
     1  {
     2    "$schema": "",
     3    "title": "District M DMX Adapter Params",
     4    "description": "A schema which validates params accepted by the DMX adapter",
     5    "type": "object",
     6    "properties": {
     7      "memberid" : {
     8        "type": "string",
     9        "description": "Represent boost MemberId from districtm UI"
    10      },
    11      "placement_id" : {
    12        "type": "string",
    13        "description": "memberid replacement / alternative value or equivalent"
    14      },
    15      "seller_id" : {
    16        "type": "string",
    17        "description": "Represent DMX Partner when you get onboarded, this is for specific setup BURL vs NURL"
    18      },
    19      "dmxid": {
    20        "type": "string",
    21        "description": "Represent the placement ID dmxid equivalent to 'tagid', this value is optional"
    22      },
    23      "tagid": {
    24        "type": "string",
    25        "description": "Represent the placement ID tagid equivalent to 'dmxid', this value is optional"
    26      },
    27      "bidfloor": {
    28        "type": "number",
    29        "description": "The minimum price acceptable for a bid, this is optional since we do get the one from the original openrtb request"
    30      }
    31    },
    33    "required": ["memberid"]
    34  }