(about) 1 page_title: Dockerizing a Redis service 2 page_description: Installing and running an redis service 3 page_keywords: docker, example, package installation, networking, redis 4 5 # Dockerizing a Redis Service 6 7 Very simple, no frills, Redis service attached to a web application 8 using a link. 9 10 ## Create a docker container for Redis 11 12 Firstly, we create a `Dockerfile` for our new Redis 13 image. 14 15 FROM ubuntu:14.04 16 RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y redis-server 17 EXPOSE 6379 18 ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/bin/redis-server"] 19 20 Next we build an image from our `Dockerfile`. 21 Replace `<your username>` with your own user name. 22 23 $ sudo docker build -t <your username>/redis . 24 25 ## Run the service 26 27 Use the image we've just created and name your container `redis`. 28 29 Running the service with `-d` runs the container in detached mode, leaving 30 the container running in the background. 31 32 Importantly, we're not exposing any ports on our container. Instead 33 we're going to use a container link to provide access to our Redis 34 database. 35 36 $ sudo docker run --name redis -d <your username>/redis 37 38 ## Create your web application container 39 40 Next we can create a container for our application. We're going to use 41 the `-link` flag to create a link to the `redis` container we've just 42 created with an alias of `db`. This will create a secure tunnel to the 43 `redis` container and expose the Redis instance running inside that 44 container to only this container. 45 46 $ sudo docker run --link redis:db -i -t ubuntu:14.04 /bin/bash 47 48 Once inside our freshly created container we need to install Redis to 49 get the `redis-cli` binary to test our connection. 50 51 $ sudo apt-get update 52 $ sudo apt-get install redis-server 53 $ sudo service redis-server stop 54 55 As we've used the `--link redis:db` option, Docker 56 has created some environment variables in our web application container. 57 58 $ env | grep DB_ 59 60 # Should return something similar to this with your values 61 DB_NAME=/violet_wolf/db 62 DB_PORT_6379_TCP_PORT=6379 63 DB_PORT=tcp:// 64 DB_PORT_6379_TCP=tcp:// 65 DB_PORT_6379_TCP_ADDR= 66 DB_PORT_6379_TCP_PROTO=tcp 67 68 We can see that we've got a small list of environment variables prefixed 69 with `DB`. The `DB` comes from the link alias specified when we launched 70 the container. Let's use the `DB_PORT_6379_TCP_ADDR` variable to connect to 71 our Redis container. 72 73 $ redis-cli -h $DB_PORT_6379_TCP_ADDR 74 $ redis> 75 $ redis> set docker awesome 76 OK 77 $ redis> get docker 78 "awesome" 79 $ redis> exit 80 81 We could easily use this or other environment variables in our web 82 application to make a connection to our `redis` 83 container.