
     1  <!-- [metadata]>
     2  +++
     3  title = "Admin Guide"
     4  description = "Administer Docker"
     5  keywords = ["Administer"]
     6  type="menu"
     7  [menu.main]
     8  parent="engine_use"
     9  identifier="engine_admin"
    10  weight="-70"
    11  +++
    12  <![end-metadata]-->
    14  # Admin Topics
    16  * [Configuring and running Docker](
    17  * [Automatically start containers](
    18  * [Keep containers alive during daemon downtime](
    19  * [Control and configure Docker with systemd](
    20  * [Format command and log output](
    21  * [Run a local registry mirror](
    22  * [PowerShell DSC Usage](
    23  * [Using Chef](
    24  * [Using Puppet](
    25  * [Using Supervisor with Docker](
    26  * [Runtime metrics](
    27  * [Link via an ambassador container](