
     1  /**
     2   * Tencent is pleased to support the open source community by making Polaris available.
     3   *
     4   * Copyright (C) 2019 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company. All rights reserved.
     5   *
     6   * Licensed under the BSD 3-Clause License (the "License");
     7   * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     8   * You may obtain a copy of the License at
     9   *
    10   *
    11   *
    12   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
    13   * under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
    14   * CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
    15   * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
    16   */
    18  package service
    20  import (
    21  	"context"
    22  	"errors"
    23  	"fmt"
    24  	"strconv"
    25  	"strings"
    26  	"sync/atomic"
    28  	""
    30  	""
    31  	""
    32  )
    34  var (
    35  	// Namespace2SidLayoutID namespace to sid layout id
    36  	Namespace2SidLayoutID = map[string]uint32{
    37  		"Production":  1,
    38  		"Development": 2,
    39  		"Pre-release": 3,
    40  		"Test":        4,
    41  		"Polaris":     5,
    42  		"default":     6,
    43  	}
    45  	// SidLayoutID2Namespace sid layout id to namespace
    46  	SidLayoutID2Namespace = map[uint32]string{
    47  		1: "Production",
    48  		2: "Development",
    49  		3: "Pre-release",
    50  		4: "Test",
    51  		5: "Polaris",
    52  		6: "default",
    53  	}
    54  )
    56  // 记录l5service发现中的一些状态
    57  type l5service struct {
    58  	discoverRevision     string
    59  	discoverClusterCount uint32
    60  }
    62  // SyncByAgentCmd 根据sid获取路由信息
    63  // 老函数:
    64  // Stat::instance()->inc_sync_req_cnt();
    65  // 保存client的IP,该函数只是存储到本地的缓存中
    66  // Stat::instance()->add_agent(sbac.agent_ip());
    67  func (s *Server) SyncByAgentCmd(ctx context.Context, sbac *l5.Cl5SyncByAgentCmd) (
    68  	*l5.Cl5SyncByAgentAckCmd, error) {
    69  	clientIP := sbac.GetAgentIp()
    70  	optList := sbac.GetOptList().GetOpt()
    72  	routes := s.getRoutes(clientIP, optList)
    73  	modIDList, callees, sidConfigs := s.getCallees(routes)
    74  	policys, sections := s.getPolicysAndSections(modIDList)
    76  	sbaac := &l5.Cl5SyncByAgentAckCmd{
    77  		AgentIp:  proto.Int32(sbac.GetAgentIp()),
    78  		SyncFlow: proto.Int32(sbac.GetSyncFlow() + 1),
    79  	}
    80  	ipConfigs := make(map[uint32]*model.Location) // 所有的被调IP+主调IP
    81  	if len(callees) != 0 {
    82  		serverList := &l5.Cl5ServList{
    83  			Serv: make([]*l5.Cl5ServObj, 0, len(callees)),
    84  		}
    85  		for _, entry := range callees {
    86  			server := &l5.Cl5ServObj{
    87  				ModId:  proto.Int32(int32(entry.ModID)),
    88  				CmdId:  proto.Int32(int32(entry.CmdID)),
    89  				Ip:     proto.Int32(int32(entry.IP)),
    90  				Port:   proto.Int32(int32(entry.Port)),
    91  				Weight: proto.Int32(int32(entry.Weight)),
    92  			}
    93  			serverList.Serv = append(serverList.Serv, server)
    94  			ipConfigs[entry.IP] = entry.Location // 填充ipConfigs信息
    95  		}
    96  		sbaac.ServList = serverList
    97  	}
    99  	if len(policys) != 0 {
   100  		routeList := &l5.Cl5RuleList{
   101  			Poly: make([]*l5.Cl5PolyObj, 0, len(policys)),
