
     1  package events
     3  import (
     4  	"errors"
     5  	"io"
     6  	"net/http"
     7  	"net/http/httptest"
     8  	"strings"
     9  	"testing"
    11  	""
    12  	""
    13  	""
    14  	""
    15  	""
    16  	""
    17  	""
    18  )
    20  func TestHandleAccountServiceErrors(t *testing.T) {
    21  	tests := map[string]struct {
    22  		fetcher      *mockAccountsFetcher
    23  		cfg          *config.Configuration
    24  		accountID    string
    25  		wantCode     int
    26  		wantResponse string
    27  	}{
    28  		"bad-request": {
    29  			fetcher: &mockAccountsFetcher{
    30  				Fail:  true,
    31  				Error: errors.New("some error"),
    32  			},
    33  			cfg: &config.Configuration{
    34  				AccountDefaults: config.Account{Disabled: true},
    35  				AccountRequired: true,
    36  				MaxRequestSize:  maxSize,
    37  				VTrack: config.VTrack{
    38  					TimeoutMS: int64(2000), AllowUnknownBidder: false,
    39  				},
    40  			},
    41  			accountID:    "testacc",
    42  			wantCode:     400,
    43  			wantResponse: "Invalid request: some error\nInvalid request: Prebid-server could not verify the Account ID. Please reach out to the prebid server host.\n",
    44  		},
    45  		"malformed-account-config": {
    46  			fetcher: &mockAccountsFetcher{
    47  				Fail:  true,
    48  				Error: &errortypes.MalformedAcct{},
    49  			},
    50  			cfg: &config.Configuration{
    51  				MaxRequestSize: maxSize,
    52  				VTrack: config.VTrack{
    53  					TimeoutMS: int64(2000), AllowUnknownBidder: false,
    54  				},
    55  			},
    56  			accountID:    "malformed_acct",
    57  			wantCode:     500,
    58  			wantResponse: "Invalid request: The prebid-server account config for account id \"malformed_acct\" is malformed. Please reach out to the prebid server host.\n",
    59  		},
    60  		"service-unavailable": {
    61  			fetcher: &mockAccountsFetcher{
    62  				Fail: false,
    63  			},
    64  			cfg: &config.Configuration{
    65  				AccountDefaults: config.Account{},
    66  				AccountRequired: true,
    67  				MaxRequestSize:  maxSize,
    68  				VTrack: config.VTrack{
    69  					TimeoutMS: int64(2000), AllowUnknownBidder: false,
    70  				},
    71  			},
    72  			accountID:    "disabled_acct",
    73  			wantCode:     503,
    74  			wantResponse: "Invalid request: Prebid-server has disabled Account ID: disabled_acct, please reach out to the prebid server host.\n",
    75  		},
    76  		"timeout": {
    77  			fetcher: &mockAccountsFetcher{
    78  				Fail:       false,
    79  				DurationMS: 50,
    80  			},
    81  			cfg: &config.Configuration{
    82  				AccountDefaults: config.Account{Disabled: true},
    83  				AccountRequired: true,
    84  				Event: config.Event{
    85  					TimeoutMS: 1,
    86  				},
    87  				MaxRequestSize: maxSize,
    88  				VTrack: config.VTrack{
    89  					TimeoutMS:          int64(1),
    90  					AllowUnknownBidder: false,
    91  				},
    92  			},
    93  			accountID:    "testacc",
    94  			wantCode:     504,
    95  			wantResponse: "Invalid request: context deadline exceeded\nInvalid request: Prebid-server could not verify the Account ID. Please reach out to the prebid server host.\n",
    96  		},
    97  	}
    99  	for name, test := range tests {
   100  		handlers := []struct {
   101  			name string
   102  			h    httprouter.Handle
   103  			r    *http.Request
   104  		}{
   105  			vast(t, test.cfg, test.fetcher, test.accountID),
   106  			event(test.cfg, test.fetcher, test.accountID),
   107  		}
   109  		for _, handler := range handlers {
   110  			t.Run("-"+name, func(t *testing.T) {
   111  				test.cfg.MarshalAccountDefaults()
   113  				recorder := httptest.NewRecorder()
   115  				// execute
   116  				handler.h(recorder, handler.r, nil)
   117  				d, err := io.ReadAll(recorder.Result().Body)
   118  				require.NoError(t, err)
   120  				// validate
   121  				assert.Equal(t, test.wantCode, recorder.Result().StatusCode)
   122  				assert.Equal(t, test.wantResponse, string(d))
   123  			})
   124  		}
   125  	}
   126  }
   128  func event(cfg *config.Configuration, fetcher stored_requests.AccountFetcher, accountID string) struct {
   129  	name string
   130  	h    httprouter.Handle
   131  	r    *http.Request
   132  } {
   133  	return struct {
   134  		name string
   135  		h    httprouter.Handle
   136  		r    *http.Request
   137  	}{
   138  		name: "event",
   139  		h:    NewEventEndpoint(cfg, fetcher, nil, &metrics.MetricsEngineMock{}),
   140  		r:    httptest.NewRequest("GET", "/event?t=win&b=test&ts=1234&f=b&x=1&a="+accountID, strings.NewReader("")),
   141  	}
   142  }
   144  func vast(t *testing.T, cfg *config.Configuration, fetcher stored_requests.AccountFetcher, accountID string) struct {
   145  	name string
   146  	h    httprouter.Handle
   147  	r    *http.Request
   148  } {
   149  	vtrackBody, err := getValidVTrackRequestBody(true, true)
   150  	if err != nil {
   151  		t.Fatal(err)
   152  	}
   154  	return struct {
   155  		name string
   156  		h    httprouter.Handle
   157  		r    *http.Request
   158  	}{
   159  		name: "vast",
   160  		h:    NewVTrackEndpoint(cfg, fetcher, &vtrackMockCacheClient{}, config.BidderInfos{}, &metrics.MetricsEngineMock{}),
   161  		r:    httptest.NewRequest("POST", "/vtrack?a="+accountID, strings.NewReader(vtrackBody)),
   162  	}
   163  }