
     1  // +build linux freebsd
     3  package daemon
     5  import (
     6  	"bytes"
     7  	"fmt"
     8  	"io/ioutil"
     9  	"net"
    10  	"os"
    11  	"path/filepath"
    12  	"runtime"
    13  	"runtime/debug"
    14  	"strconv"
    15  	"strings"
    16  	"syscall"
    18  	""
    19  	""
    20  	""
    21  	""
    22  	""
    23  	""
    24  	""
    25  	""
    26  	""
    27  	""
    28  	runconfigopts ""
    29  	""
    30  	""
    31  	pblkiodev ""
    32  	containertypes ""
    33  	""
    34  	nwconfig ""
    35  	""
    36  	""
    37  	""
    38  	""
    39  	lntypes ""
    40  	""
    41  	""
    42  	""
    43  	""
    44  )
    46  const (
    47  	// See
    48  	linuxMinCPUShares = 2
    49  	linuxMaxCPUShares = 262144
    50  	platformSupported = true
    51  	// It's not kernel limit, we want this 4M limit to supply a reasonable functional container
    52  	linuxMinMemory = 4194304
    53  	// constants for remapped root settings
    54  	defaultIDSpecifier string = "default"
    55  	defaultRemappedID  string = "dockremap"
    57  	// constant for cgroup drivers
    58  	cgroupFsDriver      = "cgroupfs"
    59  	cgroupSystemdDriver = "systemd"
    60  )
    62  func getMemoryResources(config containertypes.Resources) *specs.Memory {
    63  	memory := specs.Memory{}
    65  	if config.Memory > 0 {
    66  		limit := uint64(config.Memory)
    67  		memory.Limit = &limit
    68  	}
    70  	if config.MemoryReservation > 0 {
    71  		reservation := uint64(config.MemoryReservation)
    72  		memory.Reservation = &reservation
    73  	}
    75  	if config.MemorySwap != 0 {
    76  		swap := uint64(config.MemorySwap)
    77  		memory.Swap = &swap
    78  	}
    80  	if config.MemorySwappiness != nil {
    81  		swappiness := uint64(*config.MemorySwappiness)
    82  		memory.Swappiness = &swappiness
    83  	}
    85  	if config.KernelMemory != 0 {
    86  		kernelMemory := uint64(config.KernelMemory)
    87  		memory.Kernel = &kernelMemory
    88  	}
    90  	return &memory
    91  }
    93  func getCPUResources(config containertypes.Resources) *specs.CPU {
    94  	cpu := specs.CPU{}
    96  	if config.CPUShares != 0 {
    97  		shares := uint64(config.CPUShares)
    98  		cpu.Shares = &shares
    99  	}
   101  	if config.CpusetCpus != "" {
   102  		cpuset := config.CpusetCpus
   103  		cpu.Cpus = &cpuset
   104  	}
   106  	if config.CpusetMems != "" {
   107  		cpuset := config.CpusetMems
   108  		cpu.Mems = &cpuset
   109  	}
   111  	if config.CPUPeriod != 0 {
   112  		period := uint64(config.CPUPeriod)
   113  		cpu.Period = &period
   114  	}
   116  	if config.CPUQuota != 0 {
   117  		quota := uint64(config.CPUQuota)
   118  		cpu.Quota = &quota
   119  	}
   121  	return &cpu
   122  }
   124  func getBlkioWeightDevices(config containertypes.Resources) ([]specs.WeightDevice, error) {
   125  	var stat syscall.Stat_t
   126  	var blkioWeightDevices []specs.WeightDevice
   128  	for _, weightDevice := range config.BlkioWeightDevice {
   129  		if err := syscall.Stat(weightDevice.Path, &stat); err != nil {
   130  			return nil, err
   131  		}
   132  		weight := weightDevice.Weight
   133  		d := specs.WeightDevice{Weight: &weight}
   134  		d.Major = int64(stat.Rdev / 256)
   135  		d.Minor = int64(stat.Rdev % 256)
   136  		blkioWeightDevices = append(blkioWeightDevices, d)
   137  	}
   139  	return blkioWeightDevices, nil
   140  }
   142  func parseSecurityOpt(container *container.Container, config *containertypes.HostConfig) error {
   143  	var (
   144  		labelOpts []string
   145  		err       error
   146  	)
   148  	for _, opt := range config.SecurityOpt {
   149  		if opt == "no-new-privileges" {
   150  			container.NoNewPrivileges = true
   151  		} else {
   152  			var con []string
   153  			if strings.Contains(opt, "=") {
   154  				con = strings.SplitN(opt, "=", 2)
   155  			} else if strings.Contains(opt, ":") {
   156  				con = strings.SplitN(opt, ":", 2)
   157  				logrus.Warn("Security options with `:` as a separator are deprecated and will be completely unsupported in 1.13, use `=` instead.")
   158  			}
   160  			if len(con) != 2 {
   161  				return fmt.Errorf("Invalid --security-opt 1: %q", opt)
   162  			}
   164  			switch con[0] {
   165  			case "label":
   166  				labelOpts = append(labelOpts, con[1])
   167  			case "apparmor":
   168  				container.AppArmorProfile = con[1]
   169  			case "seccomp":
   170  				container.SeccompProfile = con[1]
   171  			default:
   172  				return fmt.Errorf("Invalid --security-opt 2: %q", opt)
   173  			}
   174  		}
   175  	}
   177  	container.ProcessLabel, container.MountLabel, err = label.InitLabels(labelOpts)
   178  	return err
   179  }
   181  func getBlkioThrottleDevices(devs []*blkiodev.ThrottleDevice) ([]specs.ThrottleDevice, error) {
   182  	var throttleDevices []specs.ThrottleDevice
   183  	var stat syscall.Stat_t
   185  	for _, d := range devs {
   186  		if err := syscall.Stat(d.Path, &stat); err != nil {
   187  			return nil, err
   188  		}
   189  		rate := d.Rate
   190  		d := specs.ThrottleDevice{Rate: &rate}
   191  		d.Major = int64(stat.Rdev / 256)
   192  		d.Minor = int64(stat.Rdev % 256)
   193  		throttleDevices = append(throttleDevices, d)
   194  	}
   196  	return throttleDevices, nil
   197  }
   199  func checkKernelVersion(k, major, minor int) bool {
   200  	if v, err := kernel.GetKernelVersion(); err != nil {
   201  		logrus.Warnf("error getting kernel version: %s", err)
   202  	} else {
   203  		if kernel.CompareKernelVersion(*v, kernel.VersionInfo{Kernel: k, Major: major, Minor: minor}) < 0 {
   204  			return false
   205  		}
   206  	}
   207  	return true
   208  }
   210  func checkKernel() error {
   211  	// Check for unsupported kernel versions
   212  	// FIXME: it would be cleaner to not test for specific versions, but rather
   213  	// test for specific functionalities.
   214  	// Unfortunately we can't test for the feature "does not cause a kernel panic"
   215  	// without actually causing a kernel panic, so we need this workaround until
   216  	// the circumstances of pre-3.10 crashes are clearer.
