
     1  /*
     2   * Copyright (c) 2016, Psiphon Inc.
     3   * All rights reserved.
     4   *
     5   * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
     6   * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
     7   * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
     8   * (at your option) any later version.
     9   *
    10   * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    11   * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    13   * GNU General Public License for more details.
    14   *
    15   * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    16   * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
    17   *
    18   */
    20  package server
    22  import (
    23  	"bytes"
    24  	"context"
    25  	"crypto/rand"
    26  	"crypto/tls"
    27  	"encoding/base64"
    28  	"encoding/hex"
    29  	"encoding/json"
    30  	std_errors "errors"
    31  	"hash/crc64"
    32  	"io"
    33  	"net"
    34  	"net/http"
    35  	"runtime"
    36  	"strconv"
    37  	"strings"
    38  	"sync"
    39  	"sync/atomic"
    40  	"time"
    42  	""
    43  	""
    44  	""
    45  	""
    46  	""
    47  	""
    48  	""
    49  	""
    50  	tris ""
    51  	lrucache ""
    52  	""
    53  	""
    54  )
    56  // MeekServer is based on meek-server.go from Tor and Psiphon:
    57  //
    58  //
    59  // CC0 1.0 Universal
    60  //
    61  //
    63  const (
    65  	// Protocol version 1 clients can handle arbitrary length response bodies. Older clients
    66  	// report no version number and expect at most 64K response bodies.
    69  	// Protocol version 2 clients initiate a session by sending an encrypted and obfuscated meek
    70  	// cookie with their initial HTTP request. Connection information is contained within the
    71  	// encrypted cookie payload. The server inspects the cookie and establishes a new session and
    72  	// returns a new random session ID back to client via Set-Cookie header. The client uses this
    73  	// session ID on all subsequent requests for the remainder of the session.
    76  	// Protocol version 3 clients include resiliency enhancements and will add a Range header
    77  	// when retrying a request for a partially downloaded response payload.
    80  	MEEK_MAX_REQUEST_PAYLOAD_LENGTH                  = 65536
    81  	MEEK_MIN_SESSION_ID_LENGTH                       = 8
    82  	MEEK_MAX_SESSION_ID_LENGTH                       = 20
    83  	MEEK_DEFAULT_TURN_AROUND_TIMEOUT                 = 10 * time.Millisecond
    84  	MEEK_DEFAULT_EXTENDED_TURN_AROUND_TIMEOUT        = 100 * time.Millisecond
    86  	MEEK_DEFAULT_MAX_SESSION_STALENESS               = 45 * time.Second
    87  	MEEK_DEFAULT_HTTP_CLIENT_IO_TIMEOUT              = 45 * time.Second
    88  	MEEK_DEFAULT_RESPONSE_BUFFER_LENGTH              = 65536
    89  	MEEK_DEFAULT_POOL_BUFFER_LENGTH                  = 65536
    90  	MEEK_DEFAULT_POOL_BUFFER_COUNT                   = 2048
    91  )
    93  // MeekServer implements the meek protocol, which tunnels TCP traffic (in the case of Psiphon,
    94  // Obfuscated SSH traffic) over HTTP. Meek may be fronted (through a CDN) or direct and may be
    95  // HTTP or HTTPS.
    96  //
    97  // Upstream traffic arrives in HTTP request bodies and downstream traffic is sent in response
    98  // bodies. The sequence of traffic for a given flow is associated using a session ID that's
    99  // set as a HTTP cookie for the client to submit with each request.
   100  //
   101  // MeekServer hooks into TunnelServer via the net.Conn interface by transforming the
   102  // HTTP payload traffic for a given session into net.Conn conforming Read()s and Write()s via
   103  // the meekConn struct.
   104  type MeekServer struct {
   105  	support                         *SupportServices
   106  	listener                        net.Listener
   107  	listenerTunnelProtocol          string
   108  	listenerPort                    int
   109  	passthroughAddress              string
   110  	turnAroundTimeout               time.Duration
   111  	extendedTurnAroundTimeout       time.Duration
   112  	skipExtendedTurnAroundThreshold int
   113  	maxSessionStaleness             time.Duration
   114  	httpClientIOTimeout             time.Duration
   115  	tlsConfig                       *tris.Config
   116  	obfuscatorSeedHistory           *obfuscator.SeedHistory
   117  	clientHandler                   func(clientTunnelProtocol string, clientConn net.Conn)
   118  	openConns                       *common.Conns
   119  	stopBroadcast                   <-chan struct{}
   120  	sessionsLock                    sync.RWMutex
   121  	sessions                        map[string]*meekSession
   122  	checksumTable                   *crc64.Table
   123  	bufferPool                      *CachedResponseBufferPool
   124  	rateLimitLock                   sync.Mutex
   125  	rateLimitHistory                *lrucache.Cache
   126  	rateLimitCount                  int
   127  	rateLimitSignalGC               chan struct{}
   128  }
   130  // NewMeekServer initializes a new meek server.
   131  func NewMeekServer(
   132  	support *SupportServices,
   133  	listener net.Listener,
   134  	listenerTunnelProtocol string,
   135  	listenerPort int,
   136  	useTLS, isFronted, useObfuscatedSessionTickets bool,
   137  	clientHandler func(clientTunnelProtocol string, clientConn net.Conn),
   138  	stopBroadcast <-chan struct{}) (*MeekServer, error) {
   140  	passthroughAddress := support.Config.TunnelProtocolPassthroughAddresses[listenerTunnelProtocol]
   142  	turnAroundTimeout := MEEK_DEFAULT_TURN_AROUND_TIMEOUT
   143  	if support.Config.MeekTurnAroundTimeoutMilliseconds != nil {
   144  		turnAroundTimeout = time.Duration(
   145  			*support.Config.MeekTurnAroundTimeoutMilliseconds) * time.Millisecond
   146  	}
   148  	extendedTurnAroundTimeout := MEEK_DEFAULT_EXTENDED_TURN_AROUND_TIMEOUT
   149  	if support.Config.MeekExtendedTurnAroundTimeoutMilliseconds != nil {
   150  		extendedTurnAroundTimeout = time.Duration(
   151  			*support.Config.MeekExtendedTurnAroundTimeoutMilliseconds) * time.Millisecond
   152  	}
   154  	skipExtendedTurnAroundThreshold := MEEK_DEFAULT_SKIP_EXTENDED_TURN_AROUND_THRESHOLD
   155  	if support.Config.MeekSkipExtendedTurnAroundThresholdBytes != nil {
   156  		skipExtendedTurnAroundThreshold = *support.Config.MeekSkipExtendedTurnAroundThresholdBytes
   157  	}
   159  	maxSessionStaleness := MEEK_DEFAULT_MAX_SESSION_STALENESS
   160  	if support.Config.MeekMaxSessionStalenessMilliseconds != nil {
   161  		maxSessionStaleness = time.Duration(
   162  			*support.Config.MeekMaxSessionStalenessMilliseconds) * time.Millisecond
   163  	}
   166  	if support.Config.MeekHTTPClientIOTimeoutMilliseconds != nil {
   167  		httpClientIOTimeout = time.Duration(
   168  			*support.Config.MeekHTTPClientIOTimeoutMilliseconds) * time.Millisecond
   169  	}
   171  	checksumTable := crc64.MakeTable(crc64.ECMA)
   173  	bufferLength := MEEK_DEFAULT_POOL_BUFFER_LENGTH
   174  	if support.Config.MeekCachedResponsePoolBufferSize != 0 {
   175  		bufferLength = support.Config.MeekCachedResponsePoolBufferSize
   176  	}
   178  	bufferCount := MEEK_DEFAULT_POOL_BUFFER_COUNT
   179  	if support.Config.MeekCachedResponsePoolBufferCount != 0 {
   180  		bufferCount = support.Config.MeekCachedResponsePoolBufferCount
   181  	}
   183  	_, thresholdSeconds, _, _, _, _, _, _, reapFrequencySeconds, maxEntries :=
   184  		support.TrafficRulesSet.GetMeekRateLimiterConfig()
   186  	rateLimitHistory := lrucache.NewWithLRU(
   187  		time.Duration(thresholdSeconds)*time.Second,
   188  		time.Duration(reapFrequencySeconds)*time.Second,
   189  		maxEntries)
   191  	bufferPool := NewCachedResponseBufferPool(bufferLength, bufferCount)
   193  	meekServer := &MeekServer{
   194  		support:                         support,
   195  		listener:                        listener,
   196  		listenerTunnelProtocol:          listenerTunnelProtocol,
   197  		listenerPort:                    listenerPort,
   198  		passthroughAddress:              passthroughAddress,
   199  		turnAroundTimeout:               turnAroundTimeout,
   200  		extendedTurnAroundTimeout:       extendedTurnAroundTimeout,
   201  		skipExtendedTurnAroundThreshold: skipExtendedTurnAroundThreshold,
   202  		maxSessionStaleness:             maxSessionStaleness,
   203  		httpClientIOTimeout:             httpClientIOTimeout,
   204  		obfuscatorSeedHistory:           obfuscator.NewSeedHistory(nil),
   205  		clientHandler:                   clientHandler,
   206  		openConns:                       common.NewConns(),
   207  		stopBroadcast:                   stopBroadcast,
   208  		sessions:                        make(map[string]*meekSession),
   209  		checksumTable:                   checksumTable,
   210  		bufferPool:                      bufferPool,
   211  		rateLimitHistory:                rateLimitHistory,
   212  		rateLimitSignalGC:               make(chan struct{}, 1),
   213  	}
   215  	if useTLS {
   216  		tlsConfig, err := meekServer.makeMeekTLSConfig(
   217  			isFronted, useObfuscatedSessionTickets)
   218  		if err != nil {
   219  			return nil, errors.Trace(err)
   220  		}
   221  		meekServer.tlsConfig = tlsConfig
   222  	}
   224  	return meekServer, nil
   225  }
   227  type meekContextKey struct {
   228  	key string
   229  }
   231  var meekNetConnContextKey = &meekContextKey{"net.Conn"}
   233  // Run runs the meek server; this function blocks while serving HTTP or
   234  // HTTPS connections on the specified listener. This function also runs
   235  // a goroutine which cleans up expired meek client sessions.
