
     1  package floors
     3  import (
     4  	"errors"
     5  	"math"
     6  	"math/rand"
     7  	"strings"
     9  	""
    10  	""
    11  	""
    12  	""
    13  )
    15  type Price struct {
    16  	FloorMin    float64
    17  	FloorMinCur string
    18  }
    20  const (
    21  	defaultCurrency  string  = "USD"
    22  	defaultDelimiter string  = "|"
    23  	catchAll         string  = "*"
    24  	skipRateMin      int     = 0
    25  	skipRateMax      int     = 100
    26  	modelWeightMax   int     = 100
    27  	modelWeightMin   int     = 1
    28  	enforceRateMin   int     = 0
    29  	enforceRateMax   int     = 100
    30  	floorPrecision   float64 = 0.01
    31  	dataRateMin      int     = 0
    32  	dataRateMax      int     = 100
    33  )
    35  // EnrichWithPriceFloors checks for floors enabled in account and request and selects floors data from dynamic fetched if present
    36  // else selects floors data from req.ext.prebid.floors and update request with selected floors details
    37  func EnrichWithPriceFloors(bidRequestWrapper *openrtb_ext.RequestWrapper, account config.Account, conversions currency.Conversions, priceFloorFetcher FloorFetcher) []error {
    38  	if bidRequestWrapper == nil || bidRequestWrapper.BidRequest == nil {
    39  		return []error{errors.New("Empty bidrequest")}
    40  	}
    42  	if !isPriceFloorsEnabled(account, bidRequestWrapper) {
    43  		return []error{errors.New("Floors feature is disabled at account or in the request")}
    44  	}
    46  	floors, err := resolveFloors(account, bidRequestWrapper, conversions, priceFloorFetcher)
    48  	updateReqErrs := updateBidRequestWithFloors(floors, bidRequestWrapper, conversions)
    49  	updateFloorsInRequest(bidRequestWrapper, floors)
    50  	return append(err, updateReqErrs...)
    51  }
    53  // updateBidRequestWithFloors will update imp.bidfloor and imp.bidfloorcur based on rules matching
    54  func updateBidRequestWithFloors(extFloorRules *openrtb_ext.PriceFloorRules, request *openrtb_ext.RequestWrapper, conversions currency.Conversions) []error {
    55  	var (
    56  		floorErrList []error
    57  		floorVal     float64
    58  	)
    60  	if extFloorRules == nil || extFloorRules.Data == nil || len(extFloorRules.Data.ModelGroups) == 0 {
    61  		return []error{}
    62  	}
    64  	modelGroup := extFloorRules.Data.ModelGroups[0]
    65  	if modelGroup.Schema.Delimiter == "" {
    66  		modelGroup.Schema.Delimiter = defaultDelimiter
    67  	}
    69  	extFloorRules.Skipped = new(bool)
    70  	if shouldSkipFloors(modelGroup.SkipRate, extFloorRules.Data.SkipRate, extFloorRules.SkipRate, rand.Intn) {
    71  		*extFloorRules.Skipped = true
    72  		return []error{}
    73  	}
    75  	floorErrList = validateFloorRulesAndLowerValidRuleKey(modelGroup.Schema, modelGroup.Schema.Delimiter, modelGroup.Values)
    76  	if len(modelGroup.Values) > 0 {
    77  		for _, imp := range request.GetImp() {
    78  			desiredRuleKey := createRuleKey(modelGroup.Schema, request, imp)
    79  			matchedRule, isRuleMatched := findRule(modelGroup.Values, modelGroup.Schema.Delimiter, desiredRuleKey)
    80  			floorVal = modelGroup.Default
    81  			if isRuleMatched {
    82  				floorVal = modelGroup.Values[matchedRule]
    83  			}
    85  			// No rule is matched or no default value provided or non-zero bidfloor not provided
    86  			if floorVal == 0.0 {
    87  				continue
    88  			}
    90  			floorMinVal, floorCur, err := getMinFloorValue(extFloorRules, imp, conversions)
    91  			if err == nil {
    92  				floorVal = roundToFourDecimals(floorVal)
    93  				bidFloor := floorVal
    94  				if floorMinVal > 0.0 && floorVal < floorMinVal {
    95  					bidFloor = floorMinVal
    96  				}
    98  				imp.BidFloor = bidFloor
    99  				imp.BidFloorCur = floorCur
   101  				if isRuleMatched {
   102  					err = updateImpExtWithFloorDetails(imp, matchedRule, floorVal, imp.BidFloor)
   103  					if err != nil {
   104  						floorErrList = append(floorErrList, err)
   105  					}
   106  				}
   107  			} else {
   108  				floorErrList = append(floorErrList, err)
   109  			}
   110  		}
   111  	}
   112  	return floorErrList
   113  }
   115  // roundToFourDecimals retuns given value to 4 decimal points
   116  func roundToFourDecimals(in float64) float64 {
   117  	return math.Round(in*10000) / 10000
   118  }