   217  	// For details see
   218  	// Docker 1.11 and above doesn't actually run on kernels older than 3.4,
   219  	// due to containerd-shim usage of PR_SET_CHILD_SUBREAPER (introduced in 3.4).
   220  	if !checkKernelVersion(3, 10, 0) {
   221  		v, _ := kernel.GetKernelVersion()
   222  		if os.Getenv("DOCKER_NOWARN_KERNEL_VERSION") == "" {
   223  			logrus.Fatalf("Your Linux kernel version %s is not supported for running docker. Please upgrade your kernel to 3.10.0 or newer.", v.String())
   224  		}
   225  	}
   226  	return nil
   227  }
   229  // adaptContainerSettings is called during container creation to modify any
   230  // settings necessary in the HostConfig structure.
   231  func (daemon *Daemon) adaptContainerSettings(hostConfig *containertypes.HostConfig, adjustCPUShares bool) error {
   232  	if adjustCPUShares && hostConfig.CPUShares > 0 {
   233  		// Handle unsupported CPUShares
   234  		if hostConfig.CPUShares < linuxMinCPUShares {
   235  			logrus.Warnf("Changing requested CPUShares of %d to minimum allowed of %d", hostConfig.CPUShares, linuxMinCPUShares)
   236  			hostConfig.CPUShares = linuxMinCPUShares
   237  		} else if hostConfig.CPUShares > linuxMaxCPUShares {
   238  			logrus.Warnf("Changing requested CPUShares of %d to maximum allowed of %d", hostConfig.CPUShares, linuxMaxCPUShares)
   239  			hostConfig.CPUShares = linuxMaxCPUShares
   240  		}
   241  	}
   242  	if hostConfig.Memory > 0 && hostConfig.MemorySwap == 0 {
   243  		// By default, MemorySwap is set to twice the size of Memory.
   244  		hostConfig.MemorySwap = hostConfig.Memory * 2
   245  	}
   246  	if hostConfig.ShmSize == 0 {
   247  		hostConfig.ShmSize = container.DefaultSHMSize
   248  	}
   249  	var err error
   250  	if hostConfig.SecurityOpt == nil {
   251  		hostConfig.SecurityOpt, err = daemon.generateSecurityOpt(hostConfig.IpcMode, hostConfig.PidMode, hostConfig.Privileged)
   252  		if err != nil {
   253  			return err
   254  		}
   255  	}
   256  	if hostConfig.MemorySwappiness == nil {
   257  		defaultSwappiness := int64(-1)
   258  		hostConfig.MemorySwappiness = &defaultSwappiness
   259  	}
   260  	if hostConfig.OomKillDisable == nil {
   261  		defaultOomKillDisable := false
   262  		hostConfig.OomKillDisable = &defaultOomKillDisable
   263  	}
   265  	return nil
   266  }
   268  func verifyContainerResources(resources *containertypes.Resources, sysInfo *sysinfo.SysInfo, update bool) ([]string, error) {
   269  	warnings := []string{}
   271  	// memory subsystem checks and adjustments
   272  	if resources.Memory != 0 && resources.Memory < linuxMinMemory {
   273  		return warnings, fmt.Errorf("Minimum memory limit allowed is 4MB")
   274  	}
   275  	if resources.Memory > 0 && !sysInfo.MemoryLimit {
   276  		warnings = append(warnings, "Your kernel does not support memory limit capabilities. Limitation discarded.")
   277  		logrus.Warn("Your kernel does not support memory limit capabilities. Limitation discarded.")
   278  		resources.Memory = 0
   279  		resources.MemorySwap = -1
   280  	}
   281  	if resources.Memory > 0 && resources.MemorySwap != -1 && !sysInfo.SwapLimit {
   282  		warnings = append(warnings, "Your kernel does not support swap limit capabilities, memory limited without swap.")
   283  		logrus.Warn("Your kernel does not support swap limit capabilities, memory limited without swap.")
   284  		resources.MemorySwap = -1
   285  	}
   286  	if resources.Memory > 0 && resources.MemorySwap > 0 && resources.MemorySwap < resources.Memory {
   287  		return warnings, fmt.Errorf("Minimum memoryswap limit should be larger than memory limit, see usage")
   288  	}
   289  	if resources.Memory == 0 && resources.MemorySwap > 0 && !update {
   290  		return warnings, fmt.Errorf("You should always set the Memory limit when using Memoryswap limit, see usage")
   291  	}
   292  	if resources.MemorySwappiness != nil && *resources.MemorySwappiness != -1 && !sysInfo.MemorySwappiness {
   293  		warnings = append(warnings, "Your kernel does not support memory swappiness capabilities, memory swappiness discarded.")
   294  		logrus.Warn("Your kernel does not support memory swappiness capabilities, memory swappiness discarded.")
   295  		resources.MemorySwappiness = nil
   296  	}
   297  	if resources.MemorySwappiness != nil {
   298  		swappiness := *resources.MemorySwappiness
   299  		if swappiness < -1 || swappiness > 100 {
   300  			return warnings, fmt.Errorf("Invalid value: %v, valid memory swappiness range is 0-100", swappiness)
   301  		}
   302  	}
   303  	if resources.MemoryReservation > 0 && !sysInfo.MemoryReservation {
   304  		warnings = append(warnings, "Your kernel does not support memory soft limit capabilities. Limitation discarded.")
   305  		logrus.Warn("Your kernel does not support memory soft limit capabilities. Limitation discarded.")
   306  		resources.MemoryReservation = 0
   307  	}
   308  	if resources.MemoryReservation > 0 && resources.MemoryReservation < linuxMinMemory {
   309  		return warnings, fmt.Errorf("Minimum memory reservation allowed is 4MB")
   310  	}
   311  	if resources.Memory > 0 && resources.MemoryReservation > 0 && resources.Memory < resources.MemoryReservation {
   312  		return warnings, fmt.Errorf("Minimum memory limit should be larger than memory reservation limit, see usage")
   313  	}
   314  	if resources.KernelMemory > 0 && !sysInfo.KernelMemory {
   315  		warnings = append(warnings, "Your kernel does not support kernel memory limit capabilities. Limitation discarded.")
   316  		logrus.Warn("Your kernel does not support kernel memory limit capabilities. Limitation discarded.")
   317  		resources.KernelMemory = 0
   318  	}
   319  	if resources.KernelMemory > 0 && resources.KernelMemory < linuxMinMemory {
   320  		return warnings, fmt.Errorf("Minimum kernel memory limit allowed is 4MB")
   321  	}
   322  	if resources.KernelMemory > 0 && !checkKernelVersion(4, 0, 0) {
   323  		warnings = append(warnings, "You specified a kernel memory limit on a kernel older than 4.0. Kernel memory limits are experimental on older kernels, it won't work as expected and can cause your system to be unstable.")
   324  		logrus.Warn("You specified a kernel memory limit on a kernel older than 4.0. Kernel memory limits are experimental on older kernels, it won't work as expected and can cause your system to be unstable.")
