret, routerRule.Rules[i])
   112  			}
   113  		}
   114  	}
   115  	return ret
   116  }
   118  func BuildSidecarRouteMatch(routeMatch *route.RouteMatch, source *traffic_manage.SourceService) {
   119  	for i := range source.GetArguments() {
   120  		argument := source.GetArguments()[i]
   121  		if argument.Type == traffic_manage.SourceMatch_PATH {
   122  			if argument.Value.Type == apimodel.MatchString_EXACT {
   123  				routeMatch.PathSpecifier = &route.RouteMatch_Path{
   124  					Path: argument.GetValue().GetValue().GetValue()}
   125  			} else if argument.Value.Type == apimodel.MatchString_REGEX {
   126  				routeMatch.PathSpecifier = &route.RouteMatch_SafeRegex{SafeRegex: &v32.RegexMatcher{
   127  					Regex: argument.GetValue().GetValue().GetValue()}}
   128  			}
   129  		}
   130  	}
   131  	BuildCommonRouteMatch(routeMatch, source)
   132  }
   134  func BuildCommonRouteMatch(routeMatch *route.RouteMatch, source *traffic_manage.SourceService) {
   135  	for i := range source.GetArguments() {
   136  		argument := source.GetArguments()[i]
   137  		switch argument.Type {
   138  		case traffic_manage.SourceMatch_HEADER:
   139  			headerSubName := argument.Key
   140  			var headerMatch *route.HeaderMatcher
   141  			if argument.Value.Type == apimodel.MatchString_EXACT {
   142  				headerMatch = &route.HeaderMatcher{
   143  					Name: headerSubName,
   144  					HeaderMatchSpecifier: &route.HeaderMatcher_StringMatch{
   145  						StringMatch: &v32.StringMatcher{
   146  							MatchPattern: &v32.StringMatcher_Exact{
   147  								Exact: argument.GetValue().GetValue().GetValue()}},
   148  					},
   149  				}
   150  			}
   151  			if argument.Value.Type == apimodel.MatchString_NOT_EQUALS {
   152  				headerMatch = &route.HeaderMatcher{
   153  					Name: headerSubName,
   154  					HeaderMatchSpecifier: &route.HeaderMatcher_StringMatch{
   155  						StringMatch: &v32.StringMatcher{
   156  							MatchPattern: &v32.StringMatcher_Exact{
   157  								Exact: argument.GetValue().GetValue().GetValue()}},
   158  					},
   159  					InvertMatch: true,
   160  				}
   161  			}
   162  			if argument.Value.Type == apimodel.MatchString_REGEX {
   163  				headerMatch = &route.HeaderMatcher{
   164  					Name: headerSubName,
   165  					HeaderMatchSpecifier: &route.HeaderMatcher_StringMatch{
   166  						StringMatch: &v32.StringMatcher{MatchPattern: &v32.StringMatcher_SafeRegex{
   167  							SafeRegex: &v32.RegexMatcher{
   168  								EngineType: &v32.RegexMatcher_GoogleRe2{
   169  									GoogleRe2: &v32.RegexMatcher_GoogleRE2{}},
   170  								Regex: argument.GetValue().GetValue().GetValue()}}},
   171  					},
   172  				}
   173  			}
   174  			if headerMatch != nil {
   175  				routeMatch.Headers = append(routeMatch.Headers, headerMatch)
   176  			}
   177  		case traffic_manage.SourceMatch_QUERY:
   178  			querySubName := argument.Key
   179  			var queryMatcher *route.QueryParameterMatcher
   180  			if argument.Value.Type == apimodel.MatchString_EXACT {
   181  				queryMatcher = &route.QueryParameterMatcher{
   182  					Name: querySubName,
   183  					QueryParameterMatchSpecifier: &route.QueryParameterMatcher_StringMatch{
   184  						StringMatch: &v32.StringMatcher{
   185  							MatchPattern: &v32.StringMatcher_Exact{
   186  								Exact: argument.GetValue().GetValue().GetValue()}},
   187  					},
   188  				}
   189  			}
   190  			if argument.Value.Type == apimodel.MatchString_REGEX {
   191  				queryMatcher = &route.QueryParameterMatcher{
   192  					Name: querySubName,
   193  					QueryParameterMatchSpecifier: &route.QueryParameterMatcher_StringMatch{
   194  						StringMatch: &v32.StringMatcher{
   195  							MatchPattern: &v32.StringMatcher_SafeRegex{SafeRegex: &v32.RegexMatcher{
   196  								EngineType: &v32.RegexMatcher_GoogleRe2{
   197  									GoogleRe2: &v32.RegexMatcher_GoogleRE2{}},
   198  								Regex: argument.GetValue().GetValue().GetValue(),
   199  							}}},
   200  					},
   201  				}
   202  			}
   203  			if queryMatcher != nil {
   204  				routeMatch.QueryParameters = append(routeMatch.QueryParameters, queryMatcher)
   205  			}
   206  		}
   207  	}
   208  }
   210  func BuildWeightClustersV2(trafficDirection corev3.TrafficDirection,
   211  	destinations []*traffic_manage.DestinationGroup) *route.WeightedCluster {
   212  	var (