   102  			Sect: make([]*l5.Cl5SectObj, 0, len(sections)),
   103  		}
   104  		for _, entry := range policys {
   105  			obj := &l5.Cl5PolyObj{
   106  				ModId: proto.Int32(int32(entry.ModID)),
   107  				Div:   proto.Int32(int32(entry.Div)),
   108  				Mod:   proto.Int32(int32(entry.Mod)),
   109  			}
   110  			routeList.Poly = append(routeList.Poly, obj)
   111  		}
   112  		for _, entry := range sections {
   113  			obj := &l5.Cl5SectObj{
   114  				ModId: proto.Int32(int32(entry.ModID)),
   115  				From:  proto.Int32(int32(entry.From)),
   116  				To:    proto.Int32(int32(entry.To)),
   117  				CmdId: proto.Int32(int32(entry.Xid)),
   118  			}
   119  			routeList.Sect = append(routeList.Sect, obj)
   120  		}
   121  		sbaac.RuleList = routeList
   122  	}
   124  	// 保持和cl5源码一致,agent的地域信息,如果找不到,则不加入到ipConfigs中
   125  	if loc := s.getLocation(ParseIPInt2Str(uint32(sbac.GetAgentIp()))); loc != nil {
   126  		ipConfigs[uint32(sbac.GetAgentIp())] = loc
   127  	}
   128  	if len(ipConfigs) != 0 {
   129  		ipConfigList := &l5.Cl5IpcList{
   130  			Ipc: make([]*l5.Cl5IpcObj, 0, len(ipConfigs)),
   131  		}
   132  		for key, entry := range ipConfigs {
   133  			obj := &l5.Cl5IpcObj{
   134  				Ip:     proto.Int32(int32(key)),
   135  				AreaId: proto.Int32(int32(entry.RegionID)),
   136  				CityId: proto.Int32(int32(entry.ZoneID)),
   137  				IdcId:  proto.Int32(int32(entry.CampusID)),
   138  			}
   139  			ipConfigList.Ipc = append(ipConfigList.Ipc, obj)
   140  		}
   141  		sbaac.IpcList = ipConfigList
   142  	}
   144  	sbaac.SidList = CreateCl5SidList(sidConfigs)
   145  	sbaac.L5SvrList = s.getCl5DiscoverList(ctx, uint32(clientIP))
   146  	return sbaac, nil
   147  }
   149  // get routes
   150  func (s *Server) getRoutes(clientIP int32, optList []*l5.Cl5OptObj) []*model.Route {
   151  	cl5Cache := s.caches.CL5()
   152  	routes := cl5Cache.GetRouteByIP(uint32(clientIP))
   153  	if routes == nil {
   154  		routes = make([]*model.Route, 0)
   155  	}
   156  	for _, entry := range optList {
   157  		modID := entry.GetModId()
   158  		cmdID := entry.GetCmdId()
   159  		if ok := cl5Cache.CheckRouteExisted(uint32(clientIP), uint32(modID), uint32(cmdID)); !ok {
   160  			route := &model.Route{
   161  				IP:    uint32(clientIP),
   162  				ModID: uint32(entry.GetModId()),
   163  				CmdID: uint32(entry.GetCmdId()),
   164  				SetID: "NOSET",
   165  			}
   166  			routes = append(routes, route)
   167  			// Stat::instance()->add_route(route.ip,route.modId,route.cmdId); TODO
   168  		}
   169  	}
   171  	return routes
   172  }
   174  // get callee
   175  func (s *Server) getCallees(routes []*model.Route) (map[uint32]bool, []*model.Callee, []*model.SidConfig) {
   176  	modIDList := make(map[uint32]bool)
   177  	var callees []*model.Callee
   178  	var sidConfigs []*model.SidConfig
   179  	for _, entry := range routes {
   180  		servers := s.getCalleeByRoute(entry) // 返回nil代表没有找到任何实例
   181  		if servers == nil {
   182  			log.Warnf("[Cl5] can not found the instances for sid(%d:%d)", entry.ModID, entry.CmdID)
   183  			// Stat::instance()->add_lost_route(sbac.agent_ip(),vt_route[i].modId,vt_route[i].cmdId); TODO
   184  			continue
   185  		}
   186  		if len(servers) != 0 { // 不为nil,但是数组长度为0,意味着实例的权重不符合规则
   187  			callees = append(callees, servers...)