   325  	}
   326  	if resources.OomKillDisable != nil && !sysInfo.OomKillDisable {
   327  		// only produce warnings if the setting wasn't to *disable* the OOM Kill; no point
   328  		// warning the caller if they already wanted the feature to be off
   329  		if *resources.OomKillDisable {
   330  			warnings = append(warnings, "Your kernel does not support OomKillDisable, OomKillDisable discarded.")
   331  			logrus.Warn("Your kernel does not support OomKillDisable, OomKillDisable discarded.")
   332  		}
   333  		resources.OomKillDisable = nil
   334  	}
   336  	if resources.PidsLimit != 0 && !sysInfo.PidsLimit {
   337  		warnings = append(warnings, "Your kernel does not support pids limit capabilities, pids limit discarded.")
   338  		logrus.Warn("Your kernel does not support pids limit capabilities, pids limit discarded.")
   339  		resources.PidsLimit = 0
   340  	}
   342  	// cpu subsystem checks and adjustments
   343  	if resources.CPUShares > 0 && !sysInfo.CPUShares {
   344  		warnings = append(warnings, "Your kernel does not support CPU shares. Shares discarded.")
   345  		logrus.Warn("Your kernel does not support CPU shares. Shares discarded.")
   346  		resources.CPUShares = 0
   347  	}
   348  	if resources.CPUPeriod > 0 && !sysInfo.CPUCfsPeriod {
   349  		warnings = append(warnings, "Your kernel does not support CPU cfs period. Period discarded.")
   350  		logrus.Warn("Your kernel does not support CPU cfs period. Period discarded.")
   351  		resources.CPUPeriod = 0
   352  	}
   353  	if resources.CPUPeriod != 0 && (resources.CPUPeriod < 1000 || resources.CPUPeriod > 1000000) {
   354  		return warnings, fmt.Errorf("CPU cfs period can not be less than 1ms (i.e. 1000) or larger than 1s (i.e. 1000000)")
   355  	}
   356  	if resources.CPUQuota > 0 && !sysInfo.CPUCfsQuota {
   357  		warnings = append(warnings, "Your kernel does not support CPU cfs quota. Quota discarded.")
   358  		logrus.Warn("Your kernel does not support CPU cfs quota. Quota discarded.")
   359  		resources.CPUQuota = 0
   360  	}
   361  	if resources.CPUQuota > 0 && resources.CPUQuota < 1000 {
   362  		return warnings, fmt.Errorf("CPU cfs quota can not be less than 1ms (i.e. 1000)")
   363  	}
   364  	if resources.CPUPercent > 0 {
   365  		warnings = append(warnings, "%s does not support CPU percent. Percent discarded.", runtime.GOOS)
   366  		logrus.Warnf("%s does not support CPU percent. Percent discarded.", runtime.GOOS)
   367  		resources.CPUPercent = 0
   368  	}
   370  	// cpuset subsystem checks and adjustments
   371  	if (resources.CpusetCpus != "" || resources.CpusetMems != "") && !sysInfo.Cpuset {
   372  		warnings = append(warnings, "Your kernel does not support cpuset. Cpuset discarded.")
   373  		logrus.Warn("Your kernel does not support cpuset. Cpuset discarded.")
   374  		resources.CpusetCpus = ""
   375  		resources.CpusetMems = ""
   376  	}
   377  	cpusAvailable, err := sysInfo.IsCpusetCpusAvailable(resources.CpusetCpus)
   378  	if err != nil {
   379  		return warnings, fmt.Errorf("Invalid value %s for cpuset cpus", resources.CpusetCpus)
   380  	}
   381  	if !cpusAvailable {
   382  		return warnings, fmt.Errorf("Requested CPUs are not available - requested %s, available: %s", resources.CpusetCpus, sysInfo.Cpus)
   383  	}
   384  	memsAvailable, err := sysInfo.IsCpusetMemsAvailable(resources.CpusetMems)
   385  	if err != nil {
   386  		return warnings, fmt.Errorf("Invalid value %s for cpuset mems", resources.CpusetMems)
   387  	}
   388  	if !memsAvailable {
   389  		return warnings, fmt.Errorf("Requested memory nodes are not available - requested %s, available: %s", resources.CpusetMems, sysInfo.Mems)
   390  	}
   392  	// blkio subsystem checks and adjustments
   393  	if resources.BlkioWeight > 0 && !sysInfo.BlkioWeight {
   394  		warnings = append(warnings, "Your kernel does not support Block I/O weight. Weight discarded.")
   395  		logrus.Warn("Your kernel does not support Block I/O weight. Weight discarded.")
   396  		resources.BlkioWeight = 0
   397  	}
   398  	if resources.BlkioWeight > 0 && (resources.BlkioWeight < 10 || resources.BlkioWeight > 1000) {
   399  		return warnings, fmt.Errorf("Range of blkio weight is from 10 to 1000")
   400  	}
   401  	if resources.IOMaximumBandwidth != 0 || resources.IOMaximumIOps != 0 {
   402  		return warnings, fmt.Errorf("Invalid QoS settings: %s does not support Maximum IO Bandwidth or Maximum IO IOps", runtime.GOOS)
   403  	}
   404  	if len(resources.BlkioWeightDevice) > 0 && !sysInfo.BlkioWeightDevice {
   405  		warnings = append(warnings, "Your kernel does not support Block I/O weight_device.")
   406  		logrus.Warn("Your kernel does not support Block I/O weight_device. Weight-device discarded.")
   407  		resources.BlkioWeightDevice = []*pblkiodev.WeightDevice{}
   408  	}
   409  	if len(resources.BlkioDeviceReadBps) > 0 && !sysInfo.BlkioReadBpsDevice {
   410  		warnings = append(warnings, "Your kernel does not support Block read limit in bytes per second.")
   411  		logrus.Warn("Your kernel does not support Block I/O read limit in bytes per second. --device-read-bps discarded.")
   412  		resources.BlkioDeviceReadBps = []*pblkiodev.ThrottleDevice{}
   413  	}
   414  	if len(resources.BlkioDeviceWriteBps) > 0 && !sysInfo.BlkioWriteBpsDevice {
   415  		warnings = append(warnings, "Your kernel does not support Block write limit in bytes per second.")
   416  		logrus.Warn("Your kernel does not support Block I/O write limit in bytes per second. --device-write-bps discarded.")
   417  		resources.BlkioDeviceWriteBps = []*pblkiodev.ThrottleDevice{}
   418  	}
   419  	if len(resources.BlkioDeviceReadIOps) > 0 && !sysInfo.BlkioReadIOpsDevice {
   420  		warnings = append(warnings, "Your kernel does not support Block read limit in IO per second.")
   421  		logrus.Warn("Your kernel does not support Block I/O read limit in IO per second. -device-read-iops discarded.")
   422  		resources.BlkioDeviceReadIOps = []*pblkiodev.ThrottleDevice{}
   423  	}
   424  	if len(resources.BlkioDeviceWriteIOps) > 0 && !sysInfo.BlkioWriteIOpsDevice {
   425  		warnings = append(warnings, "Your kernel does not support Block write limit in IO per second.")
