
     1  package main
     3  import (
     4  	"fmt"
     5  	"os"
     6  	"os/exec"
     7  	"strings"
     8  	"syscall"
    10  	""
    11  	pluginmanager ""
    12  	""
    13  	""
    14  	cliflags ""
    15  	""
    16  	""
    17  	""
    18  	""
    19  	""
    20  	""
    21  	""
    22  	""
    23  )
    25  var allowedAliases = map[string]struct{}{
    26  	"builder": {},
    27  }
    29  func newDockerCommand(dockerCli *command.DockerCli) *cli.TopLevelCommand {
    30  	var (
    31  		opts    *cliflags.ClientOptions
    32  		flags   *pflag.FlagSet
    33  		helpCmd *cobra.Command
    34  	)
    36  	cmd := &cobra.Command{
    37  		Use:              "docker [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARG...]",
    38  		Short:            "A self-sufficient runtime for containers",
    39  		SilenceUsage:     true,
    40  		SilenceErrors:    true,
    41  		TraverseChildren: true,
    42  		RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
    43  			if len(args) == 0 {
    44  				return command.ShowHelp(dockerCli.Err())(cmd, args)
    45  			}
    46  			return fmt.Errorf("docker: '%s' is not a docker command.\nSee 'docker --help'", args[0])
    48  		},
    49  		PersistentPreRunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
    50  			return isSupported(cmd, dockerCli)
    51  		},
    52  		Version:               fmt.Sprintf("%s, build %s", version.Version, version.GitCommit),
    53  		DisableFlagsInUseLine: true,
    54  	}
    55  	opts, flags, helpCmd = cli.SetupRootCommand(cmd)
    56  	flags.BoolP("version", "v", false, "Print version information and quit")
    58  	setFlagErrorFunc(dockerCli, cmd)
    60  	setupHelpCommand(dockerCli, cmd, helpCmd)
    61  	setHelpFunc(dockerCli, cmd)
    63  	cmd.SetOut(dockerCli.Out())
    64  	commands.AddCommands(cmd, dockerCli)
    66  	cli.DisableFlagsInUseLine(cmd)
    67  	setValidateArgs(dockerCli, cmd)
    69  	// flags must be the top-level command flags, not cmd.Flags()
    70  	return cli.NewTopLevelCommand(cmd, dockerCli, opts, flags)
    71  }
    73  func setFlagErrorFunc(dockerCli command.Cli, cmd *cobra.Command) {
    74  	// When invoking `docker stack --nonsense`, we need to make sure FlagErrorFunc return appropriate
    75  	// output if the feature is not supported.
    76  	// As above cli.SetupRootCommand(cmd) have already setup the FlagErrorFunc, we will add a pre-check before the FlagErrorFunc
    77  	// is called.
    78  	flagErrorFunc := cmd.FlagErrorFunc()
    79  	cmd.SetFlagErrorFunc(func(cmd *cobra.Command, err error) error {
    80  		if err := pluginmanager.AddPluginCommandStubs(dockerCli, cmd.Root()); err != nil {
    81  			return err
    82  		}
    83  		if err := isSupported(cmd, dockerCli); err != nil {
    84  			return err
    85  		}
    86  		if err := hideUnsupportedFeatures(cmd, dockerCli); err != nil {
    87  			return err
    88  		}
    89  		return flagErrorFunc(cmd, err)
    90  	})
    91  }
    93  func setupHelpCommand(dockerCli command.Cli, rootCmd, helpCmd *cobra.Command) {
    94  	origRun := helpCmd.Run
    95  	origRunE := helpCmd.RunE
    97  	helpCmd.Run = nil
    98  	helpCmd.RunE = func(c *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
    99  		if len(args) > 0 {
   100  			helpcmd, err := pluginmanager.PluginRunCommand(dockerCli, args[0], rootCmd)
   101  			if err == nil {
   102  				err = helpcmd.Run()
   103  				if err != nil {
   104  					return err
   105  				}
   106  			}
   107  			if !pluginmanager.IsNotFound(err) {
   108  				return err
   109  			}
   110  		}
   111  		if origRunE != nil {
   112  			return origRunE(c, args)
   113  		}
   114  		origRun(c, args)
   115  		return nil
   116  	}
   117  }
   119  func tryRunPluginHelp(dockerCli command.Cli, ccmd *cobra.Command, cargs []string) error {
   120  	root := ccmd.Root()
   122  	cmd, _, err := root.Traverse(cargs)
   123  	if err != nil {
   124  		return err
   125  	}
   126  	helpcmd, err := pluginmanager.PluginRunCommand(dockerCli, cmd.Name(), root)
   127  	if err != nil {
   128  		return err
   129  	}
   130  	return helpcmd.Run()
   131  }
   133  func setHelpFunc(dockerCli command.Cli, cmd *cobra.Command) {
   134  	defaultHelpFunc := cmd.HelpFunc()
   135  	cmd.SetHelpFunc(func(ccmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
   136  		// Add a stub entry for every plugin so they are
   137  		// included in the help output and so that
   138  		// `tryRunPluginHelp` can find them or if we fall
   139  		// through they will be included in the default help
   140  		// output.