   213  		weightedClusters []*route.WeightedCluster_ClusterWeight
   214  		totalWeight      uint32
   215  	)
   217  	// 使用 destinations 生成 weightedClusters。makeClusters() 也使用这个字段生成对应的 subset
   218  	for _, destination := range destinations {
   219  		if destination.GetWeight() == 0 {
   220  			continue
   221  		}
   222  		fields := make(map[string]*_struct.Value)
   223  		for k, v := range destination.GetLabels() {
   224  			if k == utils.MatchAll && v.GetValue().GetValue() == utils.MatchAll {
   225  				// 重置 cluster 的匹配规则
   226  				fields = make(map[string]*_struct.Value)
   227  				break
   228  			}
   229  			fields[k] = &_struct.Value{
   230  				Kind: &_struct.Value_StringValue{
   231  					StringValue: v.Value.Value,
   232  				},
   233  			}
   234  		}
   235  		weightCluster := &route.WeightedCluster_ClusterWeight{
   236  			Name: MakeServiceName(model.ServiceKey{
   237  				Namespace: destination.Namespace,
   238  				Name:      destination.Service,
   239  			}, trafficDirection),
   240  			Weight: utils.NewUInt32Value(destination.GetWeight()),
   241  			MetadataMatch: &core.Metadata{
   242  				FilterMetadata: map[string]*_struct.Struct{
   243  					"": {
   244  						Fields: fields,
   245  					},
   246  				},
   247  			},
   248  		}
   249  		if len(fields) == 0 {
   250  			weightCluster.MetadataMatch = nil
   251  		}
   252  		weightedClusters = append(weightedClusters, weightCluster)
   253  		totalWeight += destination.Weight
   254  	}
   256  	return &route.WeightedCluster{
   257  		TotalWeight: &wrappers.UInt32Value{Value: totalWeight},
   258  		Clusters:    weightedClusters,
   259  	}
   260  }
   262  func BuildRateLimitConf(prefix string) *lrl.LocalRateLimit {
   263  	rateLimitConf := &lrl.LocalRateLimit{
   264  		StatPrefix: prefix,
   265  		// 默认全局限流没限制,由于 envoy 这里必须设置一个 TokenBucket,因此这里只能设置一个认为不可能达到的一个 TPS 进行实现不限流
   266  		// TPS = 4294967295/s
   267  		TokenBucket: &typev3.TokenBucket{
   268  			MaxTokens:     math.MaxUint32,
   269  			TokensPerFill: wrapperspb.UInt32(math.MaxUint32),
   270  			FillInterval:  durationpb.New(time.Second),
   271  		},
   272  		FilterEnabled: &core.RuntimeFractionalPercent{
   273  			RuntimeKey: prefix + "_local_rate_limit_enabled",
   274  			DefaultValue: &envoy_type_v3.FractionalPercent{
   275  				Numerator:   uint32(100),
   276  				Denominator: envoy_type_v3.FractionalPercent_HUNDRED,
   277  			},
   278  		},
   279  		FilterEnforced: &core.RuntimeFractionalPercent{
   280  			RuntimeKey: prefix + "_local_rate_limit_enforced",
   281  			DefaultValue: &envoy_type_v3.FractionalPercent{
   282  				Numerator:   uint32(100),
   283  				Denominator: envoy_type_v3.FractionalPercent_HUNDRED,
   284  			},
   285  		},
   286  		ResponseHeadersToAdd: []*core.HeaderValueOption{
   287  			{
   288  				Header: &core.HeaderValue{
   289  					Key:   "x-local-rate-limit",
   290  					Value: "true",
   291  				},
   292  				Append: wrapperspb.Bool(false),
   293  			},
   294  		},
   295  		// the token bucket must shared across all worker threads
   296  		LocalRateLimitPerDownstreamConnection: false,
   297  	}
   298  	return rateLimitConf
   299  }
   301  func BuildRateLimitDescriptors(rule *traffic_manage.Rule) ([]*route.RateLimit_Action,
   302  	[]*ratelimitv32.LocalRateLimitDescriptor) {
   303  	actions := make([]*route.RateLimit_Action, 0, 8)
   304  	descriptors := make([]*ratelimitv32.LocalRateLimitDescriptor, 0, 8)
   306  	entries := make([]*envoy_extensions_common_ratelimit_v3.RateLimitDescriptor_Entry, 0, len(rule.Labels))
   308  	methodMatchType := rule.GetMethod().GetType()
   309  	methodName := rule.GetMethod().GetValue().GetValue()
   310  	if methodName == "" {
   311  		methodName = "/"
   312  		methodMatchType = MatchString_Prefix
   313  	}
   314  	actions = append(actions, &route.RateLimit_Action{
   315  		ActionSpecifier: &route.RateLimit_Action_HeaderValueMatch_{
   316  			HeaderValueMatch: BuildRateLimitActionHeaderValueMatch(":path", &apitraffic.MatchArgument{
   317  				Key: ":path",
   318  				Value: &apimodel.MatchString{
   319  					Type:      methodMatchType,
   320  					Value:     wrapperspb.String(methodName),
   321  					ValueType: apimodel.MatchString_TEXT,
   322  				},
   323  			}),
   324  		},
   325  	})
   326  	entries = append(entries, &ratelimitv32.RateLimitDescriptor_Entry{