   120  // isPriceFloorsEnabled check for floors are enabled at account and request level
   121  func isPriceFloorsEnabled(account config.Account, bidRequestWrapper *openrtb_ext.RequestWrapper) bool {
   122  	return isPriceFloorsEnabledForAccount(account) && isPriceFloorsEnabledForRequest(bidRequestWrapper)
   123  }
   125  // isPriceFloorsEnabledForAccount check for floors enabled flag in account config
   126  func isPriceFloorsEnabledForAccount(account config.Account) bool {
   127  	return account.PriceFloors.Enabled
   128  }
   130  // isPriceFloorsEnabledForRequest check for floors are enabled flag in request
   131  func isPriceFloorsEnabledForRequest(bidRequestWrapper *openrtb_ext.RequestWrapper) bool {
   132  	requestExt, err := bidRequestWrapper.GetRequestExt()
   133  	if err == nil {
   134  		if prebidExt := requestExt.GetPrebid(); prebidExt != nil && prebidExt.Floors != nil {
   135  			return prebidExt.Floors.GetEnabled()
   136  		}
   137  	}
   138  	return true
   139  }
   141  // useFetchedData will check if to use fetched data or request data
   142  func useFetchedData(rate *int) bool {
   143  	if rate == nil {
   144  		return true
   145  	}
   146  	randomNumber := rand.Intn(dataRateMax)
   147  	return randomNumber < *rate
   148  }
   150  // resolveFloors does selection of floors fields from request data and dynamic fetched data if dynamic fetch is enabled
   151  func resolveFloors(account config.Account, bidRequestWrapper *openrtb_ext.RequestWrapper, conversions currency.Conversions, priceFloorFetcher FloorFetcher) (*openrtb_ext.PriceFloorRules, []error) {
   152  	var (
   153  		errList     []error
   154  		floorRules  *openrtb_ext.PriceFloorRules
   155  		fetchResult *openrtb_ext.PriceFloorRules
   156  		fetchStatus string
   157  	)
   159  	reqFloor := extractFloorsFromRequest(bidRequestWrapper)
   160  	if reqFloor != nil && reqFloor.Location != nil && len(reqFloor.Location.URL) > 0 {
   161  		account.PriceFloors.Fetcher.URL = reqFloor.Location.URL
   162  	}
   163  	account.PriceFloors.Fetcher.AccountID = account.ID
   165  	if priceFloorFetcher != nil && account.PriceFloors.UseDynamicData {
   166  		fetchResult, fetchStatus = priceFloorFetcher.Fetch(account.PriceFloors)
   167  	}
   169  	if fetchResult != nil && fetchStatus == openrtb_ext.FetchSuccess && useFetchedData(fetchResult.Data.FetchRate) {
   170  		mergedFloor := mergeFloors(reqFloor, fetchResult, conversions)
   171  		floorRules, errList = createFloorsFrom(mergedFloor, account, fetchStatus, openrtb_ext.FetchLocation)
   172  	} else if reqFloor != nil {
   173  		floorRules, errList = createFloorsFrom(reqFloor, account, openrtb_ext.FetchNone, openrtb_ext.RequestLocation)
   174  	} else {
   175  		floorRules, errList = createFloorsFrom(nil, account, openrtb_ext.FetchNone, openrtb_ext.NoDataLocation)
   176  	}
   177  	return floorRules, errList
   178  }
   180  // createFloorsFrom does preparation of floors data which shall be used for further processing
   181  func createFloorsFrom(floors *openrtb_ext.PriceFloorRules, account config.Account, fetchStatus, floorLocation string) (*openrtb_ext.PriceFloorRules, []error) {
   182  	var floorModelErrList []error
   183  	finalFloors := &openrtb_ext.PriceFloorRules{
   184  		FetchStatus:        fetchStatus,
   185  		PriceFloorLocation: floorLocation,
   186  	}
   188  	if floors != nil {
   189  		floorValidationErr := validateFloorParams(floors)
   190  		if floorValidationErr != nil {
   191  			return finalFloors, append(floorModelErrList, floorValidationErr)
   192  		}
   194  		finalFloors.Enforcement = floors.Enforcement
   195  		if floors.Data != nil {
   196  			validModelGroups, floorModelErrList := selectValidFloorModelGroups(floors.Data.ModelGroups, account)
   197  			if len(validModelGroups) == 0 {
   198  				return finalFloors, floorModelErrList
   199  			} else {
   200  				*finalFloors = *floors
   201  				finalFloors.Data = new(openrtb_ext.PriceFloorData)
   202  				*finalFloors.Data = *floors.Data
   203  				finalFloors.PriceFloorLocation = floorLocation
   204  				finalFloors.FetchStatus = fetchStatus
   205  				if len(validModelGroups) > 1 {
   206  					validModelGroups = selectFloorModelGroup(validModelGroups, rand.Intn)
   207  				}
   208  				finalFloors.Data.ModelGroups = []openrtb_ext.PriceFloorModelGroup{validModelGroups[0].Copy()}