   141  		if err := pluginmanager.AddPluginCommandStubs(dockerCli, ccmd.Root()); err != nil {
   142  			ccmd.Println(err)
   143  			return
   144  		}
   146  		if len(args) >= 1 {
   147  			err := tryRunPluginHelp(dockerCli, ccmd, args)
   148  			if err == nil { // Successfully ran the plugin
   149  				return
   150  			}
   151  			if !pluginmanager.IsNotFound(err) {
   152  				ccmd.Println(err)
   153  				return
   154  			}
   155  		}
   157  		if err := isSupported(ccmd, dockerCli); err != nil {
   158  			ccmd.Println(err)
   159  			return
   160  		}
   161  		if err := hideUnsupportedFeatures(ccmd, dockerCli); err != nil {
   162  			ccmd.Println(err)
   163  			return
   164  		}
   166  		defaultHelpFunc(ccmd, args)
   167  	})
   168  }
   170  func setValidateArgs(dockerCli *command.DockerCli, cmd *cobra.Command) {
   171  	// The Args is handled by ValidateArgs in cobra, which does not allows a pre-hook.
   172  	// As a result, here we replace the existing Args validation func to a wrapper,
   173  	// where the wrapper will check to see if the feature is supported or not.
   174  	// The Args validation error will only be returned if the feature is supported.
   175  	cli.VisitAll(cmd, func(ccmd *cobra.Command) {
   176  		// if there is no tags for a command or any of its parent,
   177  		// there is no need to wrap the Args validation.
   178  		if !hasTags(ccmd) {
   179  			return
   180  		}
   182  		if ccmd.Args == nil {
   183  			return
   184  		}
   186  		cmdArgs := ccmd.Args
   187  		ccmd.Args = func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
   188  			if err := isSupported(cmd, dockerCli); err != nil {
   189  				return err
   190  			}
   191  			return cmdArgs(cmd, args)
   192  		}
   193  	})
   194  }
   196  func tryPluginRun(dockerCli command.Cli, cmd *cobra.Command, subcommand string) error {
   197  	plugincmd, err := pluginmanager.PluginRunCommand(dockerCli, subcommand, cmd)
   198  	if err != nil {
   199  		return err
   200  	}
   202  	go func() {
   203  		// override SIGTERM handler so we let the plugin shut down first
   204  		<-appcontext.Context().Done()
   205  	}()
   207  	if err := plugincmd.Run(); err != nil {
   208  		statusCode := 1
   209  		exitErr, ok := err.(*exec.ExitError)
   210  		if !ok {
   211  			return err
   212  		}
   213  		if ws, ok := exitErr.Sys().(syscall.WaitStatus); ok {
   214  			statusCode = ws.ExitStatus()
   215  		}
   216  		return cli.StatusError{
   217  			StatusCode: statusCode,
   218  		}
   219  	}
   220  	return nil
   221  }
   223  func processAliases(dockerCli command.Cli, cmd *cobra.Command, args, osArgs []string) ([]string, []string, error) {
   224  	aliasMap := dockerCli.ConfigFile().Aliases
   225  	aliases := make([][2][]string, 0, len(aliasMap))
   227  	for k, v := range aliasMap {
   228  		if _, ok := allowedAliases[k]; !ok {
   229  			return args, osArgs, errors.Errorf("Not allowed to alias %q. Allowed aliases: %#v", k, allowedAliases)
   230  		}
   231  		if _, _, err := cmd.Find(strings.Split(v, " ")); err == nil {
   232  			return args, osArgs, errors.Errorf("Not allowed to alias with builtin %q as target", v)
   233  		}
   234  		aliases = append(aliases, [2][]string{{k}, {v}})
   235  	}
   237  	if v, ok := aliasMap["builder"]; ok {
   238  		aliases = append(aliases,
   239  			[2][]string{{"build"}, {v, "build"}},
   240  			[2][]string{{"image", "build"}, {v, "build"}},
   241  		)
   242  	}
   243  	for _, al := range aliases {
   244  		var didChange bool
   245  		args, didChange = command.StringSliceReplaceAt(args, al[0], al[1], 0)
   246  		if didChange {
   247  			osArgs, _ = command.StringSliceReplaceAt(osArgs, al[0], al[1], -1)
   248  			break
   249  		}
   250  	}
   252  	return args, osArgs, nil
   253  }
   255  func runDocker(dockerCli *command.DockerCli) error {
   256  	tcmd := newDockerCommand(dockerCli)
   258  	cmd, args, err := tcmd.HandleGlobalFlags()
   259  	if err != nil {
   260  		return err
   261  	}
   263  	if err := tcmd.Initialize(); err != nil {
   264  		return err
   265  	}
   267  	args, os.Args, err = processAliases(dockerCli, cmd, args, os.Args)
   268  	if err != nil {
   269  		return err
   270  	}
   272  	if len(args) > 0 {
   273  		if _, _, err := cmd.Find(args); err != nil {
   274  			err := tryPluginRun(dockerCli, cmd, args[0])
   275  			if !pluginmanager.IsNotFound(err) {
   276  				return err
   277  			}
   278  			// For plugin not found we fall through to
   279  			// cmd.Execute() which deals with reporting
   280  			// "command not found" in a consistent way.