   236  //
   237  // To stop the meek server, both Close() the listener and set the stopBroadcast
   238  // signal specified in NewMeekServer.
   239  func (server *MeekServer) Run() error {
   241  	waitGroup := new(sync.WaitGroup)
   243  	waitGroup.Add(1)
   244  	go func() {
   245  		defer waitGroup.Done()
   246  		ticker := time.NewTicker(server.maxSessionStaleness / 2)
   247  		defer ticker.Stop()
   248  		for {
   249  			select {
   250  			case <-ticker.C:
   251  				server.deleteExpiredSessions()
   252  			case <-server.stopBroadcast:
   253  				return
   254  			}
   255  		}
   256  	}()
   258  	waitGroup.Add(1)
   259  	go func() {
   260  		defer waitGroup.Done()
   261  		server.rateLimitWorker()
   262  	}()
   264  	// Serve HTTP or HTTPS
   265  	//
   266  	// - WriteTimeout may include time awaiting request, as per:
   267  	//
   268  	// - Legacy meek-server wrapped each client HTTP connection with an explicit idle
   269  	//   timeout net.Conn and didn't use http.Server timeouts. We could do the same
   270  	//   here (use ActivityMonitoredConn) but the stock http.Server timeouts should
   271  	//   now be sufficient.
   273  	httpServer := &http.Server{
   274  		ReadTimeout:  server.httpClientIOTimeout,
   275  		WriteTimeout: server.httpClientIOTimeout,
   276  		Handler:      server,
   277  		ConnState:    server.httpConnStateCallback,
   278  		ConnContext: func(ctx context.Context, conn net.Conn) context.Context {
   279  			return context.WithValue(ctx, meekNetConnContextKey, conn)
   280  		},
   282  		// Disable auto HTTP/2 (
   283  		TLSNextProto: make(map[string]func(*http.Server, *tls.Conn, http.Handler)),
   284  	}
   286  	// Note: Serve() will be interrupted by listener.Close() call
   287  	var err error
   288  	if server.tlsConfig != nil {
   289  		httpsServer := HTTPSServer{Server: httpServer}
   290  		err = httpsServer.ServeTLS(server.listener, server.tlsConfig)
   291  	} else {
   292  		err = httpServer.Serve(server.listener)
   293  	}
   295  	// Can't check for the exact error that Close() will cause in Accept(),
   296  	// (see: So using an
   297  	// explicit stop signal to stop gracefully.
   298  	select {
   299  	case <-server.stopBroadcast:
   300  		err = nil
   301  	default:
   302  	}
   304  	// deleteExpiredSessions calls deleteSession which may block waiting
   305  	// for active request handlers to complete; timely shutdown requires
   306  	// stopping the listener and closing all existing connections before
   307  	// awaiting the reaperWaitGroup.
   309  	server.listener.Close()
   310  	server.openConns.CloseAll()
   312  	waitGroup.Wait()
   314  	return err
   315  }
   317  // ServeHTTP handles meek client HTTP requests, where the request body
   318  // contains upstream traffic and the response will contain downstream
   319  // traffic.
   320  func (server *MeekServer) ServeHTTP(responseWriter http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) {
   322  	// Note: no longer requiring that the request method is POST
   324  	// Check for the expected meek/session ID cookie.
   325  	// Also check for prohibited HTTP headers.
   327  	var meekCookie *http.Cookie
   328  	for _, c := range request.Cookies() {
   329  		meekCookie = c
   330  		break
   331  	}
   332  	if meekCookie == nil || len(meekCookie.Value) == 0 {
   333  		log.WithTrace().Warning("missing meek cookie")
   334  		common.TerminateHTTPConnection(responseWriter, request)
   335  		return
   336  	}
   338  	if len( > 0 {
   339  		for _, header := range {
   340  			value := request.Header.Get(header)
   341  			if header != "" {
   342  				log.WithTraceFields(LogFields{
   343  					"header": header,
   344  					"value":  value,
   345  				}).Warning("prohibited meek header")
   346  				common.TerminateHTTPConnection(responseWriter, request)
   347  				return
   348  			}
   349  		}
   350  	}
   352  	// A valid meek cookie indicates which class of request this is:
   353  	//
   354  	// 1. A new meek session. Create a new session ID and proceed with
   355  	// relaying tunnel traffic.
   356  	//
   357  	// 2. An existing meek session. Resume relaying tunnel traffic.
   358  	//
   359  	// 3. A request to an endpoint. This meek connection is not for relaying
   360  	// tunnel traffic. Instead, the request is handed off to a custom handler.
   362  	sessionID,
   363  		session,
   364  		underlyingConn,
   365  		endPoint,
   366  		endPointGeoIPData,
   367  		err := server.getSessionOrEndpoint(request, meekCookie)
   369  	if err != nil {
   370  		// Debug since session cookie errors commonly occur during
   371  		// normal operation.
   372  		log.WithTraceFields(LogFields{"error": err}).Debug("session lookup failed")
   373  		common.TerminateHTTPConnection(responseWriter, request)
   374  		return
   375  	}
   377  	if endPoint != "" {
   379  		// Endpoint mode. Currently, this means it's handled by the tactics
   380  		// request handler.
   382  		handled :=
   383  			endPoint, common.GeoIPData(*endPointGeoIPData), responseWriter, request)
   384  		if !handled {
   385  			log.WithTraceFields(LogFields{"endPoint": endPoint}).Info("unhandled endpoint")
   386  			common.TerminateHTTPConnection(responseWriter, request)
   387  		}
   388  		return
   389  	}
   391  	// Tunnel relay mode.
   393  	// Ensure that there's only one concurrent request handler per client
   394  	// session. Depending on the nature of a network disruption, it can
   395  	// happen that a client detects a failure and retries while the server
   396  	// is still streaming response in the handler for the _previous_ client
   397  	// request.
   398  	//
   399  	// Even if the session.cachedResponse were safe for concurrent
   400  	// use (it is not), concurrent handling could lead to loss of session
   401  	// since upstream data read by the first request may not reach the
   402  	// cached response before the second request reads the cached data.
   403  	//
   404  	// The existing handler will stream response data, holding the lock,
   405  	// for no more than MEEK_EXTENDED_TURN_AROUND_TIMEOUT.
   406  	//
   407  	// TODO: interrupt an existing handler? The existing handler will be
   408  	// sending data to the cached response, but if that buffer fills, the
   409  	// session will be lost.
   411  	requestNumber := atomic.AddInt64(&session.requestCount, 1)
   413  	// Wait for the existing request to complete.
   414  	session.lock.Lock()
   415  	defer session.lock.Unlock()
   417  	// Count this metric once the lock is acquired, to avoid concurrent and
   418  	// potentially incorrect session.underlyingConn updates.
   419  	//
   420  	// It should never be the case that a new underlyingConn has the same
   421  	// value as the previous session.underlyingConn, as each is a net.Conn
   422  	// interface which includes a pointer, and the previous value cannot
   423  	// be garbage collected until session.underlyingConn is updated.
   424  	if session.underlyingConn != underlyingConn {
   425  		atomic.AddInt64(&session.metricUnderlyingConnCount, 1)
   426  		session.underlyingConn = underlyingConn
   427  	}
   429  	// If a newer request has arrived while waiting, discard this one.
   430  	// Do not delay processing the newest request.
   431  	//
   432  	// If the session expired and was deleted while this request was waiting,
   433  	// discard this request. The session is no longer valid, and the final call
   434  	// to session.cachedResponse.Reset may have already occured, so any further
   435  	// session.cachedResponse access may deplete resources (fail to refill the pool).
   436  	if atomic.LoadInt64(&session.requestCount) > requestNumber || session.deleted {
   437  		common.TerminateHTTPConnection(responseWriter, request)
   438  		return
   439  	}
   441  	// pumpReads causes a TunnelServer/SSH goroutine blocking on a Read to
   442  	// read the request body as upstream traffic.
   443  	// TODO: run pumpReads and pumpWrites concurrently?
