
     1  package stored_requests
     3  import (
     4  	"context"
     5  	"encoding/json"
     6  	"errors"
     7  	"testing"
     9  	""
    10  	""
    12  	""
    13  	""
    14  )
    16  func setupFetcherWithCacheDeps() (*mockCache, *mockCache, *mockCache, *mockFetcher, AllFetcher, *metrics.MetricsEngineMock) {
    17  	reqCache := &mockCache{}
    18  	impCache := &mockCache{}
    19  	respCache := &mockCache{}
    20  	metricsEngine := &metrics.MetricsEngineMock{}
    21  	fetcher := &mockFetcher{}
    22  	afetcherWithCache := WithCache(fetcher, Cache{reqCache, impCache, respCache, &nil_cache.NilCache{}}, metricsEngine)
    24  	return reqCache, impCache, respCache, fetcher, afetcherWithCache, metricsEngine
    25  }
    27  func TestPerfectCache(t *testing.T) {
    28  	reqCache, impCache, respCache, fetcher, aFetcherWithCache, metricsEngine := setupFetcherWithCacheDeps()
    29  	impIDs := []string{"known"}
    30  	reqIDs := []string{"req-id"}
    31  	respIDs := []string{"resp-id"}
    32  	ctx := context.Background()
    34  	reqCache.On("Get", ctx, reqIDs).Return(
    35  		map[string]json.RawMessage{
    36  			"req-id": json.RawMessage(`{"req":true}`),
    37  		})
    38  	impCache.On("Get", ctx, impIDs).Return(
    39  		map[string]json.RawMessage{
    40  			"known": json.RawMessage(`{}`),
    41  		})
    42  	respCache.On("Get", ctx, respIDs).Return(
    43  		map[string]json.RawMessage{
    44  			"resp-id": json.RawMessage(`{"req":true}`),
    45  		})
    46  	metricsEngine.On("RecordStoredReqCacheResult", metrics.CacheHit, 1)
    47  	metricsEngine.On("RecordStoredReqCacheResult", metrics.CacheMiss, 0)
    48  	metricsEngine.On("RecordStoredImpCacheResult", metrics.CacheHit, 1)
    49  	metricsEngine.On("RecordStoredImpCacheResult", metrics.CacheMiss, 0)
    51  	reqData, impData, errs := aFetcherWithCache.FetchRequests(ctx, reqIDs, impIDs)
    52  	respData, fetchRespErrs := aFetcherWithCache.FetchResponses(ctx, respIDs)
    54  	reqCache.AssertExpectations(t)
    55  	impCache.AssertExpectations(t)
    56  	respCache.AssertExpectations(t)
    57  	fetcher.AssertExpectations(t)
    58  	metricsEngine.AssertExpectations(t)
    59  	assert.JSONEq(t, `{"req":true}`, string(reqData["req-id"]), "Fetch requests should fetch the right request data")
    60  	assert.JSONEq(t, `{"req":true}`, string(respData["resp-id"]), "Fetch responses should fetch the right response data")
    61  	assert.JSONEq(t, `{}`, string(impData["known"]), "FetchRequests should fetch the right imp data")
    62  	assert.Len(t, errs, 0, "FetchRequest shouldn't return any errors")
    63  	assert.Len(t, fetchRespErrs, 0, "FetchResponses shouldn't return any errors")
    64  }
    66  func TestImperfectCache(t *testing.T) {
    67  	reqCache, impCache, respCache, fetcher, aFetcherWithCache, metricsEngine := setupFetcherWithCacheDeps()
    68  	impIDs := []string{"cached", "uncached"}
    69  	respIDs := []string{"cached", "uncached"}
    70  	ctx := context.Background()
    72  	impCache.On("Get", ctx, impIDs).Return(
    73  		map[string]json.RawMessage{
    74  			"cached": json.RawMessage(`true`),
    75  		})
    76  	reqCache.On("Get", ctx, []string(nil)).Return(
    77  		map[string]json.RawMessage{})
    78  	respCache.On("Get", ctx, respIDs).Return(
    79  		map[string]json.RawMessage{
    80  			"cached": json.RawMessage(`true`),
    81  		})