   281  		}
   282  	}
   284  	// We've parsed global args already, so reset args to those
   285  	// which remain.
   286  	cmd.SetArgs(args)
   287  	return cmd.Execute()
   288  }
   290  func main() {
   291  	dockerCli, err := command.NewDockerCli()
   292  	if err != nil {
   293  		fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err)
   294  		os.Exit(1)
   295  	}
   296  	logrus.SetOutput(dockerCli.Err())
   298  	if err := runDocker(dockerCli); err != nil {
   299  		if sterr, ok := err.(cli.StatusError); ok {
   300  			if sterr.Status != "" {
   301  				fmt.Fprintln(dockerCli.Err(), sterr.Status)
   302  			}
   303  			// StatusError should only be used for errors, and all errors should
   304  			// have a non-zero exit status, so never exit with 0
   305  			if sterr.StatusCode == 0 {
   306  				os.Exit(1)
   307  			}
   308  			os.Exit(sterr.StatusCode)
   309  		}
   310  		fmt.Fprintln(dockerCli.Err(), err)
   311  		os.Exit(1)
   312  	}
   313  }
   315  type versionDetails interface {
   316  	Client() client.APIClient
   317  	ClientInfo() command.ClientInfo
   318  	ServerInfo() command.ServerInfo
   319  }
   321  func hideFlagIf(f *pflag.Flag, condition func(string) bool, annotation string) {
   322  	if f.Hidden {
   323  		return
   324  	}
   325  	var val string
   326  	if values, ok := f.Annotations[annotation]; ok {
   327  		if len(values) > 0 {
   328  			val = values[0]
   329  		}
   330  		if condition(val) {
   331  			f.Hidden = true
   332  		}
   333  	}
   334  }
   336  func hideSubcommandIf(subcmd *cobra.Command, condition func(string) bool, annotation string) {
   337  	if subcmd.Hidden {
   338  		return
   339  	}
   340  	if v, ok := subcmd.Annotations[annotation]; ok {
   341  		if condition(v) {
   342  			subcmd.Hidden = true
   343  		}
   344  	}
   345  }
   347  func hideUnsupportedFeatures(cmd *cobra.Command, details versionDetails) error {
   348  	var (
   349  		buildKitDisabled = func(_ string) bool { v, _ := command.BuildKitEnabled(details.ServerInfo()); return !v }
   350  		buildKitEnabled  = func(_ string) bool { v, _ := command.BuildKitEnabled(details.ServerInfo()); return v }
   351  		notExperimental  = func(_ string) bool { return !details.ServerInfo().HasExperimental }
   352  		notOSType        = func(v string) bool { return v != details.ServerInfo().OSType }
   353  		versionOlderThan = func(v string) bool { return versions.LessThan(details.Client().ClientVersion(), v) }
   354  	)
   356  	cmd.Flags().VisitAll(func(f *pflag.Flag) {
   357  		// hide flags not supported by the server
   358  		// root command shows all top-level flags
   359  		if cmd.Parent() != nil {
   360  			if cmds, ok := f.Annotations["top-level"]; ok {
   361  				f.Hidden = !findCommand(cmd, cmds)
   362  			}
   363  			if f.Hidden {
   364  				return
   365  			}
   366  		}
   368  		hideFlagIf(f, buildKitDisabled, "buildkit")
   369  		hideFlagIf(f, buildKitEnabled, "no-buildkit")
   370  		hideFlagIf(f, notExperimental, "experimental")
   371  		hideFlagIf(f, notOSType, "ostype")
   372  		hideFlagIf(f, versionOlderThan, "version")
   373  	})
   375  	for _, subcmd := range cmd.Commands() {
   376  		hideSubcommandIf(subcmd, buildKitDisabled, "buildkit")
   377  		hideSubcommandIf(subcmd, buildKitEnabled, "no-buildkit")
   378  		hideSubcommandIf(subcmd, notExperimental, "experimental")
   379  		hideSubcommandIf(subcmd, notOSType, "ostype")
   380  		hideSubcommandIf(subcmd, versionOlderThan, "version")
   381  	}
   382  	return nil
   383  }
   385  // Checks if a command or one of its ancestors is in the list
   386  func findCommand(cmd *cobra.Command, commands []string) bool {
   387  	if cmd == nil {
   388  		return false
   389  	}
   390  	for _, c := range commands {
   391  		if c == cmd.Name() {
   392  			return true
   393  		}