   445  	// pumpReads checksums the request payload and skips relaying it when
   446  	// it matches the immediately previous request payload. This allows
   447  	// clients to resend request payloads, when retrying due to connection
   448  	// interruption, without knowing whether the server has received or
   449  	// relayed the data.
   451  	requestSize, err := session.clientConn.pumpReads(request.Body)
   452  	if err != nil {
   453  		if err != io.EOF {
   454  			// Debug since errors such as "i/o timeout" occur during normal operation;
   455  			// also, golang network error messages may contain client IP.
   456  			log.WithTraceFields(LogFields{"error": err}).Debug("read request failed")
   457  		}
   458  		common.TerminateHTTPConnection(responseWriter, request)
   460  		// Note: keep session open to allow client to retry
   462  		return
   463  	}
   465  	// The extended turn around mechanism optimizes for downstream flows by
   466  	// sending more data in the response as long as it's available. As a
   467  	// heuristic, when the request size meets a threshold, optimize instead
   468  	// of upstream flows by skipping the extended turn around.
   469  	skipExtendedTurnAround := requestSize >= int64(server.skipExtendedTurnAroundThreshold)
   471  	// Set cookie before writing the response.
   473  	if session.meekProtocolVersion >= MEEK_PROTOCOL_VERSION_2 && !session.sessionIDSent {
   474  		// Replace the meek cookie with the session ID.
   475  		// SetCookie for the the session ID cookie is only set once, to reduce overhead. This
   476  		// session ID value replaces the original meek cookie value.
   477  		http.SetCookie(responseWriter, &http.Cookie{Name: meekCookie.Name, Value: sessionID})
   478  		session.sessionIDSent = true
   479  	}
   481  	// When streaming data into the response body, a copy is
   482  	// retained in the cachedResponse buffer. This allows the
   483  	// client to retry and request that the response be resent
   484  	// when the HTTP connection is interrupted.
   485  	//
   486  	// If a Range header is present, the client is retrying,
   487  	// possibly after having received a partial response. In
   488  	// this case, use any cached response to attempt to resend
   489  	// the response, starting from the resend position the client
   490  	// indicates.
   491  	//
   492  	// When the resend position is not available -- because the
   493  	// cachedResponse buffer could not hold it -- the client session
   494  	// is closed, as there's no way to resume streaming the payload
   495  	// uninterrupted.
   496  	//
   497  	// The client may retry before a cached response is prepared,
   498  	// so a cached response is not always used when a Range header
   499  	// is present.
   500  	//
   501  	// TODO: invalid Range header is ignored; should it be otherwise?
   503  	position, isRetry := checkRangeHeader(request)
   504  	if isRetry {
   505  		atomic.AddInt64(&session.metricClientRetries, 1)
   506  	}
   508  	hasCompleteCachedResponse := session.cachedResponse.HasPosition(0)
   510  	// The client is not expected to send position > 0 when there is
   511  	// no cached response; let that case fall through to the next
   512  	// HasPosition check which will fail and close the session.
   514  	var responseSize int
   515  	var responseError error
   517  	if isRetry && (hasCompleteCachedResponse || position > 0) {
   519  		if !session.cachedResponse.HasPosition(position) {
   520  			greaterThanSwapInt64(&session.metricCachedResponseMissPosition, int64(position))
   521  			common.TerminateHTTPConnection(responseWriter, request)
   522  			session.delete(true)
   523  			return
   524  		}
   526  		responseWriter.WriteHeader(http.StatusPartialContent)
   528  		// TODO:
   529  		// - enforce a max extended buffer count per client, for
   530  		//   fairness? Throttling may make this unnecessary.
   531  		// - cachedResponse can now start releasing extended buffers,
   532  		//   as response bytes before "position" will never be requested
   533  		//   again?
   535  		responseSize, responseError = session.cachedResponse.CopyFromPosition(position, responseWriter)
   536  		greaterThanSwapInt64(&session.metricPeakCachedResponseHitSize, int64(responseSize))
   538  		// The client may again fail to receive the payload and may again
   539  		// retry, so not yet releasing cachedResponse buffers.
   541  	} else {
   543  		// _Now_ we release buffers holding data from the previous
   544  		// response. And then immediately stream the new response into
   545  		// newly acquired buffers.
   546  		session.cachedResponse.Reset()
   548  		// Note: this code depends on an implementation detail of
   549  		// io.MultiWriter: a Write() to the MultiWriter writes first
   550  		// to the cache, and then to the response writer. So if the
   551  		// write to the response writer fails, the payload is cached.
   552  		multiWriter := io.MultiWriter(session.cachedResponse, responseWriter)
   554  		// The client expects 206, not 200, whenever it sets a Range header,
   555  		// which it may do even when no cached response is prepared.
   556  		if isRetry {
   557  			responseWriter.WriteHeader(http.StatusPartialContent)
   558  		}
   560  		// pumpWrites causes a TunnelServer/SSH goroutine blocking on a Write to
   561  		// write its downstream traffic through to the response body.
   563  		responseSize, responseError = session.clientConn.pumpWrites(multiWriter, skipExtendedTurnAround)
   564  		greaterThanSwapInt64(&session.metricPeakResponseSize, int64(responseSize))
   565  		greaterThanSwapInt64(&session.metricPeakCachedResponseSize, int64(session.cachedResponse.Available()))
   566  	}
   568  	// responseError is the result of writing the body either from CopyFromPosition or pumpWrites
   569  	if responseError != nil {
   570  		if responseError != io.EOF {
   571  			// Debug since errors such as "i/o timeout" occur during normal operation;
   572  			// also, golang network error messages may contain client IP.
   573  			log.WithTraceFields(LogFields{"error": responseError}).Debug("write response failed")
   574  		}
   575  		common.TerminateHTTPConnection(responseWriter, request)
   577  		// Note: keep session open to allow client to retry
   579  		return
   580  	}
   581  }
   583  func checkRangeHeader(request *http.Request) (int, bool) {
   584  	rangeHeader := request.Header.Get("Range")
   585  	if rangeHeader == "" {
   586  		return 0, false
   587  	}
   589  	prefix := "bytes="
   590  	suffix := "-"
   592  	if !strings.HasPrefix(rangeHeader, prefix) ||
   593  		!strings.HasSuffix(rangeHeader, suffix) {
   595  		return 0, false
   596  	}
   598  	rangeHeader = strings.TrimPrefix(rangeHeader, prefix)
   599  	rangeHeader = strings.TrimSuffix(rangeHeader, suffix)
   600  	position, err := strconv.Atoi(rangeHeader)
   602  	if err != nil {
   603  		return 0, false
   604  	}
   606  	return position, true
   607  }
   609  // getSessionOrEndpoint checks if the cookie corresponds to an existing tunnel
   610  // relay session ID. If no session is found, the cookie must be an obfuscated
   611  // meek cookie. A new session is created when the meek cookie indicates relay
   612  // mode; or the endpoint is returned when the meek cookie indicates endpoint
   613  // mode.
   614  func (server *MeekServer) getSessionOrEndpoint(
   615  	request *http.Request, meekCookie *http.Cookie) (string, *meekSession, net.Conn, string, *GeoIPData, error) {
   617  	underlyingConn := request.Context().Value(meekNetConnContextKey).(net.Conn)
   619  	// Check for an existing session.
   621  	server.sessionsLock.RLock()
   622  	existingSessionID := meekCookie.Value
   623  	session, ok := server.sessions[existingSessionID]
   624  	server.sessionsLock.RUnlock()
   625  	if ok {
   626  		// TODO: can multiple http client connections using same session cookie
   627  		// cause race conditions on session struct?
   628  		session.touch()
   629  		return existingSessionID, session, underlyingConn, "", nil, nil
   630  	}
   632  	// Determine the client remote address, which is used for geolocation
   633  	// stats, rate limiting, anti-probing, discovery, and tactics selection
   634  	// logic.
   635  	//
   636  	// When an intermediate proxy or CDN is in use, we may be
   637  	// able to determine the original client address by inspecting HTTP
   638  	// headers such as X-Forwarded-For.
   639  	//
   640  	// We trust only headers provided by CDNs. Fronted Psiphon server hosts
   641  	// should be configured to accept tunnel connections only from CDN edges.
   642  	// When the CDN passes along a chain of IPs, as in X-Forwarded-For, we
   643  	// trust only the right-most IP, which is provided by the CDN.
   645  	clientIP, _, err := net.SplitHostPort(request.RemoteAddr)
   646  	if err != nil {
   647  		return "", nil, nil, "", nil, errors.Trace(err)
   648  	}
   649  	if net.ParseIP(clientIP) == nil {
   650  		return "", nil, nil, "", nil, errors.TraceNew("invalid IP address")
   651  	}
   653  	if protocol.TunnelProtocolUsesFrontedMeek(server.listenerTunnelProtocol) &&
   654  		len( > 0 {
   656  		// When there are multiple header names in MeekProxyForwardedForHeaders,
   657  		// the first valid match is preferred. MeekProxyForwardedForHeaders should be
   658  		// configured to use header names that are always provided by the CDN(s) and
   659  		// not header names that may be passed through from clients.