   188  		}
   190  		modIDList[entry.ModID] = true
   191  		if sidConfig := s.getSidConfig(entry.ModID, entry.CmdID); sidConfig != nil {
   192  			sidConfigs = append(sidConfigs, sidConfig)
   193  		}
   194  	}
   196  	return modIDList, callees, sidConfigs
   197  }
   199  // get policy and section
   200  func (s *Server) getPolicysAndSections(modIDList map[uint32]bool) ([]*model.Policy, []*model.Section) {
   201  	cl5Cache := s.caches.CL5()
   202  	var policys []*model.Policy
   203  	var sections []*model.Section
   204  	for modID := range modIDList {
   205  		if policy := cl5Cache.GetPolicy(modID); policy != nil {
   206  			policys = append(policys, policy)
   207  		}
   208  		if secs := cl5Cache.GetSection(modID); len(secs) != 0 {
   209  			sections = append(sections, secs...)
   210  		}
   211  	}
   213  	return policys, sections
   214  }
   216  // RegisterByNameCmd 根据名字获取sid信息
   217  func (s *Server) RegisterByNameCmd(rbnc *l5.Cl5RegisterByNameCmd) (*l5.Cl5RegisterByNameAckCmd, error) {
   218  	// Stat::instance()->inc_register_req_cnt(); TODO
   220  	nameList := rbnc.GetNameList()
   221  	sidConfigs := make([]*model.SidConfig, 0)
   222  	for _, name := range nameList.GetName() {
   223  		if sidConfig := s.getSidConfigByName(name); sidConfig != nil {
   224  			sidConfigs = append(sidConfigs, sidConfig)
   225  		}
   226  	}
   228  	cl5RegisterAckCmd := &l5.Cl5RegisterByNameAckCmd{
   229  		CallerIp: proto.Int32(rbnc.GetCallerIp()),
   230  	}
   232  	cl5RegisterAckCmd.SidList = CreateCl5SidList(sidConfigs)
   233  	return cl5RegisterAckCmd, nil
   234  }
   236  func (s *Server) computeService(modID uint32, cmdID uint32) *model.Service {
   237  	sidStr := model.MarshalModCmd(modID, cmdID)
   238  	// 根据sid找到所述命名空间
   239  	namespaces := ComputeNamespace(modID, cmdID)
   240  	for _, namespace := range namespaces {
   241  		// 根据sid找到polaris服务,这里是源服务
   242  		service := s.getServiceCache(sidStr, namespace)
   243  		if service != nil {
   244  			return service
   245  		}
   246  	}
   247  	return nil
   248  }
   250  // 根据访问关系获取所有符合的被调信息
   251  func (s *Server) getCalleeByRoute(route *model.Route) []*model.Callee {
   252  	out := make([]*model.Callee, 0)
   253  	if route == nil {
   254  		return nil
   255  	}
   256  	service := s.computeService(route.ModID, route.CmdID)
   257  	if service == nil {
   258  		return nil
   259  	}
   260  	s.RecordDiscoverStatis(service.Name, service.Namespace)
   262  	hasInstance := false
   263  	_ = s.caches.Instance().IteratorInstancesWithService(service.ID,
   264  		func(_ string, entry *model.Instance) (b bool, e error) {
   265  			// 过滤掉不健康或者隔离状态的server
   266  			if !entry.Healthy() || entry.Isolate() {
   267  				return true, nil
   268  			}
   270  			hasInstance = true
   271  			// 如果不存在internal-cl5-setId,则默认都是NOSET,适用于别名场景
   272  			setValue := "NOSET"
   273  			metadata := entry.Metadata()
   274  			if val, ok := metadata["internal-cl5-setId"]; ok {
   275  				setValue = val
   276  			}
   278  			// 与route的setID匹配,那么直接返回instance.weight
   279  			weight := entry.Weight()
   280  			found := false
   281  			if setValue == route.SetID {
   282  				found = true
   283  			} else if !strings.Contains(setValue, route.SetID) {
   284  				found = false
   285  			} else {
   286  				var weights []uint32
   287  				if val, ok := metadata["internal-cl5-weight"]; ok {
   288  					weights = ParseWeight(val)
   289  				}
   290  				setIDs := ParseSetID(setValue)
   291  				for i, setID := range setIDs {
