
     1  ---
     2  title: "update"
     3  description: "The update command description and usage"
     4  keywords: "resources, update, dynamically"
     5  ---
     7  ## update
     9  ```markdown
    10  Usage:  docker update [OPTIONS] CONTAINER [CONTAINER...]
    12  Update configuration of one or more containers
    14  Options:
    15        --blkio-weight uint16         Block IO (relative weight), between 10 and 1000, or 0 to disable (default 0)
    16        --cpu-period int              Limit CPU CFS (Completely Fair Scheduler) period
    17        --cpu-quota int               Limit CPU CFS (Completely Fair Scheduler) quota
    18        --cpu-rt-period int           Limit the CPU real-time period in microseconds
    19        --cpu-rt-runtime int          Limit the CPU real-time runtime in microseconds
    20    -c, --cpu-shares int              CPU shares (relative weight)
    21        --cpus decimal                Number of CPUs (default 0.000)
    22        --cpuset-cpus string          CPUs in which to allow execution (0-3, 0,1)
    23        --cpuset-mems string          MEMs in which to allow execution (0-3, 0,1)
    24        --help                        Print usage
    25        --kernel-memory string        Kernel memory limit
    26    -m, --memory string               Memory limit
    27        --memory-reservation string   Memory soft limit
    28        --memory-swap string          Swap limit equal to memory plus swap: '-1' to enable unlimited swap
    29        --pids-limit int              Tune container pids limit (set -1 for unlimited)
    30        --restart string              Restart policy to apply when a container exits
    31  ```
    33  ## Description
    35  The `docker update` command dynamically updates container configuration.
    36  You can use this command to prevent containers from consuming too many
    37  resources from their Docker host.  With a single command, you can place
    38  limits on a single container or on many. To specify more than one container,
    39  provide space-separated list of container names or IDs.
    41  With the exception of the `--kernel-memory` option, you can specify these
    42  options on a running or a stopped container. On kernel version older than
    43  4.6, you can only update `--kernel-memory` on a stopped container or on
    44  a running container with kernel memory initialized.
    46  > **Warning**
    47  >
    48  > The `docker update` and `docker container update` commands are not supported
    49  > for Windows containers.
    50  {: .warning }
    52  ## Examples
    54  The following sections illustrate ways to use this command.
    56  ### Update a container's cpu-shares
    58  To limit a container's cpu-shares to 512, first identify the container
    59  name or ID. You can use `docker ps` to find these values. You can also
    60  use the ID returned from the `docker run` command.  Then, do the following:
    62  ```bash
    63  $ docker update --cpu-shares 512 abebf7571666
    64  ```
    66  ### Update a container with cpu-shares and memory
    68  To update multiple resource configurations for multiple containers:
    70  ```bash
    71  $ docker update --cpu-shares 512 -m 300M abebf7571666 hopeful_morse
    72  ```
    74  ### Update a container's kernel memory constraints
    76  You can update a container's kernel memory limit using the `--kernel-memory`
    77  option. On kernel version older than 4.6, this option can be updated on a
    78  running container only if the container was started with `--kernel-memory`.
    79  If the container was started *without* `--kernel-memory` you need to stop
    80  the container before updating kernel memory.
    82  > **Note**
    83  >
    84  > The `--kernel-memory` option has been deprecated since Docker 20.10.
    86  For example, if you started a container with this command:
    88  ```bash
    89  $ docker run -dit --name test --kernel-memory 50M ubuntu bash
    90  ```
    92  You can update kernel memory while the container is running:
    94  ```bash
    95  $ docker update --kernel-memory 80M test
    96  ```
    98  If you started a container *without* kernel memory initialized:
   100  ```bash
   101  $ docker run -dit --name test2 --memory 300M ubuntu bash
   102  ```
   104  Update kernel memory of running container `test2` will fail. You need to stop
   105  the container before updating the `--kernel-memory` setting. The next time you
   106  start it, the container uses the new value.
   108  Kernel version newer than (include) 4.6 does not have this limitation, you
   109  can use `--kernel-memory` the same way as other options.
   111  ### Update a container's restart policy
   113  You can change a container's restart policy on a running container. The new
   114  restart policy takes effect instantly after you run `docker update` on a
   115  container.
   117  To update restart policy for one or more containers:
   119  ```bash
   120  $ docker update --restart=on-failure:3 abebf7571666 hopeful_morse
   121  ```
   123  Note that if the container is started with "--rm" flag, you cannot update the restart
   124  policy for it. The `AutoRemove` and `RestartPolicy` are mutually exclusive for the
   125  container.