
     1  package libnetwork
     3  import (
     4  	"encoding/json"
     5  	"fmt"
     6  	"net"
     7  	"sort"
     8  	"strings"
     9  	"sync"
    10  	"time"
    12  	""
    13  	""
    14  	""
    15  	""
    16  	""
    17  )
    19  // Sandbox provides the control over the network container entity. It is a one to one mapping with the container.
    20  type Sandbox interface {
    21  	// ID returns the ID of the sandbox
    22  	ID() string
    23  	// Key returns the sandbox's key
    24  	Key() string
    25  	// ContainerID returns the container id associated to this sandbox
    26  	ContainerID() string
    27  	// Labels returns the sandbox's labels
    28  	Labels() map[string]interface{}
    29  	// Statistics retrieves the interfaces' statistics for the sandbox
    30  	Statistics() (map[string]*types.InterfaceStatistics, error)
    31  	// Refresh leaves all the endpoints, resets and re-applies the options,
    32  	// re-joins all the endpoints without destroying the osl sandbox
    33  	Refresh(options ...SandboxOption) error
    34  	// SetKey updates the Sandbox Key
    35  	SetKey(key string) error
    36  	// Rename changes the name of all attached Endpoints
    37  	Rename(name string) error
    38  	// Delete destroys this container after detaching it from all connected endpoints.
    39  	Delete() error
    40  	// Endpoints returns all the endpoints connected to the sandbox
    41  	Endpoints() []Endpoint
    42  	// ResolveService returns all the backend details about the containers or hosts
    43  	// backing a service. Its purpose is to satisfy an SRV query
    44  	ResolveService(name string) ([]*net.SRV, []net.IP)
    45  	// EnableService  makes a managed container's service available by adding the
    46  	// endpoint to the service load balancer and service discovery
    47  	EnableService() error
    48  	// DisableService removes a managed container's endpoints from the load balancer
    49  	// and service discovery
    50  	DisableService() error
    51  }
    53  // SandboxOption is an option setter function type used to pass various options to
    54  // NewNetContainer method. The various setter functions of type SandboxOption are
    55  // provided by libnetwork, they look like ContainerOptionXXXX(...)
    56  type SandboxOption func(sb *sandbox)
    58  func (sb *sandbox) processOptions(options ...SandboxOption) {
    59  	for _, opt := range options {
    60  		if opt != nil {
    61  			opt(sb)
    62  		}
    63  	}
    64  }
    66  type sandbox struct {
    67  	id                 string
    68  	containerID        string
    69  	config             containerConfig
    70  	extDNS             []extDNSEntry
    71  	osSbox             osl.Sandbox
    72  	controller         *controller
    73  	resolver           Resolver
    74  	resolverOnce       sync.Once
    75  	refCnt             int
    76  	endpoints          []*endpoint
    77  	epPriority         map[string]int
    78  	populatedEndpoints map[string]struct{}
    79  	joinLeaveDone      chan struct{}
    80  	dbIndex            uint64
    81  	dbExists           bool
    82  	isStub             bool
    83  	inDelete           bool
    84  	ingress            bool
    85  	ndotsSet           bool
    86  	oslTypes           []osl.SandboxType // slice of properties of this sandbox
    87  	loadBalancerNID    string            // NID that this SB is a load balancer for
    88  	sync.Mutex
    89  	// This mutex is used to serialize service related operation for an endpoint
    90  	// The lock is here because the endpoint is saved into the store so is not unique
    91  	Service sync.Mutex
    92  }
    94  // These are the container configs used to customize container /data/data/hilled.pwnterm/files/usr/etc/hosts file.
    95  type hostsPathConfig struct {
    96  	hostName        string
    97  	domainName      string
    98  	hostsPath       string
    99  	originHostsPath string
   100  	extraHosts      []extraHost
   101  	parentUpdates   []parentUpdate
   102  }
   104  type parentUpdate struct {
   105  	cid  string
   106  	name string
   107  	ip   string
   108  }
   110  type extraHost struct {
   111  	name string
   112  	IP   string
   113  }
   115  // These are the container configs used to customize container /data/data/hilled.pwnterm/files/usr/etc/resolv.conf file.
   116  type resolvConfPathConfig struct {
   117  	resolvConfPath       string
   118  	originResolvConfPath string
   119  	resolvConfHashFile   string
   120  	dnsList              []string
   121  	dnsSearchList        []string
   122  	dnsOptionsList       []string
   123  }
   125  type containerConfig struct {
   126  	hostsPathConfig
   127  	resolvConfPathConfig
   128  	generic           map[string]interface{}
   129  	useDefaultSandBox bool
   130  	useExternalKey    bool
   131  	prio              int // higher the value, more the priority
   132  	exposedPorts      []types.TransportPort
   133  }
   135  const (
   136  	resolverIPSandbox = ""
   137  )
   139  func (sb *sandbox) ID() string {
   140  	return
   141  }
   143  func (sb *sandbox) ContainerID() string {
   144  	return sb.containerID
   145  }
   147  func (sb *sandbox) Key() string {
   148  	if sb.config.useDefaultSandBox {
   149  		return osl.GenerateKey("default")
   150  	}
   151  	return osl.GenerateKey(
   152  }
   154  func (sb *sandbox) Labels() map[string]interface{} {
   155  	sb.Lock()
   156  	defer sb.Unlock()
   157  	opts := make(map[string]interface{}, len(sb.config.generic))
   158  	for k, v := range sb.config.generic {
   159  		opts[k] = v
   160  	}
   161  	return opts
   162  }
   164  func (sb *sandbox) Statistics() (map[string]*types.InterfaceStatistics, error) {
   165  	m := make(map[string]*types.InterfaceStatistics)
   167  	sb.Lock()
   168  	osb := sb.osSbox
   169  	sb.Unlock()
   170  	if osb == nil {
   171  		return m, nil
   172  	}
   174  	var err error
   175  	for _, i := range osb.Info().Interfaces() {
   176  		if m[i.DstName()], err = i.Statistics(); err != nil {
   177  			return m, err
   178  		}
   179  	}
   181  	return m, nil
   182  }
   184  func (sb *sandbox) Delete() error {
   185  	return sb.delete(false)
   186  }
   188  func (sb *sandbox) delete(force bool) error {
   189  	sb.Lock()
   190  	if sb.inDelete {
   191  		sb.Unlock()
   192  		return types.ForbiddenErrorf("another sandbox delete in progress")
   193  	}
   194  	// Set the inDelete flag. This will ensure that we don't
   195  	// update the store until we have completed all the endpoint
   196  	// leaves and deletes. And when endpoint leaves and deletes
   197  	// are completed then we can finally delete the sandbox object
   198  	// altogether from the data store. If the daemon exits
   199  	// ungracefully in the middle of a sandbox delete this way we
   200  	// will have all the references to the endpoints in the
   201  	// sandbox so that we can clean them up when we restart
   202  	sb.inDelete = true
   203  	sb.Unlock()
   205  	c := sb.controller
   207  	// Detach from all endpoints
   208  	retain := false
   209  	for _, ep := range sb.getConnectedEndpoints() {
   210  		// gw network endpoint detach and removal are automatic
   211  		if ep.endpointInGWNetwork() && !force {
   212  			continue
   213  		}
   214  		// Retain the sanbdox if we can't obtain the network from store.