    83  	fetcher.On("FetchRequests", ctx, []string{}, []string{"uncached"}).Return(
    84  		map[string]json.RawMessage{},
    85  		map[string]json.RawMessage{
    86  			"uncached": json.RawMessage(`false`),
    87  		},
    88  		[]error{},
    89  	)
    90  	impCache.On("Save", ctx,
    91  		map[string]json.RawMessage{
    92  			"uncached": json.RawMessage(`false`),
    93  		})
    95  	fetcher.On("FetchResponses", ctx, []string{"uncached"}).Return(
    96  		map[string]json.RawMessage{
    97  			"uncached": json.RawMessage(`false`),
    98  		},
    99  		[]error{},
   100  	)
   101  	respCache.On("Save", ctx,
   102  		map[string]json.RawMessage{
   103  			"uncached": json.RawMessage(`false`),
   104  		})
   106  	reqCache.On("Save", ctx, map[string]json.RawMessage{})
   108  	metricsEngine.On("RecordStoredReqCacheResult", metrics.CacheHit, 0)
   109  	metricsEngine.On("RecordStoredReqCacheResult", metrics.CacheMiss, 0)
   110  	metricsEngine.On("RecordStoredImpCacheResult", metrics.CacheHit, 1)
   111  	metricsEngine.On("RecordStoredImpCacheResult", metrics.CacheMiss, 1)
   113  	reqData, impData, errs := aFetcherWithCache.FetchRequests(ctx, nil, impIDs)
   114  	respData, fetchRespErrs := aFetcherWithCache.FetchResponses(ctx, respIDs)
   116  	impCache.AssertExpectations(t)
   117  	respCache.AssertExpectations(t)
   118  	fetcher.AssertExpectations(t)
   119  	metricsEngine.AssertExpectations(t)
   120  	assert.Len(t, reqData, 0, "Fetch requests should return nil if no request IDs were passed")
   121  	assert.JSONEq(t, `true`, string(impData["cached"]), "FetchRequests should fetch the right imp data")
   122  	assert.JSONEq(t, `false`, string(impData["uncached"]), "FetchRequests should fetch the right imp data")
   123  	assert.JSONEq(t, `true`, string(respData["cached"]), "FetchResponses should fetch the right resp data")
   124  	assert.JSONEq(t, `false`, string(respData["uncached"]), "FetchResponses should fetch the right resp data")
   125  	assert.Len(t, errs, 0, "FetchRequest shouldn't return any errors")
   126  	assert.Len(t, fetchRespErrs, 0, "FetchResponses shouldn't return any errors")
   127  }
   129  func TestMissingData(t *testing.T) {
   130  	reqCache, impCache, respCache, fetcher, aFetcherWithCache, metricsEngine := setupFetcherWithCacheDeps()
   131  	impIDs := []string{"unknown"}
   132  	respIDs := []string{"unknown"}
   133  	ctx := context.Background()
   135  	impCache.On("Get", ctx, impIDs).Return(
   136  		map[string]json.RawMessage{},
   137  	)
   138  	reqCache.On("Get", ctx, []string(nil)).Return(
   139  		map[string]json.RawMessage{})
   141  	respCache.On("Get", ctx, []string(respIDs)).Return(
   142  		map[string]json.RawMessage{})
   144  	fetcher.On("FetchRequests", ctx, []string{}, impIDs).Return(
   145  		map[string]json.RawMessage{},
   146  		map[string]json.RawMessage{},
   147  		[]error{
   148  			errors.New("Data not found"),
   149  		},
   150  	)
   152  	fetcher.On("FetchResponses", ctx, respIDs).Return(
   153  		map[string]json.RawMessage{},
   154  		[]error{
   155  			errors.New("Data not found"),
   156  		},
   157  	)
   159  	impCache.On("Save", ctx,
   160  		map[string]json.RawMessage{},
   161  	)
   162  	reqCache.On("Save", ctx,
   163  		map[string]json.RawMessage{},
   164  	)
   166  	respCache.On("Save", ctx,
   167  		map[string]json.RawMessage{},
   168  	)
   169  	metricsEngine.On("RecordStoredReqCacheResult", metrics.CacheHit, 0)
