
     1  {
     2    "description": "Banner does not define width nor height in format array element nor comes with w and h field values",
     3    "mockBidRequest": {
     4      "id":"req-id",
     5      "imp": [
     6        {
     7          "id": "imp-id",
     8          "banner": {
     9            "format": [{}]
    10          }
    11        }
    12      ],
    13      "app": {
    14        "id": "app_001"
    15      }
    16    },
    17    "expectedReturnCode": 400,
    18    "expectedErrorMessage": "Invalid request: Request imp[0].banner.format[0] should define *either* {w, h} (for static size requirements) *or* {wmin, wratio, hratio} (for flexible sizes) to be non-zero.\n"
    19  }