
     1  {
     2    "mockBidRequest": {
     3      "id": "adm-video",
     4      "imp": [
     5        {
     6          "id": "video1",
     7          "bidfloor": 1.90,
     8          "bidfloorcur": "XYZ",
     9          "ext": {
    10            "bidder": {
    11              "appId": "videoAppId1"
    12            }
    13          },
    14          "video": {
    15            "mimes": [
    16              "video/mp4"
    17            ],
    18            "context": "instream",
    19            "w": 300,
    20            "h": 250
    21          }
    22        }
    23      ],
    24      "site": {
    25        "page": ""
    26      },
    27      "device":{
    28        "ip":""
    29      },
    30      "ext": {
    31        "prebid": {
    32          "currency": {
    33            "rates": {
    34              "MXN":{
    35                "USD": 0.05,
    36                "EUR": 0.03
    37              },
    38              "EUR": {
    39                "USD": 1.20
    40              }
    41            },
    42            "usepbsrates": false
    43          }
    44        }
    45      }
    46    },
    48    "expectedMakeRequestsErrors": [
    49      {
    50        "value": "The following error was recieved from the currency converter while attempting to convert the imp.bidfloor value of 1.90 from XYZ to USD:\ncurrency: tag is not a recognized currency\nA value of imp.ext.beachfront.bidfloor was not provided. The bid is being skipped.",
    51        "comparison": "literal"
    52      }
    53    ]
    55  }