
     1  rules:
     2    - id: type-bid-assignment-check
     3      languages:
     4        - go
     5      message: >      
     6        Found incorrect assignment made to $KEY. $BID variable receives a new value in each iteration of range loop. Assigning the address of $BID `(&$BID)` to $KEY will result in a pointer that always points to the same memory address with the value of the last iteration. 
     7        This can lead to unexpected behavior or incorrect results. Refer
     9        Consider using an index variable in the seatBids.Bid loop as shown below
    11        ```
    12          for _, seatBid := range response.SeatBid {
    13            for i := range seatBids.Bid {
    14              ...
    15              responseBid := &adapters.TypedBid{
    16                Bid: &seatBids.Bid[i],
    17                ...
    18              }
    19              ...
    20              ...
    21            }
    22          }
    23        ```
    24      severity: ERROR
    25      patterns:
    26        - pattern-either:
    27            - pattern: >
    28                for _, $BID := range ... {
    29                  ...
    30                  ... := &adapters.TypedBid{
    31                    $KEY: &$BID,
    32                    ...
    33                  }
    34                  ...
    35                }
    36            - pattern: >
    37                for _, $BID := range ... {
    38                  ...
    39                  ... = adapters.TypedBid{
    40                    $KEY: &$BID,
    41                    ...
    42                  }
    43                  ...
    44                } 
    45            - pattern: >
    46                for _, $BID := range ... {
    47                  ...
    48                  ... = append(...,  &adapters.TypedBid{
    49                    $KEY: &$BID,
    50                    ...
    51                  })
    52                  ...
    53                }
    54            - pattern: >
    55                for _, $BID := range ... {
    56                  var $TYPEBID_OBJ adapters.TypedBid
    57                  ...
    58                  $TYPEBID_OBJ.$KEY = &$BID
    59                  ...
    60                }                              
    61        - focus-metavariable: $KEY
    62        - metavariable-regex:
    63            metavariable: $KEY
    64            regex: Bid