   660  		for _, header := range {
   662  			// In the case where there are multiple headers,
   663  			// request.Header.Get returns the first header, but we want the
   664  			// last header; so use request.Header.Values and select the last
   665  			// value. As per RFC 2616 section 4.2, a proxy must not change
   666  			// the order of field values, which implies that it should append
   667  			// values to the last header.
   668  			values := request.Header.Values(header)
   669  			if len(values) > 0 {
   670  				value := values[len(values)-1]
   672  				// Some headers, such as X-Forwarded-For, are a comma-separated
   673  				// list of IPs (each proxy in a chain). Select the last IP.
   674  				IPs := strings.Split(value, ",")
   675  				IP := IPs[len(IPs)-1]
   677  				// Remove optional whitespace surrounding the commas.
   678  				IP = strings.TrimSpace(IP)
   680  				if net.ParseIP(IP) != nil {
   681  					clientIP = IP
   682  					break
   683  				}
   684  			}
   685  		}
   686  	}
   688  	geoIPData :=
   690  	// The session is new (or expired). Treat the cookie value as a new meek
   691  	// cookie, extract the payload, and create a new session.
   693  	payloadJSON, err := server.getMeekCookiePayload(clientIP, meekCookie.Value)
   694  	if err != nil {
   695  		return "", nil, nil, "", nil, errors.Trace(err)
   696  	}
   698  	// Note: this meek server ignores legacy values PsiphonClientSessionId
   699  	// and PsiphonServerAddress.
   700  	var clientSessionData protocol.MeekCookieData
   702  	err = json.Unmarshal(payloadJSON, &clientSessionData)
   703  	if err != nil {
   704  		return "", nil, nil, "", nil, errors.Trace(err)
   705  	}
   707  	tunnelProtocol := server.listenerTunnelProtocol
   709  	if clientSessionData.ClientTunnelProtocol != "" {
   711  		if !protocol.IsValidClientTunnelProtocol(
   712  			clientSessionData.ClientTunnelProtocol,
   713  			server.listenerTunnelProtocol,
   714 {
   716  			return "", nil, nil, "", nil, errors.Tracef(
   717  				"invalid client tunnel protocol: %s", clientSessionData.ClientTunnelProtocol)
   718  		}
   720  		tunnelProtocol = clientSessionData.ClientTunnelProtocol
   721  	}
   723  	// Any rate limit is enforced after the meek cookie is validated, so a prober
   724  	// without the obfuscation secret will be unable to fingerprint the server
   725  	// based on response time combined with the rate limit configuration. The
   726  	// rate limit is primarily intended to limit memory resource consumption and
   727  	// not the overhead incurred by cookie validation.
   729  	if server.rateLimit(clientIP, geoIPData, tunnelProtocol) {
   730  		return "", nil, nil, "", nil, errors.TraceNew("rate limit exceeded")
   731  	}
   733  	// Handle endpoints before enforcing CheckEstablishTunnels.
   734  	// Currently, endpoints are tactics requests, and we allow these to be
   735  	// handled by servers which would otherwise reject new tunnels.
   737  	if clientSessionData.EndPoint != "" {
   738  		return "", nil, nil, clientSessionData.EndPoint, &geoIPData, nil
   739  	}
   741  	// Don't create new sessions when not establishing. A subsequent SSH handshake
   742  	// will not succeed, so creating a meek session just wastes resources.
   744  	if != nil &&
   745  		! {
   746  		return "", nil, nil, "", nil, errors.TraceNew("not establishing tunnels")
   747  	}
   749  	// Disconnect immediately if the tactics for the client restricts usage of
   750  	// the fronting provider ID. The probability may be used to influence
   751  	// usage of a given fronting provider; but when only that provider works
   752  	// for a given client, and the probability is less than 1.0, the client
   753  	// can retry until it gets a successful coin flip.
   754  	//
   755  	// Clients will also skip candidates with restricted fronting provider IDs.
   756  	// The client-side probability, RestrictFrontingProviderIDsClientProbability,
   757  	// is applied independently of the server-side coin flip here.
   758  	//
   759  	// At this stage, GeoIP tactics filters are active, but handshake API
   760  	// parameters are not.
   761  	//
   762  	// See the comment in server.LoadConfig regarding fronting provider ID
   763  	// limitations.
   765  	if protocol.TunnelProtocolUsesFrontedMeek(server.listenerTunnelProtocol) &&
   766 != nil {
   768  		p, err :=
   769  		if err != nil {
   770  			return "", nil, nil, "", nil, errors.Trace(err)
   771  		}
   773  		if !p.IsNil() &&
   774  			common.Contains(
   775  				p.Strings(parameters.RestrictFrontingProviderIDs),
   776 {
   777  			if p.WeightedCoinFlip(
   778  				parameters.RestrictFrontingProviderIDsServerProbability) {
   779  				return "", nil, nil, "", nil, errors.TraceNew("restricted fronting provider")
   780  			}
   781  		}
   782  	}
   784  	// Create a new session
   787  	if != 0 {
   788  		bufferLength =
   789  	}
   790  	cachedResponse := NewCachedResponse(bufferLength, server.bufferPool)
   792  	session = &meekSession{
   793  		meekProtocolVersion: clientSessionData.MeekProtocolVersion,
   794  		sessionIDSent:       false,
   795  		cachedResponse:      cachedResponse,
   796  		cookieName:          meekCookie.Name,
   797  		contentType:         request.Header.Get("Content-Type"),
   798  	}
   800  	session.touch()
   802  	// Create a new meek conn that will relay the payload
   803  	// between meek request/responses and the tunnel server client
   804  	// handler. The client IP is also used to initialize the
   805  	// meek conn with a useful value to return when the tunnel
   806  	// server calls conn.RemoteAddr() to get the client's IP address.
   808  	// Assumes clientIP is a valid IP address; the port value is a stub
   809  	// and is expected to be ignored.
   810  	clientConn := newMeekConn(
   811  		server,
   812  		session,
   813  		underlyingConn,
   814  		&net.TCPAddr{
   815  			IP:   net.ParseIP(clientIP),
   816  			Port: 0,
   817  		},
   818  		clientSessionData.MeekProtocolVersion)
   820  	session.clientConn = clientConn
   822  	// Note: MEEK_PROTOCOL_VERSION_1 doesn't support changing the
   823  	// meek cookie to a session ID; v1 clients always send the
   824  	// original meek cookie value with each request. The issue with
   825  	// v1 is that clients which wake after a device sleep will attempt
   826  	// to resume a meek session and the server can't differentiate
   827  	// between resuming a session and creating a new session. This
   828  	// causes the v1 client connection to hang/timeout.
   829  	sessionID := meekCookie.Value
   830  	if clientSessionData.MeekProtocolVersion >= MEEK_PROTOCOL_VERSION_2 {
   831  		sessionID, err = makeMeekSessionID()
   832  		if err != nil {
   833  			return "", nil, nil, "", nil, errors.Trace(err)
   834  		}
   835  	}
   837  	server.sessionsLock.Lock()
   838  	server.sessions[sessionID] = session
   839  	server.sessionsLock.Unlock()
   841  	// Note: from the tunnel server's perspective, this client connection
   842  	// will close when session.delete calls Close() on the meekConn.
   843  	server.clientHandler(clientSessionData.ClientTunnelProtocol, session.clientConn)
   845  	return sessionID, session, underlyingConn, "", nil, nil
   846  }
   848  func (server *MeekServer) rateLimit(
   849  	clientIP string, geoIPData GeoIPData, tunnelProtocol string) bool {
   851  	historySize,
   852  		thresholdSeconds,
   853  		tunnelProtocols,
   854  		regions,
   855  		ISPs,
   856  		ASNs,
   857  		cities,
   858  		GCTriggerCount, _, _ :=
   861  	if historySize == 0 {
   862  		return false
   863  	}
   865  	if len(tunnelProtocols) > 0 {
   866  		if !common.Contains(tunnelProtocols, tunnelProtocol) {
   867  			return false
   868  		}
   869  	}
   871  	if len(regions) > 0 || len(ISPs) > 0 || len(ASNs) > 0 || len(cities) > 0 {
   873  		if len(regions) > 0 {
   874  			if !common.Contains(regions, geoIPData.Country) {
   875  				return false
   876  			}
   877  		}
   879  		if len(ISPs) > 0 {
   880  			if !common.Contains(ISPs, geoIPData.ISP) {
   881  				return false
   882  			}
   883  		}
   885  		if len(ASNs) > 0 {
   886  			if !common.Contains(ASNs, geoIPData.ASN) {
   887  				return false
   888  			}
   889  		}
   891  		if len(cities) > 0 {
   892  			if !common.Contains(cities, geoIPData.City) {
   893  				return false
   894  			}
   895  		}
   896  	}
   898  	// With IPv6, individual users or sites are users commonly allocated a /64
   899  	// or /56, so rate limit by /56.