   292  					if setID == route.SetID {
   293  						found = true
   294  						if weights != nil && i < len(weights) {
   295  							weight = weights[i]
   296  						}
   297  						break
   298  					}
   299  				}
   300  			}
   302  			// 该Set无被调或者被调的权重为0,则忽略
   303  			if !found || weight == 0 {
   304  				return true, nil
   305  			}
   307  			// 转换ipStr to int
   308  			ip := ParseIPStr2IntV2(entry.Host())
   309  			callee := &model.Callee{
   310  				ModID:  route.ModID,
   311  				CmdID:  route.CmdID,
   312  				IP:     ip,
   313  				Port:   entry.Port(),
   314  				Weight: weight,
   315  				// TODO 没有设置 setID,cl5源码也是没有设置的
   316  			}
   317  			// s.getLocation(entry.Host), // ip的地域信息,统一来源于cmdb插件的数据
   318  			if loc := s.getLocation(entry.Host()); loc != nil {
   319  				callee.Location = loc
   320  			} else {
   321  				// 如果cmdb中找不到数据,则默认地域ID都为0,即默认结构体
   322  				callee.Location = &model.Location{}
   323  			}
   324  			out = append(out, callee)
   325  			return true, nil
   326  		})
   328  	if !hasInstance {
   329  		return nil
   330  	}
   332  	return out
   333  }
   335  // 根据sid读取sidConfig的配置信息
   336  // 注意,sid--> reference,通过索引服务才能拿到真实的数据
   337  func (s *Server) getSidConfig(modID uint32, cmdID uint32) *model.SidConfig {
   338  	sid := &model.Sid{ModID: modID, CmdID: cmdID}
   339  	sidStr := model.MarshalSid(sid)
   341  	// 先获取一下namespace
   342  	namespaces := ComputeNamespace(modID, cmdID)
   344  	var sidService *model.Service
   345  	for _, namespace := range namespaces {
   346  		sidService = s.caches.Service().GetServiceByName(sidStr, namespace)
   347  		if sidService != nil {
   348  			break
   349  		}
   350  	}
   351  	if sidService == nil {
   352  		return nil
   353  	}
   354  	sidConfig := s.getRealSidConfigMeta(sidService)
   355  	if sidConfig == nil {
   356  		return nil
   357  	}
   359  	sidConfig.ModID = modID
   360  	sidConfig.CmdID = cmdID
   362  	return sidConfig
   363  }
   365  // 根据名字找到sidConfig
   366  // 注意:通过cache,根据cl5Name,找到对应的sid
   367  func (s *Server) getSidConfigByName(name string) *model.SidConfig {
   368  	nameService := s.caches.Service().GetServiceByCl5Name(name)
   369  	if nameService == nil {
   370  		return nil
   371  	}
   373  	sidConfig := s.getRealSidConfigMeta(nameService)
   374  	if sidConfig == nil {
   375  		return nil
   376  	}
   378  	sidMeta, ok := nameService.Meta["internal-cl5-sid"]
   379  	if !ok {
   380  		log.Errorf("[Server] not found name(%s) sid", name)
   381  		return nil
   382  	}
   384  	sid, err := model.UnmarshalSid(sidMeta)
   385  	if err != nil {
   386  		log.Errorf("[Server] unmarshal sid(%s) err: %s", sidMeta, err.Error())
   387  		return nil
   388  	}
   390  	sidConfig.ModID = sid.ModID
   391  	sidConfig.CmdID = sid.CmdID
   392  	return sidConfig
   393  }
   395  // 只返回服务名+policy属性
   396  func (s *Server) getRealSidConfigMeta(service *model.Service) *model.SidConfig {
   397  	if service == nil {
   398  		return nil
   399  	}
   401  	realService := service
   402  	// 找一下,是否存在索引服务(别名服务)
   403  	// 如果存在索引服务,读取索引服务的属性
   404  	if service.IsAlias() {
   405  		if referService := s.caches.Service().GetServiceByID(service.Reference); referService != nil {
   406  			realService = referService
   407  		}
   408  	}
   410  	out := &model.SidConfig{
   411  		Name:   "",
   412  		Policy: 0,
   413  	}
   414  	if nameMeta, ok := realService.Meta["internal-cl5-name"]; ok {
   415  		out.Name = nameMeta
   416  	}
   417  	if policyMeta, ok := realService.Meta["internal-enable-nearby"]; ok {
