
     1  {
     2    "description": " is present but is empty; expect to not be included in any of the resolved bidder FPD and to have been extracted from the original request",
     3    "inputRequestData": {
     4      "id": "bid_id",
     5      "site": {
     6        "id": "reqSiteId",
     7        "page": "",
     8        "publisher": {
     9          "id": "1"
    10        },
    11        "ext": {
    12          "amp": 1,
    13          "data": {
    14            "somesitefpd": "sitefpdDataTest"
    15          }
    16        }
    17      },
    18      "test": 1,
    19      "ext": {
    20        "prebid": {
    21          "data": {
    22            "bidders": []
    23          }
    24        }
    25      }
    26    },
    27    "outputRequestData":  {
    28      "id": "bid_id",
    29      "site": {
    30        "id": "reqSiteId",
    31        "page": "",
    32        "publisher": {
    33          "id": "1"
    34        },
    35        "ext": {
    36          "amp": 1
    37        }
    38      },
    39      "test": 1
    40    },
    41    "biddersFPDResolved": {},
    42    "validationErrors": []
    43  }