
     1  # Tencent is pleased to support the open source community by making Polaris available.
     2  #
     3  # Copyright (C) 2019 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company. All rights reserved.
     4  #
     5  # Licensed under the BSD 3-Clause License (the "License");
     6  # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     7  # You may obtain a copy of the License at
     8  #
     9  #
    10  #
    11  # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
    12  # under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
    13  # CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
    14  # specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
    16  $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
    18  function installPolarisServer() {
    19      Write-Output "install polaris server ... "
    20      $polaris_server_num = (Get-Process | findstr "polaris-server" | Measure-Object -Line).Lines
    21      if ($polaris_server_num -gt 0) {
    22          Write-Output "polaris-server is running, skip"
    23          return
    24      }
    25      $polaris_server_pkg_num = (Get-ChildItem "polaris-server-release*.zip" | Measure-Object -Line).Lines
    26      if ($polaris_server_pkg_num -ne 1) {
    27          Write-Output "number of polaris server package not equals to 1, exit"
    28          exit -1
    29      }
    30      $target_polaris_server_pkg = (Get-ChildItem "polaris-server-release*.zip")[0].Name
    31      $polaris_server_dirname = ([io.fileinfo]$target_polaris_server_pkg).basename
    32      if (Test-Path $polaris_server_dirname) {
    33          Write-Output "$polaris_server_dirname has exists, now remove it"
    34          Remove-Item $polaris_server_dirname -Recurse
    35      }
    36      Expand-Archive -Path $target_polaris_server_pkg -DestinationPath .
    37      Push-Location $polaris_server_dirname
    38      sed "conf/polaris-server.yaml" "listenPort: 8761" "listenPort: ${eureka_port}"
    39      sed "conf/polaris-server.yaml" "listenPort: 15010" "listenPort: ${xdsv3_port}"
    40      sed "conf/polaris-server.yaml" "listenPort: 8091" "listenPort: ${service_grpc_port}"
    41      sed "conf/polaris-server.yaml" "listenPort: 8093" "listenPort: ${config_grpc_port}"
    42      sed "conf/polaris-server.yaml" "listenPort: 8090" "listenPort: ${api_http_port}"
    43      Start-Process -FilePath ".\\polaris-server.exe" -ArgumentList ('start') -WindowStyle Hidden
    44      Write-Output "install polaris server success"
    45      Pop-Location
    46  }
    49  function installPolarisConsole() {
    50      Write-Output "install polaris console ... "
    51      $polaris_console_num = (Get-Process | findstr "polaris-console" | Measure-Object -Line).Lines
    52      if ($polaris_console_num -gt 0) {
    53          Write-Output "polaris-console is running, skip"
    54          return
    55      }
    56      $polaris_console_pkg_num = (Get-ChildItem "polaris-console-release*.zip" | Measure-Object -Line).Lines
    57      if ($polaris_console_pkg_num -ne 1) {
    58          Write-Output "number of polaris console package not equals to 1, exit"
    59          exit -1
    60      }
    61      $target_polaris_console_pkg = (Get-ChildItem "polaris-console-release*.zip")[0].Name
    62      $polaris_console_dirname = ([io.fileinfo]$target_polaris_console_pkg).basename
    63      if (Test-Path $polaris_console_dirname) {
    64          Write-Output "$polaris_console_dirname has exists, now remove it"
    65          Remove-Item $polaris_console_dirname -Recurse
    66      }
    67      Expand-Archive -Path $target_polaris_console_pkg -DestinationPath .
    68      Push-Location $polaris_console_dirname
    69      sed "polaris-console.yaml" "listenPort: 8080" "listenPort: ${console_port}"
    70      sed "polaris-console.yaml" "address: ''" "address: ''${api_http_port}'"
    71      sed "polaris-console.yaml" "address: ''" "address: ''${prometheus_port}'"
    72      Start-Process -FilePath ".\\polaris-console.exe" -ArgumentList ('start') -WindowStyle Hidden
    73      Write-Output "install polaris console success"
    74      Pop-Location
    75  }
    77  function installPolarisLimiter() {
    78      Write-Output "install polaris limiter ... "
    79      $polaris_limiter_num = (Get-Process | findstr "polaris-limiter" | Measure-Object -Line).Lines
    80      if ($polaris_limiter_num -gt 0) {
    81          Write-Output "polaris-limiter is running, skip"
    82          return
    83      }
    84      $polaris_limiter_pkg_num = (Get-ChildItem "polaris-limiter-release*.zip" | Measure-Object -Line).Lines
    85      if ($polaris_limiter_pkg_num -ne 1) {
    86          Write-Output "number of polaris limiter package not equals to 1, exit"
    87          exit -1
    88      }
    89      $target_polaris_limiter_pkg = (Get-ChildItem "polaris-limiter-release*.zip")[0].Name
    90      $polaris_limiter_dirname = ([io.fileinfo]$target_polaris_limiter_pkg).basename