   215  		if _, err := c.getNetworkFromStore(ep.getNetwork().ID()); err != nil {
   216  			if c.isDistributedControl() {
   217  				retain = true
   218  			}
   219  			logrus.Warnf("Failed getting network for ep %s during sandbox %s delete: %v", ep.ID(), sb.ID(), err)
   220  			continue
   221  		}
   223  		if !force {
   224  			if err := ep.Leave(sb); err != nil {
   225  				logrus.Warnf("Failed detaching sandbox %s from endpoint %s: %v\n", sb.ID(), ep.ID(), err)
   226  			}
   227  		}
   229  		if err := ep.Delete(force); err != nil {
   230  			logrus.Warnf("Failed deleting endpoint %s: %v\n", ep.ID(), err)
   231  		}
   232  	}
   234  	if retain {
   235  		sb.Lock()
   236  		sb.inDelete = false
   237  		sb.Unlock()
   238  		return fmt.Errorf("could not cleanup all the endpoints in container %s / sandbox %s", sb.containerID,
   239  	}
   240  	// Container is going away. Path cache in etchosts is most
   241  	// likely not required any more. Drop it.
   242  	etchosts.Drop(sb.config.hostsPath)
   244  	if sb.resolver != nil {
   245  		sb.resolver.Stop()
   246  	}
   248  	if sb.osSbox != nil && !sb.config.useDefaultSandBox {
   249  		sb.osSbox.Destroy()
   250  	}
   252  	if err := sb.storeDelete(); err != nil {
   253  		logrus.Warnf("Failed to delete sandbox %s from store: %v", sb.ID(), err)
   254  	}
   256  	c.Lock()
   257  	if sb.ingress {
   258  		c.ingressSandbox = nil
   259  	}
   260  	delete(c.sandboxes, sb.ID())
   261  	c.Unlock()
   263  	return nil
   264  }
   266  func (sb *sandbox) Rename(name string) error {
   267  	var err error
   269  	for _, ep := range sb.getConnectedEndpoints() {
   270  		if ep.endpointInGWNetwork() {
   271  			continue
   272  		}
   274  		oldName := ep.Name()
   275  		lEp := ep
   276  		if err = ep.rename(name); err != nil {
   277  			break
   278  		}
   280  		defer func() {
   281  			if err != nil {
   282  				lEp.rename(oldName)
   283  			}
   284  		}()
   285  	}
   287  	return err
   288  }
   290  func (sb *sandbox) Refresh(options ...SandboxOption) error {
   291  	// Store connected endpoints
   292  	epList := sb.getConnectedEndpoints()
   294  	// Detach from all endpoints
   295  	for _, ep := range epList {
   296  		if err := ep.Leave(sb); err != nil {
   297  			logrus.Warnf("Failed detaching sandbox %s from endpoint %s: %v\n", sb.ID(), ep.ID(), err)
   298  		}
   299  	}
   301  	// Re-apply options
   302  	sb.config = containerConfig{}
   303  	sb.processOptions(options...)