   327  		Key:   ":path",
   328  		Value: methodName,
   329  	})
   330  	arguments := rule.GetArguments()
   332  	for i := range arguments {
   333  		arg := arguments[i]
   334  		descriptorKey := strings.ToLower(arg.GetType().String()) + "." + arg.Key
   335  		switch arg.Type {
   336  		case apitraffic.MatchArgument_HEADER:
   337  			headerValueMatch := BuildRateLimitActionHeaderValueMatch(descriptorKey, arg)
   338  			actions = append(actions, &route.RateLimit_Action{
   339  				ActionSpecifier: &route.RateLimit_Action_HeaderValueMatch_{
   340  					HeaderValueMatch: headerValueMatch,
   341  				},
   342  			})
   343  			entries = append(entries, &ratelimitv32.RateLimitDescriptor_Entry{
   344  				Key:   descriptorKey,
   345  				Value: arg.GetValue().GetValue().GetValue(),
   346  			})
   347  		case apitraffic.MatchArgument_QUERY:
   348  			queryParameterValueMatch := BuildRateLimitActionQueryParameterValueMatch(descriptorKey, arg.Value)
   349  			actions = append(actions, &route.RateLimit_Action{
   350  				ActionSpecifier: &route.RateLimit_Action_QueryParameterValueMatch_{
   351  					QueryParameterValueMatch: queryParameterValueMatch,
   352  				},
   353  			})
   354  			entries = append(entries, &ratelimitv32.RateLimitDescriptor_Entry{
   355  				Key:   descriptorKey,
   356  				Value: arg.GetValue().GetValue().GetValue(),
   357  			})
   358  		case apitraffic.MatchArgument_METHOD:
   359  			actions = append(actions, &route.RateLimit_Action{
   360  				ActionSpecifier: &route.RateLimit_Action_RequestHeaders_{
   361  					RequestHeaders: &route.RateLimit_Action_RequestHeaders{
   362  						HeaderName:    ":method",
   363  						DescriptorKey: descriptorKey,
   364  					},
   365  				},
   366  			})
   367  			entries = append(entries, &envoy_extensions_common_ratelimit_v3.RateLimitDescriptor_Entry{
   368  				Key:   descriptorKey,
   369  				Value: arg.GetValue().GetValue().GetValue(),
   370  			})
   371  		case apitraffic.MatchArgument_CALLER_IP:
   372  			actions = append(actions, &route.RateLimit_Action{
   373  				ActionSpecifier: &route.RateLimit_Action_RemoteAddress_{
   374  					RemoteAddress: &route.RateLimit_Action_RemoteAddress{},
   375  				},
   376  			})
   377  		}
   378  	}
   380  	for _, amount := range rule.Amounts {
   381  		descriptor := &envoy_extensions_common_ratelimit_v3.LocalRateLimitDescriptor{
   382  			TokenBucket: &envoy_type_v3.TokenBucket{
   383  				MaxTokens:     amount.GetMaxAmount().GetValue(),
   384  				TokensPerFill: wrapperspb.UInt32(amount.GetMaxAmount().GetValue()),
   385  				FillInterval:  amount.GetValidDuration(),
   386  			},
   387  		}
   388  		descriptor.Entries = entries
   389  		descriptors = append(descriptors, descriptor)
   390  	}
   391  	return actions, descriptors
   392  }
   394  func BuildRateLimitActionQueryParameterValueMatch(key string,
   395  	value *apimodel.MatchString) *route.RateLimit_Action_QueryParameterValueMatch {
   396  	queryParameterValueMatch := &route.RateLimit_Action_QueryParameterValueMatch{
   397  		DescriptorKey:   key,
   398  		DescriptorValue: value.GetValue().GetValue(),
   399  		ExpectMatch:     wrapperspb.Bool(true),
   400  		QueryParameters: []*route.QueryParameterMatcher{},
   401  	}
   402  	switch value.GetType() {
   403  	case apimodel.MatchString_EXACT:
   404  		queryParameterValueMatch.QueryParameters = []*route.QueryParameterMatcher{
   405  			{
   406  				Name: key,
   407  				QueryParameterMatchSpecifier: &route.QueryParameterMatcher_StringMatch{
   408  					StringMatch: &v32.StringMatcher{
   409  						MatchPattern: &v32.StringMatcher_Exact{
   410  							Exact: value.GetValue().GetValue(),
   411  						},
   412  					},
   413  				},
   414  			},
   415  		}
   416  	case apimodel.MatchString_REGEX:
   417  		queryParameterValueMatch.QueryParameters = []*route.QueryParameterMatcher{
   418  			{
   419  				Name: key,
   420  				QueryParameterMatchSpecifier: &route.QueryParameterMatcher_StringMatch{
   421  					StringMatch: &v32.StringMatcher{
   422  						MatchPattern: &v32.StringMatcher_SafeRegex{
   423  							SafeRegex: &v32.RegexMatcher{
   424  								EngineType: &v32.RegexMatcher_GoogleRe2{},
   425  								Regex:      value.GetValue().GetValue(),
   426  							},
   427  						},
   428  					},
   429  				},
   430  			},
   431  		}
   432  	}