   418  		if policyMeta == "true" {
   419  			out.Policy = 1
   420  		}
   421  	}
   423  	return out
   424  }
   426  // 获取
   427  func (s *Server) getCl5DiscoverList(ctx context.Context, clientIP uint32) *l5.Cl5L5SvrList {
   428  	clusterName, _ := ctx.Value(model.Cl5ServerCluster{}).(string)
   429  	if clusterName == "" {
   430  		log.Warnf("[Cl5] get server cluster name is empty")
   431  		return nil
   432  	}
   433  	protocol, _ := ctx.Value(model.Cl5ServerProtocol{}).(string)
   435  	service := s.getCl5DiscoverService(clusterName, clientIP)
   436  	if service == nil {
   437  		log.Errorf("[Cl5] not found server cluster service(%s)", clusterName)
   438  		return nil
   439  	}
   440  	instances := s.caches.Instance().GetInstancesByServiceID(service.ID)
   441  	if len(instances) == 0 {
   442  		log.Errorf("[Cl5] not found any instances for the service(%s, %s)",
   443  			clusterName, "Polaris")
   444  		return nil
   445  	}
   447  	var out l5.Cl5L5SvrList
   448  	out.Ip = make([]int32, 0, len(instances))
   449  	for _, entry := range instances {
   450  		// 获取同协议的数据
   451  		if entry.Protocol() != protocol {
   452  			continue
   453  		}
   454  		// 过滤掉不健康或者隔离状态的server
   455  		if !entry.Healthy() || entry.Isolate() {
   456  			continue
   457  		}
   458  		ip := ParseIPStr2IntV2(entry.Host())
   459  		out.Ip = append(out.Ip, int32(ip))
   460  	}
   461  	// 如果没有任何数据,那直接返回空,使用agent配置的IPlist
   462  	if len(out.GetIp()) == 0 {
   463  		log.Errorf("[Cl5] get cl5 cluster(%s) instances count 0", service.Name)
   464  		return nil
   465  	}
   467  	return &out
   468  }
   470  // 根据集群名获取对应的服务
   471  func (s *Server) getCl5DiscoverService(clusterName string, clientIP uint32) *model.Service {
   472  	service := s.getServiceCache(clusterName, "Polaris")
   473  	if service == nil {
   474  		log.Errorf("[Cl5] not found server cluster service(%s)", clusterName)
   475  		return nil
   476  	}
   478  	// 根据service的metadata判断,有多少个子集群
   479  	clusterCount := uint32(0)
   480  	if service.Revision == s.l5service.discoverRevision {
   481  		clusterCount = atomic.LoadUint32(&s.l5service.discoverClusterCount)
   482  	} else {
   483  		if meta, ok := service.Meta["internal-cluster-count"]; ok {
   484  			count, err := strconv.Atoi(meta)
   485  			if err != nil {
   486  				log.Errorf("[Cl5] get service count , parse err: %s", err.Error())
   487  			} else {
   488  				clusterCount = uint32(count)
   489  				s.l5service.discoverRevision = service.Revision
   490  				atomic.StoreUint32(&s.l5service.discoverClusterCount, clusterCount)
   491  			}
   492  		}
   493  	}
   495  	// 如果集群数为0,那么返回埋点的集群
   496  	if clusterCount == 0 {
   497  		return service
   498  	}
   500  	subIndex := clientIP%uint32(clusterCount) + 1
   501  	subClusterName := fmt.Sprintf("%s.%d", clusterName, subIndex)
   502  	// log.Infof("[Cl5] ip(%d), clusterCount(%d), name(%s)", clientIP, clusterCount, subClusterName) // TODO
   503  	subService := s.getServiceCache(subClusterName, "Polaris")
   504  	if subService == nil {
   505  		log.Errorf("[Cl5] not found server cluster for ip(%d), cluster count(%d), cluster name(%s)",
   506  			clientIP, clusterCount, subClusterName)
   507  		return service
   508  	}
   510  	return subService
   511  }
   513  // CreateCl5SidList 构造sidConfigs
   514  func CreateCl5SidList(sidConfigs []*model.SidConfig) *l5.Cl5SidList {
   515  	if len(sidConfigs) == 0 {
   516  		return nil
   517  	}
   519  	sidList := &l5.Cl5SidList{
   520  		Sid: make([]*l5.Cl5SidObj, 0, len(sidConfigs)),
