
     1  # Checking Go Package API Compatibility
     3  The `apidiff` tool in this directory determines whether two versions of the same
     4  package are compatible. The goal is to help the developer make an informed
     5  choice of semantic version after they have changed the code of their module.
     7  `apidiff` reports two kinds of changes: incompatible ones, which require
     8  incrementing the major part of the semantic version, and compatible ones, which
     9  require a minor version increment. If no API changes are reported but there are
    10  code changes that could affect client code, then the patch version should
    11  be incremented.
    13  Because `apidiff` ignores package import paths, it may be used to display API
    14  differences between any two packages, not just different versions of the same
    15  package.
    17  The current version of `apidiff` compares only packages, not modules.
    20  ## Compatibility Desiderata
    22  Any tool that checks compatibility can offer only an approximation. No tool can
    23  detect behavioral changes; and even if it could, whether a behavioral change is
    24  a breaking change or not depends on many factors, such as whether it closes a
    25  security hole or fixes a bug. Even a change that causes some code to fail to
    26  compile may not be considered a breaking change by the developers or their
    27  users. It may only affect code marked as experimental or unstable, for
    28  example, or the break may only manifest in unlikely cases.
    30  For a tool to be useful, its notion of compatibility must be relaxed enough to
    31  allow reasonable changes, like adding a field to a struct, but strict enough to
    32  catch significant breaking changes. A tool that is too lax will miss important
    33  incompatibilities, and users will stop trusting it; one that is too strict may
    34  generate so much noise that users will ignore it.
    36  To a first approximation, this tool reports a change as incompatible if it could
    37  cause client code to stop compiling. But `apidiff` ignores five ways in which
    38  code may fail to compile after a change. Three of them are mentioned in the
    39  [Go 1 Compatibility Guarantee](
    41  ### Unkeyed Struct Literals
    43  Code that uses an unkeyed struct literal would fail to compile if a field was
    44  added to the struct, making any such addition an incompatible change. An example:
    46  ```
    47  // old
    48  type Point struct { X, Y int }
    50  // new
    51  type Point struct { X, Y, Z int }
    53  // client
    54  p := pkg.Point{1, 2} // fails in new because there are more fields than expressions
    55  ```
    56  Here and below, we provide three snippets: the code in the old version of the
    57  package, the code in the new version, and the code written in a client of the package,
    58  which refers to it by the name `pkg`. The client code compiles against the old
    59  code but not the new.
    61  ### Embedding and Shadowing
    63  Adding an exported field to a struct can break code that embeds that struct,
    64  because the newly added field may conflict with an identically named field
    65  at the same struct depth. A selector referring to the latter would become
    66  ambiguous and thus erroneous.
    69  ```
    70  // old
    71  type Point struct { X, Y int }
    73  // new
    74  type Point struct { X, Y, Z int }
    76  // client
    77  type z struct { Z int }
    79  var v struct {
    80      pkg.Point
    81      z
    82  }
    84  _ = v.Z // fails in new
    85  ```
    86  In the new version, the last line fails to compile because there are two embedded `Z`
    87  fields at the same depth, one from `z` and one from `pkg.Point`.
    90  ### Using an Identical Type Externally
    92  If it is possible for client code to write a type expression representing the
    93  underlying type of a defined type in a package, then external code can use it in
    94  assignments involving the package type, making any change to that type incompatible.
    95  ```
    96  // old
    97  type Point struct { X, Y int }
    99  // new
   100  type Point struct { X, Y, Z int }
   102  // client
   103  var p struct { X, Y int } = pkg.Point{} // fails in new because of Point's extra field
   104  ```
   105  Here, the external code could have used the provided name `Point`, but chose not
   106  to. I'll have more to say about this and related examples later.
   108  ### unsafe.Sizeof and Friends
   110  Since `unsafe.Sizeof`, `unsafe.Offsetof` and `unsafe.Alignof` are constant
   111  expressions, they can be used in an array type literal:
   113  ```
   114  // old
   115  type S struct{ X int }
   117  // new
   118  type S struct{ X, y int }
   120  // client
   121  var a [unsafe.Sizeof(pkg.S{})]int = [8]int{} // fails in new because S's size is not 8
   122  ```
   123  Use of these operations could make many changes to a type potentially incompatible.
   126  ### Type Switches
   128  A package change that merges two different types (with same underlying type)
   129  into a single new type may break type switches in clients that refer to both
   130  original types:
   132  ```
   133  // old
   134  type T1 int
   135  type T2 int
   137  // new
   138  type T1 int
   139  type T2 = T1
   141  // client
   142  switch x.(type) {
   143  case T1:
   144  case T2:
   145  } // fails with new because two cases have the same type
   146  ```
   147  This sort of incompatibility is sufficiently esoteric to ignore; the tool allows
   148  merging types.