   170  	metricsEngine.On("RecordStoredReqCacheResult", metrics.CacheMiss, 0)
   171  	metricsEngine.On("RecordStoredImpCacheResult", metrics.CacheHit, 0)
   172  	metricsEngine.On("RecordStoredImpCacheResult", metrics.CacheMiss, 1)
   174  	reqData, impData, errs := aFetcherWithCache.FetchRequests(ctx, nil, impIDs)
   175  	respData, fetchRespErrs := aFetcherWithCache.FetchResponses(ctx, respIDs)
   177  	reqCache.AssertExpectations(t)
   178  	impCache.AssertExpectations(t)
   179  	respCache.AssertExpectations(t)
   180  	fetcher.AssertExpectations(t)
   181  	metricsEngine.AssertExpectations(t)
   182  	assert.Len(t, errs, 1, "FetchRequests for missing data should return an error")
   183  	assert.Len(t, fetchRespErrs, 1, "FetchResponses for missing data should return an error")
   184  	assert.Len(t, reqData, 0, "FetchRequests for missing data shouldn't return anything")
   185  	assert.Len(t, impData, 0, "FetchRequests for missing data shouldn't return anything")
   186  	assert.Len(t, respData, 0, "FetchRequests for missing data shouldn't return anything")
   187  }
   189  // Prevents #311
   190  func TestCacheSaves(t *testing.T) {
   191  	reqCache, impCache, respCache, fetcher, aFetcherWithCache, metricsEngine := setupFetcherWithCacheDeps()
   192  	impIDs := []string{"abc", "abc"}
   193  	respIDs := []string{"abc", "abc"}
   194  	ctx := context.Background()
   196  	impCache.On("Get", ctx, impIDs).Return(
   197  		map[string]json.RawMessage{
   198  			"abc": json.RawMessage(`{}`),
   199  		})
   200  	respCache.On("Get", ctx, respIDs).Return(
   201  		map[string]json.RawMessage{
   202  			"abc": json.RawMessage(`{}`),
   203  		})
   204  	reqCache.On("Get", ctx, []string(nil)).Return(
   205  		map[string]json.RawMessage{})
   206  	metricsEngine.On("RecordStoredReqCacheResult", metrics.CacheHit, 0)
   207  	metricsEngine.On("RecordStoredReqCacheResult", metrics.CacheMiss, 0)
   208  	metricsEngine.On("RecordStoredImpCacheResult", metrics.CacheHit, 2)
   209  	metricsEngine.On("RecordStoredImpCacheResult", metrics.CacheMiss, 0)
   211  	_, impData, errs := aFetcherWithCache.FetchRequests(ctx, nil, []string{"abc", "abc"})
   212  	respData, fetchRespErrs := aFetcherWithCache.FetchResponses(ctx, respIDs)
   214  	impCache.AssertExpectations(t)
   215  	respCache.AssertExpectations(t)
   216  	fetcher.AssertExpectations(t)
   217  	metricsEngine.AssertExpectations(t)
   218  	assert.Len(t, impData, 1, "FetchRequests should return data only once for duplicate requests")
   219  	assert.JSONEq(t, `{}`, string(impData["abc"]), "FetchRequests should fetch the right imp data")
   220  	assert.JSONEq(t, `{}`, string(respData["abc"]), "FetchResponses should fetch the right resp data")
   221  	assert.Len(t, errs, 0, "FetchRequests with duplicate IDs shouldn't return an error")
   222  	assert.Len(t, fetchRespErrs, 0, "FetchResponses with duplicate IDs shouldn't return an error")
   223  }
   225  func setupAccountFetcherWithCacheDeps() (*mockCache, *mockFetcher, AllFetcher, *metrics.MetricsEngineMock) {
   226  	accCache := &mockCache{}
   227  	metricsEngine := &metrics.MetricsEngineMock{}
   228  	fetcher := &mockFetcher{}
   229  	afetcherWithCache := WithCache(fetcher, Cache{&nil_cache.NilCache{}, &nil_cache.NilCache{}, &nil_cache.NilCache{}, accCache}, metricsEngine)
   231  	return accCache, fetcher, afetcherWithCache, metricsEngine