   426  		logrus.Warn("Your kernel does not support Block I/O write limit in IO per second. --device-write-iops discarded.")
   427  		resources.BlkioDeviceWriteIOps = []*pblkiodev.ThrottleDevice{}
   428  	}
   430  	return warnings, nil
   431  }
   433  func (daemon *Daemon) getCgroupDriver() string {
   434  	cgroupDriver := cgroupFsDriver
   436  	if UsingSystemd(daemon.configStore) {
   437  		cgroupDriver = cgroupSystemdDriver
   438  	}
   439  	return cgroupDriver
   440  }
   442  // getCD gets the raw value of the native.cgroupdriver option, if set.
   443  func getCD(config *Config) string {
   444  	for _, option := range config.ExecOptions {
   445  		key, val, err := parsers.ParseKeyValueOpt(option)
   446  		if err != nil || !strings.EqualFold(key, "native.cgroupdriver") {
   447  			continue
   448  		}
   449  		return val
   450  	}
   451  	return ""
   452  }
   454  // VerifyCgroupDriver validates native.cgroupdriver
   455  func VerifyCgroupDriver(config *Config) error {
   456  	cd := getCD(config)
   457  	if cd == "" || cd == cgroupFsDriver || cd == cgroupSystemdDriver {
   458  		return nil
   459  	}
   460  	return fmt.Errorf("native.cgroupdriver option %s not supported", cd)
   461  }
   463  // UsingSystemd returns true if cli option includes native.cgroupdriver=systemd
   464  func UsingSystemd(config *Config) bool {
   465  	return getCD(config) == cgroupSystemdDriver
   466  }
   468  // verifyPlatformContainerSettings performs platform-specific validation of the
   469  // hostconfig and config structures.
   470  func verifyPlatformContainerSettings(daemon *Daemon, hostConfig *containertypes.HostConfig, config *containertypes.Config, update bool) ([]string, error) {
   471  	warnings := []string{}
   472  	sysInfo := sysinfo.New(true)
   474  	warnings, err := daemon.verifyExperimentalContainerSettings(hostConfig, config)
   475  	if err != nil {
   476  		return warnings, err
   477  	}
   479  	w, err := verifyContainerResources(&hostConfig.Resources, sysInfo, update)
   480  	if err != nil {
   481  		return warnings, err
   482  	}
   483  	warnings = append(warnings, w...)
   485  	if hostConfig.ShmSize < 0 {
   486  		return warnings, fmt.Errorf("SHM size must be greater than 0")
   487  	}
   489  	if hostConfig.OomScoreAdj < -1000 || hostConfig.OomScoreAdj > 1000 {
   490  		return warnings, fmt.Errorf("Invalid value %d, range for oom score adj is [-1000, 1000]", hostConfig.OomScoreAdj)
   491  	}
   493  	// ip-forwarding does not affect container with '--net=host' (or '--net=none')
   494  	if sysInfo.IPv4ForwardingDisabled && !(hostConfig.NetworkMode.IsHost() || hostConfig.NetworkMode.IsNone()) {
   495  		warnings = append(warnings, "IPv4 forwarding is disabled. Networking will not work.")
   496  		logrus.Warn("IPv4 forwarding is disabled. Networking will not work")
   497  	}
   498  	// check for various conflicting options with user namespaces
   499  	if daemon.configStore.RemappedRoot != "" && hostConfig.UsernsMode.IsPrivate() {
   500  		if hostConfig.Privileged {
   501  			return warnings, fmt.Errorf("Privileged mode is incompatible with user namespaces")
   502  		}
   503  		if hostConfig.NetworkMode.IsHost() {
   504  			return warnings, fmt.Errorf("Cannot share the host's network namespace when user namespaces are enabled")
   505  		}
   506  		if hostConfig.PidMode.IsHost() {
   507  			return warnings, fmt.Errorf("Cannot share the host PID namespace when user namespaces are enabled")
   508  		}
   509  		if hostConfig.ReadonlyRootfs {
   510  			return warnings, fmt.Errorf("Cannot use the --read-only option when user namespaces are enabled")
   511  		}
   512  	}
   513  	if hostConfig.CgroupParent != "" && UsingSystemd(daemon.configStore) {
   514  		// CgroupParent for systemd cgroup should be named as "xxx.slice"
   515  		if len(hostConfig.CgroupParent) <= 6 || !strings.HasSuffix(hostConfig.CgroupParent, ".slice") {
   516  			return warnings, fmt.Errorf("cgroup-parent for systemd cgroup should be a valid slice named as \"xxx.slice\"")
   517  		}
   518  	}
   519  	if hostConfig.Runtime == "" {
   520  		hostConfig.Runtime = daemon.configStore.GetDefaultRuntimeName()
   521  	}
   523  	if rt := daemon.configStore.GetRuntime(hostConfig.Runtime); rt == nil {
   524  		return warnings, fmt.Errorf("Unknown runtime specified %s", hostConfig.Runtime)
   525  	}
   527  	return warnings, nil
   528  }
   530  // platformReload update configuration with platform specific options
   531  func (daemon *Daemon) platformReload(config *Config, attributes *map[string]string) {
   532  	if config.IsValueSet("runtimes") {
   533  		daemon.configStore.Runtimes = config.Runtimes
   534  		// Always set the default one
   535  		daemon.configStore.Runtimes[stockRuntimeName] = types.Runtime{Path: DefaultRuntimeBinary}
   536  	}
   538  	if config.DefaultRuntime != "" {
   539  		daemon.configStore.DefaultRuntime = config.DefaultRuntime
   540  	}
   542  	// Update attributes
   543  	var runtimeList bytes.Buffer
   544  	for name, rt := range daemon.configStore.Runtimes {
   545  		if runtimeList.Len() > 0 {
   546  			runtimeList.WriteRune(' ')
   547  		}
   548  		runtimeList.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", name, rt))
   549  	}
   551  	(*attributes)["runtimes"] = runtimeList.String()
   552  	(*attributes)["default-runtime"] = daemon.configStore.DefaultRuntime
   553  }
   555  // verifyDaemonSettings performs validation of daemon config struct
   556  func verifyDaemonSettings(config *Config) error {
   557  	// Check for mutually incompatible config options
   558  	if config.bridgeConfig.Iface != "" && config.bridgeConfig.IP != "" {
   559  		return fmt.Errorf("You specified -b & --bip, mutually exclusive options. Please specify only one")
   560  	}
   561  	if !config.bridgeConfig.EnableIPTables && !config.bridgeConfig.InterContainerCommunication {
   562  		return fmt.Errorf("You specified --iptables=false with --icc=false. ICC=false uses iptables to function. Please set --icc or --iptables to true")
   563  	}
   564  	if !config.bridgeConfig.EnableIPTables && config.bridgeConfig.EnableIPMasq {
   565  		config.bridgeConfig.EnableIPMasq = false
   566  	}
   567  	if err := VerifyCgroupDriver(config); err != nil {
   568  		return err
   569  	}
   570  	if config.CgroupParent != "" && UsingSystemd(config) {
   571  		if len(config.CgroupParent) <= 6 || !strings.HasSuffix(config.CgroupParent, ".slice") {
   572  			return fmt.Errorf("cgroup-parent for systemd cgroup should be a valid slice named as \"xxx.slice\"")
   573  		}
   574  	}
   576  	if config.DefaultRuntime == "" {
   577  		config.DefaultRuntime = stockRuntimeName
   578  	}
   579  	if config.Runtimes == nil {
   580  		config.Runtimes = make(map[string]types.Runtime)
   581  	}
   582  	stockRuntimeOpts := []string{}
   583  	if UsingSystemd(config) {
   584  		stockRuntimeOpts = append(stockRuntimeOpts, "--systemd-cgroup=true")
   585  	}
