
     1  package types
     3  import (
     4  	"fmt"
     5  	"io"
     7  	resourcetypes ""
     8  )
    10  // TODO should validate options
    12  // DeployOptions is options for deploying
    13  type DeployOptions struct {
    14  	Resources      resourcetypes.Resources
    15  	Name           string            // Name of application
    16  	Entrypoint     *Entrypoint       // entrypoint
    17  	Podname        string            // Name of pod to deploy
    18  	NodeFilter     *NodeFilter       // filter of nodenames, using includes or not using excludes
    19  	Image          string            // Name of image to deploy
    20  	ExtraArgs      string            // Extra arguments to append to command
    21  	Count          int               // How many workloads needed, e.g. 4
    22  	Env            []string          // Env for workload
    23  	DNS            []string          // DNS for workload
    24  	ExtraHosts     []string          // Extra hosts for workload
    25  	Networks       map[string]string // Network names and specified IPs
    26  	User           string            // User for workload
    27  	Debug          bool              // debug mode, use syslog as log driver
    28  	OpenStdin      bool              // OpenStdin for workload
    29  	Labels         map[string]string // Labels for workloads
    30  	DeployStrategy string            // Deploy strategy
    31  	Files          []LinuxFile       // For additional file data
    32  	NodesLimit     int               // Limit nodes count
    33  	ProcessIdent   string            // ProcessIdent ident this deploy
    34  	IgnoreHook     bool              // IgnoreHook ignore hook process
    35  	AfterCreate    []string          // AfterCreate support run cmds after create
    36  	RawArgs        RawArgs           // RawArgs for raw args processing
    37  	Lambda         bool              // indicate is lambda workload or not
    38  	IgnorePull     bool              // ignore pull image
    39  }
    41  // Processing tracks workloads count yet finished
    42  type Processing struct {
    43  	Appname   string
    44  	Entryname string
    45  	Nodename  string
    46  	Ident     string
    47  }
    49  // GetProcessing .
    50  func (o DeployOptions) GetProcessing(nodename string) *Processing {
    51  	return &Processing{
    52  		Appname:   o.Name,
    53  		Entryname: o.Entrypoint.Name,
    54  		Nodename:  nodename,
    55  		Ident:     o.ProcessIdent,
    56  	}
    57  }
    59  // Validate checks options
    60  func (o *DeployOptions) Validate() error {
    61  	if o.Name == "" {
    62  		return ErrEmptyAppName
    63  	}
    64  	if o.Podname == "" {
    65  		return ErrEmptyPodName
    66  	}
    67  	if o.Image == "" {
    68  		return ErrEmptyImage
    69  	}
    70  	if o.Count == 0 {
    71  		return ErrEmptyCount
    72  	}
    73  	return o.Entrypoint.Validate()
    74  }
    76  // CopyOptions for multiple workload files copy
    77  type CopyOptions struct {
    78  	Targets map[string][]string
    79  }
    81  // Validate checks options
    82  func (o *CopyOptions) Validate() error {
    83  	if len(o.Targets) == 0 {
    84  		return ErrNoFilesToCopy
    85  	}
    86  	return nil
    87  }
    89  // LinuxFile is used for copy file
    90  type LinuxFile struct {
    91  	Content  []byte
    92  	Filename string
    93  	UID      int
    94  	GID      int
    95  	Mode     int64
    96  }
    98  // Clone returns a copy of content bytes
    99  func (f LinuxFile) Clone() LinuxFile {
   100  	c := make([]byte, len(f.Content))
   101  	copy(c, f.Content)
   102  	return LinuxFile{
   103  		Content:  c,
   104  		Filename: f.Filename,
   105  		UID:      f.UID,
   106  		GID:      f.GID,
   107  		Mode:     f.Mode,
   108  	}
   109  }
   111  // String for %+v
   112  func (f LinuxFile) String() string {
   113  	return fmt.Sprintf("file %+v:%+v:%+v:%#o, len: %+v", f.Filename, f.UID, f.GID, f.Mode, len(f.Content))
   114  }
   116  // LitterDump for litter.Sdump
   117  func (f LinuxFile) LitterDump(w io.Writer) {
   118  	fmt.Fprintf(w, `{Content:{%d bytes},Filename:%s,UID:%d,GID:%d,Mode:%#o"}`, len(f.Content), f.Filename, f.UID, f.GID, f.Mode)
   119  }
   121  // SendOptions for send files to multiple workload
   122  type SendOptions struct {
   123  	IDs   []string
   124  	Files []LinuxFile
   125  }
   127  // Validate checks options
   128  func (o *SendOptions) Validate() error {
   129  	if len(o.IDs) == 0 {
   130  		return ErrNoWorkloadIDs
   131  	}
   132  	if len(o.Files) == 0 {
   133  		return ErrNoFilesToSend
   134  	}
   135  	for i, file := range o.Files {
   136  		if file.UID == 0 && file.GID == 0 && file.Mode == 0 {
   137  			// we see it as requiring "default perm"
   138  			o.Files[i].Mode = 0755
   139  		}
   140  	}
   141  	return nil
   142  }
   144  // ListWorkloadsOptions for list workloads
   145  type ListWorkloadsOptions struct {
   146  	Appname    string
   147  	Entrypoint string
   148  	Nodename   string
   149  	Limit      int64
   150  	Labels     map[string]string
   151  }
   153  // ReplaceOptions for replace workload
   154  type ReplaceOptions struct {
   155  	DeployOptions
   156  	NetworkInherit bool
   157  	FilterLabels   map[string]string
   158  	Copy           map[string]string
   159  	IDs            []string
   160  }
   162  // Validate doesn't check image here
   163  // because in cluster/calcium//helper.go, pullImage will check this
   164  // to keep the original behavior, no check here.