   232  }
   234  func TestAccountCacheHit(t *testing.T) {
   235  	accCache, fetcher, aFetcherWithCache, metricsEngine := setupAccountFetcherWithCacheDeps()
   236  	cachedAccounts := []string{"known"}
   237  	ctx := context.Background()
   239  	// Test read from cache
   240  	accCache.On("Get", ctx, cachedAccounts).Return(
   241  		map[string]json.RawMessage{
   242  			"known": json.RawMessage(`true`),
   243  		})
   245  	metricsEngine.On("RecordAccountCacheResult", metrics.CacheHit, 1)
   246  	account, errs := aFetcherWithCache.FetchAccount(ctx, json.RawMessage("{}"), "known")
   248  	accCache.AssertExpectations(t)
   249  	fetcher.AssertExpectations(t)
   250  	metricsEngine.AssertExpectations(t)
   251  	assert.JSONEq(t, `true`, string(account), "FetchAccount should fetch the right account data")
   252  	assert.Len(t, errs, 0, "FetchAccount shouldn't return any errors")
   253  }
   255  func TestAccountCacheMiss(t *testing.T) {
   256  	accCache, fetcher, aFetcherWithCache, metricsEngine := setupAccountFetcherWithCacheDeps()
   257  	uncachedAccounts := []string{"uncached"}
   258  	uncachedAccountsData := map[string]json.RawMessage{
   259  		"uncached": json.RawMessage(`true`),
   260  	}
   261  	ctx := context.Background()
   263  	// Test read from cache
   264  	accCache.On("Get", ctx, uncachedAccounts).Return(map[string]json.RawMessage{})
   265  	accCache.On("Save", ctx, uncachedAccountsData)
   266  	fetcher.On("FetchAccount", ctx, json.RawMessage("{}"), "uncached").Return(uncachedAccountsData["uncached"], []error{})
   267  	metricsEngine.On("RecordAccountCacheResult", metrics.CacheMiss, 1)
   269  	account, errs := aFetcherWithCache.FetchAccount(ctx, json.RawMessage("{}"), "uncached")
   271  	accCache.AssertExpectations(t)
   272  	fetcher.AssertExpectations(t)
   273  	metricsEngine.AssertExpectations(t)
   274  	assert.JSONEq(t, `true`, string(account), "FetchAccount should fetch the right account data")
   275  	assert.Len(t, errs, 0, "FetchAccount shouldn't return any errors")
   276  }
   277  func TestComposedCache(t *testing.T) {
   278  	c1 := &mockCache{}
   279  	c2 := &mockCache{}
   280  	c3 := &mockCache{}
   281  	c4 := &mockCache{}
   282  	impCache := &mockCache{}
   283  	cache := Cache{
   284  		Requests:  ComposedCache{c1, c2, c3, c4},
   285  		Imps:      impCache,
   286  		Responses: ComposedCache{c1, c2, c3, c4},
   287  	}
   288  	metricsEngine := &metrics.MetricsEngineMock{}
   289  	fetcher := &mockFetcher{}
   290  	aFetcherWithCache := WithCache(fetcher, cache, metricsEngine)
   291  	reqIDs := []string{"1", "2", "3"}
   292  	impIDs := []string{}
   293  	ctx := context.Background()
   295  	c1.On("Get", ctx, reqIDs).Return(
   296  		map[string]json.RawMessage{
   297  			"1": json.RawMessage(`{"id": "1"}`),
   298  		})
   299  	c2.On("Get", ctx, []string{"2", "3"}).Return(
   300  		map[string]json.RawMessage{
   301  			"2": json.RawMessage(`{"id": "2"}`),
   302  		})
   303  	c3.On("Get", ctx, []string{"3"}).Return(
   304  		map[string]json.RawMessage{
   305  			"3": json.RawMessage(`{"id": "3"}`),
   306  		})
   307  	impCache.On("Get", ctx, []string{}).Return(map[string]json.RawMessage{})
   309  	metricsEngine.On("RecordStoredReqCacheResult", metrics.CacheHit, 3)
   310  	metricsEngine.On("RecordStoredReqCacheResult", metrics.CacheMiss, 0)
   311  	metricsEngine.On("RecordStoredImpCacheResult", metrics.CacheHit, 0)