   150  ## First Attempt at a Definition
   152  Our first attempt at defining compatibility captures the idea that all the
   153  exported names in the old package must have compatible equivalents in the new
   154  package.
   156  A new package is compatible with an old one if and only if:
   157  - For every exported package-level name in the old package, the same name is
   158    declared in the new at package level, and
   159  - the names denote the same kind of object (e.g. both are variables), and
   160  - the types of the objects are compatible.
   162  We will work out the details (and make some corrections) below, but it is clear
   163  already that we will need to determine what makes two types compatible. And
   164  whatever the definition of type compatibility, it's certainly true that if two
   165  types are the same, they are compatible. So we will need to decide what makes an
   166  old and new type the same. We will call this sameness relation _correspondence_.
   168  ## Type Correspondence
   170  Go already has a definition of when two types are the same:
   171  [type identity](
   172  But identity isn't adequate for our purpose: it says that two defined
   173  types are identical if they arise from the same definition, but it's unclear
   174  what "same" means when talking about two different packages (or two versions of
   175  a single package).
   177  The obvious change to the definition of identity is to require that old and new
   178  [defined types](
   179  have the same name instead. But that doesn't work either, for two
   180  reasons. First, type aliases can equate two defined types with different names:
   182  ```
   183  // old
   184  type E int
   186  // new
   187  type t int
   188  type E = t
   189  ```
   190  Second, an unexported type can be renamed:
   192  ```
   193  // old
   194  type u1 int
   195  var V u1
   197  // new
   198  type u2 int
   199  var V u2
   200  ```
   201  Here, even though `u1` and `u2` are unexported, their exported fields and
   202  methods are visible to clients, so they are part of the API. But since the name
   203  `u1` is not visible to clients, it can be changed compatibly. We say that `u1`
   204  and `u2` are _exposed_: a type is exposed if a client package can declare variables of that type.
   206  We will say that an old defined type _corresponds_ to a new one if they have the
   207  same name, or one can be renamed to the other without otherwise changing the
   208  API. In the first example above, old `E` and new `t` correspond. In the second,
   209  old `u1` and new `u2` correspond.
   211  Two or more old defined types can correspond to a single new type: we consider
   212  "merging" two types into one to be a compatible change. As mentioned above,
   213  code that uses both names in a type switch will fail, but we deliberately ignore
   214  this case. However, a single old type can correspond to only one new type.
   216  So far, we've explained what correspondence means for defined types. To extend
   217  the definition to all types, we parallel the language's definition of type
   218  identity. So, for instance, an old and a new slice type correspond if their
   219  element types correspond.
   221  ## Definition of Compatibility
   223  We can now present the definition of compatibility used by `apidiff`.
   225  ### Package Compatibility
   227  > A new package is compatible with an old one if:
   228  >1. Each exported name in the old package's scope also appears in the new
   229  >package's scope, and the object (constant, variable, function or type) denoted
   230  >by that name in the old package is compatible with the object denoted by the
   231  >name in the new package, and
   232  >2. For every exposed type that implements an exposed interface in the old package,
   233  > its corresponding type should implement the corresponding interface in the new package.
   234  >
   235  >Otherwise the packages are incompatible.
   237  As an aside, the tool also finds exported names in the new package that are not
   238  exported in the old, and marks them as compatible changes.
   240  Clause 2 is discussed further in "Whole-Package Compatibility."
   242  ### Object Compatibility
   244  This section provides compatibility rules for constants, variables, functions
   245  and types.
   247  #### Constants
   249  >A new exported constant is compatible with an old one of the same name if and only if
   250  >1. Their types correspond, and
   251  >2. Their values are identical.