   209  			}
   210  		}
   211  	}
   213  	return finalFloors, floorModelErrList
   214  }
   216  // extractFloorsFromRequest gets floors data from req.ext.prebid.floors
   217  func extractFloorsFromRequest(bidRequestWrapper *openrtb_ext.RequestWrapper) *openrtb_ext.PriceFloorRules {
   218  	requestExt, err := bidRequestWrapper.GetRequestExt()
   219  	if err == nil {
   220  		prebidExt := requestExt.GetPrebid()
   221  		if prebidExt != nil && prebidExt.Floors != nil {
   222  			return prebidExt.Floors
   223  		}
   224  	}
   225  	return nil
   226  }
   228  // updateFloorsInRequest updates req.ext.prebid.floors with floors data
   229  func updateFloorsInRequest(bidRequestWrapper *openrtb_ext.RequestWrapper, priceFloors *openrtb_ext.PriceFloorRules) {
   230  	requestExt, err := bidRequestWrapper.GetRequestExt()
   231  	if err == nil {
   232  		prebidExt := requestExt.GetPrebid()
   233  		if prebidExt == nil {
   234  			prebidExt = &openrtb_ext.ExtRequestPrebid{}
   235  		}
   236  		prebidExt.Floors = priceFloors
   237  		requestExt.SetPrebid(prebidExt)
   238  		bidRequestWrapper.RebuildRequest()
   239  	}
   240  }
   242  // resolveFloorMin gets floorMin value from request and dynamic fetched data
   243  func resolveFloorMin(reqFloors *openrtb_ext.PriceFloorRules, fetchFloors *openrtb_ext.PriceFloorRules, conversions currency.Conversions) Price {
   244  	var requestFloorMinCur, providerFloorMinCur string
   245  	var requestFloorMin, providerFloorMin float64
   247  	if reqFloors != nil {
   248  		requestFloorMin = reqFloors.FloorMin
   249  		requestFloorMinCur = reqFloors.FloorMinCur
   250  		if len(requestFloorMinCur) == 0 && reqFloors.Data != nil {
   251  			requestFloorMinCur = reqFloors.Data.Currency
   252  		}
   253  	}
   255  	if fetchFloors != nil {
   256  		providerFloorMin = fetchFloors.FloorMin
   257  		providerFloorMinCur = fetchFloors.FloorMinCur
   258  		if len(providerFloorMinCur) == 0 && fetchFloors.Data != nil {
   259  			providerFloorMinCur = fetchFloors.Data.Currency
   260  		}
   261  	}
   263  	if len(requestFloorMinCur) > 0 {
   264  		if requestFloorMin > 0 {
   265  			return Price{FloorMin: requestFloorMin, FloorMinCur: requestFloorMinCur}
   266  		}
   268  		if providerFloorMin > 0 {
   269  			if strings.Compare(providerFloorMinCur, requestFloorMinCur) == 0 || len(providerFloorMinCur) == 0 {
   270  				return Price{FloorMin: providerFloorMin, FloorMinCur: requestFloorMinCur}
   271  			}
   272  			rate, err := conversions.GetRate(providerFloorMinCur, requestFloorMinCur)
   273  			if err != nil {
   274  				return Price{FloorMin: 0, FloorMinCur: requestFloorMinCur}
   275  			}
   276  			return Price{FloorMin: roundToFourDecimals(rate * providerFloorMin), FloorMinCur: requestFloorMinCur}
   277  		}
   278  	}
   280  	if len(providerFloorMinCur) > 0 {
   281  		if providerFloorMin > 0 {
   282  			return Price{FloorMin: providerFloorMin, FloorMinCur: providerFloorMinCur}
   283  		}
   284  		if requestFloorMin > 0 {
   285  			return Price{FloorMin: requestFloorMin, FloorMinCur: providerFloorMinCur}
   286  		}
   287  	}
   289  	return Price{FloorMin: requestFloorMin, FloorMinCur: requestFloorMinCur}
   291  }
   293  // mergeFloors does merging for floors data from request and dynamic fetch
   294  func mergeFloors(reqFloors *openrtb_ext.PriceFloorRules, fetchFloors *openrtb_ext.PriceFloorRules, conversions currency.Conversions) *openrtb_ext.PriceFloorRules {
   295  	mergedFloors := fetchFloors.DeepCopy()
   296  	if mergedFloors.Enabled == nil {
   297  		mergedFloors.Enabled = new(bool)
   298  	}
   299  	*mergedFloors.Enabled = fetchFloors.GetEnabled() && reqFloors.GetEnabled()
   301  	if reqFloors == nil {
   302  		return mergedFloors
   303  	}
   305  	if reqFloors.Enforcement != nil {
   306  		mergedFloors.Enforcement = reqFloors.Enforcement.DeepCopy()
   307  	}
   309  	floorMinPrice := resolveFloorMin(reqFloors, fetchFloors, conversions)
   310  	if floorMinPrice.FloorMin > 0 {
   311  		mergedFloors.FloorMin = floorMinPrice.FloorMin
   312  		mergedFloors.FloorMinCur = floorMinPrice.FloorMinCur
   313  	}
   315  	if reqFloors != nil && reqFloors.Location != nil && reqFloors.Location.URL != "" {
   316  		mergedFloors.Location = ptrutil.Clone(reqFloors.Location)
   317  	}
   319  	return mergedFloors
   320  }