   434  	return queryParameterValueMatch
   435  }
   437  func BuildRateLimitActionHeaderValueMatch(key string, argument *apitraffic.MatchArgument) *route.RateLimit_Action_HeaderValueMatch {
   438  	headerValueMatch := &route.RateLimit_Action_HeaderValueMatch{
   439  		DescriptorKey:   key,
   440  		DescriptorValue: argument.GetValue().GetValue().GetValue(),
   441  		Headers:         []*route.HeaderMatcher{},
   442  	}
   443  	switch argument.GetValue().GetType() {
   444  	case apimodel.MatchString_EXACT, apimodel.MatchString_NOT_EQUALS:
   445  		headerValueMatch.Headers = []*route.HeaderMatcher{
   446  			{
   447  				Name:        argument.GetKey(),
   448  				InvertMatch: argument.GetValue().GetType() == apimodel.MatchString_NOT_EQUALS,
   449  				HeaderMatchSpecifier: &route.HeaderMatcher_StringMatch{
   450  					StringMatch: &v32.StringMatcher{
   451  						MatchPattern: &v32.StringMatcher_Exact{
   452  							Exact: argument.GetValue().GetValue().GetValue(),
   453  						},
   454  					},
   455  				},
   456  			},
   457  		}
   458  	case apimodel.MatchString_REGEX:
   459  		headerValueMatch.Headers = []*route.HeaderMatcher{
   460  			{
   461  				Name: argument.GetKey(),
   462  				HeaderMatchSpecifier: &route.HeaderMatcher_SafeRegexMatch{
   463  					SafeRegexMatch: &v32.RegexMatcher{
   464  						EngineType: &v32.RegexMatcher_GoogleRe2{},
   465  						Regex:      argument.GetValue().GetValue().GetValue(),
   466  					},
   467  				},
   468  			},
   469  		}
   470  	case MatchString_Prefix:
   471  		// 专门用于 prefix
   472  		headerValueMatch.Headers = []*route.HeaderMatcher{
   473  			{
   474  				Name: argument.GetKey(),
   475  				HeaderMatchSpecifier: &route.HeaderMatcher_StringMatch{
   476  					StringMatch: &v32.StringMatcher{
   477  						MatchPattern: &v32.StringMatcher_Prefix{
   478  							Prefix: argument.GetValue().GetValue().GetValue(),
   479  						},
   480  					},
   481  				},
   482  			},
   483  		}
   484  	}
   485  	return headerValueMatch
   486  }
   488  // 默认路由
   489  func MakeDefaultRoute(trafficDirection corev3.TrafficDirection, svcKey model.ServiceKey) *route.Route {
   490  	return &route.Route{
   491  		Match: &route.RouteMatch{
   492  			PathSpecifier: &route.RouteMatch_Prefix{
   493  				Prefix: "/",
   494  			},
   495  		},
   496  		Action: &route.Route_Route{
   497  			Route: &route.RouteAction{
   498  				ClusterSpecifier: &route.RouteAction_Cluster{
   499  					Cluster: MakeServiceName(svcKey, trafficDirection),
   500  				},
   501  			},
   502  		},
   503  	}
   504  }
   506  func GenerateServiceDomains(serviceInfo *ServiceInfo) []string {
   507  	// k8s dns 可解析的服务名
   508  	domain := serviceInfo.Name + "." + serviceInfo.Namespace
   509  	domains := []string{serviceInfo.Name, domain,
   510  		domain + K8sDnsResolveSuffixSvc,
   511  		domain + K8sDnsResolveSuffixSvcCluster,
   512  		domain + K8sDnsResolveSuffixSvcClusterLocal}
   514  	resDomains := domains
   515  	// 上面各种服务名加服务端口
   516  	ports := serviceInfo.Ports
   517  	for _, port := range ports {
   518  		// 如果是数字,则为每个域名产生一个带端口的域名
   519  		for _, s := range domains {
   520  			resDomains = append(resDomains, s+":"+strconv.FormatUint(uint64(port.Port), 10))
   521  		}
   522  	}
   523  	return resDomains
   524  }
   526  func BuildAllowAnyVHost() *route.VirtualHost {
   527  	return &route.VirtualHost{
   528  		Name:    "allow_any",
   529  		Domains: []string{"*"},
   530  		Routes: []*route.Route{
   531  			{
   532  				Match: &route.RouteMatch{
   533  					PathSpecifier: &route.RouteMatch_Prefix{
   534  						Prefix: "/",
   535  					},
   536  				},
   537  				Action: &route.Route_Route{
   538  					Route: &route.RouteAction{
   539  						ClusterSpecifier: &route.RouteAction_Cluster{
   540  							Cluster: PassthroughClusterName,
   541  						},
   542  					},
   543  				},
   544  			},
   545  		},
   546  	}
   547  }
   549  func MakeGatewayRoute(trafficDirection corev3.TrafficDirection, routeMatch *route.RouteMatch,
   550  	destinations []*traffic_manage.DestinationGroup) *route.Route {
   551  	sidecarRoute := &route.Route{
   552  		Match: routeMatch,
   553  		Action: &route.Route_Route{
   554  			Route: &route.RouteAction{
   555  				ClusterSpecifier: &route.RouteAction_WeightedClusters{
   556  					WeightedClusters: BuildWeightClustersV2(trafficDirection, destinations),