   253  It is tempting to allow changing a typed constant to an untyped one. That may
   254  seem harmless, but it can break code like this:
   256  ```
   257  // old
   258  const C int64 = 1
   260  // new
   261  const C = 1
   263  // client
   264  var x = C          // old type is int64, new is int
   265  var y int64 = x // fails with new: different types in assignment
   266  ```
   268  A change to the value of a constant can break compatibility if the value is used
   269  in an array type:
   271  ```
   272  // old
   273  const C = 1
   275  // new
   276  const C = 2
   278  // client
   279  var a [C]int = [1]int{} // fails with new because [2]int and [1]int are different types
   280  ```
   281  Changes to constant values are rare, and determining whether they are compatible
   282  or not is better left to the user, so the tool reports them.
   284  #### Variables
   286  >A new exported variable is compatible with an old one of the same name if and
   287  >only if their types correspond.
   289  Correspondence doesn't look past names, so this rule does not prevent adding a
   290  field to `MyStruct` if the package declares `var V MyStruct`. It does, however, mean that
   292  ```
   293  var V struct { X int }
   294  ```
   295  is incompatible with
   296  ```
   297  var V struct { X, Y int }
   298  ```
   299  I discuss this at length below in the section "Compatibility, Types and Names."
   301  #### Functions
   303  >A new exported function or variable is compatible with an old function of the
   304  >same name if and only if their types (signatures) correspond.
   306  This rule captures the fact that, although many signature changes are compatible
   307  for all call sites, none are compatible for assignment:
   309  ```
   310  var v func(int) = pkg.F
   311  ```
   312  Here, `F` must be of type `func(int)` and not, for instance, `func(` or `func(interface{})`.
   314  Note that the rule permits changing a function to a variable. This is a common
   315  practice, usually done for test stubbing, and cannot break any code at compile
   316  time.
   318  #### Exported Types
   320  > A new exported type is compatible with an old one if and only if their
   321  > names are the same and their types correspond.
   323  This rule seems far too strict. But, ignoring aliases for the moment, it demands only
   324  that the old and new _defined_ types correspond. Consider:
   325  ```
   326  // old
   327  type T struct { X int }
   329  // new
   330  type T struct { X, Y int }
   331  ```
   332  The addition of `Y` is a compatible change, because this rule does not require
   333  that the struct literals have to correspond, only that the defined types
   334  denoted by `T` must correspond. (Remember that correspondence stops at type
   335  names.)
   337  If one type is an alias that refers to the corresponding defined type, the
   338  situation is the same:
   340  ```
   341  // old
   342  type T struct { X int }
   344  // new
   345  type u struct { X, Y int }
   346  type T = u
   347  ```
   348  Here, the only requirement is that old `T` corresponds to new `u`, not that the
   349  struct types correspond. (We can't tell from this snippet that the old `T` and
   350  the new `u` do correspond; that depends on whether `u` replaces `T` throughout
   351  the API.)
   353  However, the following change is incompatible, because the names do not
   354  denote corresponding types:
   356  ```
   357  // old
   358  type T = struct { X int }
   360  // new
   361  type T = struct { X, Y int }
   362  ```
   363  ### Type Literal Compatibility
   365  Only five kinds of types can differ compatibly: defined types, structs,
   366  interfaces, channels and numeric types. We only consider the compatibility of
   367  the last four when they are the underlying type of a defined type. See
   368  "Compatibility, Types and Names" for a rationale.
   370  We justify the compatibility rules by enumerating all the ways a type
   371  can be used, and by showing that the allowed changes cannot break any code that
   372  uses values of the type in those ways.
   374  Values of all types can be used in assignments (including argument passing and
   375  function return), but we do not require that old and new types are assignment
   376  compatible. That is because we assume that the old and new packages are never
   377  used together: any given binary will link in either the old package or the new.
   378  So in describing how a type can be used in the sections below, we omit
   379  assignment.
   381  Any type can also be used in a type assertion or conversion. The changes we allow
   382  below may affect the run-time behavior of these operations, but they cannot affect
   383  whether they compile. The only such breaking change would be to change
   384  the type `T` in an assertion `x.T` so that it no longer implements the interface
   385  type of `x`; but the rules for interfaces below disallow that.
   387  > A new type is compatible with an old one if and only if they correspond, or
   388  > one of the cases below applies.
   390  #### Defined Types
   392  Other than assignment, the only ways to use a defined type are to access its
   393  methods, or to make use of the properties of its underlying type. Rule 2 below
   394  covers the latter, and rules 3 and 4 cover the former.
