
     1  site_name: Gitz
     2  site_description: Write fluent interactions to Git using the gitz library. Programmatically crafting git commands becomes a breeze!
     3  copyright: Building tools to make developers' lives easier
     4  repo_name: purpleclay/gitz
     5  repo_url:
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    42  nav:
    43    - Home:
    44    - Getting Started:
    45        - Git Checks: git/
    46        - Git Clone: git/
    47        - Git Commit: git/
    48        - Git Config: git/
    49        - Git Checkout: git/
    50        - Git Fetch: git/
    51        - Git Pull: git/
    52        - Git Push: git/
    53        - Git Show: git/
    54        - Git Stage: git/
    55        - Git Status: git/
    56        - Git Tag: git/
    57        - Git Log: git/
    58        - Testing Framework:
    59            - Git Test: testing/
    60        - Installation:
    61            - Package: install/
    62        - Other Bits:
    63            - License:
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    77        link:
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    84      deprecated: No Longer Supported
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