(about) 1 # This file describes the standard way to build Docker, using docker 2 # 3 # Usage: 4 # 5 # # Assemble the full dev environment. This is slow the first time. 6 # docker build -t docker . 7 # 8 # # Mount your source in an interactive container for quick testing: 9 # docker run -v `pwd`:/go/src/ --privileged -i -t docker bash 10 # 11 # # Run the test suite: 12 # docker run --privileged docker hack/ test 13 # 14 # # Publish a release: 15 # docker run --privileged \ 16 # -e AWS_S3_BUCKET=baz \ 17 # -e AWS_ACCESS_KEY=foo \ 18 # -e AWS_SECRET_KEY=bar \ 19 # -e GPG_PASSPHRASE=gloubiboulga \ 20 # docker hack/ 21 # 22 # Note: Apparmor used to mess with privileged mode, but this is no longer 23 # the case. Therefore, you don't have to disable it anymore. 24 # 25 26 FROM ubuntu:14.04 27 MAINTAINER Tianon Gravi <> (@tianon) 28 29 # Packaged dependencies 30 RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \ 31 apparmor \ 32 aufs-tools \ 33 automake \ 34 btrfs-tools \ 35 build-essential \ 36 curl \ 37 dpkg-sig \ 38 git \ 39 iptables \ 40 libapparmor-dev \ 41 libcap-dev \ 42 libsqlite3-dev \ 43 mercurial \ 44 parallel \ 45 python-mock \ 46 python-pip \ 47 python-websocket \ 48 reprepro \ 49 ruby1.9.1 \ 50 ruby1.9.1-dev \ 51 s3cmd=1.1.0* \ 52 --no-install-recommends 53 54 # Get lvm2 source for compiling statically 55 RUN git clone -b v2_02_103 /usr/local/lvm2 56 # see for release tags 57 58 # Compile and install lvm2 59 RUN cd /usr/local/lvm2 \ 60 && ./configure --enable-static_link \ 61 && make device-mapper \ 62 && make install_device-mapper 63 # see 64 65 # Install lxc 66 ENV LXC_VERSION 1.0.7 67 RUN mkdir -p /usr/src/lxc \ 68 && curl -sSL${LXC_VERSION}.tar.gz | tar -v -C /usr/src/lxc/ -xz --strip-components=1 69 RUN cd /usr/src/lxc \ 70 && ./configure \ 71 && make \ 72 && make install \ 73 && ldconfig 74 75 # Install Go 76 ENV GO_VERSION 1.4.1 77 RUN curl -sSL${GO_VERSION}.src.tar.gz | tar -v -C /usr/local -xz \ 78 && mkdir -p /go/bin 79 ENV PATH /go/bin:/usr/local/go/bin:$PATH 80 ENV GOPATH /go:/go/src/ 81 RUN cd /usr/local/go/src && ./make.bash --no-clean 2>&1 82 83 # Compile Go for cross compilation 84 ENV DOCKER_CROSSPLATFORMS \ 85 linux/386 linux/arm \ 86 darwin/amd64 darwin/386 \ 87 freebsd/amd64 freebsd/386 freebsd/arm \ 88 windows/amd64 windows/386 89 90 # (set an explicit GOARM of 5 for maximum compatibility) 91 ENV GOARM 5 92 RUN cd /usr/local/go/src \ 93 && set -x \ 94 && for platform in $DOCKER_CROSSPLATFORMS; do \ 95 GOOS=${platform%/*} \ 96 GOARCH=${platform##*/} \ 97 ./make.bash --no-clean 2>&1; \ 98 done 99 100 # We still support compiling with older Go, so need to grab older "gofmt" 101 ENV GOFMT_VERSION 1.3.3 102 RUN curl -sSL${GOFMT_VERSION}.$(go env GOOS)-$(go env GOARCH).tar.gz | tar -C /go/bin -xz --strip-components=2 go/bin/gofmt 103 104 # Grab Go's cover tool for dead-simple code coverage testing 105 RUN go get 106 107 # TODO replace FPM with some very minimal debhelper stuff 108 RUN gem install --no-rdoc --no-ri fpm --version 1.3.2 109 110 # Get the "busybox" image source so we can build locally instead of pulling 111 RUN git clone -b buildroot-2014.02 /docker-busybox 112 113 # Get the "cirros" image source so we can import it instead of fetching it during tests 114 RUN curl -sSL -o /cirros.tar.gz 115 116 # Get the "docker-py" source so we can run their integration tests 117 ENV DOCKER_PY_COMMIT aa19d7b6609c6676e8258f6b900dea2eda1dbe95 118 RUN git clone /docker-py \ 119 && cd /docker-py \ 120 && git checkout -q $DOCKER_PY_COMMIT 121 122 # Setup s3cmd config 123 RUN { \ 124 echo '[default]'; \ 125 echo 'access_key=$AWS_ACCESS_KEY'; \ 126 echo 'secret_key=$AWS_SECRET_KEY'; \ 127 } > ~/.s3cfg 128 129 # Set so crosbymichael's in-container merge commits go smoothly 130 RUN git config --global '' 131 132 # Add an unprivileged user to be used for tests which need it 133 RUN groupadd -r docker 134 RUN useradd --create-home --gid docker unprivilegeduser 135 136 VOLUME /var/lib/docker 137 WORKDIR /go/src/ 138 ENV DOCKER_BUILDTAGS apparmor selinux btrfs_noversion 139 140 # Install man page generator 141 COPY vendor /go/src/ 142 # (copy vendor/ because go-md2man needs 143 RUN set -x \ 144 && git clone -b v1 /go/src/ \ 145 && git clone -b v1.2 /go/src/ \ 146 && go install -v 147 148 # Install registry 149 COPY pkg/tarsum /go/src/ 150 # REGISTRY_COMMIT gives us the repeatability guarantees we need 151 # (so that we're all testing the same version of the registry) 152 ENV REGISTRY_COMMIT 21a69f53b5c7986b831f33849d551cd59ec8cbd1 153 RUN set -x \ 154 && git clone /go/src/ \ 155 && (cd /go/src/ && git checkout -q $REGISTRY_COMMIT) \ 156 && go get -d \ 157 && go build -o /go/bin/registry-v2 158 159 # Wrap all commands in the "docker-in-docker" script to allow nested containers 160 ENTRYPOINT ["hack/dind"] 161 162 # Upload docker source 163 COPY . /go/src/