   521  	}
   522  	for _, entry := range sidConfigs {
   523  		obj := &l5.Cl5SidObj{
   524  			ModId:  proto.Int32(int32(entry.ModID)),
   525  			CmdId:  proto.Int32(int32(entry.CmdID)),
   526  			Name:   proto.String(entry.Name),
   527  			Policy: proto.Int32(int32(entry.Policy)),
   528  		}
   529  		sidList.Sid = append(sidList.Sid, obj)
   530  	}
   532  	return sidList
   533  }
   535  // ParseSetID 解析metadata保存的setID字符串
   536  func ParseSetID(str string) []string {
   537  	if str == "" {
   538  		return nil
   539  	}
   541  	return strings.Split(str, ",")
   542  }
   544  // ParseWeight 解析metadata保存的weight字符串
   545  func ParseWeight(str string) []uint32 {
   546  	if str == "" {
   547  		return nil
   548  	}
   550  	items := strings.Split(str, ",")
   551  	if len(items) == 0 {
   552  		return nil
   553  	}
   554  	out := make([]uint32, 0, len(items))
   555  	for _, item := range items {
   556  		data, err := strconv.ParseUint(item, 10, 32)
   557  		if err != nil {
   558  			log.Errorf("[L5Service] parse uint (%s) err: %s", item, err.Error())
   559  			return nil
   560  		}
   562  		out = append(out, uint32(data))
   563  	}
   565  	return out
   566  }
   568  // ParseIPStr2Int 字符串IP转为uint32
   569  // 转换失败的,需要明确错误
   570  func ParseIPStr2Int(ip string) (uint32, error) {
   571  	ips := strings.Split(ip, ".")
   572  	if len(ips) != 4 {
   573  		log.Errorf("[l5Service] ip str(%s) is invalid", ip)
   574  		return 0, errors.New("ip string is invalid")
   575  	}
   577  	out := uint32(0)
   578  	for i := 0; i < 4; i++ {
   579  		tmp, err := strconv.ParseUint(ips[i], 10, 64)
   580  		if err != nil {
   581  			log.Errorf("[L5Service] ip str(%s) to int is err: %s", ip, err.Error())
   582  			return 0, err
   583  		}
   585  		out = out | (uint32(tmp) << uint(i*8))
   586  	}
   588  	return out, nil
   589  }
   591  // ParseIPStr2IntV2 字符串IP转为Int,V2
   592  func ParseIPStr2IntV2(ip string) uint32 {
   593  	item := 0
   594  	var sum uint32
   595  	var index uint
   596  	for i := 0; i < len(ip); i++ {
   597  		if ip[i] == '.' {
   598  			sum = sum | (uint32(item) << (index * 8))
   599  			item = 0
   600  			index++
   601  		} else {
   602  			item = item*10 + int(ip[i]) - int('0')
   603  		}
   604  	}
   606  	sum = sum | (uint32(item) << (index * 8))
   607  	return sum
   608  }
   610  // ParseIPInt2Str uint32的IP转换为字符串型
   611  func ParseIPInt2Str(ip uint32) string {
   612  	ipStr := make([]uint32, 4)
   613  	for i := 0; i < 4; i++ {
   614  		ipStr[i] = (ip >> uint(i*8)) & 255
   615  	}
   616  	str := fmt.Sprintf("%d.%d.%d.%d", ipStr[0], ipStr[1], ipStr[2], ipStr[3])
   617  	return str
   618  }
   620  // ComputeNamespace 根据SID分析,返回其对应的namespace
   621  func ComputeNamespace(modID uint32, cmdID uint32) []string {
   622  	// 为了兼容老的sid,只对新的别名sid才生效
   623  	// 老的sid都属于生产环境的
   624  	// 3000001是新的moduleID的开始值
   625  	if moduleID := modID >> 6; moduleID < 3000001 {
   626  		return []string{DefaultNamespace, ProductionNamespace}
   627  	}
   629  	layoutID := modID & 63 // 63 -> 111111
   630  	namespace, ok := SidLayoutID2Namespace[layoutID]
   631  	if !ok {
   632  		// 找不到命名空间的,全部返回默认的,也就是Production
   633  		log.Warnf("sid(%d:%d) found the layoutID is(%d), not match the namespace list",
   634  			modID, cmdID, layoutID)
   635  		return []string{DefaultNamespace}
   636  	}
   638  	log.Infof("Sid(%d:%d) layoutID(%d), the namespace is: %s",
   639  		modID, cmdID, layoutID, namespace)
   640  	return []string{namespace}
   641  }