
     1  package config
     3  type Hooks struct {
     4  	Enabled bool    `mapstructure:"enabled"`
     5  	Modules Modules `mapstructure:"modules"`
     6  	// HostExecutionPlan defined by the host company and is executed always
     7  	HostExecutionPlan HookExecutionPlan `mapstructure:"host_execution_plan"`
     8  	// DefaultAccountExecutionPlan can be replaced by the account-specific hook execution plan
     9  	DefaultAccountExecutionPlan HookExecutionPlan `mapstructure:"default_account_execution_plan"`
    10  }
    12  // Modules mapping provides module specific configuration, format: map[vendor_name]map[module_name]interface{}
    13  // actual configuration parsing performed by modules
    14  type Modules map[string]map[string]interface{}
    16  type HookExecutionPlan struct {
    17  	Endpoints map[string]struct {
    18  		Stages map[string]struct {
    19  			Groups []HookExecutionGroup `mapstructure:"groups" json:"groups"`
    20  		} `mapstructure:"stages" json:"stages"`
    21  	} `mapstructure:"endpoints" json:"endpoints"`
    22  }
    24  type HookExecutionGroup struct {
    25  	// Timeout specified in milliseconds.
    26  	// Zero value marks the hook execution status with the "timeout" value.
    27  	Timeout      int `mapstructure:"timeout" json:"timeout"`
    28  	HookSequence []struct {
    29  		// ModuleCode is a composite value in the format: {vendor_name}.{module_name}
    30  		ModuleCode string `mapstructure:"module_code" json:"module_code"`
    31  		// HookImplCode is an arbitrary value, used to identify hook when sending metrics, debug information, etc.
    32  		HookImplCode string `mapstructure:"hook_impl_code" json:"hook_impl_code"`
    33  	} `mapstructure:"hook_sequence" json:"hook_sequence"`
    34  }