    91      if (Test-Path $polaris_limiter_dirname) {
    92          Write-Output "$polaris_limiter_dirname has exists, now remove it"
    93          Remove-Item $polaris_limiter_dirname -Recurse
    94      }
    95      Expand-Archive -Path $target_polaris_limiter_pkg -DestinationPath .
    96      Push-Location $polaris_limiter_dirname
    97      sed "polaris-limiter.yaml" "polaris-server-address:" "polaris-server-address:${service_grpc_port}"
    98      sed "polaris-limiter.yaml" "port: 8100" "port: ${limiter_http_port}"
    99      sed "polaris-limiter.yaml" "port: 8101" "port: ${limiter_grpc_port}"
   100      Start-Process -FilePath ".\\polaris-limiter.exe" -ArgumentList ('start') -WindowStyle Hidden
   101      Write-Output "install polaris limiter success"
   102      Pop-Location
   103  }
   106  function installPrometheus() {
   107      Write-Output "install prometheus ... "
   108      $prometheus_num = (Get-Process | findstr "prometheus" | Measure-Object -Line).Lines
   109      if ($prometheus_num -gt 0) {
   110          Write-Output "prometheus is running, skip"
   111          return
   112      }
   113      $prometheus_pkg_num = (Get-ChildItem "prometheus-*.zip" | Measure-Object -Line).Lines
   114      if ($prometheus_pkg_num -ne 1) {
   115          Write-Output "number of prometheus package not equals to 1, exit"
   116          exit -1
   117      }
   118      $target_prometheus_pkg =  (Get-ChildItem "prometheus-*.zip")[0].Name
   119      $prometheus_dirname = ([io.fileinfo]$target_prometheus_pkg).basename
   120      if (Test-Path $prometheus_dirname) {
   121          Write-Output "$prometheus_dirname has exists, now remove it"
   122          Remove-Item $prometheus_dirname -Recurse
   123      }
   124      Expand-Archive -Path $target_prometheus_pkg -DestinationPath .
   125      Push-Location $prometheus_dirname
   126      Add-Content prometheus.yml "    http_sd_configs:"
   127      Add-Content prometheus.yml "    - url: http://localhost:8090/prometheus/v1/clients"
   128      Add-Content prometheus.yml ""
   129      Add-Content prometheus.yml "  - job_name: 'push-metrics'"
   130      Add-Content prometheus.yml "    static_configs:"
   131      Add-Content prometheus.yml "    - targets: ['localhost:9091']"
   132      Add-Content prometheus.yml "    honor_labels: true"
   133      Start-Process -FilePath ".\\prometheus.exe" -ArgumentList ('--web.enable-lifecycle', '--web.enable-admin-api') -RedirectStandardOutput prometheus.out -RedirectStandardError prometheus.err -WindowStyle Hidden
   134      Write-Output "install prometheus success"
   135      Pop-Location
   136  }
   138  function installPushGateway() {
   139      Write-Output "install pushgateway ... "
   140      $pgw_num = (Get-Process | findstr "pushgateway" | Measure-Object -Line).Lines
   141      if ($pgw_num -gt 0) {
   142          Write-Output "pushgateway is running, skip"
   143          return
   144      }
   145      $pgw_pkg_num = (Get-ChildItem "pushgateway-*.zip" | Measure-Object -Line).Lines
   146      if ($pgw_pkg_num -ne 1) {
   147          Write-Output "number of pushgateway package not equals to 1, exit"
   148          exit -1
   149      }
   150      $target_pgw_pkg =  (Get-ChildItem "pushgateway-*.zip")[0].Name
   151      $pgw_dirname = ([io.fileinfo]$target_pgw_pkg).basename
   152      if (Test-Path $pgw_dirname) {
   153          Write-Output "$pgw_dirname has exists, now remove it"
   154          Remove-Item $pgw_dirname -Recurse
   155      }
   156      Expand-Archive -Path $target_pgw_pkg -DestinationPath .
   157      Push-Location $pgw_dirname
   158      Start-Process -FilePath ".\\pushgateway.exe" -ArgumentList ('--web.enable-lifecycle', '--web.enable-admin-api') -RedirectStandardOutput pgw.out -RedirectStandardError pgw.err -WindowStyle Hidden
   159      Write-Output "install pushgateway success"
   160      Pop-Location
   161  }
   163  $fileContent = Get-Content
   164  $fileContent = $fileContent -join [Environment]::NewLine
   165  $config = ConvertFrom-StringData($fileContent)
   166  $console_port = $config.'polaris_console_port'
   167  $eureka_port = $config.'polaris_eureka_port'
   168  $xdsv3_port = $config.'polaris_xdsv3_port'
   169  $service_grpc_port = $config.'polaris_service_grpc_port'
   170  $config_grpc_port = $config.'polaris_config_grpc_port'
   171  $api_http_port = $config.'polaris_open_api_port'
   172  $prometheus_port = $config.'prometheus_port'
   173  $pushgateway_port = $config.'pushgateway_port'
   174  $limiter_http_port = $config.'polaris_limiter_http_port'
   175  $limiter_grpc_port = $config.'polaris_limiter_grpc_port'
   177  function checkPort() {
   178      $ports = $console_port, $eureka_port, $xdsv3_port, $prometheus_sd_port, $service_grpc_port, $config_grpc_port, $api_http_port, $prometheus_port, $pushgateway_port, $limiter_http_port,$limiter_grpc_port
   179      foreach ($port in $ports)
   180      {
   181          $processInfo = netstat -ano | findstr "LISTENING" | findstr $port
   182          if($processInfo)
   183          {
   184              Write-Output $processInfo
   185              Write-Output "port $port has been used, exit"
   186              exit -1
   187          }
   188      }
   189  }
   191  function sed($Filename, $Oldvalue, $Newvalue) {
   192      if (Test-Path $Filename) {
   193          $content = get-content $Filename
   194          clear-content $Filename
   195          foreach($line in $content) {
   196              $liner=$line.Replace($Oldvalue, $Newvalue)
   197              Add-content $Filename -Value $liner
   198          }
   199      }
   200  }
   203  # 检查端口占用
   204  checkPort
   205  # 安装server
   206  installPolarisServer
   207  # 安装console
   208  installPolarisConsole
   209  # 安装polaris-limiter
   210  installPolarisLimiter
   211  # 安装Prometheus
   212  installPrometheus
   213  # 安装Prometheus
   214  installPushGateway