   900  	rateLimitIP := clientIP
   901  	IP := net.ParseIP(clientIP)
   902  	if IP != nil && IP.To4() == nil {
   903  		rateLimitIP = IP.Mask(net.CIDRMask(56, 128)).String()
   904  	}
   906  	// go-cache-lru is safe for concurrent access, but lacks an atomic
   907  	// compare-and-set type operations to check if an entry exists before
   908  	// adding a new one. This mutex ensures the Get and Add are atomic
   909  	// (as well as synchronizing access to rateLimitCount).
   910  	server.rateLimitLock.Lock()
   912  	var rateLimiter *ratelimit.Bucket
   913  	entry, ok := server.rateLimitHistory.Get(rateLimitIP)
   914  	if ok {
   915  		rateLimiter = entry.(*ratelimit.Bucket)
   916  	} else {
   917  		rateLimiter = ratelimit.NewBucketWithQuantum(
   918  			time.Duration(thresholdSeconds)*time.Second,
   919  			int64(historySize),
   920  			int64(historySize))
   921  		server.rateLimitHistory.Set(
   922  			rateLimitIP,
   923  			rateLimiter,
   924  			time.Duration(thresholdSeconds)*time.Second)
   925  	}
   927  	limit := rateLimiter.TakeAvailable(1) < 1
   929  	triggerGC := false
   930  	if limit {
   931  		server.rateLimitCount += 1
   932  		if server.rateLimitCount >= GCTriggerCount {
   933  			triggerGC = true
   934  			server.rateLimitCount = 0
   935  		}
   936  	}
   938  	server.rateLimitLock.Unlock()
   940  	if triggerGC {
   941  		select {
   942  		case server.rateLimitSignalGC <- struct{}{}:
   943  		default:
   944  		}
   945  	}
   947  	return limit
   948  }
   950  func (server *MeekServer) rateLimitWorker() {
   951  	for {
   952  		select {
   953  		case <-server.rateLimitSignalGC:
   954  			runtime.GC()
   955  		case <-server.stopBroadcast:
   956  			return
   957  		}
   958  	}
   959  }
   961  func (server *MeekServer) deleteSession(sessionID string) {
   963  	// Don't obtain the server.sessionsLock write lock until modifying
   964  	// server.sessions, as the session.delete can block for up to
   965  	// MEEK_HTTP_CLIENT_IO_TIMEOUT. Allow new sessions to be added
   966  	// concurrently.
   967  	//
   968  	// Since a lock isn't held for the duration, concurrent calls to
   969  	// deleteSession with the same sessionID could happen; this is
   970  	// not expected since only the reaper goroutine calls deleteExpiredSessions
   971  	// (and in any case concurrent execution of the ok block is not an issue).
   972  	server.sessionsLock.RLock()
   973  	session, ok := server.sessions[sessionID]
   974  	server.sessionsLock.RUnlock()
   976  	if ok {
   977  		session.delete(false)
   979  		server.sessionsLock.Lock()
   980  		delete(server.sessions, sessionID)
   981  		server.sessionsLock.Unlock()
   982  	}
   983  }
   985  func (server *MeekServer) deleteExpiredSessions() {
   987  	// A deleteSession call may block for up to MEEK_HTTP_CLIENT_IO_TIMEOUT,
   988  	// so grab a snapshot list of expired sessions and do not hold a lock for
   989  	// the duration of deleteExpiredSessions. This allows new sessions to be
   990  	// added concurrently.
   991  	//
   992  	// New sessions added after the snapshot is taken will be checked for
   993  	// expiry on subsequent periodic calls to deleteExpiredSessions.
   994  	//
   995  	// To avoid long delays in releasing resources, individual deletes are
   996  	// performed concurrently.
   998  	server.sessionsLock.Lock()
   999  	expiredSessionIDs := make([]string, 0)
  1000  	for sessionID, session := range server.sessions {
  1001  		if session.expired() {
  1002  			expiredSessionIDs = append(expiredSessionIDs, sessionID)
  1003  		}
  1004  	}
  1005  	server.sessionsLock.Unlock()
  1007  	start := time.Now()
  1009  	deleteWaitGroup := new(sync.WaitGroup)
  1010  	for _, sessionID := range expiredSessionIDs {
  1011  		deleteWaitGroup.Add(1)
  1012  		go func(sessionID string) {
  1013  			defer deleteWaitGroup.Done()
  1014  			server.deleteSession(sessionID)
  1015  		}(sessionID)
  1016  	}
  1017  	deleteWaitGroup.Wait()
  1019  	log.WithTraceFields(
  1020  		LogFields{"elapsed time": time.Since(start)}).Debug("deleted expired sessions")
  1021  }
  1023  // httpConnStateCallback tracks open persistent HTTP/HTTPS connections to the
  1024  // meek server.
  1025  func (server *MeekServer) httpConnStateCallback(conn net.Conn, connState http.ConnState) {
  1026  	switch connState {
  1027  	case http.StateNew:
  1028  		server.openConns.Add(conn)
  1029  	case http.StateHijacked, http.StateClosed:
  1030  		server.openConns.Remove(conn)
  1031  	}
  1032  }
  1034  // getMeekCookiePayload extracts the payload from a meek cookie. The cookie
  1035  // payload is base64 encoded, obfuscated, and NaCl encrypted.
  1036  func (server *MeekServer) getMeekCookiePayload(
  1037  	clientIP string, cookieValue string) ([]byte, error) {
  1039  	decodedValue, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(cookieValue)
  1040  	if err != nil {
  1041  		return nil, errors.Trace(err)
  1042  	}
  1044  	// The data consists of an obfuscated seed message prepended
  1045  	// to the obfuscated, encrypted payload. The server obfuscator
  1046  	// will read the seed message, leaving the remaining encrypted
  1047  	// data in the reader.
  1049  	reader := bytes.NewReader(decodedValue[:])
  1051  	obfuscator, err := obfuscator.NewServerObfuscator(
  1052  		&obfuscator.ObfuscatorConfig{
  1053  			Keyword:,
  1054  			SeedHistory: server.obfuscatorSeedHistory,
  1055  			IrregularLogger: func(clientIP string, err error, logFields common.LogFields) {
  1056  				logIrregularTunnel(
  1058  					server.listenerTunnelProtocol,
  1059  					server.listenerPort,
  1060  					clientIP,
  1061  					errors.Trace(err),
  1062  					LogFields(logFields))
  1063  			},
  1064  		},
  1065  		clientIP,
  1066  		reader)
  1067  	if err != nil {
  1068  		return nil, errors.Trace(err)
  1069  	}
  1071  	offset, err := reader.Seek(0, 1)
  1072  	if err != nil {
  1073  		return nil, errors.Trace(err)
  1074  	}
  1075  	encryptedPayload := decodedValue[offset:]
  1077  	obfuscator.ObfuscateClientToServer(encryptedPayload)
  1079  	var nonce [24]byte
  1080  	var privateKey, ephemeralPublicKey [32]byte
  1082  	decodedPrivateKey, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(
  1084  	if err != nil {
  1085  		return nil, errors.Trace(err)
  1086  	}
  1087  	copy(privateKey[:], decodedPrivateKey)
  1089  	if len(encryptedPayload) < 32 {
  1090  		return nil, errors.TraceNew("unexpected encrypted payload size")
  1091  	}
  1092  	copy(ephemeralPublicKey[0:32], encryptedPayload[0:32])
  1094  	payload, ok := box.Open(nil, encryptedPayload[32:], &nonce, &ephemeralPublicKey, &privateKey)
  1095  	if !ok {
  1096  		return nil, errors.TraceNew("open box failed")
  1097  	}
  1099  	return payload, nil
  1100  }
  1102  // makeMeekTLSConfig creates a TLS config for a meek HTTPS listener.
  1103  // Currently, this config is optimized for fronted meek where the nature
  1104  // of the connection is non-circumvention; it's optimized for performance
  1105  // assuming the peer is an uncensored CDN.
  1106  func (server *MeekServer) makeMeekTLSConfig(
  1107  	isFronted bool, useObfuscatedSessionTickets bool) (*tris.Config, error) {
  1109  	certificate, privateKey, err := common.GenerateWebServerCertificate(values.GetHostName())
  1110  	if err != nil {
  1111  		return nil, errors.Trace(err)
  1112  	}
  1114  	tlsCertificate, err := tris.X509KeyPair(
  1115  		[]byte(certificate), []byte(privateKey))
  1116  	if err != nil {
  1117  		return nil, errors.Trace(err)
  1118  	}
  1120  	// Vary the minimum version to frustrate scanning/fingerprinting of unfronted servers.
  1121  	// Limitation: like the certificate, this value changes on restart.
  1122  	minVersionCandidates := []uint16{tris.VersionTLS10, tris.VersionTLS11, tris.VersionTLS12}
  1123  	minVersion := minVersionCandidates[prng.Intn(len(minVersionCandidates))]
  1125  	config := &tris.Config{
  1126  		Certificates:            []tris.Certificate{tlsCertificate},
  1127  		NextProtos:              []string{"http/1.1"},
  1128  		MinVersion:              minVersion,
  1129  		UseExtendedMasterSecret: true,
  1130  	}
  1132  	if isFronted {
  1133  		// This is a reordering of the supported CipherSuites in golang 1.6[*]. Non-ephemeral key
  1134  		// CipherSuites greatly reduce server load, and we try to select these since the meek
  1135  		// protocol is providing obfuscation, not privacy/integrity (this is provided by the
  1136  		// tunneled SSH), so we don't benefit from the perfect forward secrecy property provided
  1137  		// by ephemeral key CipherSuites.