   305  	// Setup discovery files
   306  	if err := sb.setupResolutionFiles(); err != nil {
   307  		return err
   308  	}
   310  	// Re-connect to all endpoints
   311  	for _, ep := range epList {
   312  		if err := ep.Join(sb); err != nil {
   313  			logrus.Warnf("Failed attach sandbox %s to endpoint %s: %v\n", sb.ID(), ep.ID(), err)
   314  		}
   315  	}
   317  	return nil
   318  }
   320  func (sb *sandbox) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
   321  	sb.Lock()
   322  	defer sb.Unlock()
   324  	// We are just interested in the container ID. This can be expanded to include all of containerInfo if there is a need
   325  	return json.Marshal(
   326  }
   328  func (sb *sandbox) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) (err error) {
   329  	sb.Lock()
   330  	defer sb.Unlock()
   332  	var id string
   333  	if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &id); err != nil {
   334  		return err
   335  	}
   336 = id
   337  	return nil
   338  }
   340  func (sb *sandbox) Endpoints() []Endpoint {
   341  	sb.Lock()
   342  	defer sb.Unlock()
   344  	endpoints := make([]Endpoint, len(sb.endpoints))
   345  	for i, ep := range sb.endpoints {
   346  		endpoints[i] = ep
   347  	}
   348  	return endpoints
   349  }
   351  func (sb *sandbox) getConnectedEndpoints() []*endpoint {
   352  	sb.Lock()
   353  	defer sb.Unlock()
   355  	eps := make([]*endpoint, len(sb.endpoints))
   356  	copy(eps, sb.endpoints)
   358  	return eps
   359  }
   361  func (sb *sandbox) addEndpoint(ep *endpoint) {
   362  	sb.Lock()
   363  	defer sb.Unlock()
   365  	l := len(sb.endpoints)
   366  	i := sort.Search(l, func(j int) bool {
   367  		return ep.Less(sb.endpoints[j])
   368  	})
   370  	sb.endpoints = append(sb.endpoints, nil)
   371  	copy(sb.endpoints[i+1:], sb.endpoints[i:])
   372  	sb.endpoints[i] = ep
   373  }
   375  func (sb *sandbox) removeEndpoint(ep *endpoint) {
   376  	sb.Lock()
   377  	defer sb.Unlock()
   379  	sb.removeEndpointRaw(ep)
   380  }
   382  func (sb *sandbox) removeEndpointRaw(ep *endpoint) {
   383  	for i, e := range sb.endpoints {
   384  		if e == ep {
   385  			sb.endpoints = append(sb.endpoints[:i], sb.endpoints[i+1:]...)
   386  			return
   387  		}
   388  	}
   389  }
   391  func (sb *sandbox) getEndpoint(id string) *endpoint {
   392  	sb.Lock()
   393  	defer sb.Unlock()
   395  	for _, ep := range sb.endpoints {
   396  		if == id {
   397  			return ep
   398  		}
   399  	}
   401  	return nil
   402  }
   404  func (sb *sandbox) updateGateway(ep *endpoint) error {
   405  	sb.Lock()
   406  	osSbox := sb.osSbox
   407  	sb.Unlock()
   408  	if osSbox == nil {
   409  		return nil
   410  	}
   411  	osSbox.UnsetGateway()
   412  	osSbox.UnsetGatewayIPv6()
   414  	if ep == nil {
   415  		return nil
   416  	}
   418  	ep.Lock()
   419  	joinInfo := ep.joinInfo
   420  	ep.Unlock()
   422  	if err := osSbox.SetGateway(; err != nil {
   423  		return fmt.Errorf("failed to set gateway while updating gateway: %v", err)
   424  	}
   426  	if err := osSbox.SetGatewayIPv6(joinInfo.gw6); err != nil {
   427  		return fmt.Errorf("failed to set IPv6 gateway while updating gateway: %v", err)
   428  	}
   430  	return nil
   431  }
   433  func (sb *sandbox) HandleQueryResp(name string, ip net.IP) {
   434  	for _, ep := range sb.getConnectedEndpoints() {
   435  		n := ep.getNetwork()
   436  		n.HandleQueryResp(name, ip)
   437  	}
   438  }
   440  func (sb *sandbox) ResolveIP(ip string) string {
   441  	var svc string
   442  	logrus.Debugf("IP To resolve %v", ip)
   444  	for _, ep := range sb.getConnectedEndpoints() {
   445  		n := ep.getNetwork()
   446  		svc = n.ResolveIP(ip)
   447  		if len(svc) != 0 {
   448  			return svc
   449  		}
   450  	}
   452  	return svc
   453  }
   455  func (sb *sandbox) ExecFunc(f func()) error {
   456  	sb.Lock()
   457  	osSbox := sb.osSbox
   458  	sb.Unlock()
   459  	if osSbox != nil {
   460  		return osSbox.InvokeFunc(f)
   461  	}
   462  	return fmt.Errorf("osl sandbox unavailable in ExecFunc for %v", sb.ContainerID())
   463  }
   465  func (sb *sandbox) ResolveService(name string) ([]*net.SRV, []net.IP) {
   466  	srv := []*net.SRV{}
   467  	ip := []net.IP{}
   469  	logrus.Debugf("Service name To resolve: %v", name)
   471  	// There are DNS implementations that allow SRV queries for names not in
   472  	// the format defined by RFC 2782. Hence specific validations checks are
   473  	// not done
   474  	parts := strings.Split(name, ".")
   475  	if len(parts) < 3 {
   476  		return nil, nil
   477  	}
   479  	for _, ep := range sb.getConnectedEndpoints() {
   480  		n := ep.getNetwork()
   482  		srv, ip = n.ResolveService(name)
   483  		if len(srv) > 0 {
   484  			break
   485  		}
   486  	}
   487  	return srv, ip
   488  }
   490  func getDynamicNwEndpoints(epList []*endpoint) []*endpoint {
   491  	eps := []*endpoint{}
   492  	for _, ep := range epList {
   493  		n := ep.getNetwork()
   494  		if n.dynamic && !n.ingress {
   495  			eps = append(eps, ep)
   496  		}
   497  	}
   498  	return eps
   499  }
   501  func getIngressNwEndpoint(epList []*endpoint) *endpoint {
   502  	for _, ep := range epList {
   503  		n := ep.getNetwork()
   504  		if n.ingress {
   505  			return ep
   506  		}
   507  	}
   508  	return nil
   509  }
   511  func getLocalNwEndpoints(epList []*endpoint) []*endpoint {
   512  	eps := []*endpoint{}
   513  	for _, ep := range epList {
   514  		n := ep.getNetwork()
   515  		if !n.dynamic && !n.ingress {
   516  			eps = append(eps, ep)
   517  		}
   518  	}
   519  	return eps
   520  }
   522  func (sb *sandbox) ResolveName(name string, ipType int) ([]net.IP, bool) {
   523  	// Embedded server owns the docker network domain. Resolution should work
   524  	// for both container_name and container_name.network_name
   525  	// We allow '.' in service name and network name. For a name a.b.c.d the
   526  	// following have to tried;
   527  	// {a.b.c.d in the networks container is connected to}
   528  	// {a.b.c in network d},
   529  	// {a.b in network c.d},
   530  	// {a in network b.c.d},
   532  	logrus.Debugf("Name To resolve: %v", name)
   533  	name = strings.TrimSuffix(name, ".")
