
     1  name: Release
     3  on:
     4    workflow_dispatch:
     5      inputs:
     6        releaseType:
     7          type: choice
     8          options:
     9            - major
    10            - minor
    11            - patch
    12          default: minor
    13          required: true
    14          description: 'major: vX.0.0, minor: v0.X.0, patch: v0.0.X'
    15        debug:
    16          type: boolean
    17          default: true
    18          description: 'executes the workflow in debug mode (skip the publishing tag, docker image and release steps)'
    20  jobs:
    21    check-permission:
    22      name: Check permission
    23      if: contains(github.ref, 'refs/heads/master')
    24      runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    25      permissions:
    26        contents: read
    27      steps:
    28        - name: Checkout
    29          uses: actions/checkout@v4
    30          with:
    31            fetch-depth: 0
    32            repository: ${{ github.repository }}
    33            ref: master
    34        - name: Check user permission
    35          uses: actions/github-script@v7
    36          id: check
    37          with:
    38            github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
    39            result-encoding: string
    40            script: |
    41              const utils = require('./.github/workflows/helpers/pull-request-utils.js')
    42              const helper = utils.userHelper({github, context, user: '${{ }}'})
    43              const hasPermission = await helper.hasWritePermissions()
    44              return hasPermission
    45      outputs:
    46        hasWritePermission: ${{ steps.check.outputs.result }}
    48    build-master:
    49      name: Build master
    50      needs: check-permission
    51      if: contains(needs.check-permission.outputs.hasWritePermission, 'true')
    52      runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    53      steps:
    54        - name: Checkout
    55          uses: actions/checkout@v4
    56          with:
    57            fetch-depth: 0
    58            repository: ${{ github.repository }}
    59            ref: master
    60        - name: Build and validate
    61          run: |
    62            ./
    64    publish-tag:
    65      name: Publish tag
    66      needs: build-master
    67      permissions:
    68        contents: write
    69      runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    70      steps:
    71        - name: Checkout Prebid Server
    72          uses: actions/checkout@v4
    73          with:
    74            fetch-depth: 0
    75        - name: Create & publish tag
    76          id: release
    77          run: |
    78            currentTag=$(git describe --abbrev=0 --tags)
    79            echo "Current release tag ${currentTag}"
    81            echo ${currentTag} | grep -q "^v\?[0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+$"
    82            if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
    83              echo "Current tag format won't let us compute the new tag name. Required format v[0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+"
    84              exit 1
    85            fi
    87            if [[ "${currentTag:0:1}" != "v" ]]; then
    88              currentTag="v${currentTag}"
    89            fi
    91            nextTag=''
    92            releaseType=${{ inputs.releaseType }}
    93            if [ $releaseType == "major" ]; then
    94                # PBS-GO skipped the v1.0.0 major release -
    95                # If the current tag is v0.x.x, the script sets the next release tag to v2.0.0
    96                # Otherwise, the script increments the major version by 1 and sets the minor and patch versions to zero
    97                # For example, v2.x.x will be incremented to v3.0.0
    98                major=$(echo "${currentTag}" | awk -F. '{gsub(/^v/, "", $1); if($1 == 0) $1=2; else $1+=1; print $1}')
    99                nextTag="v${major}.0.0"
   100            elif [ $releaseType == "minor" ]; then
   101                # Increment minor version and reset patch version
   102                nextTag=$(echo "${currentTag}" | awk -F. '{OFS="."; $2+=1; $3=0; print $0}')
   103            else
   104              # Increment patch version
   105              nextTag=$(echo "${currentTag}" | awk -F. '{OFS="."; $3+=1; print $0}')
   106            fi
   108            if [ ${{ inputs.debug }} == 'true' ]; then
   109              echo "running workflow in debug mode, next ${releaseType} tag: ${nextTag}"
   110            else
   111              git tag $nextTag
   112              git push origin $nextTag
   113              echo "tag=${nextTag}" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
   114            fi
   115      outputs:
   116        releaseTag: ${{ steps.release.outputs.tag }}
   118    publish-docker-image:
   119      name: Publish docker image
   120      needs: publish-tag
   121      if: contains(inputs.debug, 'false')
   122      runs-on: ubuntu-latest
   123      steps:
   124        - name: Checkout Prebid Server
   125          uses: actions/checkout@v4
   126          with:
   127            fetch-depth: 0
   128        - name: Build image
   129          run: |
   130            docker build -t${{ needs.publish-tag.outputs.releaseTag }} .
   131        - name: Login to docker Hub
   132          if: contains(inputs.debug, 'false')
   133          uses: docker/login-action@v2.1.0
   134          with:
   135            username: ${{ secrets.DOCKERHUB_USER }}
   136            password: ${{ secrets.DOCKERHUB_PASSWORD }}
   137        - name: Publish to docker Hub
   138          run: |
   139            docker push${{ needs.publish-tag.outputs.releaseTag }}
   141    publish-release:
   142      name: Publish release
   143      needs: [publish-tag, publish-docker-image] 
   144      if: contains(inputs.debug, 'false')
   145      permissions:
   146        contents: write
   147      runs-on: ubuntu-latest
   148      steps:
   149        - name: Checkout Prebid Server
   150          uses: actions/checkout@v3
   151          with:
   152            fetch-depth: 0
   153        - name: Create & publish release
   154          uses: release-drafter/release-drafter@v5.22.0
   155          with:
   156            name: ${{ needs.publish-tag.outputs.releaseTag }}
   157            tag: ${{ needs.publish-tag.outputs.releaseTag }}
   158            version: ${{ needs.publish-tag.outputs.releaseTag }}
   159            publish: true
   160          env:
   161            GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}