  1138  		//
  1139  		//
  1140  		// This optimization is applied only when there's a CDN in front of the meek server; in
  1141  		// unfronted cases we prefer a more natural TLS handshake.
  1142  		//
  1143  		// [*] the list has since been updated, removing CipherSuites using RC4 and 3DES.
  1144  		config.CipherSuites = []uint16{
  1145  			tris.TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256,
  1146  			tris.TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384,
  1147  			tris.TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA,
  1148  			tris.TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA,
  1149  			tris.TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256,
  1150  			tris.TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256,
  1151  			tris.TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384,
  1152  			tris.TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384,
  1153  			tris.TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA,
  1154  			tris.TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA,
  1155  			tris.TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA,
  1156  			tris.TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA,
  1157  		}
  1158  		config.PreferServerCipherSuites = true
  1159  	}
  1161  	if useObfuscatedSessionTickets {
  1163  		// See obfuscated session ticket overview
  1164  		// in NewObfuscatedClientSessionCache.
  1166  		config.UseObfuscatedSessionTickets = true
  1168  		var obfuscatedSessionTicketKey [32]byte
  1169  		key, err := hex.DecodeString(
  1170  		if err == nil && len(key) != 32 {
  1171  			err = std_errors.New("invalid obfuscated session key length")
  1172  		}
  1173  		if err != nil {
  1174  			return nil, errors.Trace(err)
  1175  		}
  1176  		copy(obfuscatedSessionTicketKey[:], key)
  1178  		var standardSessionTicketKey [32]byte
  1179  		_, err = rand.Read(standardSessionTicketKey[:])
  1180  		if err != nil {
  1181  			return nil, errors.Trace(err)
  1182  		}
  1184  		// Note: SessionTicketKey needs to be set, or else, it appears,
  1185  		// tris.Config.serverInit() will clobber the value set by
  1186  		// SetSessionTicketKeys.
  1187  		config.SessionTicketKey = obfuscatedSessionTicketKey
  1188  		config.SetSessionTicketKeys([][32]byte{
  1189  			standardSessionTicketKey,
  1190  			obfuscatedSessionTicketKey})
  1191  	}
  1193  	// When configured, initialize passthrough mode, an anti-probing defense.
  1194  	// Clients must prove knowledge of the obfuscated key via a message sent in
  1195  	// the TLS ClientHello random field.
  1196  	//
  1197  	// When clients fail to provide a valid message, the client connection is
  1198  	// relayed to the designated passthrough address, typically another web site.
  1199  	// The entire flow is relayed, including the original ClientHello, so the
  1200  	// client will perform a TLS handshake with the passthrough target.
  1201  	//
  1202  	// Irregular events are logged for invalid client activity.
  1204  	if server.passthroughAddress != "" {
  1206  		config.PassthroughAddress = server.passthroughAddress
  1208  		config.PassthroughVerifyMessage = func(
  1209  			message []byte) bool {
  1211  			return obfuscator.VerifyTLSPassthroughMessage(
  1212  				!,
  1214  				message)
  1215  		}
  1217  		config.PassthroughLogInvalidMessage = func(
  1218  			clientIP string) {
  1220  			logIrregularTunnel(
  1222  				server.listenerTunnelProtocol,
  1223  				server.listenerPort,
  1224  				clientIP,
  1225  				errors.TraceNew("invalid passthrough message"),
  1226  				nil)
  1227  		}
  1229  		config.PassthroughHistoryAddNew = func(
  1230  			clientIP string,
  1231  			clientRandom []byte) bool {
  1233  			// Use a custom, shorter TTL based on the validity period of the
  1234  			// passthrough message.
  1235  			TTL := obfuscator.TLS_PASSTHROUGH_TIME_PERIOD
  1236  			if {
  1237  				TTL = obfuscator.HISTORY_SEED_TTL
  1238  			}
  1240  			// strictMode is true as, unlike with meek cookies, legitimate meek clients
  1241  			// never retry TLS connections using a previous random value.
  1243  			ok, logFields := server.obfuscatorSeedHistory.AddNewWithTTL(
  1244  				true,
  1245  				clientIP,
  1246  				"client-random",
  1247  				clientRandom,
  1248  				TTL)
  1250  			if logFields != nil {
  1251  				logIrregularTunnel(
  1253  					server.listenerTunnelProtocol,
  1254  					server.listenerPort,
  1255  					clientIP,
  1256  					errors.TraceNew("duplicate passthrough message"),
  1257  					LogFields(*logFields))
  1258  			}
  1260  			return ok
  1261  		}
  1262  	}
  1264  	return config, nil
  1265  }
  1267  type meekSession struct {
  1268  	// Note: 64-bit ints used with atomic operations are placed
  1269  	// at the start of struct to ensure 64-bit alignment.
  1270  	// (
  1271  	lastActivity                     int64
  1272  	requestCount                     int64
  1273  	metricClientRetries              int64
  1274  	metricPeakResponseSize           int64
  1275  	metricPeakCachedResponseSize     int64
  1276  	metricPeakCachedResponseHitSize  int64
  1277  	metricCachedResponseMissPosition int64
  1278  	metricUnderlyingConnCount        int64
  1279  	lock                             sync.Mutex
  1280  	deleted                          bool
  1281  	underlyingConn                   net.Conn
  1282  	clientConn                       *meekConn
  1283  	meekProtocolVersion              int
  1284  	sessionIDSent                    bool
  1285  	cachedResponse                   *CachedResponse
  1286  	cookieName                       string
  1287  	contentType                      string
  1288  }
  1290  func (session *meekSession) touch() {
  1291  	atomic.StoreInt64(&session.lastActivity, int64(monotime.Now()))
  1292  }
  1294  func (session *meekSession) expired() bool {
  1295  	if session.clientConn == nil {
  1296  		// Not fully initialized. meekSession.clientConn will be set before adding
  1297  		// the session to MeekServer.sessions.
  1298  		return false
  1299  	}
  1300  	lastActivity := monotime.Time(atomic.LoadInt64(&session.lastActivity))
  1301  	return monotime.Since(lastActivity) >
  1302  		session.clientConn.meekServer.maxSessionStaleness
  1303  }
  1305  // delete releases all resources allocated by a session.
  1306  func (session *meekSession) delete(haveLock bool) {
  1308  	// TODO: close the persistent HTTP client connection, if one exists?
  1310  	// This final call session.cachedResponse.Reset releases shared resources.
  1311  	//
  1312  	// This call requires exclusive access. session.lock is be obtained before
  1313  	// calling session.cachedResponse.Reset. Once the lock is obtained, no
  1314  	// request for this session is being processed concurrently, and pending
  1315  	// requests will block at session.lock.
  1316  	//
  1317  	// This logic assumes that no further session.cachedResponse access occurs,
  1318  	// or else resources may deplete (buffers won't be returned to the pool).
  1319  	// These requirements are achieved by obtaining the lock, setting
  1320  	// session.deleted, and any subsequent request handlers checking
  1321  	// session.deleted immediately after obtaining the lock.
  1322  	//
  1323  	// session.lock.Lock may block for up to MEEK_HTTP_CLIENT_IO_TIMEOUT,
  1324  	// the timeout for any active request handler processing a session
  1325  	// request.
  1326  	//
  1327  	// When the lock must be acquired, clientConn.Close is called first, to
  1328  	// interrupt any existing request handler blocking on pumpReads or pumpWrites.
  1330  	session.clientConn.Close()
  1332  	if !haveLock {
  1333  		session.lock.Lock()
  1334  	}
  1336  	// Release all extended buffers back to the pool.
  1337  	// session.cachedResponse.Reset is not safe for concurrent calls.
  1338  	session.cachedResponse.Reset()
  1340  	session.deleted = true
  1342  	if !haveLock {
  1343  		session.lock.Unlock()
  1344  	}
  1345  }
  1347  // GetMetrics implements the common.MetricsSource interface.
  1348  func (session *meekSession) GetMetrics() common.LogFields {
  1349  	logFields := make(common.LogFields)
  1350  	logFields["meek_client_retries"] = atomic.LoadInt64(&session.metricClientRetries)
  1351  	logFields["meek_peak_response_size"] = atomic.LoadInt64(&session.metricPeakResponseSize)
  1352  	logFields["meek_peak_cached_response_size"] = atomic.LoadInt64(&session.metricPeakCachedResponseSize)
  1353  	logFields["meek_peak_cached_response_hit_size"] = atomic.LoadInt64(&session.metricPeakCachedResponseHitSize)
  1354  	logFields["meek_cached_response_miss_position"] = atomic.LoadInt64(&session.metricCachedResponseMissPosition)
  1355  	logFields["meek_underlying_connection_count"] = atomic.LoadInt64(&session.metricUnderlyingConnCount)
  1356  	logFields["meek_cookie_name"] = session.cookieName
  1357  	logFields["meek_content_type"] = session.contentType
  1358  	return logFields
  1359  }
  1361  // makeMeekSessionID creates a new session ID. The variable size is intended to
  1362  // frustrate traffic analysis of both plaintext and TLS meek traffic.