   534  	reqName := []string{name}
   535  	networkName := []string{""}
   537  	if strings.Contains(name, ".") {
   538  		var i int
   539  		dup := name
   540  		for {
   541  			if i = strings.LastIndex(dup, "."); i == -1 {
   542  				break
   543  			}
   544  			networkName = append(networkName, name[i+1:])
   545  			reqName = append(reqName, name[:i])
   547  			dup = dup[:i]
   548  		}
   549  	}
   551  	epList := sb.getConnectedEndpoints()
   553  	// In swarm mode services with exposed ports are connected to user overlay
   554  	// network, ingress network and docker_gwbridge network. Name resolution
   555  	// should prioritize returning the VIP/IPs on user overlay network.
   556  	newList := []*endpoint{}
   557  	if !sb.controller.isDistributedControl() {
   558  		newList = append(newList, getDynamicNwEndpoints(epList)...)
   559  		ingressEP := getIngressNwEndpoint(epList)
   560  		if ingressEP != nil {
   561  			newList = append(newList, ingressEP)
   562  		}
   563  		newList = append(newList, getLocalNwEndpoints(epList)...)
   564  		epList = newList
   565  	}
   567  	for i := 0; i < len(reqName); i++ {
   569  		// First check for local container alias
   570  		ip, ipv6Miss := sb.resolveName(reqName[i], networkName[i], epList, true, ipType)
   571  		if ip != nil {
   572  			return ip, false
   573  		}
   574  		if ipv6Miss {
   575  			return ip, ipv6Miss
   576  		}
   578  		// Resolve the actual container name
   579  		ip, ipv6Miss = sb.resolveName(reqName[i], networkName[i], epList, false, ipType)
   580  		if ip != nil {
   581  			return ip, false
   582  		}
   583  		if ipv6Miss {
   584  			return ip, ipv6Miss
   585  		}
   586  	}
   587  	return nil, false
   588  }
   590  func (sb *sandbox) resolveName(req string, networkName string, epList []*endpoint, alias bool, ipType int) ([]net.IP, bool) {
   591  	var ipv6Miss bool
   593  	for _, ep := range epList {
   594  		name := req
   595  		n := ep.getNetwork()
   597  		if networkName != "" && networkName != n.Name() {
   598  			continue
   599  		}
   601  		if alias {
   602  			if ep.aliases == nil {
   603  				continue
   604  			}
   606  			var ok bool
   607  			ep.Lock()
   608  			name, ok = ep.aliases[req]
   609  			ep.Unlock()
   610  			if !ok {
   611  				continue
   612  			}
   613  		} else {
   614  			// If it is a regular lookup and if the requested name is an alias
   615  			// don't perform a svc lookup for this endpoint.
   616  			ep.Lock()
   617  			if _, ok := ep.aliases[req]; ok {
   618  				ep.Unlock()
   619  				continue
   620  			}
   621  			ep.Unlock()
   622  		}
   624  		ip, miss := n.ResolveName(name, ipType)
   626  		if ip != nil {
   627  			return ip, false
   628  		}
   630  		if miss {
   631  			ipv6Miss = miss
   632  		}
   633  	}
   634  	return nil, ipv6Miss
   635  }
   637  func (sb *sandbox) SetKey(basePath string) error {
   638  	start := time.Now()
   639  	defer func() {
   640  		logrus.Debugf("sandbox set key processing took %s for container %s", time.Since(start), sb.ContainerID())
   641  	}()
   643  	if basePath == "" {
   644  		return types.BadRequestErrorf("invalid sandbox key")
   645  	}
   647  	sb.Lock()
   648  	if sb.inDelete {
   649  		sb.Unlock()
   650  		return types.ForbiddenErrorf("failed to SetKey: sandbox %q delete in progress",
   651  	}
   652  	oldosSbox := sb.osSbox
   653  	sb.Unlock()
   655  	if oldosSbox != nil {
   656  		// If we already have an OS sandbox, release the network resources from that
   657  		// and destroy the OS snab. We are moving into a new home further down. Note that none
   658  		// of the network resources gets destroyed during the move.
   659  		sb.releaseOSSbox()
   660  	}
   662  	osSbox, err := osl.GetSandboxForExternalKey(basePath, sb.Key())
   663  	if err != nil {
   664  		return err
   665  	}
   667  	sb.Lock()
   668  	sb.osSbox = osSbox
   669  	sb.Unlock()
   671  	// If the resolver was setup before stop it and set it up in the
   672  	// new osl sandbox.