   557  				},
   558  			},
   559  		},
   560  	}
   561  	return sidecarRoute
   562  }
   564  func MakeSidecarRoute(trafficDirection corev3.TrafficDirection, routeMatch *route.RouteMatch,
   565  	svcInfo *ServiceInfo, destinations []*traffic_manage.DestinationGroup) *route.Route {
   566  	weightClusters := BuildWeightClustersV2(trafficDirection, destinations)
   567  	for i := range weightClusters.Clusters {
   568  		weightClusters.Clusters[i].Name = MakeServiceName(svcInfo.ServiceKey, trafficDirection)
   569  	}
   570  	currentRoute := &route.Route{
   571  		Match: routeMatch,
   572  		Action: &route.Route_Route{
   573  			Route: &route.RouteAction{
   574  				ClusterSpecifier: &route.RouteAction_WeightedClusters{
   575  					WeightedClusters: weightClusters,
   576  				},
   577  			},
   578  		},
   579  	}
   580  	return currentRoute
   581  }
   583  var PassthroughCluster = &cluster.Cluster{
   584  	Name:                 PassthroughClusterName,
   585  	ConnectTimeout:       durationpb.New(5 * time.Second),
   586  	ClusterDiscoveryType: &cluster.Cluster_Type{Type: cluster.Cluster_ORIGINAL_DST},
   587  	LbPolicy:             cluster.Cluster_CLUSTER_PROVIDED,
   588  	CircuitBreakers: &cluster.CircuitBreakers{
   589  		Thresholds: []*cluster.CircuitBreakers_Thresholds{
   590  			{
   591  				MaxConnections:     &wrappers.UInt32Value{Value: math.MaxUint32},
   592  				MaxPendingRequests: &wrappers.UInt32Value{Value: math.MaxUint32},
   593  				MaxRequests:        &wrappers.UInt32Value{Value: math.MaxUint32},
   594  				MaxRetries:         &wrappers.UInt32Value{Value: math.MaxUint32},
   595  			},
   596  		},
   597  	},
   598  }
   600  func MakeServiceName(svcKey model.ServiceKey, trafficDirection corev3.TrafficDirection) string {
   601  	return fmt.Sprintf("%s|%s|%s", corev3.TrafficDirection_name[int32(trafficDirection)],
   602  		svcKey.Namespace, svcKey.Name)
   603  }
   605  func MakeDefaultFilterChain() *listenerv3.FilterChain {
   606  	return &listenerv3.FilterChain{
   607  		Name: "PassthroughFilterChain",
   608  		Filters: []*listenerv3.Filter{
   609  			{
   610  				Name: wellknown.TCPProxy,
   611  				ConfigType: &listenerv3.Filter_TypedConfig{
   612  					TypedConfig: MustNewAny(&tcp.TcpProxy{
   613  						StatPrefix: PassthroughClusterName,
   614  						ClusterSpecifier: &tcp.TcpProxy_Cluster{
   615  							Cluster: PassthroughClusterName,
   616  						},
   617  					}),
   618  				},
   619  			},
   620  		},
   621  	}
   622  }
   624  func MakeSidecarBoundHCM(svcKey model.ServiceKey,
   625  	trafficDirection corev3.TrafficDirection) *hcm.HttpConnectionManager {
   626  	routerFilter := &hcm.HttpFilter{
   627  		Name: wellknown.Router,
   628  		ConfigType: &hcm.HttpFilter_TypedConfig{
   629  			TypedConfig: MustNewAny(&routerv3.Router{}),
   630  		},
   631  	}
   633  	hcmFilters := []*hcm.HttpFilter{routerFilter}
   634  	if trafficDirection == corev3.TrafficDirection_INBOUND {
   635  		hcmFilters = append([]*hcm.HttpFilter{
   636  			{
   637  				Name: "envoy.filters.http.local_ratelimit",
   638  				ConfigType: &hcm.HttpFilter_TypedConfig{
   639  					TypedConfig: MustNewAny(&lrl.LocalRateLimit{
   640  						StatPrefix: "http_local_rate_limiter",
   641  						Stage:      LocalRateLimitStage,
   642  					}),
   643  				},
   644  			},
   645  			{
   646  				Name: "envoy.filters.http.ratelimit",
   647  				ConfigType: &hcm.HttpFilter_TypedConfig{
   648  					TypedConfig: MustNewAny(&ratelimitfilter.RateLimit{
   649  						Domain:      fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", svcKey.Name, svcKey.Namespace),
   650  						Stage:       DistributedRateLimitStage,
   651  						RequestType: "external",
   652  						Timeout:     durationpb.New(2 * time.Second),
   653  						RateLimitService: &ratelimitconfv3.RateLimitServiceConfig{
   654  							GrpcService: &corev3.GrpcService{
   655  								TargetSpecifier: &corev3.GrpcService_EnvoyGrpc_{
   656  									EnvoyGrpc: &corev3.GrpcService_EnvoyGrpc{
   657  										ClusterName: "polaris_ratelimit",
   658  									},
   659  								},
   660  								Timeout: durationpb.New(time.Second),
   661  							},
   662  							TransportApiVersion: core.ApiVersion_V3,
   663  						},
   664  					}),
   665  				},
   666  			},
   667  		}, hcmFilters...)