  1363  func makeMeekSessionID() (string, error) {
  1365  	size := MEEK_MIN_SESSION_ID_LENGTH +
  1368  	sessionID, err := common.MakeSecureRandomBytes(size)
  1369  	if err != nil {
  1370  		return "", errors.Trace(err)
  1371  	}
  1373  	// Omit padding to maximize variable size space. To the client, the session
  1374  	// ID is an opaque string cookie value.
  1376  	return base64.RawStdEncoding.EncodeToString(sessionID), nil
  1377  }
  1379  // meekConn implements the net.Conn interface and is to be used as a client
  1380  // connection by the tunnel server (being passed to sshServer.handleClient).
  1381  // meekConn bridges net/http request/response payload readers and writers
  1382  // and goroutines calling Read()s and Write()s.
  1383  type meekConn struct {
  1384  	meekServer          *MeekServer
  1385  	meekSession         *meekSession
  1386  	firstUnderlyingConn net.Conn
  1387  	remoteAddr          net.Addr
  1388  	protocolVersion     int
  1389  	closeBroadcast      chan struct{}
  1390  	closed              int32
  1391  	lastReadChecksum    *uint64
  1392  	readLock            sync.Mutex
  1393  	emptyReadBuffer     chan *bytes.Buffer
  1394  	partialReadBuffer   chan *bytes.Buffer
  1395  	fullReadBuffer      chan *bytes.Buffer
  1396  	writeLock           sync.Mutex
  1397  	nextWriteBuffer     chan []byte
  1398  	writeResult         chan error
  1399  }
  1401  func newMeekConn(
  1402  	meekServer *MeekServer,
  1403  	meekSession *meekSession,
  1404  	underlyingConn net.Conn,
  1405  	remoteAddr net.Addr,
  1406  	protocolVersion int) *meekConn {
  1408  	// In order to inspect its properties, meekConn will hold a reference to
  1409  	// firstUnderlyingConn, the _first_ underlying TCP conn, for the full
  1410  	// lifetime of meekConn, which may exceed the lifetime of firstUnderlyingConn
  1411  	// and include subsequent underlying TCP conns. In this case, it is expected
  1412  	// that firstUnderlyingConn will be closed by "net/http", so no OS resources
  1413  	// (e.g., a socket) are retained longer than necessary.
  1415  	conn := &meekConn{
  1416  		meekServer:          meekServer,
  1417  		meekSession:         meekSession,
  1418  		firstUnderlyingConn: underlyingConn,
  1419  		remoteAddr:          remoteAddr,
  1420  		protocolVersion:     protocolVersion,
  1421  		closeBroadcast:      make(chan struct{}),
  1422  		closed:              0,
  1423  		emptyReadBuffer:     make(chan *bytes.Buffer, 1),
  1424  		partialReadBuffer:   make(chan *bytes.Buffer, 1),
  1425  		fullReadBuffer:      make(chan *bytes.Buffer, 1),
  1426  		nextWriteBuffer:     make(chan []byte, 1),
  1427  		writeResult:         make(chan error, 1),
  1428  	}
  1429  	// Read() calls and pumpReads() are synchronized by exchanging control
  1430  	// of a single readBuffer. This is the same scheme used in and described
  1431  	// in psiphon.MeekConn.
  1432  	conn.emptyReadBuffer <- new(bytes.Buffer)
  1433  	return conn
  1434  }
  1436  // GetMetrics implements the common.MetricsSource interface. The metrics are
  1437  // maintained in the meek session type; but logTunnel, which calls
  1438  // MetricsSource.GetMetrics, has a pointer only to this conn, so it calls
  1439  // through to the session.
  1440  func (conn *meekConn) GetMetrics() common.LogFields {
  1442  	logFields := conn.meekSession.GetMetrics()
  1444  	if conn.meekServer.passthroughAddress != "" {
  1445  		logFields["passthrough_address"] = conn.meekServer.passthroughAddress
  1446  	}
  1448  	// Include metrics, such as fragmentor metrics, from the _first_ underlying
  1449  	// TCP conn. Properties of subsequent underlying TCP conns are not reflected
  1450  	// in these metrics; we assume that the first TCP conn, which most likely
  1451  	// transits the various protocol handshakes, is most significant.
  1452  	underlyingMetrics, ok := conn.firstUnderlyingConn.(common.MetricsSource)
  1453  	if ok {
  1454  		logFields.Add(underlyingMetrics.GetMetrics())
  1455  	}
  1457  	return logFields
  1458  }
  1460  // GetUnderlyingTCPAddrs implements the common.UnderlyingTCPAddrSource
  1461  // interface, returning the TCP addresses for the _first_ underlying TCP
  1462  // connection in the meek tunnel.
  1463  func (conn *meekConn) GetUnderlyingTCPAddrs() (*net.TCPAddr, *net.TCPAddr, bool) {
  1464  	localAddr, ok := conn.firstUnderlyingConn.LocalAddr().(*net.TCPAddr)
  1465  	if !ok {
  1466  		return nil, nil, false
  1467  	}
  1468  	remoteAddr, ok := conn.firstUnderlyingConn.RemoteAddr().(*net.TCPAddr)
  1469  	if !ok {
  1470  		return nil, nil, false
  1471  	}
  1472  	return localAddr, remoteAddr, true
  1473  }
  1475  // SetReplay implements the common.FragmentorReplayAccessor interface, applying
  1476  // the inputs to the _first_ underlying TCP connection in the meek tunnel. If
  1477  // the underlying connection is closed, the SetSeed call will have no effect.
  1478  func (conn *meekConn) SetReplay(PRNG *prng.PRNG) {
  1479  	fragmentor, ok := conn.firstUnderlyingConn.(common.FragmentorReplayAccessor)
  1480  	if ok {
  1481  		fragmentor.SetReplay(PRNG)
  1482  	}
  1483  }
  1485  // GetReplay implements the FragmentorReplayAccessor interface, getting the
  1486  // outputs from the _first_ underlying TCP connection in the meek tunnel.
  1487  //
  1488  // We assume that the first TCP conn is most significant: the initial TCP
  1489  // connection most likely fragments protocol handshakes; and, in the case the
  1490  // packet manipulation, any selected packet manipulation spec would have been
  1491  // successful.
  1492  func (conn *meekConn) GetReplay() (*prng.Seed, bool) {
  1493  	fragmentor, ok := conn.firstUnderlyingConn.(common.FragmentorReplayAccessor)
  1494  	if ok {
  1495  		return fragmentor.GetReplay()
  1496  	}
  1497  	return nil, false
  1498  }
  1500  // pumpReads causes goroutines blocking on meekConn.Read() to read
  1501  // from the specified reader. This function blocks until the reader
  1502  // is fully consumed or the meekConn is closed. A read buffer allows
  1503  // up to MEEK_MAX_REQUEST_PAYLOAD_LENGTH bytes to be read and buffered
  1504  // without a Read() immediately consuming the bytes, but there's still
  1505  // a possibility of a stall if no Read() calls are made after this
  1506  // read buffer is full.
  1507  // Returns the number of request bytes read.
  1508  // Note: assumes only one concurrent call to pumpReads
  1509  func (conn *meekConn) pumpReads(reader io.Reader) (int64, error) {
  1511  	// Use either an empty or partial buffer. By using a partial
  1512  	// buffer, pumpReads will not block if the Read() caller has
  1513  	// not fully drained the read buffer.
  1515  	var readBuffer *bytes.Buffer
  1516  	select {
  1517  	case readBuffer = <-conn.emptyReadBuffer:
  1518  	case readBuffer = <-conn.partialReadBuffer:
  1519  	case <-conn.closeBroadcast:
  1520  		return 0, io.EOF
  1521  	}
  1523  	newDataOffset := readBuffer.Len()
  1525  	// Since we need to read the full request payload in order to
  1526  	// take its checksum before relaying it, the read buffer can
  1527  	// grow to up to 2 x MEEK_MAX_REQUEST_PAYLOAD_LENGTH + 1.
  1529  	// +1 allows for an explicit check for request payloads that
  1530  	// exceed the maximum permitted length.
  1531  	limitReader := io.LimitReader(reader, MEEK_MAX_REQUEST_PAYLOAD_LENGTH+1)
  1532  	n, err := readBuffer.ReadFrom(limitReader)
  1534  	if err == nil && n == MEEK_MAX_REQUEST_PAYLOAD_LENGTH+1 {
  1535  		err = std_errors.New("invalid request payload length")
  1536  	}
  1538  	// If the request read fails, don't relay the new data. This allows
  1539  	// the client to retry and resend its request payload without
  1540  	// interrupting/duplicating the payload flow.