   673  	if oldosSbox != nil && sb.resolver != nil {
   674  		sb.resolver.Stop()
   676  		if err := sb.osSbox.InvokeFunc(sb.resolver.SetupFunc(0)); err == nil {
   677  			if err := sb.resolver.Start(); err != nil {
   678  				logrus.Errorf("Resolver Start failed for container %s, %q", sb.ContainerID(), err)
   679  			}
   680  		} else {
   681  			logrus.Errorf("Resolver Setup Function failed for container %s, %q", sb.ContainerID(), err)
   682  		}
   683  	}
   685  	for _, ep := range sb.getConnectedEndpoints() {
   686  		if err = sb.populateNetworkResources(ep); err != nil {
   687  			return err
   688  		}
   689  	}
   690  	return nil
   691  }
   693  func (sb *sandbox) EnableService() (err error) {
   694  	logrus.Debugf("EnableService %s START", sb.containerID)
   695  	defer func() {
   696  		if err != nil {
   697  			sb.DisableService()
   698  		}
   699  	}()
   700  	for _, ep := range sb.getConnectedEndpoints() {
   701  		if !ep.isServiceEnabled() {
   702  			if err := ep.addServiceInfoToCluster(sb); err != nil {
   703  				return fmt.Errorf("could not update state for endpoint %s into cluster: %v", ep.Name(), err)
   704  			}
   705  			ep.enableService()
   706  		}
   707  	}
   708  	logrus.Debugf("EnableService %s DONE", sb.containerID)
   709  	return nil
   710  }
   712  func (sb *sandbox) DisableService() (err error) {
   713  	logrus.Debugf("DisableService %s START", sb.containerID)
   714  	failedEps := []string{}
   715  	defer func() {
   716  		if len(failedEps) > 0 {
   717  			err = fmt.Errorf("failed to disable service on sandbox:%s, for endpoints %s", sb.ID(), strings.Join(failedEps, ","))
   718  		}
   719  	}()
   720  	for _, ep := range sb.getConnectedEndpoints() {
   721  		if ep.isServiceEnabled() {
   722  			if err := ep.deleteServiceInfoFromCluster(sb, false, "DisableService"); err != nil {
   723  				failedEps = append(failedEps, ep.Name())
   724  				logrus.Warnf("failed update state for endpoint %s into cluster: %v", ep.Name(), err)
   725  			}
   726  			ep.disableService()
   727  		}
   728  	}
   729  	logrus.Debugf("DisableService %s DONE", sb.containerID)
   730  	return nil
   731  }
   733  func releaseOSSboxResources(osSbox osl.Sandbox, ep *endpoint) {
   734  	for _, i := range osSbox.Info().Interfaces() {
   735  		// Only remove the interfaces owned by this endpoint from the sandbox.
   736  		if ep.hasInterface(i.SrcName()) {
   737  			if err := i.Remove(); err != nil {
   738  				logrus.Debugf("Remove interface %s failed: %v", i.SrcName(), err)
   739  			}
   740  		}
   741  	}
   743  	ep.Lock()
   744  	joinInfo := ep.joinInfo
   745  	vip := ep.virtualIP
   746  	lbModeIsDSR := == loadBalancerModeDSR
   747  	ep.Unlock()
   749  	if len(vip) > 0 && lbModeIsDSR {
   750  		ipNet := &net.IPNet{IP: vip, Mask: net.CIDRMask(32, 32)}
   751  		if err := osSbox.RemoveAliasIP(osSbox.GetLoopbackIfaceName(), ipNet); err != nil {
   752  			logrus.WithError(err).Debugf("failed to remove virtual ip %v to loopback", ipNet)
   753  		}
   754  	}
   756  	if joinInfo == nil {
   757  		return
   758  	}
   760  	// Remove non-interface routes.
   761  	for _, r := range joinInfo.StaticRoutes {
   762  		if err := osSbox.RemoveStaticRoute(r); err != nil {
   763  			logrus.Debugf("Remove route failed: %v", err)
   764  		}
   765  	}
   766  }
   768  func (sb *sandbox) releaseOSSbox() {
   769  	sb.Lock()
   770  	osSbox := sb.osSbox
   771  	sb.osSbox = nil
   772  	sb.Unlock()
   774  	if osSbox == nil {
   775  		return
   776  	}
   778  	for _, ep := range sb.getConnectedEndpoints() {
   779  		releaseOSSboxResources(osSbox, ep)
   780  	}
   782  	osSbox.Destroy()
   783  }
   785  func (sb *sandbox) restoreOslSandbox() error {
   786  	var routes []*types.StaticRoute
   788  	// restore osl sandbox
   789  	Ifaces := make(map[string][]osl.IfaceOption)
   790  	for _, ep := range sb.endpoints {
   791  		var ifaceOptions []osl.IfaceOption
   792  		ep.Lock()
   793  		joinInfo := ep.joinInfo
   794  		i := ep.iface
   795  		ep.Unlock()
   797  		if i == nil {
   798  			logrus.Errorf("error restoring endpoint %s for container %s", ep.Name(), sb.ContainerID())
   799  			continue
   800  		}
   802  		ifaceOptions = append(ifaceOptions, sb.osSbox.InterfaceOptions().Address(i.addr), sb.osSbox.InterfaceOptions().Routes(i.routes))
   803  		if i.addrv6 != nil && i.addrv6.IP.To16() != nil {
   804  			ifaceOptions = append(ifaceOptions, sb.osSbox.InterfaceOptions().AddressIPv6(i.addrv6))
   805  		}
   806  		if i.mac != nil {
   807  			ifaceOptions = append(ifaceOptions, sb.osSbox.InterfaceOptions().MacAddress(i.mac))
   808  		}
   809  		if len(i.llAddrs) != 0 {
   810  			ifaceOptions = append(ifaceOptions, sb.osSbox.InterfaceOptions().LinkLocalAddresses(i.llAddrs))
   811  		}
   812  		Ifaces[fmt.Sprintf("%s+%s", i.srcName, i.dstPrefix)] = ifaceOptions
   813  		if joinInfo != nil {
   814  			routes = append(routes, joinInfo.StaticRoutes...)