   586  	config.Runtimes[stockRuntimeName] = types.Runtime{Path: DefaultRuntimeBinary, Args: stockRuntimeOpts}
   588  	return nil
   589  }
   591  // checkSystem validates platform-specific requirements
   592  func checkSystem() error {
   593  	if os.Geteuid() != 0 {
   594  		return fmt.Errorf("The Docker daemon needs to be run as root")
   595  	}
   596  	return checkKernel()
   597  }
   599  // configureMaxThreads sets the Go runtime max threads threshold
   600  // which is 90% of the kernel setting from /proc/sys/kernel/threads-max
   601  func configureMaxThreads(config *Config) error {
   602  	mt, err := ioutil.ReadFile("/proc/sys/kernel/threads-max")
   603  	if err != nil {
   604  		return err
   605  	}
   606  	mtint, err := strconv.Atoi(strings.TrimSpace(string(mt)))
   607  	if err != nil {
   608  		return err
   609  	}
   610  	maxThreads := (mtint / 100) * 90
   611  	debug.SetMaxThreads(maxThreads)
   612  	logrus.Debugf("Golang's threads limit set to %d", maxThreads)
   613  	return nil
   614  }
   616  // configureKernelSecuritySupport configures and validates security support for the kernel
   617  func configureKernelSecuritySupport(config *Config, driverName string) error {
   618  	if config.EnableSelinuxSupport {
   619  		if selinuxEnabled() {
   620  			// As Docker on overlayFS and SELinux are incompatible at present, error on overlayfs being enabled
   621  			if driverName == "overlay" {
   622  				return fmt.Errorf("SELinux is not supported with the %s graph driver", driverName)
   623  			}
   624  			logrus.Debug("SELinux enabled successfully")
   625  		} else {
   626  			logrus.Warn("Docker could not enable SELinux on the host system")
   627  		}
   628  	} else {
   629  		selinuxSetDisabled()
   630  	}
   631  	return nil
   632  }
   634  func (daemon *Daemon) initNetworkController(config *Config, activeSandboxes map[string]interface{}) (libnetwork.NetworkController, error) {
   635  	netOptions, err := daemon.networkOptions(config, activeSandboxes)
   636  	if err != nil {
   637  		return nil, err
   638  	}
   640  	controller, err := libnetwork.New(netOptions...)
   641  	if err != nil {
   642  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("error obtaining controller instance: %v", err)
   643  	}
   645  	if len(activeSandboxes) > 0 {
   646  		logrus.Infof("There are old running containers, the network config will not take affect")
   647  		return controller, nil
   648  	}
   650  	// Initialize default network on "null"
   651  	if n, _ := controller.NetworkByName("none"); n == nil {
   652  		if _, err := controller.NewNetwork("null", "none", "", libnetwork.NetworkOptionPersist(true)); err != nil {
   653  			return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error creating default \"null\" network: %v", err)
   654  		}
   655  	}
   657  	// Initialize default network on "host"
   658  	if n, _ := controller.NetworkByName("host"); n == nil {
   659  		if _, err := controller.NewNetwork("host", "host", "", libnetwork.NetworkOptionPersist(true)); err != nil {
   660  			return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error creating default \"host\" network: %v", err)
   661  		}
   662  	}
   663  	if !config.DisableBridge {
   664  		// Initialize default driver "bridge"
   665  		if err := initBridgeDriver(controller, config); err != nil {
   666  			return nil, err
   667  		}
   668  	}
   670  	return controller, nil
   671  }
   673  func driverOptions(config *Config) []nwconfig.Option {
   674  	bridgeConfig := options.Generic{
   675  		"EnableIPForwarding":  config.bridgeConfig.EnableIPForward,
   676  		"EnableIPTables":      config.bridgeConfig.EnableIPTables,
   677  		"EnableUserlandProxy": config.bridgeConfig.EnableUserlandProxy}
   678  	bridgeOption := options.Generic{netlabel.GenericData: bridgeConfig}
   680  	dOptions := []nwconfig.Option{}
   681  	dOptions = append(dOptions, nwconfig.OptionDriverConfig("bridge", bridgeOption))
   682  	return dOptions
   683  }
   685  func initBridgeDriver(controller libnetwork.NetworkController, config *Config) error {
   686  	if n, err := controller.NetworkByName("bridge"); err == nil {
   687  		if err = n.Delete(); err != nil {
   688  			return fmt.Errorf("could not delete the default bridge network: %v", err)
   689  		}
   690  	}
   692  	bridgeName := bridge.DefaultBridgeName
   693  	if config.bridgeConfig.Iface != "" {
   694  		bridgeName = config.bridgeConfig.Iface
   695  	}
   696  	netOption := map[string]string{
   697  		bridge.BridgeName:         bridgeName,
   698  		bridge.DefaultBridge:      strconv.FormatBool(true),
   699  		netlabel.DriverMTU:        strconv.Itoa(config.Mtu),
   700  		bridge.EnableIPMasquerade: strconv.FormatBool(config.bridgeConfig.EnableIPMasq),
   701  		bridge.EnableICC:          strconv.FormatBool(config.bridgeConfig.InterContainerCommunication),
   702  	}
   704  	// --ip processing
   705  	if config.bridgeConfig.DefaultIP != nil {
   706  		netOption[bridge.DefaultBindingIP] = config.bridgeConfig.DefaultIP.String()
   707  	}
   709  	var (
   710  		ipamV4Conf *libnetwork.IpamConf
   711  		ipamV6Conf *libnetwork.IpamConf
   712  	)
   714  	ipamV4Conf = &libnetwork.IpamConf{AuxAddresses: make(map[string]string)}
   716  	nw, nw6List, err := netutils.ElectInterfaceAddresses(bridgeName)
   717  	if err == nil {
   718  		ipamV4Conf.PreferredPool = lntypes.GetIPNetCanonical(nw).String()
   719  		hip, _ := lntypes.GetHostPartIP(nw.IP, nw.Mask)
   720  		if hip.IsGlobalUnicast() {
   721  			ipamV4Conf.Gateway = nw.IP.String()
   722  		}
   723  	}
   725  	if config.bridgeConfig.IP != "" {
   726  		ipamV4Conf.PreferredPool = config.bridgeConfig.IP
   727  		ip, _, err := net.ParseCIDR(config.bridgeConfig.IP)
   728  		if err != nil {
   729  			return err
   730  		}
   731  		ipamV4Conf.Gateway = ip.String()
   732  	} else if bridgeName == bridge.DefaultBridgeName && ipamV4Conf.PreferredPool != "" {
   733  		logrus.Infof("Default bridge (%s) is assigned with an IP address %s. Daemon option --bip can be used to set a preferred IP address", bridgeName, ipamV4Conf.PreferredPool)
   734  	}
   736  	if config.bridgeConfig.FixedCIDR != "" {
   737  		_, fCIDR, err := net.ParseCIDR(config.bridgeConfig.FixedCIDR)
   738  		if err != nil {
   739  			return err
   740  		}
   742  		ipamV4Conf.SubPool = fCIDR.String()
   743  	}
   745  	if config.bridgeConfig.DefaultGatewayIPv4 != nil {
   746  		ipamV4Conf.AuxAddresses["DefaultGatewayIPv4"] = config.bridgeConfig.DefaultGatewayIPv4.String()
   747  	}
   749  	var deferIPv6Alloc bool
   750  	if config.bridgeConfig.FixedCIDRv6 != "" {
   751  		_, fCIDRv6, err := net.ParseCIDR(config.bridgeConfig.FixedCIDRv6)
   752  		if err != nil {
   753  			return err
   754  		}
   756  		// In case user has specified the daemon flag --fixed-cidr-v6 and the passed network has
   757  		// at least 48 host bits, we need to guarantee the current behavior where the containers'
   758  		// IPv6 addresses will be constructed based on the containers' interface MAC address.