   396  > A new defined type is compatible with an old one if and only if all of the
   397  > following hold:
   398  >1. They correspond.
   399  >2. Their underlying types are compatible.
   400  >3. The new exported value method set is a superset of the old.
   401  >4. The new exported pointer method set is a superset of the old.
   403  An exported method set is a method set with all unexported methods removed.
   404  When comparing methods of a method set, we require identical names and
   405  corresponding signatures.
   407  Removing an exported method is clearly a breaking change. But removing an
   408  unexported one (or changing its signature) can be breaking as well, if it
   409  results in the type no longer implementing an interface. See "Whole-Package
   410  Compatibility," below.
   412  #### Channels
   414  > A new channel type is compatible with an old one if
   415  >  1. The element types correspond, and
   416  >  2. Either the directions are the same, or the new type has no direction.
   418  Other than assignment, the only ways to use values of a channel type are to send
   419  and receive on them, to close them, and to use them as map keys. Changes to a
   420  channel type cannot cause code that closes a channel or uses it as a map key to
   421  fail to compile, so we need not consider those operations.
   423  Rule 1 ensures that any operations on the values sent or received will compile.
   424  Rule 2 captures the fact that any program that compiles with a directed channel
   425  must use either only sends, or only receives, so allowing the other operation
   426  by removing the channel direction cannot break any code.
   429  #### Interfaces
   431  > A new interface is compatible with an old one if and only if:
   432  > 1. The old interface does not have an unexported method, and it corresponds
   433  >    to the new interfaces (i.e. they have the same method set), or
   434  > 2. The old interface has an unexported method and the new exported method set is a
   435  >    superset of the old.
   437  Other than assignment, the only ways to use an interface are to implement it,
   438  embed it, or call one of its methods. (Interface values can also be used as map
   439  keys, but that cannot cause a compile-time error.)
   441  Certainly, removing an exported method from an interface could break a client
   442  call, so neither rule allows it.
   444  Rule 1 also disallows adding a method to an interface without an existing unexported
   445  method. Such an interface can be implemented in client code. If adding a method
   446  were allowed, a type that implements the old interface could fail to implement
   447  the new one:
   449  ```
   450  type I interface { M1() }         // old
   451  type I interface { M1(); M2() }   // new
   453  // client
   454  type t struct{}
   455  func (t) M1() {}
   456  var i pkg.I = t{} // fails with new, because t lacks M2
   457  ```
   459  Rule 2 is based on the observation that if an interface has an unexported
   460  method, the only way a client can implement it is to embed it.
   461  Adding a method is compatible in this case, because the embedding struct will
   462  continue to implement the interface. Adding a method also cannot break any call
   463  sites, since no program that compiles could have any such call sites.
   465  #### Structs
   467  > A new struct is compatible with an old one if all of the following hold:
   468  > 1. The new set of top-level exported fields is a superset of the old.
   469  > 2. The new set of _selectable_ exported fields is a superset of the old.
   470  > 3. If the old struct is comparable, so is the new one.
   472  The set of selectable exported fields is the set of exported fields `F`
   473  such that `x.F` is a valid selector expression for a value `x` of the struct
   474  type. `F` may be at the top level of the struct, or it may be a field of an
   475  embedded struct.
   477  Two fields are the same if they have the same name and corresponding types.
   479  Other than assignment, there are only four ways to use a struct: write a struct
   480  literal, select a field, use a value of the struct as a map key, or compare two
   481  values for equality. The first clause ensures that struct literals compile; the
   482  second, that selections compile; and the third, that equality expressions and
   483  map index expressions compile.
   485  #### Numeric Types
   487  > A new numeric type is compatible with an old one if and only if they are
   488  > both unsigned integers, both signed integers, both floats or both complex
   489  > types, and the new one is at least as large as the old on both 32-bit and
   490  > 64-bit architectures.
   492  Other than in assignments, numeric types appear in arithmetic and comparison
   493  expressions. Since all arithmetic operations but shifts (see below) require that
   494  operand types be identical, and by assumption the old and new types underly
   495  defined types (see "Compatibility, Types and Names," below), there is no way for
   496  client code to write an arithmetic expression that compiles with operands of the
   497  old type but not the new.
