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     2    "mockBidRequest": {
     3      "id": "test-request-with-wrong-DSA-type",
     4      "imp": [
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     7          "banner": {
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    53      },
    54      "user": {
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    56        "ext": {
    57          "consent": "BOlOrv1OlOr2EAAABADECg-AAAApp7v______9______9uz_Ov_v_f__33e8__9v_l_7_-___u_-3zd4u_1vf99yfm1-7etr3tp_87ues2_Xur__79__3z3_9phP78k89r7337Ew-v02"
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    59      }
    60    },
    61    "expectedMakeRequestsErrors": [
    62      {
    63        "value": "failed to parse Regs.Ext object from Yieldlab response: json: cannot unmarshal string into Go struct field openRTBExtRegsWithDSA.dsa of type yieldlab.dsaRequest",
    64        "comparison": "literal"
    65      }
    66    ]
    67  }