   759  		// We do so by telling libnetwork to defer the IPv6 address allocation for the endpoints
   760  		// on this network until after the driver has created the endpoint and returned the
   761  		// constructed address. Libnetwork will then reserve this address with the ipam driver.
   762  		ones, _ := fCIDRv6.Mask.Size()
   763  		deferIPv6Alloc = ones <= 80
   765  		if ipamV6Conf == nil {
   766  			ipamV6Conf = &libnetwork.IpamConf{AuxAddresses: make(map[string]string)}
   767  		}
   768  		ipamV6Conf.PreferredPool = fCIDRv6.String()
   770  		// In case the --fixed-cidr-v6 is specified and the current docker0 bridge IPv6
   771  		// address belongs to the same network, we need to inform libnetwork about it, so
   772  		// that it can be reserved with IPAM and it will not be given away to somebody else
   773  		for _, nw6 := range nw6List {
   774  			if fCIDRv6.Contains(nw6.IP) {
   775  				ipamV6Conf.Gateway = nw6.IP.String()
   776  				break
   777  			}
   778  		}
   779  	}
   781  	if config.bridgeConfig.DefaultGatewayIPv6 != nil {
   782  		if ipamV6Conf == nil {
   783  			ipamV6Conf = &libnetwork.IpamConf{AuxAddresses: make(map[string]string)}
   784  		}
   785  		ipamV6Conf.AuxAddresses["DefaultGatewayIPv6"] = config.bridgeConfig.DefaultGatewayIPv6.String()
   786  	}
   788  	v4Conf := []*libnetwork.IpamConf{ipamV4Conf}
   789  	v6Conf := []*libnetwork.IpamConf{}
   790  	if ipamV6Conf != nil {
   791  		v6Conf = append(v6Conf, ipamV6Conf)
   792  	}
   793  	// Initialize default network on "bridge" with the same name
   794  	_, err = controller.NewNetwork("bridge", "bridge", "",
   795  		libnetwork.NetworkOptionEnableIPv6(config.bridgeConfig.EnableIPv6),
   796  		libnetwork.NetworkOptionDriverOpts(netOption),
   797  		libnetwork.NetworkOptionIpam("default", "", v4Conf, v6Conf, nil),
   798  		libnetwork.NetworkOptionDeferIPv6Alloc(deferIPv6Alloc))
   799  	if err != nil {
   800  		return fmt.Errorf("Error creating default \"bridge\" network: %v", err)
   801  	}
   802  	return nil
   803  }
   805  // setupInitLayer populates a directory with mountpoints suitable
   806  // for bind-mounting things into the container.
   807  //
   808  // This extra layer is used by all containers as the top-most ro layer. It protects
   809  // the container from unwanted side-effects on the rw layer.
   810  func setupInitLayer(initLayer string, rootUID, rootGID int) error {
   811  	for pth, typ := range map[string]string{
   812  		"/dev/pts":         "dir",
   813  		"/dev/shm":         "dir",
   814  		"/proc":            "dir",
   815  		"/sys":             "dir",
   816  		"/.dockerenv":      "file",
   817  		"/etc/resolv.conf": "file",
   818  		"/etc/hosts":       "file",
   819  		"/etc/hostname":    "file",
   820  		"/dev/console":     "file",
   821  		"/etc/mtab":        "/proc/mounts",
   822  	} {
   823  		parts := strings.Split(pth, "/")
   824  		prev := "/"
   825  		for _, p := range parts[1:] {
   826  			prev = filepath.Join(prev, p)
   827  			syscall.Unlink(filepath.Join(initLayer, prev))
   828  		}
   830  		if _, err := os.Stat(filepath.Join(initLayer, pth)); err != nil {
   831  			if os.IsNotExist(err) {
   832  				if err := idtools.MkdirAllNewAs(filepath.Join(initLayer, filepath.Dir(pth)), 0755, rootUID, rootGID); err != nil {
   833  					return err
   834  				}
   835  				switch typ {
   836  				case "dir":
   837  					if err := idtools.MkdirAllNewAs(filepath.Join(initLayer, pth), 0755, rootUID, rootGID); err != nil {
   838  						return err
   839  					}
   840  				case "file":
   841  					f, err := os.OpenFile(filepath.Join(initLayer, pth), os.O_CREATE, 0755)
   842  					if err != nil {
   843  						return err
   844  					}
   845  					f.Chown(rootUID, rootGID)
   846  					f.Close()
   847  				default:
   848  					if err := os.Symlink(typ, filepath.Join(initLayer, pth)); err != nil {
   849  						return err
   850  					}
   851  				}
   852  			} else {
   853  				return err
   854  			}
   855  		}
   856  	}
   858  	// Layer is ready to use, if it wasn't before.