   668  	}
   670  	trafficDirectionName := corev3.TrafficDirection_name[int32(trafficDirection)]
   671  	manager := &hcm.HttpConnectionManager{
   672  		CodecType:           hcm.HttpConnectionManager_AUTO,
   673  		StatPrefix:          trafficDirectionName + "_HTTP",
   674  		RouteSpecifier:      routeSpecifier(trafficDirection),
   675  		AccessLog:           accessLog(),
   676  		HttpFilters:         hcmFilters,
   677  		HttpProtocolOptions: &core.Http1ProtocolOptions{AcceptHttp_10: true},
   678  	}
   679  	return manager
   680  }
   682  func MakeGatewayBoundHCM() *hcm.HttpConnectionManager {
   683  	hcmFilters := []*hcm.HttpFilter{
   684  		{
   685  			Name: "envoy.filters.http.local_ratelimit",
   686  			ConfigType: &hcm.HttpFilter_TypedConfig{
   687  				TypedConfig: MustNewAny(&lrl.LocalRateLimit{
   688  					StatPrefix: "http_local_rate_limiter",
   689  				}),
   690  			},
   691  		},
   692  		{
   693  			Name: wellknown.Router,
   694  			ConfigType: &hcm.HttpFilter_TypedConfig{
   695  				TypedConfig: MustNewAny(&routerv3.Router{}),
   696  			},
   697  		},
   698  	}
   699  	trafficDirectionName := corev3.TrafficDirection_name[int32(corev3.TrafficDirection_INBOUND)]
   700  	manager := &hcm.HttpConnectionManager{
   701  		CodecType:           hcm.HttpConnectionManager_AUTO,
   702  		StatPrefix:          trafficDirectionName + "_HTTP",
   703  		RouteSpecifier:      routeSpecifier(corev3.TrafficDirection_OUTBOUND),
   704  		AccessLog:           accessLog(),
   705  		HttpFilters:         hcmFilters,
   706  		HttpProtocolOptions: &core.Http1ProtocolOptions{AcceptHttp_10: true},
   707  	}
   708  	return manager
   709  }
   711  func routeSpecifier(trafficDirection corev3.TrafficDirection) *hcm.HttpConnectionManager_Rds {
   712  	return &hcm.HttpConnectionManager_Rds{
   713  		Rds: &hcm.Rds{
   714  			ConfigSource: &core.ConfigSource{
   715  				ResourceApiVersion: resourcev3.DefaultAPIVersion,
   716  				ConfigSourceSpecifier: &core.ConfigSource_Ads{
   717  					Ads: &core.AggregatedConfigSource{},
   718  				},
   719  			},
   720  			RouteConfigName: TrafficBoundRoute[trafficDirection],
   721  		},
   722  	}
   723  }
   725  func accessLog() []*accesslog.AccessLog {
   726  	return []*accesslog.AccessLog{
   727  		{
   728  			Name: wellknown.FileAccessLog,
   729  			ConfigType: &accesslog.AccessLog_TypedConfig{
   730  				TypedConfig: MustNewAny(&filev3.FileAccessLog{
   731  					Path: "/dev/stdout",
   732  				}),
   733  			},
   734  		},
   735  	}
   736  }
   738  func MustNewAny(src proto.Message) *anypb.Any {
   739  	a, _ := anypb.New(src)
   740  	return a
   741  }
   743  func MakeGatewayLocalRateLimit(rateLimitCache types.RateLimitCache, pathSpecifier string,
   744  	svcKey model.ServiceKey) ([]*route.RateLimit, map[string]*anypb.Any, error) {
   745  	conf, _ := rateLimitCache.GetRateLimitRules(svcKey)
   746  	if conf == nil {
   747  		return nil, nil, nil
   748  	}
   749  	confKey := fmt.Sprintf("INBOUND|GATEWAY|%s|%s|%s", svcKey.Namespace, svcKey.Name, pathSpecifier)
   750  	rateLimitConf := BuildRateLimitConf(confKey)
   751  	filters := make(map[string]*anypb.Any)
   752  	ratelimits := make([]*route.RateLimit, 0, len(conf))
   753  	for _, c := range conf {
   754  		rule := c.Proto
   755  		if rule == nil {
   756  			continue
   757  		}
   758  		if rule.GetDisable().GetValue() {
   759  			continue
   760  		}
   761  		if rule.GetMethod().GetValue().GetValue() != pathSpecifier {
   762  			continue
   763  		}
   764  		actions, descriptors := BuildRateLimitDescriptors(rule)
   765  		rateLimitConf.Descriptors = descriptors
   766  		ratelimitRule := &route.RateLimit{Actions: actions}
   767  		switch rule.GetType() {
   768  		case apitraffic.Rule_LOCAL:
   769  			ratelimitRule.Stage = wrapperspb.UInt32(LocalRateLimitStage)
   770  		case apitraffic.Rule_GLOBAL:
   771  			ratelimitRule.Stage = wrapperspb.UInt32(DistributedRateLimitStage)
   772  		}
   773  		ratelimits = append(ratelimits, ratelimitRule)
   774  	}
   775  	if len(ratelimits) == 0 {
   776  		return nil, nil, nil
   777  	}