   499  Numeric types can also appear in type switches and type assertions. Again, since
   500  the old and new types underly defined types, type switches and type assertions
   501  that compiled using the old defined type will continue to compile with the new
   502  defined type.
   504  Going from an unsigned to a signed integer type is an incompatible change for
   505  the sole reason that only an unsigned type can appear as the right operand of a
   506  shift. If this rule is relaxed, then changes from an unsigned type to a larger
   507  signed type would be compatible. See [this
   508  issue](
   510  Only integer types can be used in bitwise and shift operations, and for indexing
   511  slices and arrays. That is why switching from an integer to a floating-point
   512  type--even one that can represent all values of the integer type--is an
   513  incompatible change.
   516  Conversions from floating-point to complex types or vice versa are not permitted
   517  (the predeclared functions real, imag, and complex must be used instead). To
   518  prevent valid floating-point or complex conversions from becoming invalid,
   519  changing a floating-point type to a complex type or vice versa is considered an
   520  incompatible change.
   522  Although conversions between any two integer types are valid, assigning a
   523  constant value to a variable of integer type that is too small to represent the
   524  constant is not permitted. That is why the only compatible changes are to
   525  a new type whose values are a superset of the old. The requirement that the new
   526  set of values must include the old on both 32-bit and 64-bit machines allows
   527  conversions from `int32` to `int` and from `int` to `int64`, but not the other
   528  direction; and similarly for `uint`.
   530  Changing a type to or from `uintptr` is considered an incompatible change. Since
   531  its size is not specified, there is no way to know whether the new type's values
   532  are a superset of the old type's.
   534  ## Whole-Package Compatibility
   536  Some changes that are compatible for a single type are not compatible when the
   537  package is considered as a whole. For example, if you remove an unexported
   538  method on a defined type, it may no longer implement an interface of the
   539  package. This can break client code:
   541  ```
   542  // old
   543  type T int
   544  func (T) m() {}
   545  type I interface { m() }
   547  // new
   548  type T int // no method m anymore
   550  // client
   551  var i pkg.I = pkg.T{} // fails with new because T lacks m
   552  ```
   554  Similarly, adding a method to an interface can cause defined types
   555  in the package to stop implementing it.
   557  The second clause in the definition for package compatibility handles these
   558  cases. To repeat:
   559  > 2. For every exposed type that implements an exposed interface in the old package,
   560  > its corresponding type should implement the corresponding interface in the new package.
   561  Recall that a type is exposed if it is part of the package's API, even if it is
   562  unexported.
   564  Other incompatibilities that involve more than one type in the package can arise
   565  whenever two types with identical underlying types exist in the old or new
   566  package. Here, a change "splits" an identical underlying type into two, breaking
   567  conversions:
   569  ```
   570  // old
   571  type B struct { X int }
   572  type C struct { X int }
   574  // new
   575  type B struct { X int }
   576  type C struct { X, Y int }
   578  // client
   579  var b B
   580  _ = C(b) // fails with new: cannot convert B to C
   581  ```
   582  Finally, changes that are compatible for the package in which they occur can
   583  break downstream packages. That can happen even if they involve unexported
   584  methods, thanks to embedding.
   586  The definitions given here don't account for these sorts of problems.
   589  ## Compatibility, Types and Names 
   591  The above definitions state that the only types that can differ compatibly are
   592  defined types and the types that underly them. Changes to other type literals
   593  are considered incompatible. For instance, it is considered an incompatible
   594  change to add a field to the struct in this variable declaration:
   596  ```
   597  var V struct { X int }
   598  ```
   599  or this alias definition:
   600  ```
   601  type T = struct { X int }
   602  ```
   604  We make this choice to keep the definition of compatibility (relatively) simple.
   605  A more precise definition could, for instance, distinguish between
   607  ```
   608  func F(struct { X int })
   609  ```
   610  where any changes to the struct are incompatible, and
   612  ```
   613  func F(struct { X, u int })
   614  ```
   615  where adding a field is compatible (since clients cannot write the signature,
   616  and thus cannot assign `F` to a variable of the signature type). The definition
   617  should then also allow other function signature changes that only require
   618  call-site compatibility, like
   620  ```
   621  func F(struct { X, u int },
   622  ```
   623  The result would be a much more complex definition with little benefit, since
   624  the examples in this section rarely arise in practice.