
     1  // Copyright 2013 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
     2  // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
     3  // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
     5  // Package unreachable defines an Analyzer that checks for unreachable code.
     6  package unreachable
     8  // TODO(adonovan): use the new cfg package, which is more precise.
    10  import (
    11  	"go/ast"
    12  	"go/token"
    13  	"log"
    15  	""
    16  	""
    17  	""
    18  )
    20  const Doc = `check for unreachable code
    22  The unreachable analyzer finds statements that execution can never reach
    23  because they are preceded by an return statement, a call to panic, an
    24  infinite loop, or similar constructs.`
    26  var Analyzer = &analysis.Analyzer{
    27  	Name:             "unreachable",
    28  	Doc:              Doc,
    29  	Requires:         []*analysis.Analyzer{inspect.Analyzer},
    30  	RunDespiteErrors: true,
    31  	Run:              run,
    32  }
    34  func run(pass *analysis.Pass) (interface{}, error) {
    35  	inspect := pass.ResultOf[inspect.Analyzer].(*inspector.Inspector)
    37  	nodeFilter := []ast.Node{
    38  		(*ast.FuncDecl)(nil),
    39  		(*ast.FuncLit)(nil),
    40  	}
    41  	inspect.Preorder(nodeFilter, func(n ast.Node) {
    42  		var body *ast.BlockStmt
    43  		switch n := n.(type) {
    44  		case *ast.FuncDecl:
    45  			body = n.Body
    46  		case *ast.FuncLit:
    47  			body = n.Body
    48  		}
    49  		if body == nil {
    50  			return
    51  		}
    52  		d := &deadState{
    53  			pass:     pass,
    54  			hasBreak: make(map[ast.Stmt]bool),
    55  			hasGoto:  make(map[string]bool),
    56  			labels:   make(map[string]ast.Stmt),
    57  		}
    58  		d.findLabels(body)
    59  		d.reachable = true
    60  		d.findDead(body)
    61  	})
    62  	return nil, nil
    63  }
    65  type deadState struct {
    66  	pass        *analysis.Pass
    67  	hasBreak    map[ast.Stmt]bool
    68  	hasGoto     map[string]bool
    69  	labels      map[string]ast.Stmt
    70  	breakTarget ast.Stmt
    72  	reachable bool
    73  }
    75  // findLabels gathers information about the labels defined and used by stmt
    76  // and about which statements break, whether a label is involved or not.
    77  func (d *deadState) findLabels(stmt ast.Stmt) {
    78  	switch x := stmt.(type) {
    79  	default:
    80  		log.Fatalf("%s: internal error in findLabels: unexpected statement %T", d.pass.Fset.Position(x.Pos()), x)
    82  	case *ast.AssignStmt,
    83  		*ast.BadStmt,
    84  		*ast.DeclStmt,
    85  		*ast.DeferStmt,
    86  		*ast.EmptyStmt,
    87  		*ast.ExprStmt,
    88  		*ast.GoStmt,
    89  		*ast.IncDecStmt,
    90  		*ast.ReturnStmt,
    91  		*ast.SendStmt:
    92  		// no statements inside
    94  	case *ast.BlockStmt:
    95  		for _, stmt := range x.List {
    96  			d.findLabels(stmt)
    97  		}
    99  	case *ast.BranchStmt:
   100  		switch x.Tok {
   101  		case token.GOTO:
   102  			if x.Label != nil {
   103  				d.hasGoto[x.Label.Name] = true
   104  			}
   106  		case token.BREAK:
   107  			stmt := d.breakTarget
   108  			if x.Label != nil {
   109  				stmt = d.labels[x.Label.Name]
   110  			}
   111  			if stmt != nil {
   112  				d.hasBreak[stmt] = true
   113  			}
   114  		}
   116  	case *ast.IfStmt:
   117  		d.findLabels(x.Body)
   118  		if x.Else != nil {
   119  			d.findLabels(x.Else)
   120  		}
   122  	case *ast.LabeledStmt:
   123  		d.labels[x.Label.Name] = x.Stmt
   124  		d.findLabels(x.Stmt)
   126  	// These cases are all the same, but the x.Body only works
   127  	// when the specific type of x is known, so the cases cannot
   128  	// be merged.
   129  	case *ast.ForStmt:
   130  		outer := d.breakTarget
   131  		d.breakTarget = x
   132  		d.findLabels(x.Body)
   133  		d.breakTarget = outer
   135  	case *ast.RangeStmt:
   136  		outer := d.breakTarget
   137  		d.breakTarget = x
   138  		d.findLabels(x.Body)
   139  		d.breakTarget = outer
   141  	case *ast.SelectStmt:
   142  		outer := d.breakTarget
   143  		d.breakTarget = x
   144  		d.findLabels(x.Body)
   145  		d.breakTarget = outer
   147  	case *ast.SwitchStmt:
   148  		outer := d.breakTarget
   149  		d.breakTarget = x
   150  		d.findLabels(x.Body)
   151  		d.breakTarget = outer
   153  	case *ast.TypeSwitchStmt:
   154  		outer := d.breakTarget
   155  		d.breakTarget = x
   156  		d.findLabels(x.Body)
   157  		d.breakTarget = outer
   159  	case *ast.CommClause:
   160  		for _, stmt := range x.Body {
   161  			d.findLabels(stmt)
   162  		}
   164  	case *ast.CaseClause:
   165  		for _, stmt := range x.Body {
   166  			d.findLabels(stmt)
   167  		}
   168  	}
   169  }
   171  // findDead walks the statement looking for dead code.
   172  // If d.reachable is false on entry, stmt itself is dead.