   859  	return nil
   860  }
   862  // Parse the remapped root (user namespace) option, which can be one of:
   863  //   username            - valid username from /etc/passwd
   864  //   username:groupname  - valid username; valid groupname from /etc/group
   865  //   uid                 - 32-bit unsigned int valid Linux UID value
   866  //   uid:gid             - uid value; 32-bit unsigned int Linux GID value
   867  //
   868  //  If no groupname is specified, and a username is specified, an attempt
   869  //  will be made to lookup a gid for that username as a groupname
   870  //
   871  //  If names are used, they are verified to exist in passwd/group
   872  func parseRemappedRoot(usergrp string) (string, string, error) {
   874  	var (
   875  		userID, groupID     int
   876  		username, groupname string
   877  	)
   879  	idparts := strings.Split(usergrp, ":")
   880  	if len(idparts) > 2 {
   881  		return "", "", fmt.Errorf("Invalid user/group specification in --userns-remap: %q", usergrp)
   882  	}
   884  	if uid, err := strconv.ParseInt(idparts[0], 10, 32); err == nil {
   885  		// must be a uid; take it as valid
   886  		userID = int(uid)
   887  		luser, err := user.LookupUid(userID)
   888  		if err != nil {
   889  			return "", "", fmt.Errorf("Uid %d has no entry in /etc/passwd: %v", userID, err)
   890  		}
   891  		username = luser.Name
   892  		if len(idparts) == 1 {
   893  			// if the uid was numeric and no gid was specified, take the uid as the gid
   894  			groupID = userID
   895  			lgrp, err := user.LookupGid(groupID)
   896  			if err != nil {
   897  				return "", "", fmt.Errorf("Gid %d has no entry in /etc/group: %v", groupID, err)
   898  			}
   899  			groupname = lgrp.Name
   900  		}
   901  	} else {
   902  		lookupName := idparts[0]
   903  		// special case: if the user specified "default", they want Docker to create or
   904  		// use (after creation) the "dockremap" user/group for root remapping
   905  		if lookupName == defaultIDSpecifier {
   906  			lookupName = defaultRemappedID
   907  		}
   908  		luser, err := user.LookupUser(lookupName)
   909  		if err != nil && idparts[0] != defaultIDSpecifier {
   910  			// error if the name requested isn't the special "dockremap" ID
   911  			return "", "", fmt.Errorf("Error during uid lookup for %q: %v", lookupName, err)
   912  		} else if err != nil {
   913  			// special case-- if the username == "default", then we have been asked
   914  			// to create a new entry pair in /etc/{passwd,group} for which the /etc/sub{uid,gid}
   915  			// ranges will be used for the user and group mappings in user namespaced containers
   916  			_, _, err := idtools.AddNamespaceRangesUser(defaultRemappedID)
   917  			if err == nil {
   918  				return defaultRemappedID, defaultRemappedID, nil
   919  			}
   920  			return "", "", fmt.Errorf("Error during %q user creation: %v", defaultRemappedID, err)
   921  		}
   922  		username = luser.Name
   923  		if len(idparts) == 1 {
   924  			// we only have a string username, and no group specified; look up gid from username as group
   925  			group, err := user.LookupGroup(lookupName)
   926  			if err != nil {
   927  				return "", "", fmt.Errorf("Error during gid lookup for %q: %v", lookupName, err)
   928  			}
   929  			groupID = group.Gid
   930  			groupname = group.Name
   931  		}
   932  	}
   934  	if len(idparts) == 2 {
   935  		// groupname or gid is separately specified and must be resolved
   936  		// to an unsigned 32-bit gid
   937  		if gid, err := strconv.ParseInt(idparts[1], 10, 32); err == nil {
   938  			// must be a gid, take it as valid
   939  			groupID = int(gid)
   940  			lgrp, err := user.LookupGid(groupID)
   941  			if err != nil {
   942  				return "", "", fmt.Errorf("Gid %d has no entry in /etc/passwd: %v", groupID, err)
   943  			}
   944  			groupname = lgrp.Name
   945  		} else {
   946  			// not a number; attempt a lookup
   947  			if _, err := user.LookupGroup(idparts[1]); err != nil {
   948  				return "", "", fmt.Errorf("Error during groupname lookup for %q: %v", idparts[1], err)
   949  			}
   950  			groupname = idparts[1]
   951  		}
   952  	}
   953  	return username, groupname, nil
   954  }
   956  func setupRemappedRoot(config *Config) ([]idtools.IDMap, []idtools.IDMap, error) {
   957  	if runtime.GOOS != "linux" && config.RemappedRoot != "" {
   958  		return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("User namespaces are only supported on Linux")
   959  	}
   961  	// if the daemon was started with remapped root option, parse
   962  	// the config option to the int uid,gid values
   963  	var (
   964  		uidMaps, gidMaps []idtools.IDMap
   965  	)
   966  	if config.RemappedRoot != "" {
   967  		username, groupname, err := parseRemappedRoot(config.RemappedRoot)
   968  		if err != nil {
   969  			return nil, nil, err
   970  		}
   971  		if username == "root" {
   972  			// Cannot setup user namespaces with a 1-to-1 mapping; "--root=0:0" is a no-op
   973  			// effectively
   974  			logrus.Warn("User namespaces: root cannot be remapped with itself; user namespaces are OFF")
   975  			return uidMaps, gidMaps, nil
   976  		}
   977  		logrus.Infof("User namespaces: ID ranges will be mapped to subuid/subgid ranges of: %s:%s", username, groupname)
   978  		// update remapped root setting now that we have resolved them to actual names
   979  		config.RemappedRoot = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", username, groupname)
   981  		uidMaps, gidMaps, err = idtools.CreateIDMappings(username, groupname)
   982  		if err != nil {
   983  			return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("Can't create ID mappings: %v", err)
   984  		}
   985  	}
   986  	return uidMaps, gidMaps, nil
   987  }
   989  func setupDaemonRoot(config *Config, rootDir string, rootUID, rootGID int) error {
   990  	config.Root = rootDir
   991  	// the docker root metadata directory needs to have execute permissions for all users (g+x,o+x)
   992  	// so that syscalls executing as non-root, operating on subdirectories of the graph root
   993  	// (e.g. mounted layers of a container) can traverse this path.
   994  	// The user namespace support will create subdirectories for the remapped root host uid:gid
   995  	// pair owned by that same uid:gid pair for proper write access to those needed metadata and
   996  	// layer content subtrees.
   997  	if _, err := os.Stat(rootDir); err == nil {
   998  		// root current exists; verify the access bits are correct by setting them
   999  		if err = os.Chmod(rootDir, 0711); err != nil {
  1000  			return err
  1001  		}
  1002  	} else if os.IsNotExist(err) {
  1003  		// no root exists yet, create it 0711 with root:root ownership
  1004  		if err := os.MkdirAll(rootDir, 0711); err != nil {
  1005  			return err
  1006  		}
  1007  	}
  1009  	// if user namespaces are enabled we will create a subtree underneath the specified root
  1010  	// with any/all specified remapped root uid/gid options on the daemon creating
  1011  	// a new subdirectory with ownership set to the remapped uid/gid (so as to allow
  1012  	// `chdir()` to work for containers namespaced to that uid/gid)
  1013  	if config.RemappedRoot != "" {
  1014  		config.Root = filepath.Join(rootDir, fmt.Sprintf("%d.%d", rootUID, rootGID))
  1015  		logrus.Debugf("Creating user namespaced daemon root: %s", config.Root)
  1016  		// Create the root directory if it doesn't exist
  1017  		if err := idtools.MkdirAllAs(config.Root, 0700, rootUID, rootGID); err != nil {
  1018  			return fmt.Errorf("Cannot create daemon root: %s: %v", config.Root, err)
  1019  		}
  1020  	}
  1021  	return nil
  1022  }
  1024  // registerLinks writes the links to a file.