   815  		}
   816  		if ep.needResolver() {
   817  			sb.startResolver(true)
   818  		}
   819  	}
   821  	gwep := sb.getGatewayEndpoint()
   822  	if gwep == nil {
   823  		return nil
   824  	}
   826  	// restore osl sandbox
   827  	err := sb.osSbox.Restore(Ifaces, routes,, gwep.joinInfo.gw6)
   828  	return err
   829  }
   831  func (sb *sandbox) populateNetworkResources(ep *endpoint) error {
   832  	sb.Lock()
   833  	if sb.osSbox == nil {
   834  		sb.Unlock()
   835  		return nil
   836  	}
   837  	inDelete := sb.inDelete
   838  	sb.Unlock()
   840  	ep.Lock()
   841  	joinInfo := ep.joinInfo
   842  	i := ep.iface
   843  	lbModeIsDSR := == loadBalancerModeDSR
   844  	ep.Unlock()
   846  	if ep.needResolver() {
   847  		sb.startResolver(false)
   848  	}
   850  	if i != nil && i.srcName != "" {
   851  		var ifaceOptions []osl.IfaceOption
   853  		ifaceOptions = append(ifaceOptions, sb.osSbox.InterfaceOptions().Address(i.addr), sb.osSbox.InterfaceOptions().Routes(i.routes))
   854  		if i.addrv6 != nil && i.addrv6.IP.To16() != nil {
   855  			ifaceOptions = append(ifaceOptions, sb.osSbox.InterfaceOptions().AddressIPv6(i.addrv6))
   856  		}
   857  		if len(i.llAddrs) != 0 {
   858  			ifaceOptions = append(ifaceOptions, sb.osSbox.InterfaceOptions().LinkLocalAddresses(i.llAddrs))
   859  		}
   860  		if i.mac != nil {
   861  			ifaceOptions = append(ifaceOptions, sb.osSbox.InterfaceOptions().MacAddress(i.mac))
   862  		}
   864  		if err := sb.osSbox.AddInterface(i.srcName, i.dstPrefix, ifaceOptions...); err != nil {
   865  			return fmt.Errorf("failed to add interface %s to sandbox: %v", i.srcName, err)
   866  		}
   868  		if len(ep.virtualIP) > 0 && lbModeIsDSR {
   869  			if sb.loadBalancerNID == "" {
   870  				if err := sb.osSbox.DisableARPForVIP(i.srcName); err != nil {
   871  					return fmt.Errorf("failed disable ARP for VIP: %v", err)
   872  				}
   873  			}
   874  			ipNet := &net.IPNet{IP: ep.virtualIP, Mask: net.CIDRMask(32, 32)}
   875  			if err := sb.osSbox.AddAliasIP(sb.osSbox.GetLoopbackIfaceName(), ipNet); err != nil {
   876  				return fmt.Errorf("failed to add virtual ip %v to loopback: %v", ipNet, err)
   877  			}
   878  		}
   879  	}
   881  	if joinInfo != nil {
   882  		// Set up non-interface routes.
   883  		for _, r := range joinInfo.StaticRoutes {
   884  			if err := sb.osSbox.AddStaticRoute(r); err != nil {
   885  				return fmt.Errorf("failed to add static route %s: %v", r.Destination.String(), err)
   886  			}
   887  		}
   888  	}
   890  	if ep == sb.getGatewayEndpoint() {
   891  		if err := sb.updateGateway(ep); err != nil {
   892  			return err
   893  		}
   894  	}
   896  	// Make sure to add the endpoint to the populated endpoint set
   897  	// before populating loadbalancers.
   898  	sb.Lock()
   899  	sb.populatedEndpoints[ep.ID()] = struct{}{}
   900  	sb.Unlock()
   902  	// Populate load balancer only after updating all the other
   903  	// information including gateway and other routes so that
   904  	// loadbalancers are populated all the network state is in
   905  	// place in the sandbox.
   906  	sb.populateLoadBalancers(ep)
   908  	// Only update the store if we did not come here as part of
   909  	// sandbox delete. If we came here as part of delete then do
   910  	// not bother updating the store. The sandbox object will be
   911  	// deleted anyway
   912  	if !inDelete {
   913  		return sb.storeUpdate()
   914  	}
   916  	return nil
   917  }
   919  func (sb *sandbox) clearNetworkResources(origEp *endpoint) error {
   920  	ep := sb.getEndpoint(
   921  	if ep == nil {
   922  		return fmt.Errorf("could not find the sandbox endpoint data for endpoint %s",
   924  	}
   926  	sb.Lock()
   927  	osSbox := sb.osSbox
   928  	inDelete := sb.inDelete
   929  	sb.Unlock()
   930  	if osSbox != nil {
   931  		releaseOSSboxResources(osSbox, ep)
   932  	}
   934  	sb.Lock()
   935  	delete(sb.populatedEndpoints, ep.ID())
   937  	if len(sb.endpoints) == 0 {
   938  		// sb.endpoints should never be empty and this is unexpected error condition
   939  		// We log an error message to note this down for debugging purposes.