   173  // When findDead returns, d.reachable tells whether the
   174  // statement following stmt is reachable.
   175  func (d *deadState) findDead(stmt ast.Stmt) {
   176  	// Is this a labeled goto target?
   177  	// If so, assume it is reachable due to the goto.
   178  	// This is slightly conservative, in that we don't
   179  	// check that the goto is reachable, so
   180  	//	L: goto L
   181  	// will not provoke a warning.
   182  	// But it's good enough.
   183  	if x, isLabel := stmt.(*ast.LabeledStmt); isLabel && d.hasGoto[x.Label.Name] {
   184  		d.reachable = true
   185  	}
   187  	if !d.reachable {
   188  		switch stmt.(type) {
   189  		case *ast.EmptyStmt:
   190  			// do not warn about unreachable empty statements
   191  		default:
   192  			d.pass.Report(analysis.Diagnostic{
   193  				Pos:     stmt.Pos(),
   194  				End:     stmt.End(),
   195  				Message: "unreachable code",
   196  				SuggestedFixes: []analysis.SuggestedFix{{
   197  					Message: "Remove",
   198  					TextEdits: []analysis.TextEdit{{
   199  						Pos: stmt.Pos(),
   200  						End: stmt.End(),
   201  					}},
   202  				}},
   203  			})
   204  			d.reachable = true // silence error about next statement
   205  		}
   206  	}
   208  	switch x := stmt.(type) {
   209  	default:
   210  		log.Fatalf("%s: internal error in findDead: unexpected statement %T", d.pass.Fset.Position(x.Pos()), x)
   212  	case *ast.AssignStmt,
   213  		*ast.BadStmt,
   214  		*ast.DeclStmt,
   215  		*ast.DeferStmt,
   216  		*ast.EmptyStmt,
   217  		*ast.GoStmt,
   218  		*ast.IncDecStmt,
   219  		*ast.SendStmt:
   220  		// no control flow
   222  	case *ast.BlockStmt:
   223  		for _, stmt := range x.List {
   224  			d.findDead(stmt)
   225  		}
   227  	case *ast.BranchStmt:
   228  		switch x.Tok {
   229  		case token.BREAK, token.GOTO, token.FALLTHROUGH:
   230  			d.reachable = false
   231  		case token.CONTINUE:
   232  			// NOTE: We accept "continue" statements as terminating.
   233  			// They are not necessary in the spec definition of terminating,
   234  			// because a continue statement cannot be the final statement
   235  			// before a return. But for the more general problem of syntactically
   236  			// identifying dead code, continue redirects control flow just
   237  			// like the other terminating statements.
   238  			d.reachable = false
   239  		}
   241  	case *ast.ExprStmt:
   242  		// Call to panic?
   243  		call, ok := x.X.(*ast.CallExpr)
   244  		if ok {
   245  			name, ok := call.Fun.(*ast.Ident)
   246  			if ok && name.Name == "panic" && name.Obj == nil {
   247  				d.reachable = false
   248  			}
   249  		}
   251  	case *ast.ForStmt:
   252  		d.findDead(x.Body)
   253  		d.reachable = x.Cond != nil || d.hasBreak[x]
   255  	case *ast.IfStmt:
   256  		d.findDead(x.Body)
   257  		if x.Else != nil {
   258  			r := d.reachable
   259  			d.reachable = true
   260  			d.findDead(x.Else)
   261  			d.reachable = d.reachable || r
   262  		} else {
   263  			// might not have executed if statement
   264  			d.reachable = true
   265  		}
   267  	case *ast.LabeledStmt:
   268  		d.findDead(x.Stmt)
   270  	case *ast.RangeStmt:
   271  		d.findDead(x.Body)
   272  		d.reachable = true
   274  	case *ast.ReturnStmt:
   275  		d.reachable = false
   277  	case *ast.SelectStmt:
   278  		// NOTE: Unlike switch and type switch below, we don't care
   279  		// whether a select has a default, because a select without a
   280  		// default blocks until one of the cases can run. That's different
   281  		// from a switch without a default, which behaves like it has
   282  		// a default with an empty body.
   283  		anyReachable := false
   284  		for _, comm := range x.Body.List {
   285  			d.reachable = true
   286  			for _, stmt := range comm.(*ast.CommClause).Body {
   287  				d.findDead(stmt)
   288  			}
   289  			anyReachable = anyReachable || d.reachable
   290  		}
   291  		d.reachable = anyReachable || d.hasBreak[x]
   293  	case *ast.SwitchStmt:
   294  		anyReachable := false
   295  		hasDefault := false
   296  		for _, cas := range x.Body.List {
   297  			cc := cas.(*ast.CaseClause)
   298  			if cc.List == nil {
   299  				hasDefault = true
   300  			}
   301  			d.reachable = true
   302  			for _, stmt := range cc.Body {
   303  				d.findDead(stmt)
   304  			}
   305  			anyReachable = anyReachable || d.reachable
   306  		}
   307  		d.reachable = anyReachable || d.hasBreak[x] || !hasDefault
   309  	case *ast.TypeSwitchStmt:
   310  		anyReachable := false
   311  		hasDefault := false
   312  		for _, cas := range x.Body.List {
   313  			cc := cas.(*ast.CaseClause)
   314  			if cc.List == nil {
   315  				hasDefault = true
   316  			}
   317  			d.reachable = true
   318  			for _, stmt := range cc.Body {
   319  				d.findDead(stmt)
   320  			}
   321  			anyReachable = anyReachable || d.reachable
   322  		}
   323  		d.reachable = anyReachable || d.hasBreak[x] || !hasDefault
   324  	}
   325  }