   778  	filters["envoy.filters.http.local_ratelimit"] = MustNewAny(rateLimitConf)
   779  	return ratelimits, filters, nil
   780  }
   782  func MakeSidecarLocalRateLimit(rateLimitCache types.RateLimitCache,
   783  	svcKey model.ServiceKey) ([]*route.RateLimit, map[string]*anypb.Any, error) {
   784  	conf, _ := rateLimitCache.GetRateLimitRules(svcKey)
   785  	if conf == nil {
   786  		return nil, nil, nil
   787  	}
   788  	confKey := fmt.Sprintf("INBOUND|SIDECAR|%s|%s", svcKey.Namespace, svcKey.Name)
   789  	rateLimitConf := BuildRateLimitConf(confKey)
   790  	filters := make(map[string]*anypb.Any)
   791  	ratelimits := make([]*route.RateLimit, 0, len(conf))
   792  	for _, c := range conf {
   793  		rule := c.Proto
   794  		if rule == nil {
   795  			continue
   796  		}
   797  		if rule.GetDisable().GetValue() {
   798  			continue
   799  		}
   800  		actions, descriptors := BuildRateLimitDescriptors(rule)
   801  		rateLimitConf.Descriptors = descriptors
   802  		ratelimitRule := &route.RateLimit{Actions: actions}
   803  		switch rule.GetType() {
   804  		case apitraffic.Rule_LOCAL:
   805  			ratelimitRule.Stage = wrapperspb.UInt32(LocalRateLimitStage)
   806  		case apitraffic.Rule_GLOBAL:
   807  			ratelimitRule.Stage = wrapperspb.UInt32(DistributedRateLimitStage)
   808  		}
   809  		ratelimits = append(ratelimits, ratelimitRule)
   810  	}
   811  	filters["envoy.filters.http.local_ratelimit"] = MustNewAny(rateLimitConf)
   812  	return ratelimits, filters, nil
   813  }
   815  // Translate the circuit breaker configuration of Polaris into OutlierDetection
   816  func MakeOutlierDetection(serviceInfo *ServiceInfo) *cluster.OutlierDetection {
   817  	log.Infof("XDS][Sidecar] makeOutlierDetection service: %v enter", serviceInfo.Name)
   818  	circuitBreaker := serviceInfo.CircuitBreaker
   819  	if circuitBreaker == nil || len(circuitBreaker.Rules) == 0 {
   820  		return nil
   821  	}
   822  	var rule *apifault.CircuitBreakerRule
   823  	for _, item := range circuitBreaker.Rules {
   824  		log.Infof("[XDS][Sidecar] makeOutlierDetection rule: %+v", item)
   825  		if item.Level == apifault.Level_INSTANCE {
   826  			rule = item
   827  			break
   828  		}
   829  	}
   830  	// not config or close circuit breaker
   831  	if rule == nil || len(rule.TriggerCondition) == 0 || !rule.Enable {
   832  		return nil
   833  	}
   834  	triggerCondtion := rule.TriggerCondition[0]
   835  	outlierDetection := &cluster.OutlierDetection{}
   836  	outlierDetection.Interval = durationpb.New(time.Duration(triggerCondtion.GetInterval()) * time.Second)
   837  	outlierDetection.Consecutive_5Xx = &wrappers.UInt32Value{
   838  		Value: triggerCondtion.GetErrorCount()}
   839  	outlierDetection.FailurePercentageThreshold = &wrappers.UInt32Value{
   840  		Value: triggerCondtion.GetErrorPercent()}
   841  	outlierDetection.FailurePercentageRequestVolume = &wrappers.UInt32Value{
   842  		Value: triggerCondtion.GetMinimumRequest()}
   843  	if rule.RecoverCondition != nil {
   844  		outlierDetection.BaseEjectionTime =
   845  			durationpb.New(time.Duration(rule.GetRecoverCondition().GetSleepWindow()) * time.Second)
   846  	}
   848  	return outlierDetection
   849  }
   851  // Translate the FaultDetector configuration of Polaris into HealthCheck
   852  func MakeHealthCheck(serviceInfo *ServiceInfo) []*core.HealthCheck {
   853  	log.Infof("XDS][Sidecar] makeHealthCheck service: %v enter", serviceInfo.Name)
   854  	if serviceInfo.FaultDetect == nil || len(serviceInfo.FaultDetect.Rules) == 0 {
   855  		return nil
   856  	}
   857  	var healthChecks []*core.HealthCheck
   858  	for _, rule := range serviceInfo.FaultDetect.Rules {
   859  		log.Infof("[XDS][Sidecar] makeHealthCheck name: %v,  rule: %+v", rule.Name, rule)
   860  		healthCheck := &core.HealthCheck{
   861  			Timeout:            durationpb.New(time.Duration(rule.GetTimeout()) * time.Second),
   862  			Interval:           durationpb.New(time.Duration(rule.GetInterval()) * time.Second),
   863  			UnhealthyThreshold: &wrappers.UInt32Value{Value: 3},
   864  			HealthyThreshold:   &wrappers.UInt32Value{Value: 1},
   865  		}
