
     1  # Contact to ask about enabling a connection to the Magnite (formerly Rubicon) exchange.
     2  # We have the following regional endpoint domains: exapi-us-east, exapi-us-west, exapi-apac, exapi-eu
     3  # Please deploy this config in each of your datacenters with the appropriate regional subdomain
     4  endpoint: ""
     5  endpointCompression: GZIP
     6  geoscope:
     7    - global
     8  disabled: true
     9  xapi:
    10    username: GET_FROM_MAGNITE
    11    password: GET_FROM_MAGNITE
    12    tracker: SAME_AS_USERNAME
    13  maintainer:
    14    email: ""
    15  gvlVendorID: 52
    16  capabilities:
    17    app:
    18      mediaTypes:
    19        - banner
    20        - video
    21        - native
    22    site:
    23      mediaTypes:
    24        - banner
    25        - video
    26        - native
    27  userSync:
    28    # rubicon supports user syncing, but requires configuration. Please contact
    29    supports:
    30      - redirect