   312  	metricsEngine.On("RecordStoredImpCacheResult", metrics.CacheMiss, 0)
   314  	reqData, impData, errs := aFetcherWithCache.FetchRequests(ctx, reqIDs, impIDs)
   315  	respData, fetchRespErrs := aFetcherWithCache.FetchResponses(ctx, reqIDs)
   317  	c1.AssertExpectations(t)
   318  	c2.AssertExpectations(t)
   319  	c3.AssertExpectations(t)
   320  	impCache.AssertExpectations(t)
   321  	fetcher.AssertExpectations(t)
   322  	metricsEngine.AssertExpectations(t)
   323  	assert.Len(t, reqData, len(reqIDs), "FetchRequests should be able to return all request data from a composed cache")
   324  	assert.Len(t, respData, len(reqIDs), "FetchResponses should be able to return all response data from a composed cache")
   325  	assert.Len(t, impData, len(impIDs), "FetchRequests should be able to return all imp data from a composed cache")
   326  	assert.Len(t, errs, 0, "FetchRequests shouldn't return an error when trying to use a composed cache")
   327  	assert.Len(t, fetchRespErrs, 0, "FetchResponses shouldn't return an error when trying to use a composed cache")
   328  	assert.JSONEq(t, `{"id": "1"}`, string(reqData["1"]), "FetchRequests should fetch the right req data")
   329  	assert.JSONEq(t, `{"id": "2"}`, string(reqData["2"]), "FetchRequests should fetch the right req data")
   330  	assert.JSONEq(t, `{"id": "3"}`, string(reqData["3"]), "FetchRequests should fetch the right req data")
   331  	assert.JSONEq(t, `{"id": "1"}`, string(respData["1"]), "FetchResponses should fetch the right resp data")
   332  	assert.JSONEq(t, `{"id": "2"}`, string(respData["2"]), "FetchResponses should fetch the right resp data")
   333  	assert.JSONEq(t, `{"id": "3"}`, string(respData["3"]), "FetchResponses should fetch the right resp data")
   334  }
   336  type mockFetcher struct {
   337  	mock.Mock
   338  }
   340  func (f *mockFetcher) FetchRequests(ctx context.Context, requestIDs []string, impIDs []string) (map[string]json.RawMessage, map[string]json.RawMessage, []error) {
   341  	args := f.Called(ctx, requestIDs, impIDs)
   342  	return args.Get(0).(map[string]json.RawMessage), args.Get(1).(map[string]json.RawMessage), args.Get(2).([]error)
   343  }
   345  func (f *mockFetcher) FetchResponses(ctx context.Context, ids []string) (data map[string]json.RawMessage, errs []error) {
   346  	args := f.Called(ctx, ids)
   347  	return args.Get(0).(map[string]json.RawMessage), args.Get(1).([]error)
   348  }
   350  func (a *mockFetcher) FetchAccount(ctx context.Context, defaultAccountsJSON json.RawMessage, accountID string) (json.RawMessage, []error) {
   351  	args := a.Called(ctx, defaultAccountsJSON, accountID)
   352  	return args.Get(0).(json.RawMessage), args.Get(1).([]error)
   353  }
   355  func (f *mockFetcher) FetchCategories(ctx context.Context, primaryAdServer, publisherId, iabCategory string) (string, error) {
   356  	return "", nil
   357  }
   359  type mockCache struct {
   360  	mock.Mock
   361  }
   363  func (c *mockCache) Get(ctx context.Context, ids []string) map[string]json.RawMessage {
   364  	args := c.Called(ctx, ids)
   365  	return args.Get(0).(map[string]json.RawMessage)
   366  }
   368  func (c *mockCache) Save(ctx context.Context, data map[string]json.RawMessage) {
   369  	c.Called(ctx, data)
   370  }
   372  func (c *mockCache) Invalidate(ctx context.Context, ids []string) {
   373  	c.Called(ctx, ids)
   374  }