   165  func (o *ReplaceOptions) Validate() error {
   166  	if o.DeployOptions.Name == "" {
   167  		return ErrEmptyAppName
   168  	}
   169  	return o.DeployOptions.Entrypoint.Validate()
   170  }
   172  // Normalize checks count
   173  func (o *ReplaceOptions) Normalize() {
   174  	if o.Count == 0 {
   175  		o.Count = 1
   176  	}
   177  }
   179  // ListNodesOptions for list nodes
   180  type ListNodesOptions struct {
   181  	Podname  string
   182  	Labels   map[string]string
   183  	All      bool
   184  	CallInfo bool
   185  }
   187  // AddNodeOptions for adding node
   188  type AddNodeOptions struct {
   189  	Nodename  string
   190  	Endpoint  string
   191  	Podname   string
   192  	Ca        string
   193  	Cert      string
   194  	Key       string
   195  	Labels    map[string]string
   196  	Resources resourcetypes.Resources
   197  	Test      bool
   198  }
   200  // Validate checks options
   201  func (o *AddNodeOptions) Validate() error {
   202  	if o.Nodename == "" {
   203  		return ErrEmptyNodeName
   204  	}
   205  	if o.Podname == "" {
   206  		return ErrEmptyPodName
   207  	}
   208  	if o.Endpoint == "" {
   209  		return ErrInvaildNodeEndpoint
   210  	}
   211  	return nil
   212  }
   214  // SetNodeOptions for node set
   215  type SetNodeOptions struct {
   216  	Nodename      string
   217  	Endpoint      string
   218  	WorkloadsDown bool
   219  	Resources     resourcetypes.Resources
   220  	Delta         bool
   221  	Labels        map[string]string
   222  	Bypass        TriOptions
   223  	Ca            string
   224  	Cert          string
   225  	Key           string
   226  }
   228  // Validate checks options
   229  func (o *SetNodeOptions) Validate() error {
   230  	if o.Nodename == "" {
   231  		return ErrEmptyNodeName
   232  	}
   233  	return nil
   234  }
   236  // ImageOptions wraps options for images
   237  // Prune is only used when remove image
   238  type ImageOptions struct {
   239  	Podname   string
   240  	Nodenames []string
   241  	Images    []string
   242  	Prune     bool
   243  	Filter    string
   244  }
   246  // Validate checks the options
   247  func (o *ImageOptions) Validate() error {
   248  	if o.Podname == "" {
   249  		return ErrEmptyPodName
   250  	}
   251  	return nil
   252  }
   254  // ExecuteWorkloadOptions for executing commands in running workload
   255  type ExecuteWorkloadOptions struct {
   256  	WorkloadID string
   257  	Commands   []string
   258  	Envs       []string
   259  	Workdir    string
   260  	OpenStdin  bool
   261  	ReplCmd    []byte
   262  }
   264  // ReallocOptions .
   265  type ReallocOptions struct {
   266  	ID        string
   267  	Resources resourcetypes.Resources
   268  }
   270  // TriOptions .
   271  type TriOptions int
   273  const (
   274  	// TriKeep .
   275  	TriKeep = iota
   276  	// TriTrue .
   277  	TriTrue
   278  	// TriFalse .
   279  	TriFalse
   280  )
   282  // ParseTriOption .
   283  func ParseTriOption(opt TriOptions, original bool) (res bool) {
   284  	switch opt {
   285  	case TriKeep:
   286  		res = original
   287  	case TriTrue:
   288  		res = true
   289  	case TriFalse:
   290  		res = false
   291  	}
   292  	return
   293  }
   295  // RawArgs .
   296  type RawArgs []byte
   298  // String for %+v
   299  func (r RawArgs) String() string {
   300  	return string(r)
   301  }
   303  // LitterDump from litter.Dumper
   304  func (r RawArgs) LitterDump(w io.Writer) {
   305  	w.Write(r) //nolint:errcheck
   306  }
   308  const SendLargeFileChunkSize = 2 << 10
   310  // SendLargeFileOptions for LargeFileTransfer
   311  type SendLargeFileOptions struct {
   312  	IDs   []string
   313  	Dst   string
   314  	Size  int64
   315  	Mode  int64
   316  	UID   int
   317  	GID   int
   318  	Chunk []byte
   319  }
   321  // Validate checks options
   322  func (o *SendLargeFileOptions) Validate() error {
   323  	if len(o.IDs) == 0 {
   324  		return ErrNoWorkloadIDs
   325  	}
   326  	if len(o.Chunk) == 0 {
   327  		return ErrNoFilesToSend
   328  	}
   329  	if o.UID == 0 && o.GID == 0 && o.Mode == 0 {
   330  		// we see it as requiring "default perm"
   331  		o.Mode = 0755
   332  	}
   333  	return nil
   334  }
   336  type RawEngineOptions struct {
   337  	ID         string
   338  	Op         string
   339  	Params     []byte
   340  	IgnoreLock bool // whether lock the workload
   341  }
   343  func (o *RawEngineOptions) Validate() error {
   344  	if o.ID == "" {
   345  		return ErrEmptyWorkloadID
   346  	}
   347  	if o.Op == "" {
   348  		return ErrEmptyRawEngineOp
   349  	}
   350  	return nil
   351  }