   940  		logrus.Errorf("No endpoints in sandbox while trying to remove endpoint %s", ep.Name())
   941  		sb.Unlock()
   942  		return nil
   943  	}
   945  	var (
   946  		gwepBefore, gwepAfter *endpoint
   947  		index                 = -1
   948  	)
   949  	for i, e := range sb.endpoints {
   950  		if e == ep {
   951  			index = i
   952  		}
   953  		if len(e.Gateway()) > 0 && gwepBefore == nil {
   954  			gwepBefore = e
   955  		}
   956  		if index != -1 && gwepBefore != nil {
   957  			break
   958  		}
   959  	}
   961  	if index == -1 {
   962  		logrus.Warnf("Endpoint %s has already been deleted", ep.Name())
   963  		sb.Unlock()
   964  		return nil
   965  	}
   967  	sb.removeEndpointRaw(ep)
   968  	for _, e := range sb.endpoints {
   969  		if len(e.Gateway()) > 0 {
   970  			gwepAfter = e
   971  			break
   972  		}
   973  	}
   974  	delete(sb.epPriority, ep.ID())
   975  	sb.Unlock()
   977  	if gwepAfter != nil && gwepBefore != gwepAfter {
   978  		sb.updateGateway(gwepAfter)
   979  	}
   981  	// Only update the store if we did not come here as part of
   982  	// sandbox delete. If we came here as part of delete then do
   983  	// not bother updating the store. The sandbox object will be
   984  	// deleted anyway
   985  	if !inDelete {
   986  		return sb.storeUpdate()
   987  	}
   989  	return nil
   990  }
   992  func (sb *sandbox) isEndpointPopulated(ep *endpoint) bool {
   993  	sb.Lock()
   994  	_, ok := sb.populatedEndpoints[ep.ID()]
   995  	sb.Unlock()
   996  	return ok
   997  }
   999  // joinLeaveStart waits to ensure there are no joins or leaves in progress and
  1000  // marks this join/leave in progress without race
  1001  func (sb *sandbox) joinLeaveStart() {
  1002  	sb.Lock()
  1003  	defer sb.Unlock()
  1005  	for sb.joinLeaveDone != nil {
  1006  		joinLeaveDone := sb.joinLeaveDone
  1007  		sb.Unlock()
  1009  		<-joinLeaveDone
  1011  		sb.Lock()
  1012  	}
  1014  	sb.joinLeaveDone = make(chan struct{})
  1015  }
  1017  // joinLeaveEnd marks the end of this join/leave operation and
  1018  // signals the same without race to other join and leave waiters
  1019  func (sb *sandbox) joinLeaveEnd() {
  1020  	sb.Lock()
  1021  	defer sb.Unlock()
  1023  	if sb.joinLeaveDone != nil {
  1024  		close(sb.joinLeaveDone)
  1025  		sb.joinLeaveDone = nil
  1026  	}
  1027  }
  1029  func (sb *sandbox) hasPortConfigs() bool {
  1030  	opts := sb.Labels()
  1031  	_, hasExpPorts := opts[netlabel.ExposedPorts]
  1032  	_, hasPortMaps := opts[netlabel.PortMap]
  1033  	return hasExpPorts || hasPortMaps
  1034  }
  1036  // OptionHostname function returns an option setter for hostname option to
  1037  // be passed to NewSandbox method.
  1038  func OptionHostname(name string) SandboxOption {
  1039  	return func(sb *sandbox) {
  1040  		sb.config.hostName = name
  1041  	}
  1042  }
  1044  // OptionDomainname function returns an option setter for domainname option to
  1045  // be passed to NewSandbox method.
  1046  func OptionDomainname(name string) SandboxOption {
  1047  	return func(sb *sandbox) {
  1048  		sb.config.domainName = name
  1049  	}
  1050  }
  1052  // OptionHostsPath function returns an option setter for hostspath option to
  1053  // be passed to NewSandbox method.
  1054  func OptionHostsPath(path string) SandboxOption {
  1055  	return func(sb *sandbox) {
  1056  		sb.config.hostsPath = path
  1057  	}
  1058  }
  1060  // OptionOriginHostsPath function returns an option setter for origin hosts file path
  1061  // to be passed to NewSandbox method.
  1062  func OptionOriginHostsPath(path string) SandboxOption {
  1063  	return func(sb *sandbox) {
  1064  		sb.config.originHostsPath = path
  1065  	}
  1066  }
  1068  // OptionExtraHost function returns an option setter for extra /data/data/hilled.pwnterm/files/usr/etc/hosts options
  1069  // which is a name and IP as strings.
  1070  func OptionExtraHost(name string, IP string) SandboxOption {
  1071  	return func(sb *sandbox) {
  1072  		sb.config.extraHosts = append(sb.config.extraHosts, extraHost{name: name, IP: IP})
  1073  	}
  1074  }
  1076  // OptionParentUpdate function returns an option setter for parent container
  1077  // which needs to update the IP address for the linked container.
  1078  func OptionParentUpdate(cid string, name, ip string) SandboxOption {
  1079  	return func(sb *sandbox) {
  1080  		sb.config.parentUpdates = append(sb.config.parentUpdates, parentUpdate{cid: cid, name: name, ip: ip})
  1081  	}
  1082  }
  1084  // OptionResolvConfPath function returns an option setter for resolvconfpath option to
  1085  // be passed to net container methods.
  1086  func OptionResolvConfPath(path string) SandboxOption {
  1087  	return func(sb *sandbox) {
  1088  		sb.config.resolvConfPath = path
  1089  	}
  1090  }
  1092  // OptionOriginResolvConfPath function returns an option setter to set the path to the
  1093  // origin resolv.conf file to be passed to net container methods.
  1094  func OptionOriginResolvConfPath(path string) SandboxOption {
  1095  	return func(sb *sandbox) {
  1096  		sb.config.originResolvConfPath = path
  1097  	}
  1098  }
  1100  // OptionDNS function returns an option setter for dns entry option to
  1101  // be passed to container Create method.
  1102  func OptionDNS(dns string) SandboxOption {
  1103  	return func(sb *sandbox) {
  1104  		sb.config.dnsList = append(sb.config.dnsList, dns)
  1105  	}
  1106  }
  1108  // OptionDNSSearch function returns an option setter for dns search entry option to
  1109  // be passed to container Create method.
  1110  func OptionDNSSearch(search string) SandboxOption {
  1111  	return func(sb *sandbox) {
  1112  		sb.config.dnsSearchList = append(sb.config.dnsSearchList, search)
  1113  	}
  1114  }
  1116  // OptionDNSOptions function returns an option setter for dns options entry option to
  1117  // be passed to container Create method.