   394  	}
   395  	return findCommand(cmd.Parent(), commands)
   396  }
   398  func isSupported(cmd *cobra.Command, details versionDetails) error {
   399  	if err := areSubcommandsSupported(cmd, details); err != nil {
   400  		return err
   401  	}
   402  	return areFlagsSupported(cmd, details)
   403  }
   405  func areFlagsSupported(cmd *cobra.Command, details versionDetails) error {
   406  	errs := []string{}
   408  	cmd.Flags().VisitAll(func(f *pflag.Flag) {
   409  		if !f.Changed {
   410  			return
   411  		}
   412  		if !isVersionSupported(f, details.Client().ClientVersion()) {
   413  			errs = append(errs, fmt.Sprintf(`"--%s" requires API version %s, but the Docker daemon API version is %s`, f.Name, getFlagAnnotation(f, "version"), details.Client().ClientVersion()))
   414  			return
   415  		}
   416  		if !isOSTypeSupported(f, details.ServerInfo().OSType) {
   417  			errs = append(errs, fmt.Sprintf(
   418  				`"--%s" is only supported on a Docker daemon running on %s, but the Docker daemon is running on %s`,
   419  				f.Name,
   420  				getFlagAnnotation(f, "ostype"), details.ServerInfo().OSType),
   421  			)
   422  			return
   423  		}
   424  		if _, ok := f.Annotations["experimental"]; ok && !details.ServerInfo().HasExperimental {
   425  			errs = append(errs, fmt.Sprintf(`"--%s" is only supported on a Docker daemon with experimental features enabled`, f.Name))
   426  		}
   427  		// buildkit-specific flags are noop when buildkit is not enabled, so we do not add an error in that case
   428  	})
   429  	if len(errs) > 0 {
   430  		return errors.New(strings.Join(errs, "\n"))
   431  	}
   432  	return nil
   433  }
   435  // Check recursively so that, e.g., `docker stack ls` returns the same output as `docker stack`
   436  func areSubcommandsSupported(cmd *cobra.Command, details versionDetails) error {
   437  	// Check recursively so that, e.g., `docker stack ls` returns the same output as `docker stack`
   438  	for curr := cmd; curr != nil; curr = curr.Parent() {
   439  		if cmdVersion, ok := curr.Annotations["version"]; ok && versions.LessThan(details.Client().ClientVersion(), cmdVersion) {
   440  			return fmt.Errorf("%s requires API version %s, but the Docker daemon API version is %s", cmd.CommandPath(), cmdVersion, details.Client().ClientVersion())
   441  		}
   442  		if os, ok := curr.Annotations["ostype"]; ok && os != details.ServerInfo().OSType {
   443  			return fmt.Errorf("%s is only supported on a Docker daemon running on %s, but the Docker daemon is running on %s", cmd.CommandPath(), os, details.ServerInfo().OSType)
   444  		}
   445  		if _, ok := curr.Annotations["experimental"]; ok && !details.ServerInfo().HasExperimental {
   446  			return fmt.Errorf("%s is only supported on a Docker daemon with experimental features enabled", cmd.CommandPath())
   447  		}
   448  	}
   449  	return nil
   450  }
   452  func getFlagAnnotation(f *pflag.Flag, annotation string) string {
   453  	if value, ok := f.Annotations[annotation]; ok && len(value) == 1 {
   454  		return value[0]
   455  	}
   456  	return ""
   457  }
   459  func isVersionSupported(f *pflag.Flag, clientVersion string) bool {
   460  	if v := getFlagAnnotation(f, "version"); v != "" {
   461  		return versions.GreaterThanOrEqualTo(clientVersion, v)
   462  	}
   463  	return true
   464  }
   466  func isOSTypeSupported(f *pflag.Flag, osType string) bool {
   467  	if v := getFlagAnnotation(f, "ostype"); v != "" && osType != "" {
   468  		return osType == v
   469  	}
   470  	return true
   471  }
   473  // hasTags return true if any of the command's parents has tags
   474  func hasTags(cmd *cobra.Command) bool {
   475  	for curr := cmd; curr != nil; curr = curr.Parent() {
   476  		if len(curr.Annotations) > 0 {
   477  			return true
   478  		}
   479  	}
   481  	return false
   482  }