  1541  	if err != nil {
  1542  		readBuffer.Truncate(newDataOffset)
  1543  		conn.replaceReadBuffer(readBuffer)
  1544  		return 0, errors.Trace(err)
  1545  	}
  1547  	// Check if request payload checksum matches immediately
  1548  	// previous payload. On match, assume this is a client retry
  1549  	// sending payload that was already relayed and skip this
  1550  	// payload. Payload is OSSH ciphertext and almost surely
  1551  	// will not repeat. In the highly unlikely case that it does,
  1552  	// the underlying SSH connection will fail and the client
  1553  	// must reconnect.
  1555  	checksum := crc64.Checksum(
  1556  		readBuffer.Bytes()[newDataOffset:], conn.meekServer.checksumTable)
  1558  	if conn.lastReadChecksum == nil {
  1559  		conn.lastReadChecksum = new(uint64)
  1560  	} else if *conn.lastReadChecksum == checksum {
  1561  		readBuffer.Truncate(newDataOffset)
  1562  	}
  1564  	*conn.lastReadChecksum = checksum
  1566  	conn.replaceReadBuffer(readBuffer)
  1568  	return n, nil
  1569  }
  1571  var errMeekConnectionHasClosed = std_errors.New("meek connection has closed")
  1573  // Read reads from the meekConn into buffer. Read blocks until
  1574  // some data is read or the meekConn closes. Under the hood, it
  1575  // waits for pumpReads to submit a reader to read from.
  1576  // Note: lock is to conform with net.Conn concurrency semantics
  1577  func (conn *meekConn) Read(buffer []byte) (int, error) {
  1578  	conn.readLock.Lock()
  1579  	defer conn.readLock.Unlock()
  1581  	var readBuffer *bytes.Buffer
  1582  	select {
  1583  	case readBuffer = <-conn.partialReadBuffer:
  1584  	case readBuffer = <-conn.fullReadBuffer:
  1585  	case <-conn.closeBroadcast:
  1586  		return 0, errors.Trace(errMeekConnectionHasClosed)
  1587  	}
  1589  	n, err := readBuffer.Read(buffer)
  1591  	conn.replaceReadBuffer(readBuffer)
  1593  	return n, err
  1594  }
  1596  func (conn *meekConn) replaceReadBuffer(readBuffer *bytes.Buffer) {
  1597  	length := readBuffer.Len()
  1598  	if length >= MEEK_MAX_REQUEST_PAYLOAD_LENGTH {
  1599  		conn.fullReadBuffer <- readBuffer
  1600  	} else if length == 0 {
  1601  		conn.emptyReadBuffer <- readBuffer
  1602  	} else {
  1603  		conn.partialReadBuffer <- readBuffer
  1604  	}
  1605  }
  1607  // pumpWrites causes goroutines blocking on meekConn.Write() to write
  1608  // to the specified writer. This function blocks until the meek response
  1609  // body limits (size for protocol v1, turn around time for protocol v2+)
  1610  // are met, or the meekConn is closed.
  1611  //
  1612  // Note: channel scheme assumes only one concurrent call to pumpWrites
  1613  func (conn *meekConn) pumpWrites(
  1614  	writer io.Writer, skipExtendedTurnAround bool) (int, error) {
  1616  	startTime := time.Now()
  1617  	timeout := time.NewTimer(conn.meekServer.turnAroundTimeout)
  1618  	defer timeout.Stop()
  1620  	n := 0
  1621  	for {
  1622  		select {
  1623  		case buffer := <-conn.nextWriteBuffer:
  1624  			written, err := writer.Write(buffer)
  1625  			n += written
  1626  			// Assumes that writeResult won't block.
  1627  			// Note: always send the err to writeResult,
  1628  			// as the Write() caller is blocking on this.
  1629  			conn.writeResult <- err
  1631  			if err != nil {
  1632  				return n, err
  1633  			}
  1635  			if conn.protocolVersion < MEEK_PROTOCOL_VERSION_1 {
  1636  				// Pre-protocol version 1 clients expect at most
  1637  				// MEEK_MAX_REQUEST_PAYLOAD_LENGTH response bodies
  1638  				return n, nil
  1639  			}
  1641  			if skipExtendedTurnAround {
  1642  				// When fast turn around is indicated, skip the extended turn
  1643  				// around timeout. This optimizes for upstream flows.
  1644  				return n, nil
  1645  			}
  1647  			totalElapsedTime := time.Since(startTime) / time.Millisecond
  1648  			if totalElapsedTime >= conn.meekServer.extendedTurnAroundTimeout {
  1649  				return n, nil
  1650  			}
  1651  			timeout.Reset(conn.meekServer.turnAroundTimeout)
  1653  		case <-timeout.C:
  1654  			return n, nil
  1656  		case <-conn.closeBroadcast:
  1657  			return n, errors.Trace(errMeekConnectionHasClosed)
  1658  		}
  1659  	}
  1660  }
  1662  // Write writes the buffer to the meekConn. It blocks until the
  1663  // entire buffer is written to or the meekConn closes. Under the
  1664  // hood, it waits for sufficient pumpWrites calls to consume the
  1665  // write buffer.
  1666  // Note: lock is to conform with net.Conn concurrency semantics
  1667  func (conn *meekConn) Write(buffer []byte) (int, error) {
  1668  	conn.writeLock.Lock()
  1669  	defer conn.writeLock.Unlock()
  1671  	// TODO: may be more efficient to send whole buffer
  1672  	// and have pumpWrites stash partial buffer when can't
  1673  	// send it all.
  1675  	n := 0
  1676  	for n < len(buffer) {
  1678  		if end > len(buffer) {
  1679  			end = len(buffer)
  1680  		}
  1682  		// Only write MEEK_MAX_REQUEST_PAYLOAD_LENGTH at a time,
  1683  		// to ensure compatibility with v1 protocol.
  1684  		chunk := buffer[n:end]
  1686  		select {
  1687  		case conn.nextWriteBuffer <- chunk:
  1688  		case <-conn.closeBroadcast:
  1689  			return n, errors.Trace(errMeekConnectionHasClosed)
  1690  		}
  1692  		// Wait for the buffer to be processed.
  1693  		select {
  1694  		case <-conn.writeResult:
  1695  			// The err from conn.writeResult comes from the
  1696  			// io.MultiWriter used in pumpWrites, which writes
  1697  			// to both the cached response and the HTTP response.
  1698  			//
  1699  			// Don't stop on error here, since only writing
  1700  			// to the HTTP response will fail, and the client
  1701  			// may retry and use the cached response.
  1702  			//
  1703  			// It's possible that the cached response buffer
  1704  			// is too small for the client to successfully
  1705  			// retry, but that cannot be determined. In this
  1706  			// case, the meek connection will eventually fail.
  1707  			//
  1708  			// err is already logged in ServeHTTP.
  1709  		case <-conn.closeBroadcast:
  1710  			return n, errors.Trace(errMeekConnectionHasClosed)
  1711  		}
  1712  		n += len(chunk)
  1713  	}
  1714  	return n, nil
  1715  }
  1717  // Close closes the meekConn. This will interrupt any blocked
  1718  // Read, Write, pumpReads, and pumpWrites.
  1719  func (conn *meekConn) Close() error {
  1720  	if atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32(&conn.closed, 0, 1) {
  1721  		close(conn.closeBroadcast)
  1723  		// In general, we reply on "net/http" to close underlying TCP conns. In this
  1724  		// case, we can directly close the first once, if it's still open.
  1725  		conn.firstUnderlyingConn.Close()
  1726  	}
  1727  	return nil
  1728  }
  1730  // Stub implementation of net.Conn.LocalAddr
  1731  func (conn *meekConn) LocalAddr() net.Addr {
  1732  	return nil
  1733  }
  1735  // RemoteAddr returns the remoteAddr specified in newMeekConn. This
  1736  // acts as a proxy for the actual remote address, which is either a
  1737  // direct HTTP/HTTPS connection remote address, or in the case of
  1738  // downstream proxy of CDN fronts, some other value determined via
  1739  // HTTP headers.
  1740  func (conn *meekConn) RemoteAddr() net.Addr {
  1741  	return conn.remoteAddr
  1742  }
  1744  // SetDeadline is not a true implementation of net.Conn.SetDeadline. It
  1745  // merely checks that the requested timeout exceeds the MEEK_MAX_SESSION_STALENESS
  1746  // period. When it does, and the session is idle, the meekConn Read/Write will
  1747  // be interrupted and return an error (not a timeout error) before the deadline.
  1748  // In other words, this conn will approximate the desired functionality of
  1749  // timing out on idle on or before the requested deadline.
  1750  func (conn *meekConn) SetDeadline(t time.Time) error {
  1751  	// Overhead: nanoseconds (
  1752  	if time.Now().Add(conn.meekServer.maxSessionStaleness).Before(t) {
  1753  		return nil
  1754  	}
  1755  	return errors.TraceNew("not supported")
  1756  }
  1758  // Stub implementation of net.Conn.SetReadDeadline
  1759  func (conn *meekConn) SetReadDeadline(t time.Time) error {
  1760  	return errors.TraceNew("not supported")
  1761  }
  1763  // Stub implementation of net.Conn.SetWriteDeadline
  1764  func (conn *meekConn) SetWriteDeadline(t time.Time) error {
  1765  	return errors.TraceNew("not supported")
  1766  }