  1118  func OptionDNSOptions(options string) SandboxOption {
  1119  	return func(sb *sandbox) {
  1120  		sb.config.dnsOptionsList = append(sb.config.dnsOptionsList, options)
  1121  	}
  1122  }
  1124  // OptionUseDefaultSandbox function returns an option setter for using default sandbox
  1125  // (host namespace) to be passed to container Create method.
  1126  func OptionUseDefaultSandbox() SandboxOption {
  1127  	return func(sb *sandbox) {
  1128  		sb.config.useDefaultSandBox = true
  1129  	}
  1130  }
  1132  // OptionUseExternalKey function returns an option setter for using provided namespace
  1133  // instead of creating one.
  1134  func OptionUseExternalKey() SandboxOption {
  1135  	return func(sb *sandbox) {
  1136  		sb.config.useExternalKey = true
  1137  	}
  1138  }
  1140  // OptionGeneric function returns an option setter for Generic configuration
  1141  // that is not managed by libNetwork but can be used by the Drivers during the call to
  1142  // net container creation method. Container Labels are a good example.
  1143  func OptionGeneric(generic map[string]interface{}) SandboxOption {
  1144  	return func(sb *sandbox) {
  1145  		if sb.config.generic == nil {
  1146  			sb.config.generic = make(map[string]interface{}, len(generic))
  1147  		}
  1148  		for k, v := range generic {
  1149  			sb.config.generic[k] = v
  1150  		}
  1151  	}
  1152  }
  1154  // OptionExposedPorts function returns an option setter for the container exposed
  1155  // ports option to be passed to container Create method.
  1156  func OptionExposedPorts(exposedPorts []types.TransportPort) SandboxOption {
  1157  	return func(sb *sandbox) {
  1158  		if sb.config.generic == nil {
  1159  			sb.config.generic = make(map[string]interface{})
  1160  		}
  1161  		// Defensive copy
  1162  		eps := make([]types.TransportPort, len(exposedPorts))
  1163  		copy(eps, exposedPorts)
  1164  		// Store endpoint label and in generic because driver needs it
  1165  		sb.config.exposedPorts = eps
  1166  		sb.config.generic[netlabel.ExposedPorts] = eps
  1167  	}
  1168  }
  1170  // OptionPortMapping function returns an option setter for the mapping
  1171  // ports option to be passed to container Create method.
  1172  func OptionPortMapping(portBindings []types.PortBinding) SandboxOption {
  1173  	return func(sb *sandbox) {
  1174  		if sb.config.generic == nil {
  1175  			sb.config.generic = make(map[string]interface{})
  1176  		}
  1177  		// Store a copy of the bindings as generic data to pass to the driver
  1178  		pbs := make([]types.PortBinding, len(portBindings))
  1179  		copy(pbs, portBindings)
  1180  		sb.config.generic[netlabel.PortMap] = pbs
  1181  	}
  1182  }
  1184  // OptionIngress function returns an option setter for marking a
  1185  // sandbox as the controller's ingress sandbox.
  1186  func OptionIngress() SandboxOption {
  1187  	return func(sb *sandbox) {
  1188  		sb.ingress = true
  1189  		sb.oslTypes = append(sb.oslTypes, osl.SandboxTypeIngress)
  1190  	}
  1191  }
  1193  // OptionLoadBalancer function returns an option setter for marking a
  1194  // sandbox as a load balancer sandbox.
  1195  func OptionLoadBalancer(nid string) SandboxOption {
  1196  	return func(sb *sandbox) {
  1197  		sb.loadBalancerNID = nid
  1198  		sb.oslTypes = append(sb.oslTypes, osl.SandboxTypeLoadBalancer)
  1199  	}
  1200  }
  1202  // <=> Returns true if a < b, false if a > b and advances to next level if a == b
  1203  // epi.prio <=> epj.prio           # 2 < 1
  1204  // <=>               # non-gw < gw
  1205  // epi.internal <=> epj.internal   # non-internal < internal
  1206  // epi.joininfo <=> epj.joininfo   # ipv6 < ipv4
  1207  // <=>           # bar < foo
  1208  func (epi *endpoint) Less(epj *endpoint) bool {
  1209  	var (
  1210  		prioi, prioj int
  1211  	)
  1213  	sbi, _ := epi.getSandbox()
  1214  	sbj, _ := epj.getSandbox()
  1216  	// Prio defaults to 0
  1217  	if sbi != nil {
  1218  		prioi = sbi.epPriority[epi.ID()]
  1219  	}
  1220  	if sbj != nil {
  1221  		prioj = sbj.epPriority[epj.ID()]
  1222  	}
  1224  	if prioi != prioj {
  1225  		return prioi > prioj
  1226  	}
  1228  	gwi := epi.endpointInGWNetwork()
  1229  	gwj := epj.endpointInGWNetwork()
  1230  	if gwi != gwj {
  1231  		return gwj
  1232  	}
  1234  	inti := epi.getNetwork().Internal()
  1235  	intj := epj.getNetwork().Internal()
  1236  	if inti != intj {
  1237  		return intj
  1238  	}
  1240  	jii := 0
  1241  	if epi.joinInfo != nil {
  1242  		if != nil {
  1243  			jii = jii + 1
  1244  		}
  1245  		if epi.joinInfo.gw6 != nil {
  1246  			jii = jii + 2
  1247  		}
  1248  	}
  1250  	jij := 0
  1251  	if epj.joinInfo != nil {
  1252  		if != nil {
  1253  			jij = jij + 1
  1254  		}
  1255  		if epj.joinInfo.gw6 != nil {
  1256  			jij = jij + 2
  1257  		}
  1258  	}
  1260  	if jii != jij {
  1261  		return jii > jij
  1262  	}
  1264  	return <
  1265  }
  1267  func (sb *sandbox) NdotsSet() bool {
  1268  	return sb.ndotsSet
  1269  }