  1025  func (daemon *Daemon) registerLinks(container *container.Container, hostConfig *containertypes.HostConfig) error {
  1026  	if hostConfig == nil || hostConfig.NetworkMode.IsUserDefined() {
  1027  		return nil
  1028  	}
  1030  	for _, l := range hostConfig.Links {
  1031  		name, alias, err := runconfigopts.ParseLink(l)
  1032  		if err != nil {
  1033  			return err
  1034  		}
  1035  		child, err := daemon.GetContainer(name)
  1036  		if err != nil {
  1037  			return fmt.Errorf("Could not get container for %s", name)
  1038  		}
  1039  		for child.HostConfig.NetworkMode.IsContainer() {
  1040  			parts := strings.SplitN(string(child.HostConfig.NetworkMode), ":", 2)
  1041  			child, err = daemon.GetContainer(parts[1])
  1042  			if err != nil {
  1043  				return fmt.Errorf("Could not get container for %s", parts[1])
  1044  			}
  1045  		}
  1046  		if child.HostConfig.NetworkMode.IsHost() {
  1047  			return runconfig.ErrConflictHostNetworkAndLinks
  1048  		}
  1049  		if err := daemon.registerLink(container, child, alias); err != nil {
  1050  			return err
  1051  		}
  1052  	}
  1054  	// After we load all the links into the daemon
  1055  	// set them to nil on the hostconfig
  1056  	return container.WriteHostConfig()
  1057  }
  1059  // conditionalMountOnStart is a platform specific helper function during the
  1060  // container start to call mount.
  1061  func (daemon *Daemon) conditionalMountOnStart(container *container.Container) error {
  1062  	return daemon.Mount(container)
  1063  }
  1065  // conditionalUnmountOnCleanup is a platform specific helper function called
  1066  // during the cleanup of a container to unmount.
  1067  func (daemon *Daemon) conditionalUnmountOnCleanup(container *container.Container) error {
  1068  	return daemon.Unmount(container)
  1069  }
  1071  func restoreCustomImage(is image.Store, ls layer.Store, rs reference.Store) error {
  1072  	// Unix has no custom images to register
  1073  	return nil
  1074  }
  1076  func (daemon *Daemon) stats(c *container.Container) (*types.StatsJSON, error) {
  1077  	if !c.IsRunning() {
  1078  		return nil, errNotRunning{c.ID}
  1079  	}
  1080  	stats, err := daemon.containerd.Stats(c.ID)
  1081  	if err != nil {
  1082  		return nil, err
  1083  	}
  1084  	s := &types.StatsJSON{}
  1085  	cgs := stats.CgroupStats
  1086  	if cgs != nil {
  1087  		s.BlkioStats = types.BlkioStats{
  1088  			IoServiceBytesRecursive: copyBlkioEntry(cgs.BlkioStats.IoServiceBytesRecursive),
  1089  			IoServicedRecursive:     copyBlkioEntry(cgs.BlkioStats.IoServicedRecursive),
  1090  			IoQueuedRecursive:       copyBlkioEntry(cgs.BlkioStats.IoQueuedRecursive),
  1091  			IoServiceTimeRecursive:  copyBlkioEntry(cgs.BlkioStats.IoServiceTimeRecursive),
  1092  			IoWaitTimeRecursive:     copyBlkioEntry(cgs.BlkioStats.IoWaitTimeRecursive),
  1093  			IoMergedRecursive:       copyBlkioEntry(cgs.BlkioStats.IoMergedRecursive),
  1094  			IoTimeRecursive:         copyBlkioEntry(cgs.BlkioStats.IoTimeRecursive),
  1095  			SectorsRecursive:        copyBlkioEntry(cgs.BlkioStats.SectorsRecursive),
  1096  		}
  1097  		cpu := cgs.CpuStats
  1098  		s.CPUStats = types.CPUStats{
  1099  			CPUUsage: types.CPUUsage{
  1100  				TotalUsage:        cpu.CpuUsage.TotalUsage,
  1101  				PercpuUsage:       cpu.CpuUsage.PercpuUsage,
  1102  				UsageInKernelmode: cpu.CpuUsage.UsageInKernelmode,
  1103  				UsageInUsermode:   cpu.CpuUsage.UsageInUsermode,
  1104  			},
  1105  			ThrottlingData: types.ThrottlingData{
  1106  				Periods:          cpu.ThrottlingData.Periods,
  1107  				ThrottledPeriods: cpu.ThrottlingData.ThrottledPeriods,
  1108  				ThrottledTime:    cpu.ThrottlingData.ThrottledTime,
  1109  			},
  1110  		}
  1111  		mem := cgs.MemoryStats.Usage
  1112  		s.MemoryStats = types.MemoryStats{
  1113  			Usage:    mem.Usage,
  1114  			MaxUsage: mem.MaxUsage,
  1115  			Stats:    cgs.MemoryStats.Stats,
  1116  			Failcnt:  mem.Failcnt,
  1117  			Limit:    mem.Limit,
  1118  		}
  1119  		// if the container does not set memory limit, use the machineMemory
  1120  		if mem.Limit > daemon.statsCollector.machineMemory && daemon.statsCollector.machineMemory > 0 {
  1121  			s.MemoryStats.Limit = daemon.statsCollector.machineMemory
  1122  		}
  1123  		if cgs.PidsStats != nil {
  1124  			s.PidsStats = types.PidsStats{
  1125  				Current: cgs.PidsStats.Current,
  1126  			}
  1127  		}
  1128  	}
  1129  	s.Read, err = ptypes.Timestamp(stats.Timestamp)
  1130  	if err != nil {
  1131  		return nil, err
  1132  	}
  1133  	return s, nil
  1134  }
  1136  // setDefaultIsolation determines the default isolation mode for the
  1137  // daemon to run in. This is only applicable on Windows
  1138  func (daemon *Daemon) setDefaultIsolation() error {
  1139  	return nil
  1140  }
  1142  func rootFSToAPIType(rootfs *image.RootFS) types.RootFS {
  1143  	var layers []string
  1144  	for _, l := range rootfs.DiffIDs {
  1145  		layers = append(layers, l.String())
  1146  	}
  1147  	return types.RootFS{
  1148  		Type:   rootfs.Type,
  1149  		Layers: layers,
  1150  	}
  1151  }
  1153  // setupDaemonProcess sets various settings for the daemon's process
  1154  func setupDaemonProcess(config *Config) error {
  1155  	// setup the daemons oom_score_adj
  1156  	return setupOOMScoreAdj(config.OOMScoreAdjust)
  1157  }
  1159  func setupOOMScoreAdj(score int) error {
  1160  	f, err := os.OpenFile("/proc/self/oom_score_adj", os.O_WRONLY, 0)
  1161  	if err != nil {
  1162  		return err
  1163  	}
  1164  	_, err = f.WriteString(strconv.Itoa(score))
  1165  	f.Close()
  1166  	return err
  1167  }