   866  		if rule.GetProtocol() == apifault.FaultDetectRule_HTTP {
   867  			config := rule.GetHttpConfig()
   868  			if config == nil {
   869  				continue
   870  			}
   871  			var headers []*core.HeaderValueOption
   872  			for _, item := range config.GetHeaders() {
   873  				header := core.HeaderValueOption{
   874  					Header: &core.HeaderValue{
   875  						Key:   item.Key,
   876  						Value: item.Value,
   877  					},
   878  				}
   879  				headers = append(headers, &header)
   880  			}
   882  			httpHealthCheck := &core.HealthCheck_HttpHealthCheck{
   883  				Path:                config.Url,
   884  				Method:              core.RequestMethod(core.RequestMethod_value[config.Method]),
   885  				RequestHeadersToAdd: headers,
   886  			}
   887  			healthCheck.HealthChecker = &core.HealthCheck_HttpHealthCheck_{HttpHealthCheck: httpHealthCheck}
   888  			healthChecks = append(healthChecks, healthCheck)
   889  		} else if rule.GetProtocol() == apifault.FaultDetectRule_TCP {
   890  			config := rule.GetTcpConfig()
   891  			if config == nil {
   892  				continue
   893  			}
   894  			var receives []*core.HealthCheck_Payload
   895  			for _, item := range config.GetReceive() {
   896  				receives = append(receives, &core.HealthCheck_Payload{
   897  					Payload: &core.HealthCheck_Payload_Text{Text: hex.EncodeToString([]byte(item))},
   898  				})
   899  			}
   900  			tcpHealthCheck := &core.HealthCheck_TcpHealthCheck{
   901  				Send: &core.HealthCheck_Payload{
   902  					Payload: &core.HealthCheck_Payload_Text{Text: hex.EncodeToString([]byte(config.Send))},
   903  				},
   904  				Receive: receives,
   905  			}
   906  			healthCheck.HealthChecker = &core.HealthCheck_TcpHealthCheck_{TcpHealthCheck: tcpHealthCheck}
   907  			healthChecks = append(healthChecks, healthCheck)
   908  		}
   909  	}
   910  	return healthChecks
   911  }
   913  func MakeLbSubsetConfig(serviceInfo *ServiceInfo) *cluster.Cluster_LbSubsetConfig {
   914  	rules := FilterInboundRouterRule(serviceInfo)
   915  	if len(rules) == 0 {
   916  		return nil
   917  	}
   919  	lbSubsetConfig := &cluster.Cluster_LbSubsetConfig{}
   920  	var subsetSelectors []*cluster.Cluster_LbSubsetConfig_LbSubsetSelector
   921  	lbSubsetConfig.FallbackPolicy = cluster.Cluster_LbSubsetConfig_ANY_ENDPOINT
   923  	for _, rule := range rules {
   924  		// 对每一个 destination 产生一个 subset
   925  		for _, destination := range rule.GetDestinations() {
   926  			var keys []string
   927  			for s := range destination.GetLabels() {
   928  				keys = append(keys, s)
   929  			}
   930  			subsetSelectors = append(subsetSelectors, &cluster.Cluster_LbSubsetConfig_LbSubsetSelector{
   931  				Keys:           keys,
   932  				FallbackPolicy: cluster.Cluster_LbSubsetConfig_LbSubsetSelector_NO_FALLBACK,
   933  			})
   934  		}
   935  	}
   937  	lbSubsetConfig.SubsetSelectors = subsetSelectors
   938  	return lbSubsetConfig
   939  }
   941  func GenEndpointMetaFromPolarisIns(ins *apiservice.Instance) *core.Metadata {
   942  	meta := &core.Metadata{}
   943  	fields := make(map[string]*_struct.Value)
   944  	for k, v := range ins.Metadata {
   945  		fields[k] = &_struct.Value{
   946  			Kind: &_struct.Value_StringValue{
   947  				StringValue: v,
   948  			},
   949  		}
   950  	}
   952  	meta.FilterMetadata = make(map[string]*_struct.Struct)
   953  	meta.FilterMetadata[""] = &_struct.Struct{
   954  		Fields: fields,
   955  	}
   956  	if ins.Metadata != nil && ins.Metadata[TLSModeTag] != "" {
   957  		meta.FilterMetadata["envoy.transport_socket_match"] = MTLSTransportSocketMatch
   958  	}
   959  	return meta
   960  }
   962  func IsNormalEndpoint(ins *apiservice.Instance) bool {
   963  	if ins.GetIsolate().GetValue() {
   964  		return false
   965  	}
   966  	if ins.GetWeight().GetValue() == 0 {
   967  		return false
   968  	}
   969  	return true
   970  }
   972  func FormatEndpointHealth(ins *apiservice.Instance) core.HealthStatus {
   973  	if ins.GetHealthy().GetValue() {
   974  		return core.HealthStatus_HEALTHY
   975  	}
   976  	return core.HealthStatus_UNHEALTHY
   977  }