
     1  {
     2    "mockBidRequest": {
     3      "id": "test-req-id",
     4      "imp": [
     5        {
     6          "id": "test-imp-id",
     7          "banner": {
     8            "format": [
     9              {
    10                "w": 300,
    11                "h": 250
    12              }
    13            ],
    14            "w": 300,
    15            "h": 250
    16          },
    17          "ext": {
    18            "bidder": {
    19              "slotid": "m8x9x3rzff",
    20              "adtype": "banner",
    21              "publisherid": "123",
    22              "signkey": "signkey",
    23              "keyid": "41",
    24              "isTestAuthorization": "true"
    25            }
    26          }
    27        }
    28      ],
    29      "app": {
    30        "bundle": "",
    31        "name": "Huawei Browser",
    32        "ver": ""
    33      },
    34      "device": {
    35        "ua": "useragent",
    36        "h": 1920,
    37        "language": "zh",
    38        "geoCountry": "CH",
    39        "model": "COL-TEST",
    40        "os": "ios",
    41        "osv": "10.0.0",
    42        "devicetype": 4,
    43        "make": "huawei",
    44        "w": 1080,
    45        "ip": "ip",
    46        "pxratio": 23.01,
    47        "geo": {
    48          "country": ""
    49        }
    50      },
    51      "user": {
    52        "ext": {
    53          "data": {
    54            "gaid": {},
    55            "oaid": {},
    56            "clientTime": [
    57              "2018-11-02 16:34:07.981+1300"
    58            ]
    59          }
    60        }
    61      },
    62      "ext": {
    63      }
    64    },
    65    "httpcalls": [
    66    ],
    67    "expectedBidResponses": [
    68    ],
    69    "expectedMakeRequestsErrors": [
    70      {
    71        "value": "get gaid from openrtb Device.IFA failed, and get device id failed: Unmarshal openRTBRequest.User.Ext -> extUserDataHuaweiAds. Error: json: cannot unmarshal object into Go struct field of type []string",
    72        "comparison": "literal"
    73      }
    74    ]
    75  }