
     1  endpoint: ""
     2  maintainer:
     3    email: ""
     4  gvlVendorID: 591
     5  endpointCompression: gzip
     6  capabilities:
     7    app:
     8      mediaTypes:
     9      - banner
    10      - video
    11      - audio
    12    site:
    13      mediaTypes:
    14      - banner
    15  userSync:
    16    redirect:
    17      url: "{{.GDPR}}&euconsent={{.GDPRConsent}}&us_privacy={{.USPrivacy}}&gpp={{.GPP}}&gpp_sid={{.GPPSID}}&redir={{.RedirectURL}}"
    18      userMacro: ""
    19      # consumable appends the user id to end of the redirect url and does not utilize a macro
    20  openrtb:
    21    gpp-supported: true